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David Wilcock Releases The Final Sections of Financial Tyranny - What did he say about Madonna?
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 9-Feb-2012 11:06:56
Before we feature our exclusive interviews with the key players in the lawsuit that could defeat Financial Tyranny, let's step back and look at the Big Picture.
We now have a compelling storyline of Financial Tyranny, dating back to 1776 with the publishing of Smith's The Wealth of Nations -- and the founding of the Illuminati in Bavaria.
Click here to start from the beginning if you have not already read the first six sections.
We have scientific evidence that a monopoly of 1,318 corporations, headed by the Federal Reserve banks, is now earning 80 percent of the world's wealth. This 'core' is in turn being run by a "super-entity" of 147 corporations, most of which are financial institutions.
The top corporations in the "super-entity" are the Federal Reserve banks -- and they created 26 to 29 Trillion dollars in bailouts for their own companies from 2007 to 2010.
The Rothschilds admitted in their own 1962 biography that Mayer Amschel's five sons "conquered the world more thoroughly, cunningly and lastingly than any Caesar before or Hitler after them."
Nelson Rothschild destroyed the British economy by making the entire market think Napoleon had defeated them. In one single day of trading, he was able to increase his net wealth by 6500 times -- and did what Napoleon could not.
Rothschild conquered Great Britain.
We gave links to multiple books full of information -- now free to read online -- proving there was a government-led uprising against the Illuminati in 1784... and a massive worldwide revolt against Freemasonry beginning after William Morgan's murder in 1826.
Freemasons openly bragged about controlling the media, the police, the judiciary, the financial system and the government. 45,000 out of 50,000 Masons in the United States -- 90 percent -- all quit once the scandal broke, and were treated as heroes.
I believe there is abundant evidence that we are right on the threshold of another historical event like this -- only of significantly greater magnitude.
We have also thoroughly documented how the global media is in the hands of a very small number of corporations.
We gave compelling evidence that its content is controlled through Operation Mockingbird, which was implemented in the dawning years of the CIA.
Read more:
I just finished reading David Wilcock's Sections 8 and 9. Section 10 is comments from readers. It took me several hours (about 3) to cover it. I am a speed reader, but this is heavy stuff. Sometimes you have to get up and walk away from it for a few minutes to let it gel.
My takeaway is the following:
1. The information is reasonable and probably real.
2. It appears that WWII was planned in 1921 so most of the planetary gold could be confiscated.
3. This was done for the good of the planet in an effort to prevent future wars, but the plan backfired and was corrupted by the Federal Reserve/ key bankers and possibly the CIA.
4. The system is being corrected at this time.
5. This has been, and continues to be, VERY COMPLEX!
6. The planet has a brighter future as a result of what is happening now as a result of the lawsuit, and the fact that we are now waking up.
I highly advise you to read the sections for yourself. It is most comforting once you understand what has transpired the past 100 years, and in particular, the past 2 years.
After reading the last sections, I see the complexity of what is transpiring. I also see (feel) the proof that the Cabal's reign of control is ending. There is too much at stake for the whole world to not put the train back on track. I highly suggest you read it for yourself.
[2:24:48 PM] Jim Costa: Perhaps this is why we have not seen arrests yet:
"The reason that many of the top Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate crooks have not been arrested yet is that the old system needs to be kept going with string and wire and duct-tape until final preparations for a radically new system are completed."
[2:36:46 PM | Edited 2:40:09 PM] Jim Costa:
Highlights [Wilcock Section 8 and 9] from Kauilapele's Blog
• Even more insiders are coming forward
• Everything is coming to a head... Rapidly
• ON HIS DEATHBED WILSON STATED: "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country.... We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely con-trolled and dominated governments in the civilized world."
• DAVID WILCOCK: As we were nearing the end of this incredible process, I had an additional dialogue with Neil Keenan... NEIL KEENAN: After months of hard work, you have constructed a masterpiece. For this everyone thanks you.
• NK [Neil Keenan]: A further note to make is that Christine Lagarde, Chief of the IMF, has already made it clear that the IMF, a FED creation, will no longer launder the FED’s money. This is, in effect, her telling the Cabals that their day in the sun is over with.
I wonder if Wilcock knows about Illumincorp and their videos on youtube, are these guys real or is this a good fake ? Everything they talk about in their video is coming to pass, turning this world into a bigger prison planet than it already is.
Hi Jim,
Great summary of events and signs of the Old emerging into The New Earth.
Thanks for pointing out key facts.
Just read Section 7. Wow!
It gives more chilling evidence of the bonds issued by the Federal Reserve for gold around WWII and how the Fed has refused to honor them now.
It also shows more recent reports about the main U.S. major banks on verge of collapsing.
It also shows details about England refusing to show its citizens information about gold transfers and transactions, stating that they would harm private individuals that control the banking system [my translation and paraphrase].
It also shows details about Canadians filing a lawsuit (in Dec. 2011) to free the Canadian Central Bank from the BIS control, stating the purpose of the BIS was "created with the cognizant intent of keeping poorer nations in their place...."
Link to Section 7:
By the way, if you read the list of defendants in the Cease and Desist Order filed in December 2011 it might amaze you.
Among the list of world leaders and bankers listed who are purported to be stealing the gold for personal use is . . . . our good buddy Mitt Romney.
I have been hearing for two months that Mitt would be forced out of the race as a result of his banking activities. Now I understand that statement.
The actual document is at the very bottom of Section 9. The names are in Alpha order. Link Here:
Why Were The Trillions In Fake Bonds Held In Chicago Fed Crates?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/17/2012 11:06 -0500
While there is precious little in terms of detail coming out of the latest and literally greatest "fake" bond story in history, the BBC has been kind enough to release the pictures of the boxes that the supposedly fake bonds were contained in. While we reserve judgment on the authenticity of the bonds, what we wonder is whether the boxes were also fake. Because while we can understand why someone would counterfeit the Treasury paper itself, what we don't get is why someone would go the extra effort to also create a "fake" compartment in which to store it. In this case a compartment that is property of the "CHICAGO FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM." Perhaps Fed uberdove and Chicago Fed President Charles Evans will be kind enough to explain why Versailles Treaty Chicago Fed crates are floating around in Europe (and filled with $6 trillion in supposedly fake bearer bonds)?
(more at site)
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