Monday, August 27, 2012

Big Oops! Harvard Law Review did not cleanse its 1991 yearbook

Big Oops! Harvard Law Review did not cleanse its 1991 yearbook

Why wasn't this printed in news papers and reported on TV in 2008?


Anonymous said...

Media is democratic and they didn't want the people to know. The media, along with the democrats, are the biggest liars and cheats this country has ever known. Our country has become a hot bed for dishonesty and cruelty, especially towards the good people of America who made this country great but now it is in jeopardy.

Anonymous said...

Every news org should have this as front page news!!!!

Anonymous said...

aww now come on - the media, Dems AND repubs are the biggest liars and cheats. The only way to speak up is voting 3rd party or write-in. If this divides the vote then more people should have stepped out of line and voted 3rd party.

Anonymous said...

This story was broken by Andrew Breitbart on 5/17/12 - I never saw it before this - thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

So I assume you are an obama supporter? Voting third party is a vote for obama, and anyone with any amount of intelligence knows that!

Aidan Walsh Not Anonymous... said...

No big deal where he was born even if he was not an American born National makes absolutely no difference he is nothing but a puppet working on the orders of the Elite Illuminati and votes do not count anyways because these puppets are elected before any fraud useless polling stations open anyways...'WAKE UP PEOPLE ITS ALL AN ILLUMINATI COMPLETE CONTROLLED SHAM' Thought you people were more intelligent than this...Smell the roses give your heads a good shake...

JulyJeanie said...

The GREED and the LUST for POWER, that men who have high ranking positions in Govt. and Military will be the death of mankind yet!! They are just one Nuclear bomb away from destroying human life and this Earth we live on!! Ugh!!