Thursday, June 26, 2014

TD's Intellectual Exchange With Sandbox Friends

TD's Intellectual Exchange With Sandbox Friends

Post From Dinar Daily:  The Dinar : "Commemorative Money" ?? By TD  

Hey Ponee & gang;   Today i had a intellectual exchange with my friend over in the sandbox and thought i'd share some info :

Maliki emphatically states today that he will "follow the democratic process" and form a government. he "claims' his party has majority and will not heed the advice of the Obama doctrine : "be inclusive and play nicely with all the kids".

Maliki now seems to think of himself as "the Commander in chief" of all shiite's. The only way Maliki will go is if his own party topples him or he loses support from Iran.
  ISIS is "digging in", consolidating areas of control and vows to be a permanent presence to Sunnis and to fight Shiite's.

The Kurds are (quietly very happy) about how this is unfolding. They see no immediate compromise among factions. They took advantage of the situation and grabbed Kirkuk. They are on their own plans of independent state & identity. They will sit back, let the Shiite's -Sunni's massacre each other and let them divide up the rest of Iraq.

I'm told that "all recent events' are attributed to Maliki "stealing away elections" AGAIN ! and each faction did have measures of action it wanted to pursue if that occurred. And now here we are in a real mess !

All of us as dinarians knew of the volatility of that part of the world and surely Iraq with it's clear history of division BUT I would say almost none of us could have predicted the huge fallback Iraq has recently been through.

So it begs the question ? How/What about the dinar ?

BTW, I asked my friend for clarification of recent comments by Turki and the CBI. He indicates that much seems to be lost in translation and that the Governor was simply trying to assure "existing business interests and nations" of the CBI's continued efforts to keep monetary policy as stable as possible under the political pressures.

 Much concern raised by these "existing business partners" was ISIS looting more money, funds, etc. Turki was trying to assure people of Iraq's vast wealth "held outside Iraq".

Well, back to the dinar. Let's take a vote ? How many of you project (ultimately) a 3 state Federation as the political solution of this existing crisis ? And if so, wouldn't that make our existing dinars "obsolete" and in the end just "commemorative money " ??

How many of you believe someone will emerge, unify the country and ultimately the newly functioning government leads to prosperity and an ever increasing value of the dinar ?

How many of you think a different outcome is more likely ?

KevinD ; you wrote about not long ago about current Kurdistan and it's possible great future, economically and possibly as it's own state. Kevin, by adding kirkuk it potentially becomes the 6th largest world exporter. If in fact that occurs then I would propose we invest into the Kurds currency, if & when it appears.

Newsflash : I'm told that after today's news announcement by Maliki, you'll see a lot more articles directly from "Kurdistan" as they have begun to initiate plans for separation .

They will now communicate with the news media and countries & companies as an independent identity. It is even "very possible", (I'm told) of their own currency by 2015.

Well back to the 3,545,457th RV call from one of the GOOOROOOS !!

I'm sure he or she is right this time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     Best Regards,  TD


Anonymous said...

Only the elite where to make big bucks on this, not the people. That's why they cashed out already. I pray that the people will be allowed to exchange. I did not invest because of all the dis info and then seeing OB want s to make money off it by taxing as well. Good luck to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Good Comment