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Message from the Galactic Federation by Greg Giles - January 13, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 13-Jan-2012 19:49:03

Message from the Galactic Federation by Greg Giles - January 13, 2012
"Events are prepared to be set into motion. All hands are ready to begin operations for the next phase of the overall plan which is to announce our presence to the people of your planet. We await the final green light, and then we will launch our campaign that will bring many changes to your civilization in a short period of time."
You have a certain level of responsibility to yourself, and a certain amount to others. This is a period in your experience when you must concentrate on the whole, and this focus will bring about the necessary changes to you also on a personal level. Your society ticks not unlike the inner workings of a finely crafted timepiece, each of you acting as gears to do your part in keeping perfect time. Without each other, the efficiency of your mechanism will suffer. You are now to enter into a period in your collective journey where you will see just how important you all are to each other. You have never experienced just how well you can all work together to bring about good in your world. Your experience through duality has been based on a continuing separation that pitted you all against each other in a competitive race for survival. This experience is now over for you, your lessons in this aspect of existence completed.
You are now to learn just how magnificently you can all work and play together, creating an ever peaceful and prosperous utopia for yourselves through equal cooperation. This will be a most glorious moment for you when you all begin to realize what you can achieve together. Shoulder to shoulder you will begin to restore your planet to its natural pristine beauty, and arm in arm you will restore the optimum functioning of your societies through a plan of sharing the natural flow of abundance that is inherent in a civilization. Without those of the dark siphoning all of the collective wealth of the people for themselves, you will see for the first time in many eons how the natural laws of abundance operate, and how the Creator has designed his universe to offer you everything that you would ever need or desire throughout your journey of existence.
Events are prepared to be set into motion. All hands are ready to begin operations for the next phase of the overall plan which is to announce our presence to the people of your planet. We await the final green light, and then we will launch our campaign that will bring many changes to your civilization in a short period of time. This will be an exciting time for you, and also a period in your history that will see many challenges for both you as a collective and each of you on a personal level. All of you incarnated in your world today knew before your incarnation that this day would come and with it many challenges. Each of you wanted to be here to experience for yourselves this momentous event in a planet's history. It will be worth what you have all gone through to reach this point. Your sacrifices will have been well worth all of them.
In peace there is peace, calm and serenity, which creates an environment that all can thrive within and that will allow you to reach such great heights as a civilization. Many of you have never known peace. Even when you're media is not banging the drums of war, secret military campaigns are being carried out without your knowledge. These drums have not yet been silenced, but will be very shortly in the days ahead. What an incredible difference this will make as the echoes of the fighting will be silenced throughout your planet, and the new energies of peace and tranquility will fill this newly created void.
How far a society can prosper and grow is limitless once the thirst for war and conquest has been quenched. With your planet's manpower and resources unlocked from military pursuits, these tools will now be able to be used to construct a great society, unmatched in efficiency and beauty by any other period throughout your history. This is a new beat of your drum, and you will all partake in this great endeavor together as a team. All will contribute and all will prosper. What a joy this will be for all of you.
You have all heard tales of your lost cities of gold, and though this is more metaphor than literal, these lost cities were great lands rich in their own unique culture and each a gem within the headpiece which is your mother planet. Your cities will now be returned to the priceless gems they once were and become even greater paradises through our combined efforts here. Many of you have never worked together on such a project that will be so meaningful and bring such joy to your world. Many of you will take great pride and pleasure in devoting some of your time and effort to such a project, and we will share with you the tools and our experience to assist you in this beautiful reconstruction. Many of you will feel like children once again, building sandcastles at the shore. The only limits to your creation will be your imaginations.
We are your Family of Light from the stars.
As channeled through Greg Giles
Ascension Earth 2012
MUST WATCH: Project Camelot interview (vid)
Marshal Vian Summers’ book (Allies of Humanity)
RE: Subtle invasion of Earth –
they weaken the strongest nation (US)
There is too much on this site about the Galatictics and their false empty promises. They are demons used by Satan and nothing more than that!!!! It's so obvious that they need to attract peoples attention - always a creepy alien photograph followed by a report that is longer than anything else but filled with empty promises and lies. Seriously, it is hard to believe that anyone with a brain could believe their ongoing deception.
People, there is only One God who IS IN CONTROL OF THE UNIVERSE and who already HAS THE PERFECT PLAN for you and me and everyone else. That is FATHER GOD who is The Creator of the entire Universe, The Omnipotent, The OmniPresent who gave His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ, to make it possible for our salvation. Remember that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and it is only through Him that you will be saved and then have eternal life in heaven. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY OR OPTION!!!
So do yourself a BIG favour and DO NOT read any of the Galatic nonesense posted on this site. It is only giving you false hope and distracting you from what you really need to be doing.
Be ready for Lord Jesus as He shall cometh in the night like a thief. If you, or your family are not yet saved I urge you to think very carefully about this and then make a decision to get saved. Remember time is running out so please get saved as soon a s possible. Whether you like it or not we are already in the last days of the end times.
I have posted this to help you finally realise that there are NO GALACTICS that are going to help you, it is yet another trick that Satan is using to DISTRACT AND DECEIVE you - remember Satan is all about Steal, Kill and Destroy with deception being his main tactic.
I pray that this post will touch your spirit and soul with warmth and that you will make a decision to get saved.
May God Bless you abundantly!!!
@Anony 11:42 PM
I'm glad John the owner of this blog is more open minded then most Christian. The universe is full of intelligent life! some are good some or bad. NOT all E.T. are "evil" unless you think all E.T. are demons like most "children". Jesus never came to Earth so you would depend on him for salvation by being "born again", he wanted to prove a point and to empower you to find your own path way. Its true there is probably only one God and he is all loving,non judgmental,etc this is far from the what is display in the bible, because it has alot of false belief(90%) and only 10% truth, the 90% was a produce of human filtering the message of God thru their own ego, the other reason is there is entities who want to keep you in the dark(ignorance), so they falsely insert false teaching or twists it as to lose its meaning completely. Satan does not exist as you think he does, Satan is a metaphor for the human ego, or your inner demons you need to cleans from your being that is how you achieve "salvation" believing in entities(be it galactics or Jesus) will not grant you salvation. The control of this world is deep,they(the negative entities) control everything from our education, religion,and politics.
You can't stop the cycle of incarnation thru just being "saved" i'm sorry that's just not the real world - it's just belief base faith not truth. You can quote from all the religious book you want, its still faith on nothing more then old books base on filtered information.
Kudos to John for posting the what is his Christian belief with regards to the channeled stuff from different churches and also for expanding peoples consciousness with regard to life outside our planet Earth. E.T. aren't demons, they are just creations of God who created a vast universe full of different looking life form, some look "demonic" some look like use humans, some will have 6 legs, some plants will be blue instead of green/purple on different planets.
Stop living in fear, calling everything you do not understand DEMONS because that is silly. We humans tend to fear the unknown , we should really change that mentality. We need to be brave so we can take your civilization to the stars! If we as a race was scared of exploring and expanding we would still think the world was flat till this day, we would still think the Sun revolves around the earth ;) - time to grow some balls and wake up.
I know many deeply religious people will be confused and scared of E.T. life when it will be announce, at least this blog will soften the blow when it happens.
May the real God(whom ever that is) of truth open your heart, remove the false dogma that you were taught growing up and thru religious organization!!
Don't give into the fear porn/programming from source(religion,politics,people,etc). Keep posting the galatics stuff John! You're doing a great service to many Christian opening their hearts and minds to the life outside of our Earth.
Wow dude your a serious control freak, no other way or option? How did you arrive at that conclusion? You must see life through foggy, narrow goggles that see nothing but what you were brainwashed with. And seriously, if you think that the shitpile that the US is in cause of thieves, liars, and murderers is Gods plan, ummm wow, you are messed up in the head. And also, if its gods plan to have had all the corruption and lies going on, such as Operation Fast and the Furious, and the total disarming of the US as well as the cadidates who lie like its going out of style, and cheer for WW3 with Iran, you need to stop and think about why you are so blind and fanatical about how you insist things have to be. I see you leave no room for people to make up their own minds, or even to think for themsevles. I guess you are a jesuit or a mormon, cause in my experience they have been the most sadistic and deadset on its either their way, or your dead. Or manybe thats the Muslims. Anyway, you are free to be as blind as you want, but you have no right to tell others how to think, or what to believe. And one more thing, you obviously dont know the real history of the fake being called Yahweh an satan, they are one in the same. Sumerians called them by other names, but those names are just made up, fiction. You have no proof that they even exist, but I guess thats what it means to be blind and of false faith. You must have forgotten that christianity spawned from the Roman religion combined with Hebrew tales dating all the way back to Babylon, cause thats where they started. You obviously cling to false assumptions. I bet you dont even believe in other planets, stars, or even galaxies, do you? Well, since you can easily draw the blatantly false conclusion that the beings of other worlds and parallel realities are just demons but see, you have no proof of that, you just guess. Look, leave us alone and believe what you want, you cannot and will not force others to see it just your way, thats what muslim terrorists do, dont be like them. Peace.
Get saved? Save yourself!!! What you are pushing on people is one particular belief system. The source of creation is much too vast and all-encompassing to fit into one belief system!! Your insecurity (another word for fear) is what fuels your need to push your beliefs on people. There's plenty of room for a belief system created by each one of us as we see fit. You've got yours...I've got mine. I'm sure that "God" can handle it...can you?
All I can say to the comments that have been posted in response to my post on this blog (Jan 13, 2012 at 12:49am)is that ignorance is very dangerous virtue and could ultimately result in the difference between life or death. Ignorance is what sheeple are made of. At the end of the day everyone is responsible for their actions, or lack of actions, and as such they are accountable for their decisions.
I would like to challenge John MacHaffie to make a statement about my post as he is a self professing Christian. The big question is whether or not he sitting on the fence by believing that Galactics do exist and perhaps that they even have a superior plan than Father God OR is he a really committed Christian knowing full well that aliens and Galactics simply have no power nor influence over Father God's plans for the earth and the future.
John are you ready to rise to my challenge? Please remember that God does not take kindly to False Prophets and that He expects the remnant to involve themselves in Prayer and Spiritual Warfare to overcome and loosen Satan's strongholds, pricipalities and dominions from the raging Spiritual battle.
By abstaining from the challenge will sadly indicate to me that you are sitting on the fence - a very dangerous place.
Victory to Our Father God is most certainly bound in the Spirit. Amen!!!
to anon 06:34 am
My role is to put out what IS REALLY happening so you all can become aware. That is my mission.
The decision is up to each one as to which trail you take.
First off - my background with NASA and having my designs on the moon puts a different perspective and obviously a bias. I met astronauts including those who walked on the moon that share the same bias.
I am an admitted Yeshua JESUS CHRIST follower and don't put any limitations on GOD's creations.
Your terminology 'Aliens' already describe your mindset which I reject. These are our fellow brothers and sisters. Love & Compassion is what it is all about brother.
Love and Compassion is what I am all about. Your attitude results from generations of brainwashing by organized controllers hiding behind Churches. May I warmly suggest you do more study on the matter.
I think everyone is taking the Galactic Federation updates waaaaay to literally.
I've always read these updates as though they were meant only for us. Someone else reading this would turn away because they don't know what the hell they are talking about.
They aren't talking about aliens from other worlds coming here. There may be life on other planets but there is no way for them to get here. AnyTHING that could survive a that trip .. we don't want to meet.
This is to the church lady posting scripture all the time. I challenge you to read a book by William Bramley "The Gods of Eden" 600 pgs paperback. (Amazon) Then maybe you can grasp religion and how it came about.
Hello all, I am Mr.Ed and I have provided most of the GFL material John has been posting. I have 18 years of church background & another 20 researching all topics and I am a lightworker on a mission to bring truth & wake the sleeping. I began exposing the illuminati several years ago and I am able to sort out the truth from the false (via discernment) so I can share it with others. I have had an experience back in the mid 70's where I was given a peek behind the veil of the illusion we live in to see the bigger picture. This told me we are more than we know & there is nothing to fear. Religions are all based on fear. Fear of death & fear of hell are the 2 main ones. There is no hell & we are immortal so there is no death. We are spiritual beings here to experience a school of learning in the lowest dimension of 3rd and about to ascend to 5th as we return to where we came. There is noting to be "saved" from except your fears of the unknown. Fear is the lack of understanding. We are not from here & we did not crawl out of the ocean an evolve from fish to monkeys to humans. Our family is from the universe and they are returning to take us home or stay, you have free will. You can not see beyond the illusion if stuck in fear so you will not be able to leave from 3D until you overcome the fear that controls you. Very soon many will wake up when their reality is shattered because the "game" is over. But mother earth is alive and she is ascending from 3rd to 4th & 5th soon so if you do not go along with her you will have to go to another world to continue your lessons in 3D until you are ready to wake up & move along again. Heaven is real but it is not a place it is a reality in the higher dimensions & heaven on earth will be when she shifts from 3rd to 5th and the golden age begins...a 1000 years or more of paradise. But if you are stuck in your belief system that you were programmed/brainwashed with, that you are a no good sinner and need to be saved, you will remain in lower 3rd to continue your life in hell. (because this is a close to hell you will ever see or know) The GFL are returning to tell you all about this and more & you will have plenty of time to understand & see the truth. We will be returning to full consciousness soon & then you will know all & remember who you are & why you are here. You agreed to come here or you would not be here now. We only use 12% of the brain now & it will return 100% soon. With that will return our abilities which are angel or godlike abilities of telepathy, teleportation and creation by thought.(and more) Your 2 strands of DNA will return to 12 and 7 chakras to 13. These things were done to us 27,500 years ago by the Annunaki and reincarnation was removed from the bible (by the Vatican) as this is your last incarnation. Which means you will not die again in this reality but ascend to eternity much the same a Jesus did when he died(Easter)in 3rd to ascend to 5th with a lightbody.(palm Sunday) We will be in a lightbody as well by next year. Never before has the creator had a mass ascension like the one we are about to take place in. What a wonderful time to be here to experience this event. Fear not. (cast the dogma aside) Thank you John for posting my work so (as the other reader said) to lesson the shock to the masses prior to first contact. Mr.Ed
Mr. Ed --- thank you for the honor of sharing your postings with the people. You have done much in helping the awareness get out.
Genuine Christianity is defined by Jesus Christ. Noone else. He defines what it is, and what it isn't. Some of these folks here are putting a Christian claim on things that have nothing to do with Christianity, except to contradict it outright.
The Christianity claimed here by some is one without a Saviour, without the Bible, and without His cross. It is something else, and shouldn't even be called 'Christan'.
Years of experience in 'this or that' does not constitute a position of automatic truthfulness or credibility.
Amazing supernatural experiences do not all come from God.
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils..."
-1 Timothy 4:1
TO MR. ED: If our DNA strands will return to 12 anyway (with the "aliens", why to we need the GALACTICS to "land", which they are insistent upon doing? Mr. Ed and the galactics call us their "brothers and sisters". Yet many of these groups are experimenting on kidnapped humans in underground installations such as Dulce, millions of humans have been outright STOLEN, and many of these groups consider earth and humans their PERSONAL BIOLOGIC FARM ANIMALS, using blood and mutilated animals/human materials which is absorbed into their skin to survive on earth.
They also live off our emotions, so the more WAR and TERROR there is on earth, the better. I have been reading books and articles on this since the mid-70's, when only PART this was known, to include Dr. John Mack, Jacobs, Streiber, Battle of the Harvest Moon, Timothy Good, Budd Hopkins, and all the OTHER authors from early investigations into abductions -- many people were NOT returned. My bookshelves are FULL. So....if people think that Marshall Vian Summers' revelations in the Project Camelot and Coast-to-Coast interviews are false, THINK AGAIN! Any "alien" presence that HIDES itself from the public for over 60 years is NOT LOOKING OUT FOR HUMANITY'S INTEREST, PERIOD! It is DECEPTIVE, unGodly.
Some of these NEGATIVE groups DID contact and made deals with Washington, which INCLUDED kidnapping/abducting humans and safe havens for themselves underground. They are NOW "controlling" Washington, and have even "replaced" or mind-controlled our non-representative congress and the entire D.C. apparatus. At this juncture, I wouldn't call them "brothers and sisters", AS SO MANY DO. REAL brothers and sisters are NOT DECEPTIVE.
Mr. ED refuses to publish at RumormillNews any comments by readers in opposition to his postings. He does, however, send you an email attacking you.
THANK YOU, JOHN, for posting other viewpoints. I am not averse to hearing from the GOOD "alens". However, THOSE seem to be keeping silent, or FLEEING as Summers relates.
Despite the ongoing postings of the Galactics that they have stopped the Chemtrails (a BLATANT LIE), that THEY will give us free-energy (THEY gave it to the PTB, not us -- and by CONTROLLING the Federal govt, they are SUPPRESSING the release of AMERICAN-MADE FREE-ENERGY PRODUCTS sitting in the US Patent office mis-labeled as "National Security".
Even the "aliens" admit there is a universal God entity, but WE will have to extricate ourselves from this ALIEN DECEPTION, because this "invasion" has been allowed to happen to earth and many other planets. The only "intervention" will be ascendency out of their reach, if that's possible, or MASS REJECTION OF INTERFERENCE as Summers says. We are "supposed" to have FREE WILL, not enslavement.
You are a very confused person Pat. You have been watching too much Hollywood Si-Fi ET monster movies or something.(which are all about fear) There is a night & day difference between Galactic Humans (like us) and Reptilian Grey ET's.
Everything you are spouting is the dark ET's that our government have been dealing with for at least 60 years & covered up. The Galactics of the GFL however are working for heaven & the creator.
And yes you are correct...when confused people like yourself send me crap that they don't know what they are talking about for posting I discard it.
I only post truth & positive material. (in case you haven't noticed) I can not & will not spend all my time trying to convince people who don't now any better & wouldn't believe what they are told anyway.
The only deception is in your own mind and nowhere else. Thank you for spreading your fear among others...but we don't buy it.
Do not worry if you can't tell the difference between dark & light as it will all be in your face very soon & then you will know.
Think about what you have said for a minute...if the bad guys are here to trick & fool you so they can eat you or kill you (whatever your telling???) why are you not gone or dead already?
They would have taken over this world long ago. Think about it.
Have a nice day & do your homework. Mr.Ed
TO Mr. ED: Seems you don't realize there are 'dark aliens' that look exactly like humans. Now....who's watching sci-fi? As far as their landing, I think John Kassavilas resonates most clearly.
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