Sunday, September 2, 2012

Europa, the harlot that rides the Islamic beast

Dear brothers,

Remember the Harlot that rides the beast in the Book of Revelation? 

The name "Europe" deciphers that prophecy: Europa is a pagan goddess from the island Crete that rides a beast in ancient Greek mythology. This pagan beast riding goddess supposedly founded Europe according to the myth. The Europa myth is part complex masonic myth that started with the Elohim landing in Mt. Hermon Northern Israel, and progressed to a complex relationship between masonic portal lay lines on the 33rd degree, the Pyramids and ancient advanced civilizations, and portal lay line energies that the masons manipulate in their rituals with the help satan and his fallen angels, in order to bring the end times in.

The harlot in Revelation IS Europe, Rome. The Beast is ISLAM. And what exactly is the beast? The Antichrist Mahdi, the ascended masters, aliens, the Antipope and false prophet and soldiers who will control the 7 hills of Rome, Mystery Babylon, which controls the world.

What will the Mahdi do? He will introduce a new religion, a new one world form of Islamic/Jewish religion with the help of the ascended masters.

Who will clap for this false messiah? The Jews, Muslims, and pagans. Who will suffer? Catholics and Christians.

The UN symbol is a woman riding a bull.


Anonymous said...

Matthew 7:14; How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!

My brothers and sisters, do not be deceived in by the blasphemous doctrines and signs and wonders of Satan and his representatives. To the death, hold on to the narrow gate of the Gospel and Sacrifice of God Christ Jesus, and you will be Granted Heaven. As simple as it sounds, it takes a real man to stay with Christ for life, and to fight the temptations of the world and the lies of Satan. Catholicism/Christianity isn't for sissies.

Anonymous said...

Um, the UN Symbol is an azimuthal projection of the world wreathed by olive branches, not a woman on a bull. Now and then some country in Europe will release a limited edition stamp or coin or something featuring the bull artwork. That isn't a secret Biblical code; it has to do with the legend of Europa, after whom Europe is named. You pointed out that etymology yourself in the above post.

Anyways, the Greek myth of Europa precedes the Book of Revelation by hundreds of years, and precedes Freemasonry (perhaps I'm misunderstanding a sentence here, but it seems like this post is trying to state that the Freemasons created the myth as part of some elaborate plan?) by much, much, much longer. I think the connections you're drawing here are tenuous at best.

One final point. This isn't meant as a 'gotcha' but I think it needs to be asked: if the aliens, ascended masters and other 'false prophets' (New Age gurus and channelers?) are the bad guys trying to deceive us all, then why does this blog publish so much New Age and channeled material and why is it titled after NESARA?

Anonymous said...

asi es como piensan instaurar la paz en el mundo? """"""europa una ramera que cabalga la bestia hislamica?""""QUE ESPRESION DE PAZ ES ESTA ? la verdad no me sorprende despues de vivir 16 años en USA ya he tenido tiempo de ver como se las gastan ustedes viven del sacrificio del resto del mundo de la sangre de los inocentes que derraman como si tobiesen derecho sobre la vida de las personas pobres """por otro lado pobreza que probocan ustedes para mantener su nivel de vida en ameriac los que trabajan son los emigrates el americano medio esta """la gran mayoria abotargado por los """vicios""""todos en general y no renuncian a esa vida ellos saben que necesitan un genocidio para mantenerlos y van a por el sin escrupulos ni remordimientos de conciencia por otro lada la gran mayoria son unos ignorantes que tienen la desfachatez de salir de la escuela siendo semianalfabetos piensan que si saben donde queda wachinton ya saben todo cuanto tienen que saber y asi los lanzan al mundo siendo carne de cañon para mantener la rapiña del mundo con que derecho llaman a europa la ramera que cabalga la bestia? en europa respectamos todas las religiones y aun tendriamos que respectarlas mas estoy hablando de RELIGIONES no de sectas como el cucusclan y las satanicas en fin si queremos paz mundial tendriamos que dejarnos de sembrar suspicacias y moderar el lenguaje en todas las naciones tenemos sarna que rascar pero america por su politica la que mas sino estudien un poquito a fondo su historia antes de insultar a nadie a parte de todo esto a que tanta religion se comportan ustedes como los musulmanes dejense de religion y denle al hombre lo que es del hombre y a dios lo que es de dios lo que esta ocurriendo se lo estan haciendo al ser humano con dios no tienen los suficientes """redaños""" si no tambien se lo harian sin ningun remordimiento de conciencia de eso no tengo la menor duda escrupulos cero sino no se atreverian con su madre que es lo que es europa la madre de lOS FUNDADORES DE LA PATRIA si a su madre la llaman asi pues apaga y bamonos esto no tiene solucion solo faltaria que nos dejasemos difamar como dice un refran encima de cornudos apaleados.