Friday, July 27, 2012

Cobra Update 7-26-12…”Explosion of Light”

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Cobra Update 7-26-12…”Explosion of Light”
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 26-Jul-2012 20:11:19

from Kauilapele's blog:
Today this article by Cobra came to my attention. I will simply say what I often say when something "hits" that spot of, "Yes, you are correct, sir (or ma'am)!"...
And that is, "Wow!"
So let me get this straight... We're approaching "The Event horizon." We are about to burst out of "the black hole of quarantine Earth", and when we do, "there will be an explosion of Light on non-physical planes."
We've been kept in this "quarantine", not by the Galactic Confederation, but by "the dark forces," via a "quantum anomaly [which] is a distortion of time-space continuum on quantum level". Well, that's simple, isn't it?
This was done by:
1."Etheric implants... [kept] inside strong etheric electromagnetic fields", which create "eternity loops"
2."Projection chambers" that project images and emotional states that are not ours... so [that] other people feel this projected image and not our true state [recall the Tolec interviews about underground emotion-inducer bases], and...
3.An "ordinary (mundane) reality" creation system, that "the Cabal spends about three billion dollars" a day to maintain (which also could be called the "Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Dolly Parton '9 to 5' movie effect").
Well, that's the gist, and here are a few highlights.
•The Event horizon is the exit point of the black hole of quarantine Earth. When we exit the black hole, there will be an explosion of Light.
•This means an end of quarantine status for planet Earth and end of darkness in this universe... [the] quarantine... created by the dark forces 26,000 years ago and NOT by the Galactic Confederation.
•What maintains the quarantine is quantum anomaly.
•The main structure that keeps humanity in tihrd [third] dimension are etheric implants. They form a network of black hole wormholes...
•Those black holes contain reptilians and their technology on etheric plane and they are being intensively purified by the Light forces right now.
•When... completely removed there will be an explosion of Light on non-physical planes.
•Eternity loops are distortions of space-time continuum that give an impression that quarantine will last forever. Nothing could be further from the truth.
•Another... structure is a special Archon technology on the etheric plane... chambers that project certain images / emotional states that are not ours on our outer auric membrane.
•When this technology is removed, people will suddenly find much more harmony in their relationships.
•The last main factor of the quarantine is the ordinary (mundane) reality. This reality system is an artificial creation of the Cabal and most people buy into this reality frame without questioning it.
• suppressing all real UFO evidence... free energy technologies... maintaining nine to five job slavery... by adopting shamanic point of view of creating your own reality [and] creating your own reality bubble you help [disintegrate] the quarantine.
•There is a special joint operation of the Resistance Movement, the Pleiadians and other positive ET races that dismantles the quarantine.
•August and September... months of much background activity... remain patient and calm within this time period, especially in September with another Uranus / Pluto square.
•...the Olympics false flag event... All activities of the Cabal... are closely monitored... It is extremely unlikely that any major negative event will happen then.



Anonymous said...

to cobra,i dont want to sound pessimistic,but i think the dark cabal plan some disaster for the olmpic games,but all i am hearing is a lot of talk and no action,i do hope i am wrong and i am being too paranoid,the window of opertunity is open for a false flag terrorist attack as a prelude to a false flag war,it could also be a aerosol virus causing a epidemic with an evacuation of london planned,and lastly everything is in place for a fake alien invasion,i beleive plans have been in place well before the bidding for the olympics took place,and proof was that 72 per cent of the UK did not want the olympics so why were they forced to have it and also to have unwanted missile launchers put on the roofs of their houses,for more than eighty years no one was allowed to buy the land that the olympics were built on,so this tells us this was planned well in advance,so these creatures in control of this have to be stopped now today and not tomorrow,for tomorrow may not come for some of us.your sincerely TONY LANE

Anonymous said...

Great - more messages telling us 'soon', 'just be patient', 'a couple of more months'. I am beginning to wonder if it would be better for me not to read these things.

Anonymous said...

So, let me point out the obvious in this one.. I'll start by saying, we have ~5 months until December 21, 2012.

Channelings by the Galactics had revealed to us (minimum 2 months ago) that it would take approximately 6 months to complete all details of the plan, which can be found here:

Now, this article tells us not to expect anything to occur in August and September.

This leaves us with 3 months to accomplish all of the above. This lightworker is HIGHLY discouraged.

Given the situation that nothing occurs during August or September, that brings us right up until the beginning of Autumn.

If we reach Autumn and nothing has occurred, it means the following items of concern still require to be dealt with:

1) Mass Public Arrests
2) Proclaim New Banking System
3) New Governance in Power
4) UFO Disclosure
5) Trial Set Dates
6) Release of Secret Technology
7) New Business & Financial Infrastructure in place
8) Meetings with Earth-based Members of Space & Spiritual Families

Obviously as you have seen, there are still many "events" that are to occur in Autumn up until the end of 2012, but if we can't accomplish the former, how are we supposed to accomplish the latter?

Everything keeps getting pushed further and further away. Maybe the Galactics don't have as much control over the situations as they'd like to believe? At what point do they say, "We can't afford to delay this any longer, it's time to step in."?

Please don't flame my post that hard, as it was simply to vent my frustration. As a lightworker who follows these events very closely, as I'm sure you do, you can imagine how frustrated I am when receiving contradictory information about such an important Event.

Much love.

Please don't

Anonymous said...

Part 1 of 2
Cobra states:
The main structure that keeps humanity in tihrd [third] dimension are etheric implants. They form a network of black hole wormholes...

I have no proof, evidence, or fact, but I feel (feelings come from the heart), that being a free will planet, we choose whether we will remain in this density. How we choose, I don't know.

But consider this.
If there is an appointment to ascend. And, if you have to be ready for that appointment such that your vibrations have to be at a certain level, your unconditional love has to be at a certain level, and your conscience of who you are and who everyone else is has to be at a certain level and they aren't. Then not only do you miss the appointment, you do not ascend.

Now how can someone who's spent a lot of time checking their vibrations, their unconditional love, and their conscience of this world, it's illusion of separation, it's illusion of death do something of their own will to miss the appointment?

They can witness a tragedy in the illusion, real or perceived, and anchor their self here dealing with the tragedy they witnessed, real or perceived. While their focus is on this 'local tragedy', they miss the gateway or window of opportunity to move forward because they are keeping a watchful eye on the supposed (the illusion) bad guys.

If there is one thing I learned while here, and that Destini girl that channels Jack had said it once and it 'stuck', it anchored in my soul, was that 'Everything is specific'.

When you look at things from that perspective, there are no coincidences, and there are no accidents.

If someone is doing something 'specific', either crashing the economy, identifying fraud, pointing out thieves, raising prices, posting about martial law or dictatorship or FEMA, and predicting disasters; these are specific activities. Specificity has an element of planning behind it.

Why would someone 'waste' so much energy creating this chaos. They would not...wasting time would be specific.
This is time well spent and orchestrated, and 'all the world is a stage', and we are 'players in a game'.

By being born here, you agreed to play. You probably have a specific role to play, a reaching out to someone, a learning some skill, an avoiding some tactical move against you without making a tactical counter move, a waking up and identifying who you are and recognizing me and everyone else for who we are.

Many are half awake. I can tell by their anger, and their strong desire to see mass arrests.

One thing I've learned about the supposed bad guys is, that what you are looking for is not what is delivered. To arrest someone, in layman's terms, is to detain them and prevent their movement to any destination. You anchor them in the location you have arrested them in.

Anonymous said...

Part 2 of 2

Now what does that to mean all the people who want to ascend. They are awake enough to know about it and to want to go forward, but they witness something on a massive scale and it 'arrests' them and detains their movement forward, and they do not ascend. Thus the 'mass arrest' they were waiting on and they are definitely part of it as promised by those that promised mass arrests.

People were told, they will witness mass arrests on t.v., etc and so on. The part of the illusion could be you'd see something so shocking that you are glued to the t.v. watching it and in a sense arrest yourself, where you and those like you; are detained and can't move forward.

So while watching one hand thinking you are seeing the magic, the other hand has helped you hold yourself back and you can blame no one on a free will planet for where you choose to center your energies.

I saw the movie the Illusionist. If you saw it, see again without the innocence of a child. Everything is specific.
When you pay attention to that entire two hours and how specific everything is, from the people, the clothing, the workers, the theater, the visitors, that happenstances, and so on, you'll know how elaborate things can be to create an illusion.

The things you are involved with are an elaborate illusion, in my opinion.

(notice how I stuck in my opinion, you'd be surprised how people put it in interviews and conversations and others totally miss it.)

I have no t.v. I learn what's going on in this world, online. The emotional draw of people and their energies does not transfer in writing as well as visualizing people, crying, emotions, and a chaotic situation behind the scenes.

Olympics is specific. The security, the security flaw, the soul-die-rs sent to protect the space, the mass arrest of people sitting in front of their t.v.s waiting on the event...the event of the opening ceremony, or any other event.

If thy right eye offend thee, cut it out, kind of thing, but they are sitting there and exposing with pure intent their right eye to something that may truly offend thee, yet there won't be any cutting it out. That vision will anchor in the brain and repeat over and over like some accidents have played over and over in people's heads.

Grabbing guns, and anchoring yourself to this density with intent to destroy another (who you either don't know who they are, and you should by now; or you don't care and well, no need for you to go to 5D or anywhere else until you do care, ie. unconditional love)

Peace be with you, in whatever form you need it for your soul

Anonymous said...

When the U.N. gun control goes into effect the night mare begins!!!!!!!!!!
That's starting TODAY!!!!

Anonymous said...

The word "IMMINENT" was first used in 2008.

siriusvoid said...

We could call it adaptation, or harmonised 'entrainment'... The truth is we are cajoled and coerced from the earliest times with the 'carrots and sticks', of behaviorist techniques. They are used mercilessly to 'guide' us on our path, from cradle to grave. I'm sure everyone here means well, but free will is routinely circumscribed. Everyone here urgently, selfishly insisting on having our way... All have fallen victim and all have perpetrated these so often well intended crimes.
That is the human dilemma... Sacred self will.. Freedom and autonomy - for all. Faith/Oneness with GOD.
We have all had trauma inflicted upon us... Yes we have been victimized and traumatised to varying degrees, and our gross and subtle bodies bear the scars of these events. These experiences often remain as 'open wounds'... They are behavior modifying events.
Recurrent memories of pain and promises of pleasure obscure our reality. For so many, the echo-chamber of PTSD and it's attendent misery yield horrible karmic fruit. The pain driven search for pleasure somewhere outside ourselves, is a part of that.
We reject GOD constantly, because sanity/integrity, and true will/pure intent have been grievously violated. - Worse.. We perpetuate the schism between ourselves and GOD every waking moment. Yielding, and succumbing to soulless, robotic programming. Such helpless, lifeless clones we have become!

Anonymous said...

The mass arrests will continue to be postponed so long as people incorporate anger and not love into their daily lives. Know that all of creation happens in a single instant.


Ram said...

"•August and September... months of much background activity... remain patient and calm"

that don't meen to do nothing - let's send this message out
"Is it already too late? Excellent letter"
+ get others to wake up