The links at the bottom will take you into a world few people know exists, one we’ve been led to believe only existed in the realms of science fiction. There have been all manner of cloning/bioengineering conducted in underground facility’s for an untold number of years. Information here reports that presidents Clinton and Bush were both clones, and that George W Bush died in 1987 of a drug overdose.
I just received information from a key informant, with affiliation to a three-letter government agency, that a Cabal-controlled installation, which has been manufacturing and then mentally programming Hybrid-Human clones to operate as its Super Soldiers, has been eliminated.
The details.
In early 2006 an enormous underground installation, 16 miles long by one mile wide, began operation some kilometers distant from the Icelandic village of Djupidalur.
It took 13 years to build, having been authorized in 1993 by the U.S. National Security Council, who had been duped into believing it would be a research facility concerned with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.
Instead, this facility was a key part of Cabal plans to build a super army of mostly Human clones whose genetics had been upgraded with just enough retrieved Star Visitor genetic material to give these clones enhanced physical, mental and psychic abilities.
This cloning project is what Colonel/Dr. Michael Wolf (Kruvant) of NSC’s Special Studies Group was so incensed about when he told me several years ago that he had learned that his work in human cloning was being perverted by (Cabal) military into creating the Super [hybrid] Soldier who would then receive mental programming to get the clone to mindlessly follow immoral orders. This caused him to resign from government research work.
This weekend, a crack counter-insurgency team (CIT), operating independent of military control, and disgusted by Cabal takeover of key positions in government, undertook a mission to penetrate the Djupidalur installation.
The CIT located where the hapless, misinformed Hybrids were being held, liberated them, and escorted them to the surface, where their safe extraction would be arranged for by an individual with friendly ties to Star Nations and legitimate compartments within the U.S. National Security community.
During the escorting, CIT came under fire from Cabal security forces, and in the ensuing firefight, (Cabal) Brigadier General Frank Dougherty and a number of his security troops were killed.
The Counter-Insurgency Team then set off munitions they had emplaced, and destroyed the clone factory installation, after setting off an alarm to give non-security personnel an opportunity to leave for the surface.
When Dr. Wolf was working on cloning, he told me that it took a year to create a human clone from test tube to walking, talking adult. So, if Djupidalur went on-line in early 2006, and went off-line in early 2007, there must have been only one “batch” of Hybrids graduating from that mill. And the CIT team got them all.
The complete success of extraction of the Hybrids and destruction of the installation is a signal moment in the incremental retaking of Earth from Cabal control.
But we are not yet at final victory.
Many other light-workers are doing what they can, from wherever they are located within society and its structures, to take back Human society from the control of the Cabal monsters.
Look for your opportunity.
Although most will not be as spectacular as the CIT’s, opportunities to reform and transform our society are all around you.
I question this. About the most you would get from an underground base in Iceland is lava blown up your a$$.
Does anyone else see the possibilities here ? I could sell franchises worldwide. A customer can buy an exact copy of themselves, a synthetic copy, or a robotoid. WOW !! I just gotta figure out a good price for each. Kim Kardashian could afford $1 million for an exact copy. Better yet, I could just manufacture lets say a million Kim Kardashians and sell them for $1 million each, plus shipping and manufacturing costs, and make much more money. I'll be the richest man in the world. All those who believe this story should send me $1 Million plus $89.95 today. If you hurry, I'll throw in a Paris Hilton at no additional cost.
AnonymousFeb 2, 2012 08:40 AM
Might need a few enhancements here and there but PLEASE fix the attitudes.
Easily done. We snip the vocal cords for a small fee of $99.00.
Dr Mengele lives. His clones carry on. Watch out for the "Boys from Brazil". Yikes!
This is what Duncan O'Finioan spoke of in a recent interview. He said the cabal is on the fourth generation of super soldiers, and that two of them can pick up an Abrams tank. An Abrams tank weighs in at 62 metric tons. Duncan says he said he can't stop one of them. Duncan also said he is the first generation. His leg right leg kick has been clocked at over 120 miles per hour and he can punch through a block wall.
Only your Divine connection will lead you to the truth. Praise goes to those who have the courage to believe and act for freedom. Thanks to CIT.
I can't find any record of a Brigadier General Frank Dougherty.
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