Sunday, June 3, 2012

G. Thomas Gulick Intel Updates

Selected few;

I have contacted one of our top KNOW & UNDERSTAND like-minded relationships for help.

Perhaps more confirmed reporting is best to make my point.

Just reviewed the Problem Bank List & noted 772 problem banks remain on the list.
Delinquent Mortgages as a % of Capital and Loan Loss Reserves are running 67% and seem to average about
45% of the Top-25 U. S. Banks reviewed.

What is the point? Back in the days I was buying banks with my employers money, we walked away if a bank was
more than 3%. Get it? Worse is getting worser!

Steve Quayle on 03/14/2011 reported on information conveyed to him by a trucker who stated he delivered a tractor trailor load
of food to a base manned by Chinese. Brief at: STEVE QUAYLE ALERT
CHINESE TROOPS 60 MILES SOUTH OF LAREDO TEXAS * The U.S. Naval Map we know is real? Steve provided

Appears JPM will be bailed out again but it will not stop the coming market crash. Bank of America
will fail first; followed by CitiBank. My source is most reliable calling financials accurate. Then the bankster/gangsters will bury their crimes within JP Morgan-Chase. Another merger deal! I suggest you catch my e-letter to one I trust to confirm or deny our latest from those inside the 'Puzzle Palaces' house of cards. 

"He who cannot get to their money; will be just as broke as one that has no money." ~ G. Thomas Gulick &
the keen warning of a run on banks. Fact is, banks run short of cash real quick when a panic happens. Get it? I thought
you would.

Consistently yours,
G. Gulick
----- Original Message -----
To: xxxxxxx
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 2:00 AM
Subject: Gulick Here - Let's Talk Bull


I have been out & about most of the day. While out, I have been doing some powerful thinking.
The main point of my e-letter is spelled out at the end. Items 1-8 spells out what appears is
about to happen. But please allow me to express my new found insights about Operation Deep Sleep.

First, the trivia between Breitbart, Jones with  both on Beck is a prime example why one
must never kill the messenger. The headline is also a hot link if you care to follow this story:

I have completed another Andrew Breitbart file on this end. Obama's players must be happy to see this, sort of,
Hatfields & McCoys fighting. But dead people cannot fight back.
I do not know what you have done with the 150 pdf pages of Tim's Operation Deep Sleep but I have discovered
a bunch of other related operations. Not to take time with the rest of the story, I am listing each for keen awareness.
  1. Operation Deep Sleep -
  2. Project Cloverleaf
  3. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
  4. CIA_PROMIS SOFTWARE-PERFECT SET UP Prosecutor's Management Information System
  5. JPATS*: U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System, procured and droned by Marcy in 1995 through allegedly fraudulent conversions of U.S. Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Fund.
Appears we have bad U. S. Marshalls like bad CIA and bad NSA. My findings are about as secret and bad as it gets! Do you see a lazer dot on me? My findings are 'spot on' and Hillary Clinton is well founded in this 'mell of a hess' too.
A lot of Projects in Process on this end. Expect me to package./zip my findings soon.'
Are you aware of Acceleration Of Financial Meltdown Can't Be Stopped / From International Banker Friend

May 31, 2012

Steve, at 

The Iron boot has been firmly planted to the pedal of this runaway tractor trailer that is heading off the cliff.
Steve Quayle has made a copy of European insider that seems to know the gameplan of banks about to fail. To avoid
all the 'details' I am going to provide the following for a preview.
Look for these signs next:
1- JPM will be bailed out again but it will not stop the coming market crash. More details will emerge about their derivative swap failure $150 billion and counting.
2-BOA (BAC Bank of America) will fold and be absorbed into JPM as a way to prop up the bleeding Giant. JPM will get the best picking of this deal just like they got with Bear Stearns.
3- Massive layoffs will happen at Citigroup and Wells Fargo
4- Goldman Sachs finally pays the piper, look for massive cuts there as well as BIG Losses
5- Bond market bust which leads to freeze of all bond sales
6- Derivative bust the next one will be BOA followed by Citigroup
7- All CDS-Credit Default Swaps/shorts and swaps will freeze.
8- Total Meltdown of financials . . .
Those who are ready begin to implement GOOD (Get Out Of Dodge) Plan. Keep what you need in paper and what you can afford to lose in banks in order to pay day to day expenses/bills. The rest of your investments/retirements should NOW be pulled from the market and moved to safe haven assets like Precious metals, farmland, fire arms and food. Prepare to ride out what we are calling the coming RESET BUTTON.
Have you picked up on Items 1-8? My past experience with Steve Quayle has been good with 'par excellent' accuracy. What say you? Attached I have included my June copy of Marty Weiss & his SafeMoney Report. Reading between the lines, it appears Steve is first to be so specific as to 'who's who' in the JP Morgan-Chase bringing Bank of America into their fold. Includes Countrywide Bank & Merrill Lynch too.
I have picked up what you do know about. In part, is reported as . . .
The orders to preserve the Status Quo at all cost originate with Obama our sources say. ‘Make certain the banks lose nothing’ is part of the order we hear.
This, if accurate, removes any remaining doubt that their ‘plan’ is to contain the world’s fiat financial crisis as best they can in order to get through the election season and confirms, as WE have reported many times, that Obama says he will allow nothing to interfere with his re-election. # # #
With that kind of talk, where are the mass arrests? I am eager to get my insights to the Bilderberg Group Annual Meeting in Virginia 05-31 - 06-03-2012.
If you need more details from my end, let me know and it's yours. Make sure you know I have not asked others for any help to confirm this history making time.
Gerry Gulick


Anonymous said...

Mr. Gulick, on the point of JP Morgan and BOA getting together, I will have to disagree. I have no inside info, only an Attorney letter that arrived yesterday. I live in NC and have an investment property facing foreclosure. I in-fact want the bank to take it because it is only an 8 year old home who's foundational slab have huge cracks in it from end to end, as a result of the builder not allowing time for the slab to cure after pouring and started building right away. This house has been in foreclosure for a long time, but BOA just would not complete the process, of which I surely wanted them to and then they could do nothing more than level this place.
Well yesterday I received and Attorney letter saying that WELLS FARGO is foreclosing on behalf of BOA. Looks to me like Wells is taking them over and since it can't be anymore clearer, Wells won't be doing lay-offs. Seems to me that all evidence points to Wells Fargo as being the "New Treasury Bank". Seems very appropriate since it's banking history in the US dates back to 1852 and was started because of the need of miners in the Great Gold Rush era. Since our new currency will be Gold backed or at least asset backed, seems there could not be a better historical choice then Wells Fargo.

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