Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The politicians call Social Security and entitlement; read on and get mad.

This was sent to me, I am forwarding it because it does touch a nerve in me..

This is another example of what Rick Perry called
"TREASON in high places" !!!

Get angry and pass this on!

Remember, not only did you contribute to Social Security but your employer did too. It totaled 15% of your income before taxes. If you averaged only $30K over your working life, that's close to $220,500.

If you calculate the future value of $4,500 per year (yours & your employer's contribution) at a simple 5% (less than what the govt. pays on the money that it borrows), after 49 years of working you'd have $892,919.98.

If you took out only 3% per year, you'd receive $26,787.60 per year and it would last better than 30 years (until you're 95 if you retire at age 65) and that's with no interest paid on that final amount on deposit! If you bought an annuity and it paid 4% per year, you'd have a lifetime income of $2,976.40 per month.

The folks in Washington have pulled off a bigger Ponzi scheme than Bernie Madhoff ever had.

Entitlement my ass, I paid cash for my social security insurance!!!! Just because they borrowed the money, doesn't make my benefits some kind of charity or handout!!

Congressional benefits ---- free healthcare, outrageous retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, three weeks paid vacation, unlimited paid sick days, now that's welfare, and they have the nerve to call my social security retirement entitlements?

We're "broke" and can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless

In the last months we have provided aid to Haiti , Chile , and Turkey . And now Pakistan ......home of bin Laden. Literally, BILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!

Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' receive no aid nor do they get any breaks while our government and religious organizations pour Hundreds of Billions of $$$$$$'s and Tons of Food to Foreign Countries!

They call Social Security and Medicare an entitlement even though most of us have been paying for it all our working lives and now when it is time for us to collect, the government is running out of money. Why did the government borrow from it in the first place? Imagine if the *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US' the same support they give to other countries.

Sad isn't it?

99% of people won't have the guts to forward this.

I'm one of the 1% -- I Just Did.

Tim Turner & Kelby Smith - Where are they?

I have received many, many inquiries and need to ask -----

What happened to Tim Turner and Kelby Smith?

Rumors are saying he has been arrested and isolated. Others say he is our new Republic President. 

Does anyone know for sure.





--From a teacher in the Nashville area
"We are worried about 'the cow' when it is all about the 'Ice Cream.'

The most eye-opening civics lesson I ever had was while teaching third grade this year...

The presidential election was heating up and some of the children showed an interest.
I decided we would have an election for a class president.

We would choose our nominees.. They would make a campaign speech and the class would vote.
To simplify the process, candidates were nominated by other class members.

We discussed what kinds of characteristics these students should have.

We got many nominations and from those, Jamie and Olivia were picked to run for the top spot.

The class had done a great job in their selections. Both candidates were good kids.

I thought Jamie might have an advantage because he got lots of parental support.

I had never seen Olivia's mother.

The day arrived when they were to make their speeches.

Jamie went first.

He had specific ideas about how to make our class a better
Place. He ended by promising to do his very best.

Everyone applauded and he sat down.
Now is was Olivia's turn to speak.

Her speech was concise.She said, "If you will vote for me, I will give you ice cream."She sat down.

The class went wild. "Yes! Yes!We want ice cream."

She surely would say more. She did not have to.

A discussion followed. How did she plan to pay for the ice cream? She wasn't sure. But no one pursued that question. They took her at her word.

Would her parents buy it or would the class pay for it...She didn't know.

The class really didn't care. All they were thinking about was ice cream...

Jamie was forgotten.. Olivia won by a landslide.

Every time Barack Obama opened his mouth he offered ice cream and 51.4 % of the people reacted like nine year olds.
They want ice cream.

The other 48.6% percent know they're going to have to feed the cow and clean up the mess."

This is the ice cream Obama promised us!

Remember, the government cannot give anything to anyone that they have not first taken away from someone else.

Did you vote for the ice cream?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Getting Calls from Debt Collectors?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Getting Calls from Debt Collectors? Your chance to turn those calls into money in your pocket.
Posted By: TheMelinda
Date: Monday, 19-Sep-2011 17:02:18
Rumor Mill News
Tuesdays, at The Micro Effect
11am - 2pm Pacific Time ~ Noon - 3pm Mountain Time ~1pm - 3pm Central Time ~ 2pm - 5pm Eastern Time

Recapturing your own, personal power in the theme of our show today. Listen as our guests show you how to do it and learn from the ongoing campaign to force accountability on the Family Law Courts.

Reclaim Your Power and generate hard cash - Learn how to make thousands of dollars by holding debt collectors to the law. Millions of Americans today are falling into the hands of third party debt collection agencies whose ruthless standard practices violate the law. Thanks to our guest, Jesse Tacoronte, instead of a stab of fear when the phone rings or the mailman delivers thousands of people are grabbing the phone, recorder and pen in hand and viewing those ugly collection letters as manna from heaven. Meet Jesse and discover an unexpected source for income and to recapture your own power. Find Jesse's site at What Lies In Your Debt.

Guest - Jesse

Understand the Corruption of the courts: The Genocide Treaty - Two cases, Julia's, a practicing Orthodox Jew and our second guest in the third hour. Charles Lincoln, a disbarred attorney who learned the hard way how corrupt the courts in Texas truly are is now taking on human rights and family law with the Genocide Treaty.Judicial Accounting
\ Guests - Charles Edward Lincoln, III and Julia Gelb
Slavery surfaces in a new form - Lincoln freed the slaves? Not in Orange County, California

Guests - Charles Edward Lincoln, III and Kim Miller

Fulford 9-19-11 - Dark Cabal network being dismantled


Benjamin Fulford, 9-19-11…”the Cabal’s illegal control network is [being] dismantled”

Okay, that’s not Ben’s title, which is “Obama authorizes stationing of Japanese troops on US soil”. But that phrase in this blog’s title was the “+” part to me.
So, this week’s weekly Ben starts out with that magic word, “Obama”, stirrer of some people’s emotions, like “What the heck is he doing THAT for?” Honestly, I don’t know, and actually I am not on a “want to know” basis. Ben states that it is to “defend Japanese corporate interests”. May have something to do with udon and sushi (“Protect the uni!” (that’s sea urchin)).
Although there are some strong references as to what is being done worldwide, and although what Obama’s precise role and intent here is unknown, Ben presents more indications that the cabal is still coming apart at the seams.
One more thing, the email that I posted in this earlier article was, according to Ben a “disinformation report”. As always, use discernment of the Higher variety.
Some of this information was presented in David Wilcock’s Ben interview article, and the mp3 of the interview.
  • …Japanese soldiers to be stationed on US soil, according to a Japanese military intelligence agent…move was made in anticipation of severe rioting and turmoil in the US over the coming months, he said.
  • …87 nations have now agreed to participate in the launch of the new financial system…
  • There were disinformation reports out that a European financial meeting this last weekend was a follow-up to the Monaco meeting. This is not true…[it was] members of the old cabal… trying to somehow keep their fiat currencies from imploding.
  • …there have been serious developments in the move towards a new financial system. Soon all financial trading programs or “platforms” will the shut down for an indeterminate period of time.
  • The main Japanese gangs… have been offered an opportunity to formally take on their now informal rule as Japanese intelligence operatives.
  • One of the most treasonous agencies in Japan is the Mitsubishi banking group. This bank is going to be broken up and liquidated once the new financial system starts, according to Japanese military intelligence.
  • White Dragon Society member Neil Keenan is the nephew of both Tokyo war crimes Prosecutor Joseph Keenan and General MacArthur aide General George Keenan… Keenan is seen as a hero amongst the Japanese nationalists.
  • Research into the Keenan fund has also revealed more of the hidden history of World War two.
  • Much…confiscated gold remains in tunnels near the city of Matsumoto, Japan as well as in the Philippines and other parts of Asia. It has yet to be returned to its rightful owners.
  • Fortunately, however, we are hearing the Paraguayan and South American land bought by the Bushes and other cabal members with stolen gold will be confiscated. Their illegal Australian investments will also be liquidated and the funds will be returned to the Australian people.
  • Similar moves are expected worldwide as the cabal’s illegal control network is dismantled.

Bush’s Toronto Visit Cancelled Amid Mass Public Pressure for Arrest

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Bush’s Toronto Visit Cancelled Amid Mass Public Pressure for Arrest
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 19-Sep-2011 12:43:49
Canadians Hit Reject Button on G.W. Bush Visit
Truth About Internationally Disgraced U.S. President Hidden from American Public
This weeks appearance by former U.S. president George W. Bush at an event hosted by a local evangelical Christian university has been cancelled while the mainstream U.S. Media ignores the international embarrassment.
The decision came Wednesday, the same day three former students launched a petition urging the university to cancel the speech. On Tuesday, a class valedictorian and professor publicly spoke out against the appearance following the resignation of another staff member.
Bush was scheduled to speak Sept. 20 to about 150 people at an invitation-only breakfast hosted by Tyndale University College and Seminary, home to about 1,400 students at two campuses in Toronto’s north end.
Tyndale supporter Prem Watsa, chief executive of Fairfax Financial Holdings and sometimes referred to as “Canada’s Warren Buffett,” was sponsoring the event, which the administration said was intended to raise the university’s profile. Watsa did not respond to requests for comment.
Read more: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/17/bush-toronto-cancelled/

My people, it is time to stand.


September 19, 2011
My people, it is time to stand. It is time to choose this day whom you will serve. There are  only two choices. One brings you freedom and peace. The other brings you hardship and damnation. With one there is security and safety. With the other there is fear and anxiety.    You can trust in one; and with the other, every day is questionable.

You decide. You decide what the risks are and whether to take them or not. One leads to eternal life. The other leads to a fire that never goes out so there is never a chance for escape. You choose. One leads to beauty, joy, and love. The other leads to pain, torture and doom.

You choose. There is not much time left. Believe the truth or believe the lies of Satan. You must make up your minds now -- I AM waiting. Waiting to set a feast before you; waiting to restore you to royalty; waiting to shower you with gifts and love. I AM waiting!

Our Future Perhaps?

 Our Future Perhaps?

This is very well done and hits pretty close to home as to how this needs to unfold. It would be nice if people started to wake up like this all around the world.

Washington - President Obama, U.S. congressmen and their aides held an emergency four hour-long meeting Wednesday to decide what action to take to stem a sudden and unprecedented mass enlightenment of the US population that threatens to destabilize the Government and create a fiscal crisis.

Millions of citizens jubilantly celebrated their new awareness as they suddenly realized they have been lied to all their lives on just about everything by their psychopathic, conscienceless leaders of major corporations, government and security agencies.

Residents in all major cities across the United States awoke Wednesday morning complaining that they were experiencing an inexplicable mental clarity that was causing them to realize the way they were about to spend their day was utterly pointless, a potential health threat and would only add energy and finances to a powerful wealthy elite that had been ruling their lives since as long as they could remember.

Congress was thrown into chaos when a majority of staff decided to simply stop showing up for work until their bosses resign; in a move of solidarity, energy companies turned off the power to government buildings and military bases, while water companies shut down their water supply; repair people refused to carry out repairs for the politically well-connected and television network staff refused to report the lies they are routinely ordered to tell by their editors.

One Chicago resident's report was consistent with many similar accounts coming in from across the country. Joe, 42 told us how he had become aware of the diversionary, divide and conquer machinations of the psychopathic oligarchs, especially in relation to abortion, health care, immigration, global warming, peak oil, 9/11, fake terrorism, both current wars and past wars, 'necessary police actions', empire building and resource plundering, left vs right, evolution vs creationism, fundamentalists vs everybody else!

"Wow! I sort of felt things weren't right but to suddenly be able to see the true nature of all the lies we've been bombarded with by media and Big Government is just mind-boggling," Joe exclaimed.

"The public seems to have finally understood that they're so sick and going bankrupt because of the FDA/AMA medical mafia and Big Pharma's Gestapo death grip over absolutely everything! I've noticed how food companies, Monsanto and Big Pharma's share prices have exploded over the past few years," said Joe. "I can see it's because they have bought Congress and have a complete monopoly over our food supply, health and non-existent consideration for others' well-being."

Reports are flooding in of people deciding to buy or trade for goods with hand crafters in their own region instead of shopping at Wal-Mart. Rather than buying GMO foods at the supermarket chain stores, they've formed co-ops with their neighbors, bought fresh food in bulk and are getting together to can foods, smoke meats and pickle vegetables - followed by a barbecue. Feeling so connected and enthused by that, ordinary people across the nation are organizing all kinds of meetings to learn all the old skills that their grandparents knew that made them independent.

People are leaving the cities in droves and, en masse, have established themselves on previously restricted government land. This resulted in a veritable frenzy of house-building and barn raising parties followed, once again, by barbecues where home-made pickles were enjoyed by all.

The reasons for the mass-awakening are as yet unclear. One possible explanation has been given by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency where officials have discovered that the normally high levels of fluoride added to the nation's drinking water were "accidentally omitted." It's suspected that workers at water plants are responsible. Government Health officials have advised all citizens to carry on working as normal, eat lots of fast-food and stay glued to their TV sets in the hope that any thoughts generated in people by seeing the reality of the situation will be pacified by toxins, apathy and a return to the steady atrophy of their brains.

Citizens have been urged by the Obama administration to report anyone they witness behaving in a non-consumer-capitalist manner to Homeland Security who, with the help of FEMA, will permanently detain anyone found more than 5 meters from a Television screen.

Real Time Nazis With Their Finger In Every Pie

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Real Time Nazis With Their Finger In Every Pie
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 19-Sep-2011 11:49:23
The world of the insane international power brokers is governed by a select few.
The blatant absurdity is they are allowed to walk free anywhere on the face of the planet.
Yes, they are all Nazis - those who wish to implement the 'Fourth Reich' on planet Earth.
Whether or not you personally believe these individuals are all working for the same cause - world domination - matters not.
The simple fact remains; if these individuals are not stripped of their wealth , power, influence, and their false-front of legitimacy, they will succeed - and their world is NOT one in which you want to live.
If you wish for a world free of war, famine, and destruction - you will do everything in your power to see these international criminals brought to justice.
Maurice Strong

Zbginiew Brzezinski

"Dick" Cheney

Alan Greenspan

Ben Berna(n)ke

Benjamin Netanyahu

David Rockefeller

George Soros

George H W Bush Sr

Henry "Heinz" Kissinger

Joe Ratzinger

Joseph Ackerman

Nicoleon Sarkozy

Charles Philip Arthur George

Elizabeth Windsor


US-led BlackOps syndicate which organised 9/11 attacks used $2.3 trillion "lost" from Pentagon accounts to fund Blackwater/Xe private army.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Alcuin Bramerton Twitter .. WikiLeaks Master Mirror Sites .. #1ab archive
Alcuin Bramerton profile ..... Index of blog contents ..... Home .....#1ab

US-led BlackOps syndicate which organised 9/11 attacks used $2.3 trillion "lost" from Pentagon accounts to fund Blackwater/Xe private army. Now the syndicate is isolated and running out of money to pay its goons.
On Monday 10th September 2001, the US Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, a Western Cabal protégé of Frank Carlucci, went on US mainstream television to announce that £2.3 trillion was unaccounted for in Pentagon military transactions (video here).

It has emerged that these monies were used, covertly, for seed-corn funding of the Blackwater/Xe private army of "defense contractors". This was intended to be an unaccountable, extra-governmental, élite SS-style corps which could bully the regular US military.

Events around, and following, the Monaco Colloquium of late August 2011 indicate that the 9/11 syndicate has now been isolated, and is running out of funds to pay for its private army personnel and bases worldwide.

Message from Montague Keen September 18, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen September 18, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 19-Sep-2011 01:47:28

Message from Montague Keen September 18, 2011
Greetings, my dear. This has been a week when you have seen information released that you never expected to see in your lifetime. Those people who professed to be of the Light while collaborating with the Dark Entities to gain control of humanity, have been exposed. They have nowhere to hide. They now feel the hand of justice on their shoulder; they will answer for their crimes. Their removal from the scene will take a little longer but it will happen, as sure as night follows day. Their crimes against innocent children are the most difficult to deal with. They preached love, but delivered the most evil control system which was all based on lies. Their lies controlled every aspect of your lives. You were even programmed to expect to die at a particular age. The vaccines were laced with strains of virus to ensure you became ill with cancer or other serious illness; some people reacted differently, but it ensured the ill health that would create great profits plus your demise. Everything was stacked up against you: contaminated food, etc., to remove you from the planet. Sadly, you were taught to trust implicitly those who were destroying you.
They feed off your fear; they thrive on it. This is why you are constantly being told who you must fear. It's all well planned out. They have a list of potential "enemies". Discussions are happening right now as to when to go ahead with Project Bluebeam *). They plan to use their own "space ships" to pretend that aliens are threatening you. They do not care how many die in the process. It will be used to extract yet more taxes and impose more control. This is where people of the light, who are awake to what is being done, should speak out. Assure others that this is part of a big hoax. It's all an illusion. They are running out of money. They are squeezing countries for more and more as they are losing control of the financial system which they fraudulently put in place, many years ago. The new system is almost ready to be unveiled. This will, of course, be a temporary measure, until money can be fazed out altogether and you return once more to a method of bartering, as happened in ancient times. It was very successful. It never caused war or famine. There was plenty for all.
You will become aware of huge waves of love. You know that the Cabal do not ‘do' love. They will try to destroy it, they cannot cope with the good energy of love. We have talked of the three days when it's best to sleep, and so allow us to do what has to be done to remove the illusion that you now call "life". You have nothing to fear, you are just stepping out of the prison that has kept you under their control. The changes that will naturally happen to planet Earth: the removal through earthquakes, etc., of several parts of the Earth, is necessary, as they have become so corrupt that they cannot be redeemed.
People will be removed in three waves: the people who will leave Earth in the first wave have already agreed to this; they are evolved, and will set up centres to receive the second and third waves of people. Those who remain on the surface of Earth are those who are so locked into the fear and control of the Cabal that they stay to become their slaves. Many of your young people chose to be on Earth at this time to use their pure energy to assist others to go forward. Quite a few of you have experienced the head spinning, plus strange sensations in the body that are used to restore your DNA and help to prepare you for full consciousness. This has been a work in progress for a long time, but the time is right, now, to make the shift. Please ensure that you have sufficient food stored, so that during the Transition, when supplies cannot be delivered or produced, that you have stored enough to sustain yourself. Water is important, plus all the basic necessities of life. Candles are essential also. There is absolutely nothing to fear, see it as a great adventure. Planet Earth is going through a massive change that will remove all who should not be there. Earth will once more take her place in the universe. It will be very exciting for all those who studied other planets, crop circles, UFOs, etc. John Mack is incredibly excited. We have worked hard to bring this about. When the energy changes - it is happening even as we write - we will be able to show ourselves, though some may view this prospect with alarm ! We are among you much more than you realise. I know you know, my dear, as I continue to make my presence known to you and our guests - much to their surprise, sometimes.
Keep your spirits up. You have much to look forward to. To all the countries which are worried about repaying the debt that was imposed on them: it was a scam that should never have happened. You were not dealing with honest people. I would like to take this opportunity to assure them that all debt will be wiped out when the new system comes in. You have only a few weeks to wait. Their days are numbered. It is time for them to bow out, to return all they have dishonestly taken from you. This is the time when men of integrity such as Mr Enda Kenny (Ireland), must step forward to guide the way to honest politics. He is much admired and appreciated on both sides of life. A man you can trust. The restoration of Ireland - its true history - is a priority. It is only then that Man will fully understand the enormity of the deception perpetrated on all mankind. When I first passed to Spirit and I saw all this for the first time, I asked you to study ancient Ireland. You could hardly believe what you were uncovering. The whole course of history was changed for profit and control. They believed that they had destroyed the evidence. They cannot hide from Spirit. We have access to everything, we cannot be silenced.
Do please take time to take care of yourself, for me. Your adoring husband, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation
* Although we respect Montague's Keen's opinion, we would like to remind our readers that the contacts of practically all our other channelers have reassured us that no staged alien invasion will be allowed by the Galactic Federation:
October 10, 2010: Hatonn, through Suzy Ward:
"Also I want to debunk the warning that aliens posing as friends really are base entities who want to take over your world. Hogwash! The light grid around the planet prevents any civilization with dark intentions from being anywhere near Earth. And if the bad guys try to put their own “secret” craft in the skies and bring out some of the Greys living underground and claim it’s an invasion, we can stop that charade before it gets going."

September 14, 2010: The Sirians, through Sheldan Nidle:
"Concerning the intentions of the dark ones, they have been told repeatedly that nuclear destruction is not an option; neither is the ploy of a false space-invasion display, which they have attempted to stage repeatedly."

October 12, 2010: The Federation of Light, through Blossom Goodchild:
Blossom: There seems to be a lot of fear mongering being spread (so what’s new?) regarding the darker forces of earth ‘staging’ an alien invasion..
The Federation of Light: "How could it be dear ones, with all this talk of Ascension, with the promises we have made you, that an invasion is to take place?"

December 7, 2009: SaLuSa, through Mike Quinsey:
"We are currently preventing the staging of an incident that was intended to discredit our name."

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Real Truth: New World Order Puppet Masters, Puppets and Actors Exposed!


Wanderer of the Skies - September 18- 2011

Wanderer of the Skies - September 18- 2011

Greetings from the Federation: 

We now deliver to you our preamble to the greatest event in human history. You are about to undergo those changes which have been discussed for so long and for which we have been preparing on our side for a very long time indeed. These preparations will be lost to some in the moments after Disclosure as a whirlwind of activity and events unfolds on your planet. To others, the preparation will have been well served. Whatever level, of preparedness, at which you find yourselves in the days and weeks following Disclosure remember always to help each other to the best of your abilities. 

We have continually told you that Disclosure is a seminal event in the movement of the human species forward and into galactic citizenship and ultimately your Ascension. This shift in consciousness is a great event which has been looked upon in the cosmos with much excitement for a very long time. 

When the plans unfold shortly for the restructuring of the monetary systems in your global economies and within your governments, there will be no great announcements. It will be as if this were insignificant and just another way of doing business. It will be handled by your media as just another way to cope with the economic crisis in your world and will go unnoticed by many as a truly world changing event. This is by design. To create more upheaval in the minds of the many (from what will surely come as a result of the announcement of our presence to you) would be too much for you to bear. Rather, we see this back door approach to implementing these changes as much more effective and practical. 

Very closely on the heels of these changes, some of which have already taken place, will be a more formal announcement of disclosure. As we have discussed in the past, the changes to take place as a result of disclosure will be significant and overwhelming for some, if not for most of you. There is, already underway preparations for the place, date, and time for the official announcement as well as how to make it and the inevitable handling of the media as they scramble for every detail. This was an event whose planning was left for the last minute, for many reasons. It is being discussed now and will be implemented within that time frame discussed by your leaders. 

We again ask that your actions remain calm and purposeful. You are the beacons of Light for the world. Your actions and demeanor will dictate how others will respond. Your calm reassurance of how things really are will go a long way in keeping all others within a reasonable measure of sanity necessary to comprehend and assimilate all the information which will follow in rapid fire once the announcement is made. After this, we will come to you, with open arms and hearts, with Love and excitement for our reunion. 

Until that moment, stay ever open to the positive energy presently showering your planet like a rainstorm. It is there for your benefit whether you feel it or not. Remain true to your calling and your inner feeling about who and what you are and what you must accomplish. These thoughts will be confirmed for you in very real and significant ways. 

Be at peace. 

Wanderer of the Skies