Friday, January 19, 2018

What Really Just Happened Over Michigan?


just some dude with dsl said...

Star Wars///

Anonymous said...

How about another 'UFO' attempting to take off from the planet with a load of cabal 'escapees' but not being allowed to leave - so struck down by off planet or US 'star wars' technology? The 'meteor' and people at the site collecting pieces of the meteor was a cover story. Most Americans have no clue what is going on and so would not want to put the truth out there because they wouldn't believe it anyway, so report what they WILL believe and be done with it. Isn't the word 'anonymous' great? Can give out the truth and do it without your identity.

just some dude with dsl said...

Hold your fire, no life signs aboard,,,

just some dude with dsl said...

Anon 11:09 I agree with you. There are cosmic forces that cant spiritually wait any longer for Earth, to, on Its own move into the next stage,,, So your gonna see some shit go down very soon...