Opens 3 Criminal Investigations
into the Clinton Crime Network
Alex Jones
This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history! 62 MILLION VIEWS PER MONTH Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
Man the day this creature goes to prison party at my house!!!! I cant fathom how this c word has made it this far...
OR, Alex Jones- He is one of the NWO patsies- Don't listen to, or believe anything this derelict says- It is all misinfo, and that is what apparently what the elite pay him for-Take him with a grain of salt the size of an 'EDSEL'-He is another one that will eventually find his way to GITMO, if we could be so lucky-
You again DSL and Anon 11:56 AM - In recent years I have found that those who are on the front lines trying to educate and inform the dumbed down American populace are the ones to be continually viciously attacked - by of all things - the ignorant, the shills and the trolls. Think about it. Don't know how you come up with your conclusions, but thank g-d we all can make up our own minds and some much better than others. How well informed are you? And who/what are your INTEL contacts? Do you pray and seek the counsel of the Lord God Almighty? Your opinions don't even begin to provide evidence that you do.
12:10 p.m.- It doesn't matter what I think, because, others seem to have it all worked out, and YES, I do make up my own mind, and this is what I'm seeing with Jones- Not trying to sway one way or the other, just my honest opinion- Alot of what Jones has mentioned or said has never come true- Why am I being chastised for my own thoughts and beliefs? Sorry I mentioned ANYTHING about it-At the very least, I am honest- Isn't this site for those of us that want to voice OUR opinion, or did I miss a memo someplace? Sorry- It won't happen again-
Do you know Jones personally? Do you have inside - REAL intel - or a REAL relationship with Jones upon which to base your opinion? Or do you form your opinions based upon what you read or on the opinions of others? Think what you will. Doesn't matter really. He does his job - that's all that counts. He is the only one to answer for himself - good or bad. Is that not true for each one of us? Then why do certain people continually bash and accuse others, especially within the 'patriot' movement, who are doing what they can to inform us and to advance freedom in our nation? Don't we each have enough of our own issues to get satisfactorily resolved without making time to interfere in the lives - and jobs - of others??
You want absolute proof Jones is a Zionist shill? Ask him to report o the Zionist infiltration of our government, or ask him to report on the Zionist complicity in 911 and see what happens.
Those of us with intelligence know that Jones is a tool as the cabal must inform the people of what they are doing and Jones is their mouth piece.
Thank you, Freewill, NOW, let someone try to tell you that Jones is a saint......Some of the people on here, I swear....IF they knew a 1/4 of what a lot of people do, they'd be a genius-I'll no longer post anything else here, because some people think they know it all, and it really annoys those of us that DO have a clue- Enjoy, everyone- Freewill, Please give Olive Oyl, and Popeye my best, and thank you for allowing me to voice my opinion, even though some people think my opinion wasn't worth a damn-Take care, and thank you again- Terry and Jody
I have phoned in to Jones's show many times. Jones will not let me talk about the resettlement of the county and state assemblies. Jones does not allow solutions to be talked about.
Alex Jones is NO different Then Kim Clements that Die about a Year or so ago-A LAIR & FALSE Prophet!! That HELL awaits for Their SOULS!!!!-Their "god" is Money & LIES!!
F: Being allowed to speak depends upon WHO YOU ARE, a background check, and being PROVED to be a creditable source. All the checking out procedure supports Jones efforts and goals to provide solid creditable intel sources. You don't get on 'just because'. Don't waste your time. Nuff said.
F: 'intelligence'? Oh yeah? That's a great laugh! You don't have a frick'n clue what you're talking about F. You present yourself as creditable, but anyone with true sources and experience in the 'field' can see right through you dude. Hopefully your rants will teach others what to look for. Unfortunately too many listen to you, and that is to their detriment. Wisdom is the key. People - GET WISDOM and BE CAREFUL WHO YOU ARE LISTENING TO!!!!!! Proverbs 4:7
Ladies and gentlemen, what we have here is a perfect example of a troll that has skills with lip service! Even his handle here acknowledges his audacity.
Once upon a time back in October 2011 I was on Jonse's show. A listener from the Michigan Assembly heard me talking about going on ballot for my county in Michigan creating a new judgeship. I was going on ballot as a common law judge. Really freaked out the court system when I did it. I stopped short of submitting petitions for ballot placement when the listener contacted me through a website I named on Jones's show and from that point on it was all about the assemblies. So I fail to see a waste of time as you stated talkshowprow. By the way, that is an interesting nic you are using. Derogatory comes to mind.
Alex Jones is one of the original online patriots IMO. I respect the rights of Freewill to disagree but im not going to be d-bag about it. TALKSHOWPRO show some respect please!!! Sure Alex is all about income but his reporters kick ass when it comes to exposing the deep state... Sure he wont talk about the neanderthals get over that, and he puts out some good info. Hes also made some amazing videos on obama and the nwo...
I listen to Alex Jones almost every day. I even listen to him on my Kenwood TS-850 ham radio at 4.840.00 khz. I like Alex and his reporters. I just made a point that he is also a tool to the elite. That doesn't mean he is bad.
Freewill I dont see how Alex can be a tool used for the deep state? He exposes them all day long............................. Yout dont have to pay for access to Prison Planet.
The elite must inform the people of what they are doing to them. That is international law of giving notice. The elite gets busted and held for trial, all they need to say is the people knew what they were doing and never properly rebutted it. The elite will tell the jury that they released the information to Alex Jones through a play book that Alex has claimed many times that he has. Most people do not comprehend this.
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