Subj: FW: Obama Puts Heat on Fox News to Prevent Hannity from Airing this ...
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Obama Puts Heat on Fox News to Prevent Hannity from Airing this ...
We've seen most of this presentation over the past few years.
Interesting how it was put together!!
How can anybody not understand this??
This is a video that Sean Hannity of FOX News has been trying to show
that has consistently been blocked by the Obama Administration for
several weeks.
Watch it now before it gets pulled from the Internet!
We've seen most of this presentation over the past few years.
Interesting how it was put together!!
How can anybody not understand this??
This is a video that Sean Hannity of FOX News has been trying to show
that has consistently been blocked by the Obama Administration for
several weeks.
Watch it now before it gets pulled from the Internet!
Sooo, WHAT???? What difference does it make what religion this man is?? Why always the highlighting of differences between people? When will we all learn to live together and stop trying to discredit anyone that is different?You might not like to hear it,but I know alot of espoused Christians that are the worst 'haters' of everything that is not the same as themselves... Grow up people ~ WWJD?
Let's see... We have one in the White House, two devout Muslims in Homeland Security, an Assistant Secretary of State, (Uma What's-Her-Name, Anthony Weiner's wife and Hillary's helper) several in Congress and who knows how many others secreted in the military and elsewhere. And if that isn't disturbing, how about your tax dollars to the tune of $18,000,000.00 being used to bring more here from the Middle East! Wake up and stand up, America!
So what! This ran on CNN. Obama could claim he's a demon and nothing would change. The sheeple are brain dead and it'll go right over their heads.
What a load of crap everytime his lips move he's lieing
And at what point do we realize that Oblahblah Muslim, Christian, Atheistetc etc is still serving a satanic agenda, which by the way has its roots more in the Christian faith then in the Muslim faith. Point is, the recycling of this pointless topic really isnt getting anyone anywhere. If anything all it does is support the war mongering between the Christians and Muslims. There are bigger things here than this folks. Just my opinion.
Indeed, however we are the ones in charge of waking them up, and this type of propaganda valid or not is not helping the main cause for everyone's release from these satanic soulless creatures.
What up everybody no more sleeping in bed.... The world is changing for the better. Black, White, Brown, Yellow and Red People of this planet must unite and move toward an higher frequencies and dimension...
Sean Hannity you too need to wake up....stop the hate and fear.
Beware we are watching!!!
Obama is probably, how should I put it, poly-denominational. His concept of God probably is evolving and changing as his perceptions, spiritual awareness, and growth evolves. He seems to plug into the 'many faces of God'.
That's correct, the shadow side of all religions has some degree of separatist propaganda and misguided dogma--serving to separate, not unite. Although it seems that the Presidency has skewed Obama's motives, maybe grossly so, his shortcomings and failings are likely a part of the plan as he is a head of the American Corporation and is doing what he is told. The erosion of the American Republic started a long, long while ago. The debauchery of the American Corporation is much bigger than Obama. That system is falling now.
Christian Love, Forgiveness, Humility, and Charity are principles to practice. If we as Americans are to embrace Christ Consciousness, expand our Hearts, and see, create a world of Peace, it must start with each one of us. Rejoice my brethren, my sisters, for the meek will indeed inherit this Mother Earth; it is already happening.
And whether Obama is muslim of christian, or jew, hindu, buddhist, taoist, or satanic...matters not!
This get's posted as if it is new "News", anyone paying attention is aware of this, if they are here, they know, Beck knows, INFOWARS Knows, your preaching to the Choir Brother....
Hannity certainly does that, and his viewers just takes it up. Keep informing your viewers members, He, that our earth-destroying SUV's are amazing.
You know, anything coming from Fox and their stooge Hannity is so stupid, war mongering, polarising, fear mongering. For me they are the mouth and disinfo agents of the dark Cabal self. The context Obama said this was to unite the muslim world with the western. And by cutting the clips to peaces you lose the context wherein he spoke.
The Bush administration painted muslims as terrorist and bombed their countries, killed their wives and children and in the proces created hatred towards Americans worldwide. This created an environment which jeopordised the life of every American in the world. A lot of muslims hated Americans guts. Traveling with an American passport in the middle east became dangerous. For me its the worst crime a leader can do Is to jeoperdise the life of his poeple.
Obama tried to reverse the anymosity towards the Islamic world and in the proces making the life saver for the Americans. Me myself I come from Holland, but if I was an American I would prefer the words of Obama towards muslims instead of the hatred and anymosity that seperates and devides which created an unsaver world in the Bush erra.
Its time for people in the world to set aside their anymosity and celebrate their differences.
Its time for love, cooperation and celebrating our differences. We all want world peace for muslims, christians and jews alike. I dont know about you guys but i'm sick and tired of wars. Lets work together for worldpeace. Lets start by accepting our differences and stop watchin Fox News.
By the way, if Fox hates Obama, then then there must be something good with the man, even if its not so obvious right now.
Jesus isn't the Muslim god.
so its ok for Obama to state faith guides him but not ok for GW to do it?
and being proud of my beliefs my name is ANTHONY not anonymous
It certainly is good for me to read these reply's. Some make me sad others concern me because of how distant they are from my perception of the truth. "Men don't die they kill themselves" has been one of my favorite Greek philosopher's sayings. I know I am killing myself due to my choices but for some they seem to be satisfied allowing others to kill them and the ones they love. There's almost nothing I can do to change this lemming line to their end. I vote, send small amounts of my post-taxed money to help try to change but I believe there is more of them than us now that our "experiment" is close to the end. By allowing too many exceptions to the rules we now are being governed by exceptions. I guess I will just prepare my grandchildren how to exist under a government cloaked as a democracy but filled with tyranny!
Just a brilliant answer, and I love your closing line!!!!! It WOULD take a European to see thru the B.S. of fox news (they don't even deserve capital letters). I have been to your country, and I loved it, as I did all of the countries(which included most)of western Europe.
Hope to start on the eastern ones soon.
Arrogant Americans critcize Obama for being too European, but we can certainly, in my view, learn a lot from our European friends. This IS my country, right or wrong, but too many misinterpret this as meaning we have to also love to love the wrong!!! Thank you for your voice of reason!
Barack Obama's coming through
with his wrecking crew.
Oh yes, he's cruel and crude
yet God has chose the dude.
The Nimrod fools will never rule.
You're all nutz. Obviously never learned anything from history. Your assessment of celebrating differences has but one flaw. Islam has this little flaw that if you're not Muslim then you're an infadel and must die. Islam is a form of government, not a religion.. Who wants to live in a country where women have no rights and if they go outside with their face showing they can be stoned to death. How about beheading? You like that too.
Wake up and wise up.....
God had nothing to do with that unless you think CONgress is god
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