Sunday, April 27, 2014

Pope Francis Declares Popes John Paul II and John XXIII Saints in History-Making Canonization — See the Stunning Photos

(** Please refer to website references at the conclusion of this article for important revelation on these popes)


Pope Francis Declares Popes John Paul II and John XXIII Saints in History-Making Canonization — See the Stunning Photos

Apr. 27, 2014 7:22am

VATICAN CITY (TheBlaze/AP) — A massive audience showed up Sunday to see a historic dual papal canonization — the first in history. Pope Francis presided over the event, which was a public proclamation of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII’s sainthood. (?)
Adding to the historic and uncommon nature of the canonization was the fact that two living pontiffs were present, as Pope Benedict XVI was in attendance. Never before has a reigning and retired pope celebrated Mass together in public, much less at an event honoring two of their most famous predecessors.
Francis took a deep breath and paused for a moment before reciting the saint-making formula in Latin, as if moved by the history he was about to make.
He said that after deliberating, consulting and praying for divine assistance “we declare and define Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II be saints and we enroll them among the saints, decreeing that they are to be venerated as such by the whole church.”
Applause broke out from a crowd that stretched from St. Peter’s to the Tiber River and beyond.
See stunning images from the canonization below:

Historic Canonization of Two Popes

Pope Francis delivers his blessing during a solemn canonization ceremony in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, April 27, 2014. Pope Francis has declared his two predecessors John XXIII and John Paul II saints in an unprecedented canonization ceremony made even more historic by the presence of retired Pope Benedict XVI. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
Faithful fill St. Peter's Square at the Vatican Sunday, April 27, 2014. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)
A boy is helped by his mother to touch a statue of Roman Catholic Pope John Paul II on display with other relics of the late Pope as well as Pope John XXIII in celebration of their canonization or the elevation to sainthood Sunday, April 27, 2014 at suburban Quezon city, northeast of Manila, Philippines. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
From left, Queen Paola of Belgium, King Albert II of Belgium, Spain's King Juan Carlos and Queen Silvia attend a solemn celebration led by Pope Francis I where two Popes, John Paul II and John XXIII, were canonized in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, April 27, 2014. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
Pope Francis touches a statue of the Virgin Mary as he leads a solemn ceremony in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, April 27, 2014. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
Faithful wear 3D glasses as they watch the screening of the canonization of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II taking place at the Vatican, at the parish church in Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, near Bergamo, northern Italy, the town of John XXIII, Sunday, April 27, 2014. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
Devotees take photos of the relics of Roman Catholic Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII on display in a shopping mall Sunday, April 27, 2014 at suburban Quezon city, northeast of Manila, Philippines. Pope Francis declared his two predecessors John XXIII and John Paul II saints on Sunday before hundreds of thousands of people in St. Peter's Square, an unprecedented ceremony made even more historic by the presence of retired Pope Benedict XVI. The predominantly Roman Catholic Philippines joins several nations worldwide in the celebration of canonization of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)

XXIII. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
Paraguay's people react as they look at a TV screen showing the Vatican ceremony of a historic day of four popes, with Popes Francis and Benedict XVI honoring John XXIII and John Paul II by declaring them saints, at Nazareth church in Asuncion, Paraguay, Sunday, April 27, 2014.(AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)
People fill via della Conciliazione, the road leading to St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican, Sunday, April 27, 2014. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)
Faithful fill St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, April 27, 2014. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
Prelates gather in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, April 27, 2014. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
Floribeth Mora, a Costa Rican woman whose inoperable brain aneurysm purportedly disappeared after she prayed to John Paul II, grabs a relic of Pope John Paul II during a solemn ceremony in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, April 27, 2014. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
The tapestry showing Pope John XXIII hangs from the facade of St. Peter's Basilica during a solemn celebration led by Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, April 27, 2014. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
Pope Francis gets his skullcap adjusted as he leads a solemn ceremony in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, April 27, 2014. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
Don Ezio Bolis, Director of the John XXIII foundation and the Roncalli family, carries the relic of Pope John XXIII past Pope Francis, during a solemn ceremony in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, April 27, 2014. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)
Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, April 27, 2014. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)
“Four popes in one ceremony is a fantastic thing to see and to be at because it is history being written in our sight,” marveled one of the visiting Poles, David Halfar. “It is wonderful to be a part in this and to live all of this.”
Most of those who arrived first at St. Peter’s had camped out overnight nearby on air mattresses and sleeping pads. Others hadn’t slept at all and took part in the all-night prayer vigils hosted at a dozen churches in downtown Rome.
By mid-morning, the scene in the square was quiet and subdued — perhaps due to the chilly gray skies and cumulative lack of sleep — unlike the rollicking party atmosphere of John Paul’s May 2011 beatification when bands of young people sang and danced in the hours before the Mass.
As TheBlaze highlighted yesterday in a preview of today’s big event, there are a number of qualifications one must meet in order to be considered a 'saint' — and the process the Catholic Church goes through before canonization is possible is complex and extensive.
Both Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II met these qualifications — miracles and all. And both for very different reasons.
Pope John XXIII, who reigned from 1958-1963, is a hero to liberal Catholics for having convened the Second Vatican Council. The meetings brought the church into the modern era by allowing Mass to be celebrated in local languages rather than Latin and by encouraging greater dialogue with people of other faiths, particularly Jews.
During his quarter-century papacy from 1978-2005, John Paul II helped topple communism through his support of Poland’s Solidarity movement. His globe-trotting papacy and launch of the wildly popular World Youth Days invigorated a new generation of Catholics, while his defense of core church teaching heartened conservatives after the turbulent 1960s.
“John Paul was our pope,” said Therese Andjoua, a 49-year-old nurse who traveled from Libreville, Gabon, with some 300 other pilgrims to attend. She sported a traditional African dress bearing the images of the two new saints.
“In 1982 he came to Gabon and when he arrived he kissed the ground and told us to ‘Get up, go forward and be not afraid,’” she recalled as she rested against a pallet of water bottles. “When we heard he was going to be canonized, we got up.”
Kings, queens, presidents and prime ministers from more than 90 countries attended. Some 20 Jewish leaders from the U.S., Israel, Italy, Francis’ native Argentina and Poland were also taking part, in a clear sign of their appreciation for the great strides made in Catholic-Jewish relations under John, John Paul — and their successors celebrating their sainthood.
Read more about how someone becomes a saint here.

Transcript of Roosevelt's 1933 Banking Crisis (Bankruptcy) Radio Speech

National Emergencies Declared a Necessity
In the “Foreword” to Senate Report 93-549, Senators Mathias and Church wrote, “[T]here is no present need for the United States Government to continue to function under emergency conditions.” Later, in the body of the report, they added, “In the view of the Special Committee, an emergency does not now exist. Congress, therefore, should act in the near future to terminate officially the states of national emergency now in effect.”(12) The U.S. Attorney General, however, was of a different opinion:
The Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917 has been amended frequently, and in the process its original purpose and effect have been altered significantly. The Act was originally intended to “define, regulate, and punish trading with the enemy.” 40 Stat. 415. Directed primarily to meeting the exigencies of World War I, its drafters intended the Act to remain on the books for future war situations. 55 Cong. Rec. 4908. Accordingly, when other war powers were terminated in 1921 an exception was made for the Act and it remained valid law. 41 Stat. 1359.

On March 5, 1933, President Roosevelt relied on Sec. 5(b) of the Trading With the Enemy Act as authority for his Proclamation 2039 which closed all banks for five days. This was clearly a time of financial crisis, not of war, and hence was not within the literal terms and purposes of the Act. Congress rectified the situation five days later when it ratified the President’s proclamation and amended Sec. 5(b) to give the President the broad wartime powers of that section in times of declared national emergency as well. 48 Stat. 1. The desperate economic circumstances of the time dictated the passage of this sweeping change….

In early 1933 nation needed immediate relief, recovery from economic collapse, and reform to avoid future depressions, so relief, recovery and reform became Franklin D. Roosevelt`s goals when he took the helm as president. At his side stood a Democratic Congress, prepared to enact the measures carved out by a group of his closest advisors dubbed the Brain Trust by reporters. One recurring theme in the recovery plan was Roosevelt’s pledge to help the forgotten man at the bottom of the economic pyramid.
Birth of the New Deal The concepts that became the New Deal had been discussed in earlier years but without effect. The statement by National Catholic War Council in 1919, drafted by Father John A. Ryan, contained recommendations that would later be regarded as precursors of the New Deal.
The term "New Deal" was coined during Franklin Roosevelt’s 1932 Democratic presidential nomination acceptance speech, when he said, "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people." Roosevelt summarized the New Deal as a "use of the authority of government as an organized form of self-help for all classes and groups and sections of our country.
The exact nature of Roosevelt`s intentions was not clear during the campaign, although his philosophy was set out in an address that he gave at the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco on September 23:
"The government should assume the function of economic regulation only as a last resort, to be tried only when private initiative, inspired by high responsibility, with such assistance and balance as government can give, has finally failed. As yet there has been no final failure, because there has been no attempt, and I decline to assume that this nation is unable to meet the situation."
At his inauguration in March 1933, Roosevelt declared in his lilting style, "Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is, fear itself needless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." In his first 99 days, he proposed, and Congress swiftly enacted, an ambitious "New Deal" to deliver relief to the unemployed and those in danger of losing farms and homes, recovery to agriculture and business, and reform, notably through the inception of the vast Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). The New Deal effects would take time; some 13,000,000 people were out of work by March 1933, and virtually every bank was shuttered.



AIPAC gambling boss may flee US
Activists protesting outside an AIPAC policy conference in Washington carry signs highlighting Israel’s rights violations.
Activists protesting outside an AIPAC policy conference in Washington carry signs highlighting Israel’s rights violations.
Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:40AM GMT

Yesterday, federal officials took into custody the reputed partner of gambling boss Sheldon Adelson, the chief financial backer for the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and primary financier for America’s GOP or Republican Party.

Sources at the Department of Justice say Adelson is accused of laundering $364 million dollars, much of which went into the pockets of politicians in Washington “friendly” to Israel.

If Adelson is indicted, and sources in the Justice Department say this process is well underway, politicians around the US, all Republicans, will be required to return millions in what would then be not only illegal campaign contributions but clearly proof of ties between the GOP and organized crime.
Many of the politicians Adelson has supported on state government level have worked to suppress wages and workers’ rights, blocked regulations protecting consumers from mortgage and investment fraud and supported questionable gambling initiatives.
Adelson’s extremist politics have been a dark stain on the soul of America.

Sources direct to the investigation tell us that a special grand jury is preparing an indictment against Adelson for a long list of offenses, including but not limited to money laundering, mail and wire fraud and conspiracy.

Adelson, one of the world’s wealthiest men, with massive holdings in Las Vegas and Macao, never turns away from controversy. Adelson enraged the veterans community in the United States when he told an AIPAC audience that he was ashamed of having served in the American military when he felt loyalty only to Israel.

Critical is Adelson’s virtual control of America’s pro-Israel Republican Party. The GOP had hopes of using Adelson cash to gain control of the United States Senate. Analysts predict that were this to happen, America would not only move toward domestic collapse but there is a real possibility that regions of the US would seek to withdraw from the union, seeking an “autonomous zone.”

Adelson and his GOP “employees” have long stated the desire to use nuclear weapons in a preemptory attack on Iran and may well attack Russia and China as well. Though elected officials and, theoretically answerable for their positions, Adelson’s “gang” in Washington regularly promise to bring America to a full-scale war.

Our sources say that federal officials are presenting witness testimony to the grand jury that they believe ties Adelson directly to money laundering.


The accusations against Adelson are said to tie to a group of “shell companies” he has used to run online gambling around the world while publicly opposing online gambling. His partner in this endeavor is now in federal custody, said to be in witness protection, and prepared to testify at length to the grand jury that today was reported in an article in the Huffington Post.

Former CIA agent “Chip” Tatum spent many hours with a yet unnamed witness against Adelson. Stories include traveling the world in one of Adelson’s private jets on “business” that the government considers money laundering and racketeering.
We are currently in negotiations with the US Attorney and US Marshals to gain limited access for additional interviews.

Sources in the US Department of Justice are concerned that Adelson, who has vast holdings in Macao and around the world, will flee the United States rather than face arrest. Justice officials say that Adelson’s arrest is only a matter of time.
However, Adelson though aged and no longer well, has a history of standing up to critics. Adelson also has absolutely no respect for the US government, an organization he has spent millions “buying.”

Sources close to Adelson have told this reporter that he is driven by a profound hatred of President Obama that blinds him to the consequences of his actions. Adelson, unlike the extremist Koch Brothers and Richard Mellon Scaife, wealthy autocrats that finance America’s ultra-right wing GOP, is a real self-made man.
Adelson started with nothing and built a fortune estimated between $50 and $100 billion. Adelson is a strong backer of, not just Israel, but Israel’s most extremist elements. His money doesn’t just buy political favors in the US but influences politics inside Israel as well.
In fact, groups in Israel opposed to his extremist views are working to prevent him from gaining control of Israel’s media, a project Adelson has been working on for some time.


During the last election, consultants working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation brought documentation that showed the GOP candidate, Mitt Romney, to be involved in money laundering. Photographs of Romney in Cuba were supplied including one with his mistress, Maria Perez Andropov.

In hours of tape recorded meetings, a massive plot under investigation by the Department of Justice was outlined. Ties between major US corporations including one huge retailer and drug cartels were documented. Documents were presented showing Raoul Castro, current Cuban head of state, to provide safe haven for meetings between American officials involved in money laundering and their cartel counterparts.

Dates of visits, outlining flights from Toronto and Vera Cruz to Havana were listed. These interviews are all taped, all secure.
The Adelson case ties directly to the pattern. Those shown to be involved with the Mexican cartels are all prominent “friends of Israel.” All are members of the Republican Party.

What we saw then was a comprehensive case against Romney and other top GOP politicians. However, if what we now see plays out, it will be Adelson, 86 years old, self-made billionaire, that will be the only target.

It is true that Adelson is “the last man standing.” Adelson has virtually promised to spend “whatever it takes” to buy the next two America elections. Has this made Adelson the target? Has the extreme danger of war, which can be credited to extremist elements in the US tied to Adelson, men like Senators Ted Cruz and John McCain, put a “target on Shelly”?

It would take very little to imprison half of America’s government and certainly most of Wall Street. Their crimes are notorious. Most military contractors and oil companies engage in massive fraud as part of their daily business.

When we look at Adelson, Israel’s powerhouse in the US, when we look at the politicians who slavishly bow to his every whim, we wonder. Why does Obama only go after Adelson and never those who have sold their souls to him so openly?
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FOIA Of Truth Or Government Resignations!

Sheriffs and Larry Klayman,

You should Request that your Local Governments Take Actions on getting a FOIA Request to make sure they are Working for the Proper Original Constitutional Federal Government!
If the others are NOT true then they could be a Coup preparing for an Overthrow, or they are just ignorant of their research.

FOIA Request for the Present Federal Government; THE UNITED STATES, INC.
FOIA Request for The Republic for the United States of America
FOIA Request for the Confederacy United States
Other FOIAs Request:
FOIA Request for the Executive Orders of the CEO of THE UNITED STATES, INC. has Superseding Authority over the U.S. Constitution
FOIA Request for Each and Every 48 State's Documents to Ratify the 16th Amendment on Income Tax
FOIA Request for the Income Tax Act of 1913
FOIA Request for the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
FOIA Request for the Organic Act of 1871 for the NEW THE UNITED STATES, INC. to be our government
And especially if THE UNITED STATES, INC. is our Federal Government, then a FOIA Request for the Names of ALL Past and Present Board Members and Stock Holders as THEY CONTROL We The People as Property

The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, formally An Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia, is an Act of Congress that repealed the individual charters of the cities of Washington and Georgetown and established a new territorial government for the whole District of Columbia.

The Republic for the United States of America 
The United States exists today in two forms: One, is the original de jure United States of America Republic that was controlled by “We the People” until about 1871. The other form is the de facto.

REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY (Confederacy United States with the American Nationals) 

More On The Rumor: Report claims Eric Holder approved drone strike against Bundy ranch

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

More On The Rumor: Report claims Eric Holder approved drone strike against Bundy ranch
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Sunday, 27-Apr-2014 11:27:57

On Friday, John Jacob Schmidt of Radio Free Redoubtsaid that according to Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers, Attorney General Eric Holder has approved drone strikes against the Bundy ranch to take place some time in the next 48 hours. According to Schmidt, the information came from a source Oath Keepers has within the Department of Defense.
That source, according to the report, allegedly said Attorney General Eric Holder authorized what is known as a “hot drone strike” against the ranch. Such a strike, he added would effectively kill everyone at the ranch.
Schmidt said that as far as he could determine, there has been no attempt to follow through with the alleged threat. He also expressed hope that a planned strike against Americans on U.S. soil could be averted.
According to a post at The Liberty Beacon, Rhodes said feds are treating the Bundy ranch situation like a bomb threat in a school. Leslie Bishop Paul, the national administrator of Oath Keepers, said on Facebook the information “may, or may not” be valid, but hoped that “sunlight’ would cause federal agencies to back down from such an act.
“Pray it isn’t true and pray it never happens,” Paul added.
Liberty Beacon went on to say that such a move by the government would be the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back. The blog went on to suggest that the information might be intended to provoke violence, giving the government reason to impose martial law.
“So is this disinformation to get the boots on the ground to evacuate the scene so that BLM people can move in Waco style, or is it absolute bull to have us put out false info and destroy our credibility,” the blog asked. During an interview with Schmidt, Rhodes said it is possible the report could be part of a disinformation campaign. The person who reportedly gave the information, he said, believes what he heard.
Rhodes also said that Holder felt justified in his decision, based on comments made by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. As we reported last Friday, Reid called Bundy supporters “domestic terrorists.”
Attempts to obtain comments from the Department of Justice have so far been unsuccessful. The entire 20-minute report can be heard here.

EADER A. - I'm going to present a Unified Theory of Chemtrails

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

READER A. - I'm going to present a Unified Theory of Chemtrails
Posted By: Lymerick [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 27-Apr-2014 05:00:29

Thanks to Reader A. for this thought-provoking article. For your discernment.
I'm gonna boldly go where no writer has gone before. Well, none that I know of
except myself. I'm going to present a Unified Theory of Chemtrails. When I have made
my case, you will see that all the questions have been answered. There is nothing I
will present that would be accepted as final proof in a court of law. But law does
not apply to chemtrails anyway. Whoever is doing the spraying operates outside of
and doesn't answer to the law.
The chemtrail program is at least ten years old, depending on what one uses as a
starting point. For sure we know that the chemtrail resistance movement is ten years
old. Rick, of Rick's Gardening Tips forum, has been at it that long. Myself, it'll
be 9 years come September.
In the early days of the resistance, the planes appeared to be as real as the spray
they emitted. And we knew that the spray was real. Clifford Carnicom took samples
and had them analyzed. What he found is a matter of common knowledge in the
resistance movement; barium, aluminum, other nasty stuff. Let's pause here and take
note of a couple of things.
1.The presence of barium and aluminum in so many tests has led the members of the
resistance movement to accept that all the trails they see contain barium and
aluminum. This may be so, but not necessarily so. Until any given trail has been
analyzed, there is no way to know what is in it. There could be other stuff in
there, depending on what effect the sprayers want to achieve. Or there could be
nothing at all. The mere presence of a chemtrail is enough to generate anxiety and
attentive energy which the other side feeds on.
2. Several years ago people began to notice that some of the spray craft were
invisible, some of them disappeared when observed, and many of them flew way too
fast to be a tanker plane.
This was all disregarded for the most part, as most everyone involved looked for and
expected to find physical planes doing the spraying. Funny thing, though. No one,
after all these years, ever did locate even one chemtrail plane. And no one has ever
discovered the secret manufacturing facility where all this aluminum and barium were
being processed into a liquid and put in tanker trucks for delivery to the secret
chemtrail plane bases.
Does anyone think it is not odd that after all these years not one pilot has ever
broken silence and appeared on a Jeff Rense interview? Nor one chemical truck
driver, aluminum miner, or anyone who works in the processing plants. It is almost
impossible to keep anything secret these days. And the lure of 15 minutes of Andy
Warhol fame should have been enough to tempt at least one person, don't you think?
So if these things are physical, where do they come from? If they can't be found
here on earth, the next logical thing to consider is that they didn't originate from
earth. No bases, no processing plants, no chemical truck drivers to be found. That
pretty much leaves earth out as a possible base. And they would need a number of
chemspray plane bases to cover the whole globe, as they have done. We have yet to
find even one.
Not from earth, then. We will accept that as a possibility. If not from earth, then
where? The moon, perhaps? If you are still looking for physical planes to be found
in 3-D, then the moon is a logical next place to look. Even so, it would take a lot
of craft from there to cover the earth as effectively as they once did. That would
also take a lot of raw material, including water[!], to supply the spray craft. Is
there really that much water on the moon? It would be necessary to have processing
plants, with a labor force on site, to produce that much product to be sprayed on
the earth. All of that would be on the dark side of the moon, of course, to keep
amateur astronomers from seeing it.
Is the work force little gray aliens who don't need days off to play or a Wal-Mart
to go to for groceries and school supplies?
And how about them tanker planes that do the spraying? How do they get from the moon
to here and back again to the moon? Can we entertain the idea that they are not
really tanker planes? Craft of another sort, craft that are capable of moon-to-earth
flight that are cloaked to appear as something familiar? We've known of the
existence of that technology for years. Twice I have seen craft disguised as a
helicopter fly very close to me. I can tell you, that was a realistic looking
hologram, especially that second one.
O.K. The moon. We can leave it out of consideration for the same reasons we left
earth out of consideration as a base for the spray planes. The moon is even more
complicated, as we've seen. There are logistical problems involved in manufacture
and transport of spray goop, plus the question of labor force and no one knows if
barium and aluminum can be mined out of moon soil.
Before we proceed further down that road of discovery, let's go back in time to the
days before Don Croft's cloudbuster. I had taken note of the heavy spraying going on
in my part of southern Arizona and tried various ways to eliminate it without
success. Then it was made known to me that it is possible to erase chemspray with
the power of my third eye. So I tried it. April Fool's Day, 2001, I busted my first
chemtrail using my mind. I was hooked!
From then on, my partner and I stayed busy mentally erasing chemtrails. Great fun,
and a real personally empowering act. But it took up a lot of time and attention and
it was hard to do and stay focused on my job. When Don's cloudbuster came along in
September, I was one of the first to join his group. But that's not the point I'm
trying to make.
The point I'm trying to make is that the chemtrails were affected by mind power, by
directed energy. The flip side of that story is, if the chemtrails can be dissolved
by mental energy, can they be created by using mental energy? Now, hold that thought
and let's talk about another topic that relates to this. Follow me. It's all part of
my Unified Theory of Chemtrails.
I've been following the UFO story since the early days. Bits of information come to
the surface in the midst of the layers of dis-information and lies. Piece these
together and you begin to get an understanding of what is really going on out there
in the wild blue yonder. Credible witnesses and reporters tell us that some of these
off-world craft are not "flown" here in the sense that the starship Enterprise was
"flown" anywhere. Some, maybe not all, of these craft are thought into existence.
The occupants come from another time, or another dimension, and they think
themselves into this intersection of time and space.
The occupants themselves, some of them, most notably the Roswell crash occupants,
have been identified as biological constructs. So the visitor from out yonder, or
another time, doesn't come here in his body. He may not even have a body, and
certainly may not have one that functions well in this atmosphere, this gravity,
this pollution, or this magnetic field. He mentally created a thoughtform that
materialized in 3-D. Materialized thought forms are not unknown here on this world.
Voodoo practicioners do them, and likely others. Tulpas are what they are called, I
think. Check it out.
So materializing a ship out of nowhere is not really as far out as it seems. A
transporter beam moves Captain Kirk from point to point. And here lately, the
scientists have announced that they really can transport matter using a device.
Crude, but useable. Want to speculate on what the black ops boys can really do that
goes unannounced? There are reports of people who have used their mind under the
stress of combat and teleported themselves from one point to another. So
teleportation is settled science.
Creating something physical with your mind? Well, not here in 3-D, not for most
people. But my buddy Flash, who died a few years ago, remained in contact with us
after he left. Turns out that his life improved dramatically after he died. He told
us that in his new location. all he had to do was think, and there was a motorcycle
for him. Or a car. Or a girl. So, wherever he was, manifestation using your mind is
the way things are done.
Here on earth, nearest I've heard of are the Programmable Life Forms. Do a Goooogle
on that. Also think of clones. While this isn't instantaneous as with the UFO
drivers, it is something created where nothing existed prior.
O.K. Back to the plot line. We have eliminated the earth and the moon as likely
chemtrail plane bases. That leaves only the possibility of "somewhere else". That
"somewhere else" could be from a different time or a different dimension. In
previous paragraphs we have presented the fact that this, or something similar, goes
on all the time.
We can speculate about motives another day. For now, let us accept that the Forces
of Outer Darkness have their eyes on this little blue ball we call our own. And that
they can move in and out of our reality as easily as you move from the kitchen to
the living room. In other levels of creation, objects are manifested by power of the
mind. So it is that they manifest their spray planes into our 3-D, and the planes
appear in forms that are familiar to us.
There's one tiny little flaw in that plan. Something they would rather you not be
aware of.
What is brought here from another dimension has a sort of impermanence about it.
Brought into this reality by power of thought, it is easily dispelled by the power
of thought.
And so it is that the chemtrails I saw in '01 were easily dispersed by my mind. I
did not understand it at the time, but I do recall noticing that if I concentrated
on the spray as it came from the nozzle, it was easily dispersed. Took longer if
time had elapsed and I was working on the part of the trail laid moments earlier. I
suppose that once introduced into 3-D, they became more permanent with the passage
of time.
The craft have the same impermanence. This explains why it is that some people have
reported that the planes just disappeared as soon as they were observed. The
observer observes with hostility, which is an elevated projection of energy to the
craft, and the craft disappears like a soap bubble, or like the trails did when I
blasted them with my third eye back in '01.
All the questions about chemtrails have been answered. Maybe you don't agree with
the answer, but you got to admit, it all fits. To summarize;
The chemtrails are real, and have real effects in 3-D.
The spray planes do not originate on earth, the moon, or 3-D. They come from
"somewhere else". Which also explains why the government never acknowledged their
existence. It is because the government is not doing it. And the government has no
authority over the spray planes. So the only thing the government can do is what
they did with UFOs. They explained the UFOs as Venus or swamp gas. Chemtrails? Those
are contrails, my friend. End of discussion.
The spray itself is either a creation of someone's mind, or created by the same
technology that they use on the Starship Enterprise to rearrange molecules out of
thin air and make them appear inside a machine that dispensed their food. I forget
what they called that thing! If you create barium and aluminum as you go along, you
don't need mines, mine workers, transport trucks, or a tanker plane.
When I first began to notice chemtrails, they were covering the sky where I lived
about four times a week. Look around now. The chemtrail program is only a shadow of
its former self. What happened? People began to notice. People began to take action.
Even noticing a spray plane reduces its power or makes it disappear. Treating the
atmosphere with spray repellents has been hugely successful. The chemtrail program
is now about 10% of what it was in the early days.
We can take notice of the spray planes when they appear, but they are not able to
own the skies the way they did years ago. The sky belongs to the people again. And
now that we've won this battle, it is time to look for other ways to make life on
earth better. Time to look for other ways to engage and defeat the Forces of Outer
It's time, really, to begin to create the kind of world we want to live in.

A Story Of The III Percent : Little Groups Of Patriots.... Everywhere....

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

A Story Of The III Percent : Little Groups Of Patriots.... Everywhere....
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Sunday, 27-Apr-2014 10:50:22

When I first began writing online I laid out a strategy for the Liberty Movement to follow that would very quickly and decisively lead to a restoration of Liberty. The people I anticipated to actually undertake the effort were III Patriots. That has not changed - I expect any challenge to be undertaken only by III Patriots and any burdens to be shouldered by III Patriots.
My initial plan was relatively well received by the community, though MBV shat all over it.
Last summer I put forth the same general plan, only slightly modified for the circumstances that obtained at the time, and titled it my "One Week Plan". Again, the plan was well received generally, and this time by a much larger audience. This plan earned sharp criticism by one amongst us, but I found the objections to be without foundation. The criticisms were offered without experience or appreciation for strategy and Human nature.
Last weekend when the BLM was backed down by Patriots protecting Cliven Bundy and his family, many of us knew immediately that the paradigm had irreversibly changed. For the first time armed Americans forced armed .gov to stand down and even to surrender what they had captured. Many of us are clear: The final fight for Liberty in America is now out of the closet. It is now hot. Both sides are committed.
It is time for every Patriot to finalize his plans, decide what strategy he will follow, what tactics he will employ. CA has posted two strategies in the last week that are functionally identical to my "One Week Plan", and going forward I will refer to my plan by the name it has had since WWII (slightly modified) - Little Groups of Patriots. LGoP.
I'm not going into a detailed description of the plan - if you've read here for any length of time, you already know it. Little Groups of Patriots, operating in their own AOs, operating by their own means and tactics, with their own Command & Control, working toward the Commander's Intent. The Commander's Intent is that ultimate goal, the shared outcome we all seek.
Commander's Intent: The restoration of personal Liberty in America.
If we all hold that as our goal, while working in our own Little Groups of Patriots, and if we all go in relative unison when circumstances favor us, Liberty will prevail in short order.
I endorse the Little Groups of Patriots strategy based on personal experience. Last year I traveled across this country and was gifted to meet many, many LGoPs who welcomed me and my wife, introduced us to their friends and allies, trained with us and in every case, broke bread with us. I have faith in the LGoP strategy because I have met many III Patriots who will employ the strategy from South Florida to Los Angeles, the Great Lakes to Texas, the hills and valleys of Appalachia, and many places between. I have seen with my own eyes the mettle of these Patriots, their grit, their devotion to the restoration of Liberty. I've met others at PatCons and others yet at events.
The circumstances in America favor the LGoP strategy of bold men and women who mean to be free and at Liberty.
Simply: We've got this...
Do not heed those who may lack the courage to take point, who may seek to undermine your confidence. Liberty is only for the bold.
In the end remember the quote from a Patriot recently at WRSA [paraphrased]: They can't hit us with pepperspray or put us in prison if we kill them all...

ESPN Fails to Mention Pat Tillman Murder Conspiracy

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video: ESPN Fails to Mention Pat Tillman Murder Conspiracy
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 27-Apr-2014 09:54:20

ESPN Fails to Mention Pat Tillman Murder Conspiracy
Published on Apr 21, 2014
In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV explains the Pat Tillman murder conspiracy.

NY Times Twists Bundy's Words!

Can we believe anyone/anything anymore??? p

To see the videos, click below....

Bundy-Times sting: Worse than I thought

Exclusive: Joseph Farah explains significance of Harry Reid's fightin' words

Published: 1 day ago
by Joseph Farah of

First of all, let me begin by making an apology to Cliven Bundy.
In a slapdash column yesterday, I gave the New York Times more credit and credibility than it deserved.

I assumed, inappropriately and incorrectly, that the former newspaper of record had actually recounted the words of the Nevada rancher accurately and in context, given that there was an actual recording of the comments.
I was wrong.

After the Times smeared as a rock-ribbed racist through the use of selective quotes the new hero of resistance to tyranny in America, there was a new development: The video recording of the actual remarks emerged.

To say the New York Times bent over backwards to make Bundy look like an unregenerate bigot would be an understatement. I suggest you view the video for yourself at the end of this column. Does he seem like a hater to you? Or does he actually sound like a man with compassion for blacks who have been systematically abused by a new plantation mentality imposed by government dependence?

I did get one thing right, however. I explained it wasn’t really Bundy the New York Times was out to get. It was his supporters – especially elected officials who denounced the heavy-handed and militaristic way the Bureau of Land Management went after Bundy and his family.

It’s called guilt by association – something “progressives” formerly denounced. But, in this case, there was nothing to feel guilty about, because Bundy didn’t say anything racist.
Meanwhile, the guy who I suspect is the mastermind of the efforts by government to make an example of Cliven Bundy yesterday showed his own hand.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called on all of his “progressive” friends to form a “united front” against Bundy.

Experience more of Joseph Farah’s no-nonsense truth-telling in his books, audio and video products, featured in the WND Superstore

For those of you untrained in the tactical and strategic arts of the totalitarian left, let me explain that terminology. “United front” has special meaning to only one group – communists. If you doubt what I, a former commie, have to say about it, just Google the term. See for yourself. What Harry Reid’s use of this term suggests is the left considers Cliven Bundy and all those rallying around his cause to be the most important target of the day. The “progressives” are apoplectic about this showdown in the desert. After all, they are supposed to be the champions of hardworking people. The government is supposed to be the friend and savior of working people. Yet, what Cliven Bundy has done, using “progressive” terminology, is to “heighten the contradictions” of socialist reality.
Therefore, as the left often concludes in such cases, he must be destroyed.

That’s why Harry Reid calls him a “domestic terrorist.” That’s why Harry Reid calls for a “united front” against this simple, seemingly powerless rancher. That’s why Harry Reid strangely said after the standoff in the desert was defused, “It’s not over.”
The left has big plans for Cliven Bundy.

The left sees Bundy as a real threat.

And I suspect that’s why the official mouthpiece of the establishment left – the New York Times – jeopardized what’s left of its own reputation by misconstruing and misrepresenting Bundy’s remarks.

He’s that dangerous!

That’s why it was so important to demonize him as a “racist.” They want to use him as a dividing point: Line up behind the “racist” or against him. That’s the strategy – even though race is not even an issue in the controversy Bundy started by merely doing what his family has been doing in the Nevada desert for over 100 years.
Do you get it?

He’s a symbol. For some of us he’s a symbol of a fight against encroaching tyranny. For others he’s a symbol of resistance to achieving their socialist panacea.
It’s the old divide-and-conquer strategy.

They can’t win with the facts, with reality, with truth. So they need to create a fog to obscure what’s really taking place on the ground.
Unedited video of Cliven Bundy:
Edited video of Cliven Bundy:
Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact


HAARP technology - When the Evil play GOD.

 April 26 2014

HAARP technology - When the Evil play GOD.

This update has replaced the original Haarp report. Permalink here. [or ]

I am well aware that Haarp proper has its limits, and cite the real source I believe is used in this report. Nowadays the word HAARP is like the word Kleenex.

If you are a fence sitter with regard to Chem trails and weather modification, that is understandable because "no one" has come up with "hard proof" that this is going on. But today ought to be the day that changes, because I have cold hard proof that HAARP technology is exactly what people say it is along with a precise technical explanation for how Haarp technology works and this will post today.

DO NOT MISS THE NASA REPORT, WHICH PROVES HAARP TECHNOLOGY DID KATRINA, which was part of the original post and is already linked in here.

Understanding the technical side of Haarp

It is a cold hard fact that even if the entire electrical grid output was used for weather modification, there would be insufficient power available to do much of anything. The distances are too wide, volumes too huge, and locations, in relation to a transmitter, seldom ideal. Yet weather modification is a reality. How? This article explains how it can be done, from a scientific perspective, and also provides direct evidence from Nasa that Haarp intensified hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Emily.
Jim Stone, Freelace Journalist, Feb 5 2012
Most everyone has heard that silicon is a semiconductor. A semiconductor only permits current flow, when the conditions are correct.
In a typical silicon semiconductor, it's current flow characteristics are determined by the addition of doping agents - these are mixed with the silicon and become part of it's molecular matrix during the manufacturing process. The two most common doping agents are arsenic and boron.
Doping agents cause the silicon to have an excess number of electrons in the P doped regions, and a deficiency of electrons in the N doped regions. A small electronic charge, applied to the junction between the N and P regions, will cause a cascade effect of a much greater magnitude, if a power supply voltage is applied to one side of the piece of silicon, and a load is applied on the other side. That is what makes a transistor, the heart of a basic amplifier.
How HAARP works, and a possible real reason why there are "chem trails"
Most people do not realize this, but common air - the air we all breathe - is also a semiconductor, and it can be made to behave just like a piece of silicon, if the right doping agents are added to it.
If you wish to modify the electrical characteristics of the atmosphere, you need to use an aircraft to disperse the doping agents at a high altitude. If you then take a pair of huge transmitters, such as haarp, and transmit a frequency to a specific region, which is timed to phase cancel against the opposing transmitter, the frequencies they transmit will vanish and leave a standing DC bias voltage in the atmosphere, at the selected region.
This voltage is the electrical equivalent of the electronic charge applied between the N and P regions of a silicon transistor. The chem trails are the doping agent, and the ionosphere is the power supply.
A flow of current is then is triggered from the ionosphere to the earth below. Because the ionosphere has virtually endless power to give, it is possible to take a transmitter pair, with a radiated power of only a couple of billion watts, and use it to trigger a cascade of trillions of watts. That is enough to heat the atmosphere and trigger a change of climate, storms, ect. It is very important to make sure you do not exceed certain limits, or "clip" the atmosphere, or you will cause a lightning bolt of a sort not ever witnessed. But if kept below certain thresholds, a great amount of atmospheric heating can be caused and no one on the ground would ever notice a thing.
This, of course, would cause very odd electrical readings in the atmosphere. So, someone should have been able to detect this, right? Nasa did. They noticed several hurricanes, including Katrina, were not electrically normal. These were the only 3 hurricanes to ever be that way. This could be done, using the method illustrated below.
The following illustration is a drawing of how a Haarp type system could be set up to work.

Considering the precision modern weather modification systems have, giant installations, such as HAARP, can't be doing it all.

Now, onto WHY ON EARTH American cell towers have so much juice going to them.

What if thousands of cell towers, with over 50,000 watts each, were used rather than a pair of big Haarp arrays? Multiple signal source locations would allow the drawing of patterns, patterns which many people have noticed in weather radar

How much is 50,000 watts, compared to what is really needed for cell service?

In America, computer wifi is limited to 20 milliwatts transmit power and often, even with that tiny amount, you can connect from hundreds of feet away, with no special antennas or hardware. Your cell phone can transmit 300 milliwatts. That's well over 10 times the power of wifi, and the range of your cell phone is that much better. All that is needed, to make a great cellular node, is a 10 watt transmitter (to make sure it gets real good penetration into the surrounding buildings,) and a receiver that is more sensitive than the one in your cell phone, because you are talking back with a lot less than 10 watts.
10 watts is 500 times as strong as your wireless N router, that comes in perfect everywhere. A lucky neighbor might snag your unsecured router, with only 20 milliwatts of output from over a block away, with just a cheap netbook. Why then, since 10 watts will clearly do the job, are there these ENORMOUS, out in the open, giant, goose invading "cell towers" in America that are obviously capable of pumping many thousands of watts?
It's because the cell towers in America have a totally different purpose than stated. Sure, the tower does indeed accomplish the job of supporting cell phone service, but it is not needed at all for that purpose. They are there to hide something clandestine, right in the great wide open.
A reader sent the following:
"My company also erected many cell towers, and I always wondered why they had us bring so much electrical power to these cell towers."
He NAILED IT. As a technical type, I paid attention to the cell towers, and noticed that they always seem to have a 400 KVA or bigger transformer feeding them (I was never able to get close enough to look at the data plate but they were obviously way too large). 400 KVA is approximately 400,000 watts. And I never really thought about it, why on earth they always got fed so much juice. Sometimes you just need to wake up and start thinking. Mexico confirms this - many cell towers are obviously low powered, with thin wires and tiny tower mounted amplifiers. A perfectly functional node can be fed less juice than needed by an average laptop and run on a small solar panel. These are common in Mexico.
Another comment came in stating that American cell towers, in fact, only get anywhere from twenty thousand to sixty thousand watts, complete with verified documentation that that's "all it is". Ok, Fine then. WLS AM radio in Chicago, which is well known as the GIANT clear channel monster in America, broadcasts through the night with 50,000 watts, and with a good radio, you can hear it anywhere in the world, when conditions are right. To sometimes pump even more than that into a single American neighborhood - via the local tower, which is serving only a two mile area - is far beyond suspicious; it is case proven. Those cell towers ARE NOT WHAT WE HAVE BEEN TOLD and I am certain that even 60,000 watts would be a conservative estimate for many of them.
Why pump so many watts?
The antenna arrays on the cell towers are highly directional. That's obvious. So, since the signal from them is confined to a zone, rather than going out omni directionally, whatever is in that zone will get extremely high R.F. levels. Maybe you need that much for mind control, but I seriously doubt it. With such an ability to confine the signal to within a zone, I would expect a mind control beam to not need more than a couple thousand watts. Where is the rest of that power going?
My guess, is Japan, Hurricane Katrina, or Chiapas Mexico. Whatever earthquake or disaster "they" need, to accomplish a political objective. And there is something you need to know about radio wave propagation - it can be steered. So, just because a cell tower appears to only be able [to] place all it's RF output within a confined zone, it does not mean that signal cannot be diverted and sent elsewhere. This is because a neighboring cell tower can be synchronized in such a way that it steers the output from surrounding towers to a new remote area. And that is how modern Haarp technology works, BET ON IT.
American cell towers then, I believe in this order, have multiple purposes. The first is EMF mind control. Ever wonder why on some mornings EVERYONE seems to be happy, and on others EVERYONE seems to be grouchy? People don't just naturally fall into a mold like that, yet you see it all the time. And you never used to. This is a new phenomenon. Back in the 70's and 80's moods were totally random. Not anymore. There are happy days when everyone is happy, and grouchy days and indifferent days. If you have not noticed this, start paying attention. People's lives are random, and there should be absolutely no reason for their moods to all be similar for any reason other than outside manipulation.
The second purpose is an occasional one - I believe that occasionally the towers will be switched up to full output to eat a nuclear reactor in Japan via a phony earthquake scenario, or to make good and sure a hurricane is useful for a social experiment in New Orleans. But you cannot have them humming away at full output all the time, without it becoming obvious, so the ability is likely saved for special occasions. Furthermore, with as many as there are around, it probably does not take more than a few percent of them, at any one time, to pull off something big. And this is exactly why, as my reader also stated, "Later, the Army Corps of Engineers would install frequency amplifiers connected with HXXrp. I believe they can control the weather." Why, pray tell, would the Corps of Engineers show up and install something in a "civilian" cell tower? Think about that. We all know the "elite" can trigger earthquakes. We all know they can tweak the weather. The question is then, since there is no GIANT UFO in the sky doing it, where is their system located?

Geometric patterns prove it has to be the Cell towers doing it.

If you set up two transmitters, their phase collision zone will happen in a straight line. But, as my reader from Brazil has stated, they had a perfectly square shaped drought area. And if you look at the pictures of the haarp caused drought in California, that pattern happened along two straight lines that formed an L. And then there are circles and other patterns people have reported, and this means that the effect is not being accomplished with two transmitters; it has to be using multiple transmitters creating multiple collision zones to start drawing shapes. THAT is where the cell towers come into play.
The more signal sources you have to create a zone, the more patterns and shapes you can make, with each transmitter pair in whatever Haarp grid you fire up being responsible for their own little area. Let's say your little grid uses a thousand cell towers in the Houston area - this would allow 500 different points, each getting at least 100,000 watts of bias current each, with a total of 50 million watts to trigger a bigger cascade from the ionosphere. This would be the reason for all the shapes people see, true, there are radar errors that can cause patterns to appear, as many meteorologists will state, but that won't cause a consistent drought, causing [a] L shaped high front off the coast of California to appear and stay put for months on end.
It is very easy to confirm that cell towers have cell service as a totally secondary purpose; just walk up to one and see how much power it is getting fed. If there is any more there than 100 watts for amplifiers, another 200 or so for lights, and I'll give them another 500 to play with just in case there is something like a computer and monitor in a little building at the tower base, if there is more than that present, something is seriously amiss. Having large liquid cooled transformers at every tower is a dead giveaway, the towers are NOT what we have been told they are.
I believe what we are witnessing now - the horrible tornados and floods, is also the result of weather modifications. I believe they want to bring untold disaster to this nation, to cause extreme trouble before ushering in an ID system, a new currency, and global governance.

Direct environmental effects can be observed, when Haarp type systems are in use, if you get lucky

Mysterious booms, powerful auroras, you can see and hear it all, if there is a break in the clouds, or booms, if they push the system too hard. This is the reason for all the mysterious booms people are hearing around the country now, google that, if you have not heard about it. And the volcanic eruption to the left I believe was a threat against the nation of Japan. Such pictures are common now. But think back to when you were a kid. We had cameras and volcanoes then. Why did we never have pictures like this in National Geographic in the 60´s 70´s 80´s and 90´s? HMMMMM??? That's not special effects, that really happened and is obvious Haarp in action. To see more, like it CLICK HERE ; the elite are OBVIOUSLY now making MANY THREATS.
AND THEY CAN, because in the words of Defense secretary William Cohen himself, dated all the way back to 1996, Cohen himself stated:
"Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.
So, there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important."

Cohen himself said this in a Pentagon press briefing in 1996. THAT means all this technology is real. Cell towers and Haarp emit radio waves, which are just another name for electromagnetic waves. WAKE UP PEOPLE, THERE IS NO ROOM FOR DOUBT - regardless of the systems used, this warfare is a reality and Cohen's statement proves it. If you have any friends who are doubters, show them this page. Don't send it via mail, which will only be censored, show them directly on their own computers.

I have observed weather modification myself.
In Vancouver BC in the winter of 2007, I personally watched the sky during extremely odd weather at night, and through a hole in the clouds - which occurred between violent downpours -  saw an aurora borealis stepping up and down in discrete steps, as if being digitally switched between various intensities. I have spent plenty of time observing real auroras, and this one obviously had a synthetic origin. It was extremely bright, the brightest I have ever seen by far, and auroras do not just step up and down in intensity like that. They fade up and down. I even wondered why it was in such large steps, with modern technologies it would not need to be. Perhaps they don't care about how obvious it is, or perhaps they thought the clouds were solid enough to hide it.
I knew when I saw this, in concert with clouds that appeared to be formed along grid lines in symmetrical patterns, that the weather, in that particular case, had to be man made.

As usual, if anyone can point out inaccuracies in this article, please e-mail me with recommended changes; Weather modification is so classified that details are sparse and you sometimes just have to guess. I hope I connected a few dots here.