Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - January 13, 2012
You have a saying that "there is no fool like an old fool" and that could be applied to the Illuminati because they are of the older generations. They have gone way beyond the time period given them to step down, and allow Humanity the chance to claim what is due to them and has been denied you for thousands of years. The Spiritual Hierarchy have offered them a way out that would guarantee their safety, so that they could be held in secure surroundings until they were called to account for their crimes against you. We simply want them out of the way so that the path to Ascension can be opened up and in doing so, know that it will go ahead without interference. Delaying tactics are not going to get them anywhere, as the Divine date for a leap forward looms nearer which will authorize us to use whatever methods we wish, to reign in the dark Ones. Their supporters carry little power but are spread far and wide and it is mainly of a nuisance value. They too are getting disenchanted with their responsibilities, as the golden egg will not be found in their nest and they will find that they will get little reward for what they have done for them.
Our approach and that of our allies has almost disembodied the power structure that has held the dark Ones together. They counter more opposition as people are rapidly awakening as to how they have been hoodwinked, and tricked into believing that steps taken in their name were for their benefit. In fact, the dark Ones have never worked for anyone but themselves to achieve their aim of world domination. They caused the destruction of two great civilizations and were so very close to adding yours to the list. It is now too late for them to alter their plans, plus our presence has limited their actions to ensure their failure. So Dear Ones, whatever you hear or read about vague threats from them, realize that they have had much taken away from them. Their roar may be frightening, but in reality they are more like the toothless tiger.
We have the answers to the worlds problems, but cannot thrust them upon you but we will be subtle and put ideas out so that you can find them yourselves. Indeed, some are known and openly discussed but it takes a lot of persuasion to go ahead. Humans have a natural propensity to hold onto what they have, and it takes time to convince them the merits of something different. For example the benefits of NESARA have been known for many years, but it has taken a long campaign to place it in front of those who could have sufficient influence to make it become a reality. Clearly debt forgiveness is the only answer to get out of the hole that many countries have fallen into, and have no realistic chance of getting out of by repaying their loans. Who will be brave enough to put that suggestion forward, well look around and you will find that one presidential candidate has mentioned it. Clearly there will be great opposition to it by those with vested interest in keeping the status quo, and their hands upon their wealth. You will find that once there are new governments and the old guard can no longer carry any authority, many benefits will start coming along. There are naturally priorities but even so there will be no undue delay once as you might say "the coast is clear".
We have to keep our plans secret even if our intentions are known, and that way we expect to progress more quickly. We do move with the times, and because we are very flexible is why generally speaking it is best that we do not commit ourselves to exact dates. However, there will be a time once the dark Ones are out of the way, when we shall be more forthcoming as we would like to keep you in the know and involve you in our activities. It is after all, your Earth, your cycle of Duality and your Ascension, and we want you to be every much involved right through to the end times. Some matters involve high technology and are presently too advanced for you to have much input, so there will be exceptions. In the future many of you are going to join the Galactic Federation in their work, so it is only right that you start to involve yourselves with us. We would go as far to say that is why you are here today, and have been prepared for such work. The dark Ones may have been very clever or should we say crafty in fooling you for so long, but as Beings of Light you will not be in the least affected by their actions anymore. As with any soul, you leave yourselves open to the lower vibrations when you focus too much on their fear laden activities, so yes be aware of what is going on but quickly move on and leave it in the past.
The times you are in are so volatile and yet when you stand back they can be so interesting. They are showing you what happens when you lose your way, and forget that you are of the Light. Whilst it was known that you would drop down into the lower vibrations, the extent to which you would cut yourself off from your true selves was unknown. That was up to each individual and clearly some would fall further than others. What is amazing is your progress since Beings of Light were sent to Earth to help lift you up again. In a mere two centuries you have succeeded in creating a wonderful grid of Light around the Earth, and its presence has helped transmute much of the darkness that existed. This again has had the affect of reducing the power of the dark energies, and helped release people from their hold. It has been a great effort and success that is due to your bold intent to establish the Light once more on Earth.
From where we are above you and looking down upon your beautiful Earth, we are saddened to see the extent of the damage that has taken place. Mother Earth was once the Garden of Eden and one of the most beautiful planets in the Universe. With your help, we can undo all of the damage and make good everything so that it is restored to how it was in the very beginning. From there we will go further and add whatever resonates with you to make it into a wondrous planet, that will be the jewel in the crown of God. Believe us Dear Ones, you will have no limitations placed upon you, and how happy and joyous we will all be.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and enjoying this period that has lifted you up to new heights because you can sense how near you are to Ascension. The hard work you have put in will now pay off, as your path to success opens up and your preparations are brought to a conclusion with God's blessing.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
QUOTE: "We have the answers to the worlds problems, but cannot thrust them upon you but we will be subtle and put ideas out so that you can find them yourselves. Indeed, some are known and openly discussed but it takes a lot of persuasion to go ahead. Humans have a natural propensity to hold onto what they have, and it takes time to convince them the merits of something different."
So....it's the humans' fault, and the Galactics need LOTS more time to CONVINCE humans, although the Galactics "HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS". They obviously BELIEVE in the current election system, despite massive vote fraud. Listen to THIS:
"Who will be brave enough to put that suggestion forward, well look around and you will find that one presidential candidate has mentioned it. Clearly there will be great opposition to it by those with vested interest in keeping the status quo, and their hands upon their wealth.".......YES, CLEARLY....WE KNOW THAT ALREADY!
"With your help, we can undo all of the damage." Well CHEMTRAILS ARE STILL BEING SPRAYED ALL OVER THE EARTH, AND YOU ARE NOWHERE IN SIGHT, AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE MONSTERS IN OFFICE ARE STILL THERE -- No relief in sight, despite these same repetitive messages for over at least a year.
MUST WATCH: Project Camelot interview (vid)
Marshal Vian Summers’ & book (Allies of Humanity)
RE: Subtle invasion of Earth –
they weaken the strongest nation (US)
Gosh, for such an advanced species or civilization the channelings surely do not convey love.
To me, so this is my opinion, they convey impatience, intolerance, bias, prejudices, etc.
If I am older and more advanced in my thinking than a child, there is a level of Love and Wisdom I would have to have while my child is developing their spiritual path.
These channelings emit some sort of urgency as if what SaLuSa wants doesn't happen they will not be happy.
This Planet and all of us on it are on our journey. SaLuSa can watch, but leave it alone. We are all from the Creator, Light and Dark. All this focus on one side as if they have the power is just so distorted.
Everything, everything, everything is according to divine plan and will happen when it's supposed to happen. If the People sit back and want someone else to develop their conscience for them, well that won't happen, so if the people don't develop a conscience and we stay the way we are, that is our choice while we co-create and co-experience this existence.
There's an entire galaxy out there for SaLuSa. Why here and why now and why so impatient?
Is this one of those Twilight Zone, To Serve Man episodes?
Okay just kidding..but people should look up that episode if they have a curiosity to. The Universe put it out there for those with eyes to see.
Dude they are Sirians from Sirius A, not humans. They mean well(as far as they can) but they are still unfortunately driven by their desire to be in control. They use the pyramid structure too, and they think they follow the light path. Its just not obvious even to them that there are more than just earth humans here too. They have lived with the hierarchy of the leader on top, and the followers doing only what they are commanded. Its not disimiar to the Anunnaki system, and they havent kept up on the holographic system, where everyone is equal and balanced and knows whats going on as it happens. You see the being pretending to be Obama the president is one of theirs and he is only doing their bidding. He is another ant following the queens commands. I have to say that these messages are somewhat biased in their favor, they think of this planet as a long lost colony and they have to be subtle cause of the Andromedans who are much more advanced and with better tech then them. They are the police if you will, and wont allow an outright takeover. The Andromedans are our friends but they need everyone on earth to not only have come their own conclusions and seen the ships of various groups for themselves and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this world isnt alone and that at least some groups are here to help. Thats all I can say at this point.
According to the Project Camelot interview with Marshal Vian Summers, they are here because of the rich bio-diversity of this "unique" planet, i.e., specifically OUR DNA (they are searching for a "resource" they need, which is "US". According to the "rules", they are NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE INTERFERING WITH OUR DEVELOPMENT. NO WONDER THERE WILL NEVER BE "DISCLOSURE", that would be telling us their REAL agenda. They are responsible for cattle mutilations and stealing humans from earth.
The ONLY way they can be here without getting thrown completely off-planet is for us to WELCOME them. Our stupid govt and the military-industrial companies, Rockefellers and Rothschilds HAVE, but not the other 7 billion people on the planet. That's why they are increasingly trying to coax us into permission to "land" and promising us "technology" when our own fellow citizens have developed the technology we need. It's just being suppressed by THESE ALIEN RACES who've bought off Congress and run the Pentagon and D.C. These alien races NEED the WARS to distract us from their subtle "TAKEOVER". IT'S CRITICAL WE STAND TOGETHER IN SOLIDARITY AND SAY "NO, WE DON'T WANT YOUR INTERFERENCE HERE ON EARTH. Otherwise, we and this planet will be conquered totally.
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