To: nesarainternational@...
When we wake up one morning at least 30% of the population will be missing.
It may take a little while for the public to realize this, but it can be expected to cause consternation once they do. This has never been experienced before.
How many of your `friends' and acquaintances will still be here?
The planet will have been cleansed of all Dark entities, the Illuminati and their minions. They will have either come to the Light or have been moved on.
Friendly extraterrestrials will have come to this planet to act as ambassadors and advisors in establishing new governments which will be made up of trustworthy, capable and spiritually aware individuals. Politicians and political parties will be history.
The public announcement systems (radio and TV) will have a `panel' explaining the changed environment and introducing the new government leaders, who will be advanced spirits. They may not be familiar to you.
Your new Leader will have been divinely appointed and will hold office until free elections are arranged and a new government, truly representing the people, is established. How long this will take will depend on several variables – how soon the public accepts the fact that they have been lied to by so many areas of business, and appreciate the new arrangements for the operation of commerce; and how soon they come to grips with both a vastly changed new society, and a new business environment.
The identity of the individual appointed as a country's Leader will take most people by surprise as the `leaders in waiting' have kept a very low profile while preparing for their new mission, and may be quite unknown to the general public.
Statute laws (which means most of them) will have been invalidated, as they were passed by those who were not lawfully elected. The extraterrestrial ambassadors will monitor or audit all activities, giving advice to the President and his `Board of Directors'/Cabinet, who, during their tenure, will overhaul government departments and staff requirements, and establish new rules for operations in all spheres, both government and civil.
Comprehensive information on all the changes which have taken place, or will take place, will be repeated frequently on radio and television, and reported in newspapers worldwide, so that the news reaches all corners of the country, and of the globe.
It will be the greatest adjustment that mankind has made since the beginning of `time'. But it will be for the benefit of all - except for those who have controlled or tried to control and enslave the world, solely for their own personal benefit, and who are still unrepentant.
Welcome to the Golden Age!
For more comprehensive information on this subject study the website .
atleast 7 Billion people world wide...210 million GONE....time to sit on a rock and think about things for a while...
I didn't see a timeline on this, this could be 2020 for all we know.
This just sound like some more Masonic lies, there are no aliens, just aryan nazi breakaway civilization ,where they went and where stayed, probably on the moon. Thats what some of the astronauts said they saw there, on the darkside. Welcome the NWO total control over every aspect of your life, all for a little money. A false peace for the first 3 1/2 years, then all hell breaks out. Never mind the church will be pushing the new flu shot, the 5013c church that is. NOT BUYING ANY OF IT. We the people never get a fair shake, we always get screwed in the end. I listened to Tim Turner people the other night and they are going to make people convert to evangelical religion or leave the country. You'll have to prove that you were born here and your parents had to be born here. They'll never get it done. They say they must renounce all other religion for TIM faith only. That sounds like 1984, the world ruled by christian extremists, conservatives. You can't force people to leave the country they have been here to long, you can't make them leave their religion by force and threats. Its nazism wrapped up in christianity. We have to learn to live together in peace, and respect each other. The congress this week voted to allow beastiality , sodomy , to be practiced in the service, next will be cannabelism and pediphilia, you know when all those things are allowed by our government that satan is here and about to show himself to the world . Those are the 4 signs of his influence. Where ever he is those things are allowed. Think about it, the garden of delite he called , where you could indulge in every kind of perversion, doesn't sound like a place I want to live. For all we know these greys could be killing our missing children and eating them. I'll keep my gun locked and loaded. read this ,Tim Turner is a mason and so is Ron Paul, How can we believe anything anymore.
My father was a mason his father before him. My father was a Christian, and not an evil bone in his body. Tim Turner never said anything about converting anyone to anything..that is a bunch of nonsense.
I don't really believe the 30% disappear thing. Not saying it isn't true, just saying I have a very hard time believing that it is.
Also, not all Masons are bad. Just imho.
This just doesn't ring true to me. I've believed for a long time that the number of "evil aliens" (Mainly the Reptilians) on the planet is 600 or less, and that number's been dwindling as they either switch sides or leave the planet. the few that are left are the upper echelons of the 1%. Most of the rest of the 1% are either greedy humans, or people that would likely switch sides instantly if they knew their loved ones would be protected.
"Divine Leadership" (Jesus Christ) has already described how this civilization and world comes to an end. This stuff matches up--as a very good description of the dark's agenda and plan. Satan's last great attempt to take the world, 100% of it. It's not from "the Light", at all.
Anon 5:56 (who hides your real name in fear) I keep telling you satan/lucifer was uncreated about 10 years ago.
Please let that sink into your brain.
Only his minions are still promoting his plan...but they have no master now.
The more you believe that crap...the more you empower it.
Who's side are you on???
Your thoughts create reality and it is working for the dark side due to your programming & you quote the masonic written/modified bible.
You know there are 23 versions of it and you likely follow the King James version. (who was an evil man)
And God did not write the did.
Also the bible came from the dead sea scrolls and MANY have been found that were never put in there & they don't what them in there because THEN maybe you would learn some truths & they fear to lose control over you then.
The whole book or Revelations is PURE fantasy of monsters and horror and a God to fear...when the truth is God is love. Think about it...Mr.Ed
Did you notice at the end it says:
For more comprehensive information on this subject study the website anything to do with them is just a big set up. Watch out, it's a psy ops operation to fool you.
INSIGHTS 2 , KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING,WISDOM and INTELLIGENCE, for the 21st Century, compiled from the world's most reliable sources.A Glimpse of our exciting Future World, "POST-STASIS TIMES", The Celebration - amongst Chaos! //
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The CORPORATION SOLE ,Update: June 2011
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Reply by Mr.Ed 7 hours ago .Well the 30% mentioned, are the satanic war lords that rule the earth and were a part of duality.The Galactics are behind the scenes now & always have been...but they are our galactic family & are returning to join with us & live among us in peace & love...not the fear/war/and evil we are all so familiar with.With the dark forces removed (to continue their agenda elsewhere) we can finally live in harmony...the Golden Age.I know humans are creatures of habit...but haven't you had enough of this crap yet?
Fear is the lack of understanding...and the removal of the dark forces, should make you happy not fearful. If they thought we could fix things without any help...they would not get invloved. But the truth is we all came from the higher realms & signed a contract to be here now & we were promised to return to where we came.
This contract was divine from heaven & the GFL are working for them. The dark use fear to control don't let them have it...the bible says fear not.////
Reply by Mr.Ed 5 hours ago. We don't remember the contracts or past lifes because we are veiled between incarnations. This doesn't seem fair but it is done so we have a clean slate (so to speak) for each new life so we don't become distracted with our lessons.However, when we return to full consciousness (very soon) we will remember everything including all your past lifes & any contracts & your galactic family & planets where you came from or have been in the past.I can speak of this because I have experienced full conciousness back in the mid 70's for a short time & I knew EVERYTHING you can possibly think of. I would have made Einstien look stupid in comparison. I also realized there is MUCH more to life than we realize & not to fear anything. I got a peak behind the veil you could say. I didn't understand it when it happened...but it is clear now. The Andromedans via Alex Collier have told us that we in fact are considered royalty in the universe & came all the way down to 3rd dimension from 23rd.
Most other ET life envy us for our spirit/soul & immortality...and our connection to the prime creator. (whom we signed the contract with to be here) They say we are all very important or we would not have been chosen to be here now. (think about that) :)
I'd like to know how to find out if your church has a 5013c tax exemption from the government? Anyone tell me how to find out?
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