Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Snow in the SAHARA: Desert sees snow for the FIRST time in 37 years

Link: http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/745567/Snow-Sahara-Desert-first-time-37-years-Algeria

Amateur photographer Karim Bouchetata took incredible pictures of snow covering the sand in the small Saharan desert town of Ain Sefra, Algeria, yesterday afternoon.
He captured the amazing moment snow fell on the red sand dunes in the world's largest hot desert for the first time in 37 years.
Snow was last seen in Ain Sefra on February 18, 1979, when the snow storm lasted just half an hour.
The Sahara desert sands with snow
The Sahara is expected to be green in 15,000 years

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The Sahara Desert covers most of Northern Africa 
The Sahara Desert covers most of Northern Africa

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Everyone was stunned to see snow falling in the dessert
Karim Bouchetata
This time the snow stayed for a day in the town, which is around 1000 metres above sea level and surrounded by the Atlas Mountains.
Karim said: "Everyone was stunned to see snow falling in the dessert, it is such a rare occurrence.
"It looked amazing as the snow settled on the sand and made a great set of photos.
Two Saharan monuments 
This was the first snow in the Sahara since 1979

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Snow falls on the Sahara desert 
Snow falls on the Sahara desert

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Snow on Sahara sand dunes 
The small town of Ain Sefra is surrounded by the Atlas mountains

ed for about a day and has now melted away."
The Sahara Desert covers most of Northern Africa and it has gone through shifts in temperature and moisture over the past few hundred thousand years.
Although the Sahara is very dry today, it is expected to become green again in about 15000 years.


Anonymous said...

I think they call that global warming. Got a lot of that going on around here too.

Slaveman said...

12:47,... +10.

Anonymous said...

Nah. Not global warming. . . just the regular scheme of things in nature. If it is that the globe is getting warmer, how come actual, real climate data shows that the earth has actually been . . .cooling. . . over the last decades? Maybe not where you live, but overall. . .
I used to buy into the whole global warming thing until I actually grew a brain and realized that it was a bunch of hooey to find ways to control us by making more liberties illegal.
Consider this. Find a globe. Any globe, such as one that is used in a classroom setting in any public school. Oh, I'm sorry, they don't use those anymore. . . Rememeber the earth is flat so those don't accurately depict the way the earth really looks. . . (I don't believe that hooey, either.) So, get your globe. Now take a postage stamp and cut it in half. Now, cut one of the halves in half again, making a one-quarter-sized piece of paper. Now, find a spot on the globe that looks like it needs a factory. Lick that little piece of stamp and stick in on there. Not very big, by comparison, eh? You could take the entire whole of factories on the entire planet, as well as all of the parking lots, highways and everything and place them all on the space that that piece of stamp takes up. So, are we causing global warming? No way in heqq!