Friday, February 19, 2016

Sniper Has Been Picking Off ISIS Leaders

Mysterious  Sniper  Has  Been  Picking  Off  ISIS  Leaders  in  Libya


Since their rise to power in the Middle East, ISIS has developed a reputation for attracting fearless and brutal fanatics. However, that fearlessness has been called into question over the past month.

Since January, ISIS fighters in Libya have been living in terror after several of their leaders were picked off by an unnamed sniper in the city of Sirte.

One Sudanese Sharia court official was killed on January 13th, while another leader was shot dead near his home in Sirte.

A high-ranking ISIS commander was killed as he stepped out of a mosque on January 23rd.

After each death, ISIS fighters fired their guns randomly in the air to scare the inhabitants of Sirte, as they searched the city for the marksman.

A witness to one of the incidents admitted that “a state of terror prevailed among the top ranks of the Isil ranks after his death."

The sniper seems to have disappeared since January, though it’s difficult to know for sure since very little news escapes the city of Sirte.  In any case, that hasn’t stopped the locals from speculating about him (or her?).

The residents of Sirte, many of who are tired of living under the tyranny of ISIS, have since dubbed the man the “Daesh Hunter.’ Some have theorized that he is a locally trained marksman, while others believe he may be a member of the US military. Whatever he is, the sniper has become something of a folk hero among the locals of Sirte. 

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Contributed by Joshua Krause of The Daily Sheeple.
Joshua Krause is a reporter, writer and researcher at The Daily Sheeple. He was born and raised in the Bay Area and is a freelance writer and author. You can follow Joshua’s reports at Facebook or on his personal Twitter. Joshua’s website is Strange Danger


Anonymous said...

Why don't he come over here? Before all of our sisters and brothers can come together in peace,there are demonic beings whom have caused inhumane suffering-that need sent to their maker.

Anonymous said...

when finish with isis assholes,that sniper should come in the US and take out a few rats at the top!

marie said...

ANON 1:09, I was just going to say the same thing before I saw your comments. As I have said in the past ALL EVIL TYRANTS even the creepier entities have to rest sometime and they all have an address on top of the soil or under the soil............SOMEWHERE.

Anonymous said...

Exactly - most likely what was implied on the bottom of the post. There are more than enough 'snipers' in the US as well as excellent hunters who could do this here - when the unlawful 'law' does NOT do what is right - defending the people, their rights, etc. - then the people have the right to defend themselves which means find ways to get the 'problems' successfully resolved - many of these 'problems' can not be resolved any other way - allot of us would be supportive of guerilla activities in the US - that will be the manner in which the war will be fought

Anonymous said...

a perfect time for the "are you next?" campaign to start! Drake. They know they have done wrong, they- know who they are..and yes they should expect it.

Karl H. Goesele said...

Get educated who the KM traces to, then you learn who our Principal Enemies are on this PLANET EARTH, who are inside and outside to take over our Planet and exterminate our people. This ilk has already stolen 2/3 of our Land and what is in the ground.Their main Objective is to steal our soul In case you have missed it so far, get educated. Keep sharing what you know with the the people of this world: Thank you !!! Karl Goesele