Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - May 28, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - May 28, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 28-May-2012 22:00:44

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - May 28, 2012
Free energy zones:
Free energy zones will be areas of designation that are provided to supply clean and free without charge or cost energy to those in these areas willing to participate in these projects. What we would like to do is put aside your current means of supplying your households with energy and installing a new technology that will better improve the efficiency and the supply of clean energy into your home. These projects will be performed on a worldwide level and there will come a time when each and every household on your planet will be furnished this technological advancement that will supply clean energy without a cost to the subscriber of this technology.
To participate in this program, we ask those of you who are willing to make certain changes in your household to make their names available to us either telepathically or through posting or commenting throughout your online social networks and we will enter your name into our database for consideration for this advancement in your home. What this technology entails is an entirely new way to harness energy from the atmosphere surrounding your planet. This area of your planet is known to you as the stratosphere, and it is here that energy is available for this kind of use through the implementation of a device that is installed in a home or dwelling. This device will pick up radiating energy that encircles your planet. It will then clean and purify this energy before its use to power appliances, heating and lighting in your home. What it will not do is power automobiles, trains, buses and airplanes, but we have other means to power these systems of transportation that at this time are important to your world.
We would like to begin the implementation of these energy devices in the homes of those of you willing to participate in our initial programs to introduce this technology to your world. We will be monitoring the publicly accessible areas of your online social networks to monitor your responses to our offer. We hope to see a large number of you willing to participate in this program, as we feel a large number of you utilizing this technology will act as an icebreaker for many of our other projects that we wish to implement that will advance your world greatly and benefit so many.
We wish to begin the implementation of these energy devices in the months ahead, no later than September, although always keep in mind that timelines are fluid and unforeseeable schedule changes do occur for a myriad of reasons and complications concerning the matter of your criminal cabal. They, of course, will not be very pleased to discover that we are now going to go ahead with the distribution of these free energy devices. This is one of the larger points of their discussions amongst themselves, as they perceive this as a great blow to their power. We relish the opportunity to take away so much of their stolen power and deal a blow to their illegal and unconstitutional empire. These factions of your criminal organizations will begin to see the destruction of their power structure immediately upon the implementation of these free energy devices, as it is the hoarding of energy and its ransom like sale to you, the people, which has lined the pockets of many members of your criminal cabal with riches.
By taking back your right to pure, clean energy, you are taking back your right to exist on your planet without having to pay someone rent, tax or tribute in any way. This is one of our main goals here in your world and we, the Galactic Federation of Light, will not leave here until you, our brothers and sisters of Earth, are freed from the tyrannical control of these dark masters. Breaking you free from the bondage of heavy taxation and extortion for energy that can easily be provided to each and every being on your planet completely free of charge is a task we are committed to accomplishing, as we see this as a major tipping point to who yields the power in your world. We wish to give the power back to you, the people, and set certain rules and guidelines to ensure that the people will forever be in power here before we depart to again assist another world break free from the limitations that currently bind them to lives of drudgery, toil and limited freedoms, rights and rights of expression.
Our job here is not nearly complete, as there is a great amount of work to be done by us as well as by you. Help us help you make these changes throughout your society by dispensing this information as far and as wide as you can. Do not allow the snickering and the bickering of some that have yet to see the greater picture dismay you in any way from your task of being a fountain of information for these new ideas and concepts. As we have advised you, you will be seen as a pioneer of your new world, as in the days ahead all will see that what you speak of today is a sneak peek into the future of everyone that calls this lovely planet their home.
What a joy this will be for your families who can turn on a light switch or an appliance and power your technologies with our technology that we will very happily share with our friends. We see the sharing of this technology as a bridge that will be built between our two civilizations, yours of Earth and ours from the stars. Do you already feel how empowering it will be for you to be able to tear up your contracts with those who currently supply your homes with electricity, heating oil, propane or gas? Do you see already how much of your hard-earned wealth you can be preserved for better uses for you and your families? We are very excited to present you with our first gift of technology, and we look forward to seeing many of your names provided either telepathically to us or posted publicly in forums in your online social networks. We have staff ready to begin monitoring these online sites for your reaction to our offer to supply you with these new free energy devices that can and will be easily installed in your homes.
How these devices will be presented to you from us is a matter we will disclose at a later date when we are more comfortable with the position of your criminal cabal and their many minions. At this time, they yet roam free in your world, but this will change and it will change for good. We see these arrests of these individuals as a very important step for your world and your people, and we urge at this time your members of the teams undertaking this great task to step up their efforts to make this event a reality. Again, we wish to make it clear that we remain fully prepared, backing you up in protection from those of your world militaries who may choose to attempt to interfere in some way with these procedures.
As we have said, we will do all that we can to make sure your efforts go unmolested by any militaries or factions yet aligned with your criminal organizations. This is what we will do for you, but we cannot make these arrests for you, as it is your world and you must take it back from those who have stolen it from you. This is the way it must be, and we hope that the people of your world can understand this and see why it is so important for you yourselves to take back your rights of sovereignty and your right to live in a world free of those who only understand the concepts of more power, more money, more control and more struggle and hardship for those they feel they possess like so many assets in their accounts.
We are here to assist you break free from their bondage, but we cannot and will not do it all for you. We will do everything we can to assist you make these changes here, and we await your move or your request for further intelligence from us that will assist you in your task. We await a response from you, our brothers and sisters on the front line, and we wish you the very best in your efforts to restore to the people of your planet their sovereign right of freedom that has been taken from them by these individuals.
We wish to see action soon from you as there are many programs and projects that we wish to begin implementing in your world that will benefit greatly all of you on so many levels, your current lives will not be recognizable from your new lives of freedom from the toils that are today a necessary component for your survival. Your people will be taking a great leap from lives based primarily on a need to survive, to lives based on an inner desire to express themselves artistically, creatively and academically, and share all the gifts they create with others throughout your world free of charge to them. This is what is possible for your world, and it only waits for you to take possession of it.
Choose now the way you wish to leave this time. Choose the way in which you wish to exit the reality you have come to know as your only option. There are other options available to you that will allow you to experience more freedoms and more luxuries then you are currently experiencing here. There are many doors that can and will open for you upon your knock, and they will lead you into corridors that lead to a new existence, a new reality beyond the current limitations of this 3rd dimensional construct of mind and matter.
There have always been these doors open to you. There has always been a means for you to exit which no longer serves you and your higher purpose in this universe. You, as a sovereign soul on a journey of choice, have never been tied to any one reality that you did not wish to experience further. This law applies to you and to your reality today just as any other day and period in your existence. We look to offer you the opportunity to exit this reality according to your own terms and according to your own time schedule that you have allotted yourself to spend here.
Not everyone will choose to leave this paradigm. Not everyone is prepared for the freedoms that wait beyond this illusion. Not everyone has learned all the lessons available through this setting, and not everyone has experienced all they wish to experience here in the physical. Remember this, and remember that there is no right or wrong choice as all is personal preference, and it is not anyone's right to force their preferences on another as none of us know better what one needs or wishes to experience but ourselves.
How a being chooses to leave here is also a matter of personal preference. Some may choose to leave here through the death experience. This is all right, as for many, this choice and method of exit will lead them to the higher dimensions and the new experience that they seek. For others, this method of leaving here does not suit them and they have chosen an alternative means to exit this reality and begin anew beyond its limitations. For these souls, ascension in body is the method they wish to utilize as their means into the higher realms of this universe. For these souls, they have made a choice that they do not wish to experience death and rebirth again, but wish a continual incarnation without stops and starts to interfere with the steady and beautiful flow of their journey.
All is a matter of personal taste and preference, and we say to you to allow all others no matter how close they are to you to take all the time that they need to decide for themselves how they wish to continue their journey, always remembering that their journey will indeed continue, it is just the manner in which they continue it that may differ from yours. If you could do that you would be doing your fellow beings a great service, as each of us needs to find just what it is that vibrates our heartstrings and makes our heart sing in harmony.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Sign up here for free energy program:

Ron Paul versus Barack Obama, on Weed

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Ron Paul versus Barack Obama, on Weed
Posted By: Basil
Date: Monday, 28-May-2012 22:27:41

The Prez appears to have been quite the Hawaii pot head.
Buzzfeed has what at first seems a hilarious take on the President and his serious weed smoking days. It's a must read: A User's Guide to Smoking Pot with Barack Obama.
But there is another side to the story, the Prez as serious hypocrite. Firedoglake has that side of the story:
Details from a new book Barack Obama: The Story contains in-depth details about his frequent marijuana use as a young man. Although Obama admitted to using marijuana in his memoir Dreams From My Father, we now learn for example that Obama was a frequently indulging aficionado who was a big fan of hot boxing in cars. While Obama's past marijuana use is treated as merely a funny anecdote, his hypocrisy on the issue of marijuana and the destruction his continued support for prohibition causes is no laughing matter.
In 2010 roughly 850,000 Americans were arrested for marijuana related offenses of which the vast majority was for possession. That means since Obama took office it is likely well over 2.5 million Americans have been arrested for marijuana. Millions arrested for committing the same basic "crime" our President often committed during his youth.
Contrast this with Ron Paul, who I seriously doubt has ever taken one puff of weed in his life. (He told me that it was only recently that he started drinking red wine.). Yet, it is Ron Paul who wants to eliminate federal drug laws. If he were president, he would pardon those in jail for federal drug offenses and disband the DEA.
That's the difference between a man of principle who favors liberty for all and a scheming elitist like President Obama. Dr. Paul. just wouldn't touch weed, but as a man in favor liberty, he wouldn't bother with anyone else who chose to use it. President Obama, on the other hand, as an elitist, views himself above the law. For him to be a Hawaii pot head was just fine, but now, in power, he uses the power of federal government to crush those who now do what he did.

An Interview with: Tanaath of the Silver Legion An Inter-dimensional Army of Light Warriors by Tolec

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

An Interview with: Tanaath of the Silver Legion An Inter-dimensional Army of Light Warriors by Tolec
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 29-May-2012 02:42:51

An Interview with: Tanaath of the Silver Legion
An Inter-dimensional Army of Light Warriors
Conducted by: Tolec of the ANDROMEDA COUNCIL (Video)
May 26, 2012
Draco Reptilian Cube Destroyed - Tanaath Silver Legion interview - YouTube

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day – Time to Ask Why

Time for a Different Activism

 by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor and USMC Combat Veteran

Why did I add that?  I am asking for something and it isn’t money.  We have some “activists” here, folks who are angry and at an end of their patience with injustice. 
They provide hope and balance for the fatal cynicism that comes from the intelligence community where our real depth is, over 32 nations now, many either writing or feeding info and confirmations in great secrecy.

We aren’t a whistle blower or “leak” sight.  We are just a voice and a platform where members of the clandestine community, activists, war veterans, tier one fighters can come together and share ideas, communicate back channel and close some of the gaps that have led to the last disastrous century.
Our general agreement, with dozens of wars, thousands of medals, top clearances or activists with decades of personal sacrifice, we are slowly coming together, but not so slowly anymore.

The financial games have turned all of us, they have been too transparent.  Now all of us, and I work hard to keep paid infiltrators and shills away. This is the wrong place for children to play with adults, if you get my meaning…best left unstated, are looking for justice.
We aren’t terrorists but free men and women but we want blood, the blood of the guilty just the same. We know war, we know politics, we know economics and we know lies when we hear them and we have listened to little else for so long we know of nothing else. All of it is a con. None of it fits.
What do I mean?

Let’s start with the wars, terror, Iran, Syria, Libya, the Balkans, the weapons races, all eating the resources of a planet we old guys were going to save, build for our grandchildren so they could live in peace and plenty, so they could look on a world we helped make and be proud of us.
We screwed up, killed the wrong people, fought the wrong wars, were too often on the wrong side, let ourselves be lied to and used.  Quietly, some feel shame, other anger and none that have honor don’t feel one, the other or both.
We are not just ashamed of those who sold out for money, who have kept the world impoverished, most below iron age, half at stone age, disease ridden, ignorant and starving, when we could so easily have done so much better, those who are silent on this many of us wish dead, have the skills to make it happen but then see the lesson.
We would be terrorists.

I have friends who are ranking officials, top officers who, when they talk, sound like freedom fighters, people who wish for the clarity that real honor would give, war to defend our families, not wars of profit and conquest that has stained our souls.

'Tim Osman' [Osama Bin Laden] with Ziggy Brzezinski,when Tim was CIA

A decade ago, they were ready to wipe over a billion people off the face of the earth.  Then it came down to “contracting,” whether $600 a day or $2,000 a day.  All you had to remember was the mantra, “Al Qaeda is the threat, we must find Osama bin Laden.”

The evidence for “Al Qaeda” was the same sources Chalbi brought us on Saddam’s WMDs, all air and baloney.  There are no large terror rings other than those established during the Cold War, those underwritten by intelligence agencies.

Palestinians fought back, as too many of us know now, fought 62 years of genocide and apartheid that decades of Hollywood and Info-News fiction twisted into terrorism.

They were a people wiped from the face of the earth for trying to live in peace on land others had been given by a rehashed Hittite sun god and his imaginary pseudo-biblical cast of ancient sociopaths and mythologists.

It was Iran Contra that put the permanent stain on America’s intelligence community, some of it undeserved.  Key agencies, the few that existed then, deeply resented White House bungling and racketeering under Reagan and Bush.

While the “imagineers” watched the collapse of communism, the real watchers saw something else.  We saw a chessboard where America had made moves that, in the end, would “checkmate” the entire west, as we see today.

Angela Merkel - the former(?) communist

NATO is 99% America, drugs, intimidation, election rigging and organized crime. NATO, with the US and Europe are 5000% broke, busted and waiting for the crash and it was all engineered by those who lost the cold war, by the old line “commies,” by the East German Stasi, whose “queen,” Merkel rules Europe.

As Patton will tell you, we lost World War II, not coming in second, we didn’t finish at all, it finished us.

As payback for American support of the Mujahideen, the US was maneuvered into accepting what it thought was a “right wing” dictatorship what would make us rulers of the world.  It was easy.
Cheney and Rumsfeld, the “Darth Vader Duo,” had picked out a bungling malcontent, George Bush “the least” and a gang of “think tankers” they didn’t know were all Moscow/Tel Aviv puppets whose job it was to lead us to war, to civil unrest, to economic collapse and unrelenting domestic totalitarianism.

Ask Brzezinski about it.  He watched it all come together, helpless, while 9/11 was being planned around him.  One friend, working in the White House in 2001, talked today of an “off the cuff” conversation he had with several National Security Council members on August 23, 2001.  He told them how easy it would be to crash planes into the White House.
“Their faces turned white.  They told me, ‘If we hear a word of this, you will find yourself arrested or dead, do you understand?”
Like all of us, when the “planes” happened, no American fighters as with other hijackings or “off course” flights, we all knew and we all looked away, leaving David Ray Griffin and Mr. Bollyn the lonely job of being the conscience of the world.
Those that could have, that should have spoken up, silent for years and now, quite unavoidably, when it is too late, have finally figured it out.
Here is what we have learned:
While we were told to watch for ”the left,” the ”liberals,” a real totalitarianism came to us in wolves clothing from the right, behind every “neocon” is a Stalinist in disguise, hiding behind class envy or manufactured wars.
This is the old Comintern disguised as the Israel lobby or peddling “family values” and ”Christian virtue,” all a sham, all a cocoon for what we now know to be as the real communist infiltrators, playing Americans like a broken fiddle this Memorial day like so many others.

My squad wrapping up night ambush duty...getting ready for the day job, combat patrol

This is the real Memorial Day, those who died beside me, who died for war after war, always the same reason, the dead, the maimed, the crushed of spirit, all for money from Pearl Harbor to Gettysburg to Concord Green to the Tet to Pork Chop Hill, every death for money alone.
We tell ourselves we gave because of those beside us.  Truthfully, we were duped, we were drafted, we were coerced, we were blackmailed, we were lied to and all any of us ever accomplished was to serve our masters and die quietly or kill the poor and innocent.

But World War II was different we are told, the holocaust, the camps, the crazy Nazi gangsters and the Japanese warring class.  But who told us?  You won’t like the answer.

Most of our history was written by communists, they dictated Churchill’s ghost written books, they gave us all those stories we retell day after day, our mythology of self righteousness.
This is the censored Patton.  Even I censor Patton as his words are now considered illegal, criminal acts in Germany, Canada, even America.  They are true just the same.

The video below is what is allowed to remain of him, public lies that still couldn’t keep him alive as he was murdered soon after.

Note the film is narrated by Reagan who personally took credit for liberating Auschwitz though Reagan did not serve in World War II.  Patton would have used Reagan for pistol practice.
 Patton was the single real military leader to come out of the war.  Here, Patton gives his version of events:
At the end of World War II, one of America’s top military leaders accurately assessed the shift in the balance of world power which that war had produced and foresaw the enormous danger of communist aggression against the West. Alone among U.S. leaders he warned that America should act immediately, while her supremacy was unchallengeable, to end that danger. Unfortunately, his warning went unheeded, and he was quickly silenced by a convenient “accident” which took his life.
Thirty-two years ago, in the terrible summer of 1945, the U.S. Army had just completed the destruction of Europe and had set up a government of military occupation amid the ruins to rule the starving Germans and deal out victors’ justice to the vanquished. General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. Third Army, became military governor of the greater portion of the American occupation zone of Germany.

Grave of General Patton in Luxembourg (Photo Credit: C. Duff)

It was only in the final days of the war and during his tenure as military governor of Germany — after he had gotten to know both the Germans and America’s “gallant Soviet allies” — that Patton’s understanding of the true situation grew and his opinions changed. In his diary and in many letters to his family, friends, various military colleagues, and government officials, he expressed his new understanding and his apprehensions for the future. His diary and his letters were published in 1974 by the Houghton Mifflin Company under the title The Patton Papers.
Several months before the end of the war, General Patton had recognized the fearful danger to the West posed by the Soviet Union, and he had disagreed bitterly with the orders which he had been given to hold back his army and wait for the Red Army to occupy vast stretches of German, Czech, Rumanian, Hungarian, and Yugoslav territory, which the Americans could have easily taken instead.
On May 7, 1945, just before the German capitulation, Patton had a conference in Austria with U.S. Secretary of War Robert Patterson. Patton was gravely concerned over the Soviet failure to respect the demarcation lines separating the Soviet and American occupation zones. He was also alarmed by plans in Washington for the immediate partial demobilization of the U.S. Army.
Patton said to Patterson:
 ”Let’s keep our boots polished, bayonets sharpened, and present a picture of force and strength to the Red Army. This is the only language they understand and respect.”
Patterson replied, “Oh, George, you have been so close to this thing so long, you have lost sight of the big picture.”
Patton rejoined:
“I understand the situation. Their (the Soviet) supply system is inadequate to maintain them in a serious action such as I could put to them. They have chickens in the coop and cattle on the hoof — that’s their supply system. They could probably maintain themselves in the type of fighting I could give them for five days. After that it would make no difference how many million men they have, and if you wanted Moscow I could give it to you.
They lived on the land coming down. There is insufficient left for them to maintain themselves going back. Let’s not give them time to build up their supplies. If we do, then . . . we have had a victory over the Germans and disarmed them, but we have failed in the liberation of Europe; we have lost the war!”
Patton’s urgent and prophetic advice went unheeded by Patterson and the other politicians and only served to give warning about Patton’s feelings to the alien conspirators behind the scenes in New York, Washington, and Moscow.
The more he saw of the Soviets, the stronger Patton’s conviction grew that the proper course of action would be to stifle communism then and there, while the chance existed. Later in May 1945 he attended several meetings and social affairs with top Red Army officers, and he evaluated them carefully. He noted in his diary on May 14:
“I have never seen in any army at any time, including the German Imperial Army of 1912, as severe discipline as exists in the Russian army. The officers, with few exceptions, give the appearance of recently civilized Mongolian bandits.”
And Patton’s aide, General Hobart Gay, noted in his own journal for May 14: “Everything they (the Russians) did impressed one with the idea of virility and cruelty.”

George all decked out

Nevertheless, Patton knew that the Americans could whip the Reds then — but perhaps not later. On May 18 he noted in his diary:
“In my opinion, the American Army as it now exists could beat the Russians with the greatest of ease, because, while the Russians have good infantry, they are lacking in artillery, air, tanks, and in the knowledge of the use of the combined arms, whereas we excel in all three of these. If it should be necessary to fight the Russians, the sooner we do it the better.”
Two days later he repeated his concern when he wrote his wife: “If we have to fight them, now is the time. From now on we will get weaker and they stronger.”
Having immediately recognized the Soviet danger and urged a course of action which would have freed all of eastern Europe from the communist yoke with the expenditure of far less American blood than was spilled in Korea and Vietnam.
It would have obviated both those later wars not to mention World War III — Patton next came to appreciate the true nature of the people for whom World War II was fought: the Jews.
Most of the Jews swarming over Germany immediately after the war came from Poland and Russia.
He was disgusted by their behavior in the camps for Displaced Persons (DP’s) which the Americans built for them and even more disgusted by the way they behaved when they were housed in German hospitals and private homes. He observed with horror that “these people do not understand toilets and refuse to use them except as repositories for tin cans, garbage, and refuse . . . They decline, where practicable, to use latrines, preferring to relieve themselves on the floor.”
Another September diary entry, following a demand from Washington that more German housing be turned over to Jews, summed up his feelings:

Henry Morgenthau, Jr.

“Evidently the virus started by Morgenthau and Baruch of a Semitic revenge against all Germans is still working. Harrison (a U.S. State Department official) and his associates indicate that they feel German civilians should be removed from houses for the purpose of housing Displaced Persons.
There are two errors in this assumption. First, when we remove an individual German we punish an individual German, while the punishment is — not intended for the individual but for the race.
Furthermore, it is against my Anglo-Saxon conscience to remove a person from a house, which is a punishment, without due process of law.”
Similarly, he expressed his doubts to his military colleagues about the overwhelming emphasis being placed on the persecution of every German who had formerly been a member of the National Socialist party. In a letter to his wife of September 14, 1945, he said:
“I am frankly opposed to this war criminal stuff. It is not cricket and is Semitic. I am also opposed to sending POW’s to work as slaves in foreign lands (i.e., the Soviet Union’s Gulags), where many will be starved to death.”
Despite his disagreement with official policy, Patton followed the rules laid down by Morgenthau and others back in Washington as closely as his conscience would allow, but he tried to moderate the effect, and this brought him into increasing conflict with Eisenhower and the other politically ambitious generals. In another letter to his wife he commented:
“I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is ‘Liberty, then give me death.’ I can’t see how Americans can sink so low.”
And in his diary he noted:,

A pensive Patton...Thinking about the Russians?

“Today we received orders . . . in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc? . . . We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.”
His duties as military governor took Patton to all parts of Germany and intimately acquainted him with the German people and their condition. He could not help but compare them with the French, the Italians, the Belgians, and even the British. This comparison gradually forced him to the conclusion that World War II had been fought against the wrong people.

After a visit to ruined Berlin, he wrote his wife on July 21, 1945: “Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages. And all Europe will be communist. It’s said that for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed.”
This conviction, that the politicians had used him and the U.S. Army for a criminal purpose, grew in the following weeks. During a dinner with French General Alphonse Juin in August, Patton was surprised to find the Frenchman in agreement with him. His diary entry for August 18 quotes Gen. Juin: “It is indeed unfortunate, mon General, that the English and the Americans have destroyed in Europe the only sound country — and I do not mean France. Therefore, the road is now open for the advent of Russian communism.”
Later diary entries and letters to his wife reiterate this same conclusion. On August 31 he wrote: “Actually, the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. it’s a choice between them and the Russians. I prefer the Germans.” And on September 2: “What we are doing is to destroy the only semi-modern state in Europe, so that Russia can swallow the whole.”

The Dufster in Nam...a tall but skinny target

There are few American families that didn’t suffer because of the war.  For decade after decade, we are told a mythology about our enemy.  I am limited by law in a dozen nations thought to be liberal democracies to write what I know to be fact about what Germany did and did not do during the war.
I am allowed, however, to take this time and thank those, who exactly like me, out of ignorance or curiosity or simply a need for acceptance, have taken part in wars against our brothers and sisters, led our friends to slaughter, destroyed civilizations in the name of Wall Street, Moscow, Tel Aviv and international communism.

Whether “Progressive” or “Reactionary,” the answer was always the same, invade, kill, steal, control and lie.

In 1917 we went to war to “make the world safe for democracy.”

95 years later, that world lives in virtual slavery, Americans are beginning to starve, look around you, Africa is still colonized, brutality and deception are the norm.

Please, point to one success, Britain proven a slave of Murdoch and Blair, a cabal of crime, Germany ruled by the Stasi “queen,” France and the rest of Europe in utter collapse, Africa, raped and slaughtered for profit, Asia, the land of sweat shops, Mexico, drugs, murder and human trafficking, a land of fear, very much a part of a continent in collapse.
This is what we fought to give our children. What we forgot to do is teach them right from wrong, who to kill, when to kill and why. We never learned that ourselves.
Next time we are asked to head across the world to steal oil, sell drugs and murder children, we might just head the other direction.  Think I am kidding?  Ask around.

One of the magical 'pretzel' Twin Towers beams

Next time an imaginary bin Laden melts a million tons of steel with a few gallons of kerosene, ain’t none of us buying a word of it anymore.  Next car bomb, suicide bomber, crashing plane, we know where to look and who to look for.

I passed 6 veterans yesterday while driving out for dinner, each with their version of “Will work for food” on a sign.  It was a warm day, I recognize 82nd Airborne on a tattoo when I see one.

I know the game, burn the records, refuse to help the homeless because “rules don’t let us give aid to homeless veterans who can’t prove 90 days residency.” (Ohio Veterans Commission Rule 5901.08)
This Memorial Day, every county across America has given an average of $500,000 each to aid veterans in addition to the budget of $140.3 billion from the Department of Veterans Affairs (based on President Obama’s estimate for 2013).

Less than 5% of that money will go to veterans, the rest will end up lining pockets of officials or be openly stolen.  Those responsible are, in many cases, veterans themselves, grown fat on the blood of fellow vets.

Many represent what they tell us is the real veteran’s leadership, bars, pool halls and bingo parlors backed by a few Washington lawyers. In truth, they represent nothing except a cog in the lie machine that has eaten the world.
It’s time, not just to quit but to “get even.”  We have been forgiving too long and have much to seek justice for, Americans and the millions, maybe billions around the world.
Memorial Day is a time to remind people that doing as you are told makes you a slave, not a free man.


"War on Terror" is an outright HOAX and a BLATANT LIE

The "War on Terror" is an outright HOAX and a BLATANT LIE of the rogue cabal criminal  'government' (CIA/Hmlnd Sec) in the district of criminals

The Case of the Missing Terrorists  by Paul Craig Roberts  PaulCraigRoberts.org     May 15, 2012

Recently by Paul Craig Roberts: Does the West Have a Future?

If there were any real terrorists, Jose Rodriguez would be dead.
Who is Jose Rodriguez? He is the criminal who ran the CIA torture program. Most of his victims were not terrorists or even insurgents. Most were hapless individuals kidnapped by warlords and sold to the Americans as “terrorists” for the bounty paid.
If Rodriguez’s identity was previously a secret, it is no more. He has been on CBS “60 Minutes” taking credit for torturing Muslims and using the information allegedly gained to kill leaders of al Qaeda. If terrorists were really the problem that Homeland Security, the FBI and CIA claim, Rodriguez’s name would be a struck through item on the terrorists’ hit list. He would be in his grave.
So, also, would be John Yoo, who wrote the Justice (sic) Department memos giving the green light to torture, despite US and International laws prohibiting torture. Apparently, Yoo, a professor at the Boalt School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley, was ignorant of US and international law. And so was the US Department of Justice (sic).
Notice that Rodriguez, “The Torturer of the Muslims,” does’t have to hide. He can go on national television, reveal his identity, and revel in his success in torturing and murdering Muslims. Rodriguez has no Secret Service protection and would be an easy mark for assassination by terrorists so capable as to have, allegedly, pulled off 9/11.
Another easy mark for assassination would be former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who staffed up the Pentagon with neoconservative warmongers such as Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith, who in turn concocted the false information used to justify the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Rumsfeld himself declared members of al Qaeda to be the most vicious and dangerous killers on earth. Yet Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith, Richard Perle, together with neoconservative media propagandists, such as William Kristol and Max Boot, have been walking around safe for years unmolested by terrorists seeking revenge or bringing retribution to those responsible for as many as 1,000,000 Muslim deaths.
Condi Rice, Colin Powell, who delivered the Speech of Lies to the UN inaugurating the invasion of Iraq, and Dick Cheney, whose minimal Secret Service protection could not withstand a determined assassination attempt, also enjoy lives unmolested by terrorists.
Remember the deck of cards that the Bush regime had with Iraqi faces? If terrorists had a similar deck, all of those named above would be “high value targets.” Yet, there has not been a single attempt on any one of them.
Strange, isn’t it, that none of the above are faced with a terrorist threat. Yet, the tough, macho Navy Seals who allegedly killed Osama bin Laden must have their identity kept hidden so that they don’t become terrorist targets. These American supermen, highly trained killers themselves, don’t dare show their faces, but Rodriguez, Rumsfeld, and Condi Rice can walk around unmolested. Indeed, the Seals’ lives are so endangered that President Obama gave up the enormous public relations political benefit of a White House ceremony with the heroic Navy Seals. Very strange behavior for a politician. A couple of weeks after the alleged bin Laden killing, the Seals unit, or most of it, was wiped out in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.
If you were a Muslim terrorist seeking retribution for Washington’s crimes, would you try to smuggle aboard an airliner a bomb in your underwear or shoe in order to blow up people whose only responsibility for Washington’s war against Muslims is that they fell for Washington’s propaganda? If you wanted to blow up the innocent, wouldn’t you instead place your bomb in the middle of the mass of humanity waiting to clear airport security and take out TSA personnel along with passengers? Terrorists could coordinate their attacks, hitting a number of large airports across the US at the same minute. This would be real terror. Moreover, it would present TSA with an insolvable problem: how can people be screened before they are screened?
Or coordinated attacks on shopping malls and sports events?
Why should terrorists, if they exist, bother to kill people when it is easy to cause mayhem by not killing them? There are a large number of unguarded electric power substations. Entire regions of the country could be shut down. The simplest disruptive act would be to release large quantities of roofing nails in the midst of rush hour traffic in Boston, New York, Washington DC, Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco. You get the picture: thousands and thousands of cars disabled with flat tires blocking the main arteries for days.
Before some reader accuses me of giving terrorists ideas, ask yourself if you really think people so clever as to have allegedly planned and carried out 9/11 couldn’t think of such simple tactics, plots that could be carried out without having to defeat security or kill innocent people? My point isn’t what terrorists, if they exist, should do. The point is that the absence of easy-to-do acts of terrorism suggests that the terrorist threat is more hype than reality. Yet, we have an expensive, intrusive security apparatus that seems to have no real function except to exercise power over American citizens.
In place of real terrorists carrying out easy plots, we have “terrorist” plots dreamed up by FBI and CIA agents, who then recruit some hapless or demented dupes, bribing them with money and heroic images of themselves, and supplying them with the plot and fake explosives. These are called “sting operations,” but they are not. They are orchestrations by our own security agencies that produce fake terrorist plots that are then “foiled” by the security agencies that hatched the plots. Washington’s announcement is always: “The public was never in danger.” Some terrorist plot! We have never been endangered by one, but the airports have been on orange alert for 11.5 years.
The federal judiciary and brainwashed juries actually treat these concocted plots as real threats to American security despite the government’s announcements that the public was never in danger.
The announcements of the “foiled” plots keep the brainwashed public docile and amenable to intrusive searches, warrantless spying, the growth of an unaccountable police state, and endless wars.
The “War on Terror” is a hoax, one that has been successfully used to destroy the US Constitution and to complete the transformation of law from a shield of the people into a weapon in the hands of the state. By destroying habeas corpus, due process, and the presumption of innocence, the “War on Terror” has destroyed our security.
Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, has been reporting shocking cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. A new edition of his book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored with Lawrence Stratton, a documented account of how americans lost the protection of law, has been released by Random House. Visit his website.
Copyright © 2012 Paul Craig Roberts

Awesome Power Of The Big Guy!

Did you know that when Christ Jesus entered the Temple and turned over tables and 
whipped the Edomite Pharisees out, did you know that Christ Jesus was lifting up and turning over tables that probably weighed no less than 600 pounds? This shows you the ENDLESS powerful physical abilities Christ Jesus as being God, lifting up 600 pound tables with ONE HAND, while whipping Edom out with a cat of nine tails with the other hand. Those were HEAVY wooden tables and not those fold out lunch tables we have today, and imagine, ONE HAND of Christ lifted up those giant 600 pound tables. This fact reminds us of the AWESOME POWER OF CHRIST JESUS!!!!!

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 28, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 28, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 28-May-2012 15:02:07

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 28, 2012
For some souls who have only just awakened, their reality has been shattered and for a while they will cling to what they believed to be the truth. It is important that they realize that the coming changes are not to be feared. Also that it is not too late to alter their pattern of thinking to allow their consciousness levels to be lifted, and place themselves on the path to Ascension. It is not necessarily a matter of how much you know, as your understanding that progress will be made by living from the heart and not through the ego. Be humble and see yourself in every other soul, and treat them as you would yourself be treated. One of the main frailties that humans have is being judgmental and if you can work towards being non-judgmental, you will have traveled a long way towards lifting yourself up.
God has provided for every soul but left the choice up to you, as to whether you wish to ascend or continue your third dimensional experiences. It may not seem so, but you have all had the same opportunities to change the course of your life. It comes down to wanting to change, and taking the responsibility for your own spiritual evolution. Once you make that decision you will never travel alone, but that help is lost unless you put the effort in to setting yourself a goal. Time is short and very soon there will be great revelations about the true purpose of life, and most importantly, establishing the truth about The One God of your Universe. God is not the sole property of any religion, but God to every single soul and each one is a godspark in its own rights. The whole purpose of your many lives is to experience and take it back to the Godhead. Since you have been granted freewill to do so, God does not chastise or punish you, and allows the Laws of the Universe to apply the necessary teachings that will help you over any mistakes you have made.
Dear Ones, your wait is nearly over as the final arrangements are made to go ahead with the arrests of the Illuminati. It is something of a military operation, but their presence will only be to help our allies if they are violently opposed. As far as we are concerned, the activities are planned to be non-violent and legally supported and enforced by Law Marshals. That much many of you are aware of through keeping up to date with the news coming out from many reliable sources. However, as always discretion is called for as the truth will often be countered by disinformation, or denial by those who have different beliefs. Once we can speak openly to you, you will soon accept our messages as you will intuitively know that they are true. Since we have been in contact since the mid 1900's it is not as though we have suddenly come into your lives. Through us and various spiritual societies we have as it were, been breaking the ice that has concealed the truth.
It is our wish that extra effort is put in by those who are in the forefront of the spiritual vanguard, to do all possible to get the news out of the pending changes. People will hear of some aspects without being sufficiently informed to avoid becoming fearful. Naturally they will have many questions, and this is where you can come in and be of great help. Physical changes are necessary but will not be as catastrophic as the original prophecies suggested. They were given in accordance with the probabilities that existed at that time. We are pleased to inform you that consciousness levels have lifted up so much in recent times, that physical changes will be much less volatile. As we have often advised you and will repeat that if you are concerned about where you are, sit quietly for a while and intuitively check it out with you Higher Self.
Until the governmental changes you will be unable to trust official reports, as they are still influenced by those who want you to remain in the dark. A perfect illustration of this is the US Governments recent denial of us and our craft, notwithstanding the fact that we have met with them on many occasions. However, it makes little difference in the long run as when the timing is appropriate, we shall ensure that the official announcement acknowledging our presence goes ahead. That will signal the beginning of a close association between us and you, that will carry on through Ascension and into the next cycle of your evolution. With our allies help we are laying down the foundations for your elevation into the higher dimensions. You already have one foot in them and as you raise your vibrations, will readily take to the changes. In effect, you will have nothing taken away from you that is not replaced by something better. Bear in mind that the ultimate goal is to turn you into Galactic Beings.
In some ways it is as well you do not have instant recall of previous lives, as it would probably pre-occupy you when you should be concentrating on your future. Furthermore, you would not necessarily recognize yourself as the same person you are now, as you will have evolved and become more of the Light. Just imagine how much experience you have gained, and how it has molded you into the person you are today. Do not worry if you still have baggage to release, and use your self control to overcome it. If you aspire to lift yourself up you will never be without help, even if you are unaware of it. Angels and Guides accompany you through the physical world, and are doing all they can to make sure you fulfil your life plan. You can help yourself by acknowledging their presence and call upon them if you need their help, as they cannot "interfere" unless you do so. There are exceptions as for instance if you are in danger, they are allowed to help you through such difficulties. That absolutely applies if your life is threatened, and it is not your time to leave the Earth. It is almost certain that many of you have escaped some danger without even realizing how you did so, and probably put it down to luck or sheer coincidence.
I am SaLuSa form Sirius, and can you see now how important you are to us, and how you are being safely guided to completion of this cycle. It may sound odd given that you exist in the lower dimensions, but the Universe depends on you to reach the end time through Ascension. It awaits Man's great fulfillment and ascendancy to the higher dimensions, the place that is your real home. Speaking for the Galactic Federation, I can tell you that we love you all, and see you as your Higher Selves without a blemish, standing in the pure Light of Love.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 28-May-2012 14:53:48

Ladies of the world, wherever you are, whatever you are doing on Thursday, the 31st of May at 4pm Eastern time, drop it. Grab up a pot or pan and a large metal spoon and step out on your porch, outside your job on the sidewalk, in front of a government building and make a BIG BIG NOISE! If you are at home hand the lids to those pots and pans to your children and show them how cymbals work! Let the self appointed elite know the women of the world are not alright with what they have in mind for our children, that we are not alright with what they have in mind for us, that we are not alright with waging endless wars for profit at the expense of the lives of our sons and daughters, death and destruction for the purpose of lining their pockets, that we are fed up and have had enough. That we are willing to fight for what is ours and we will NEVER BEND TO THE WILL of men with no honor, no integrity, no decency and not enough intelligence to know when they have gone too far!
Let the men who have enough intestinal fortitude to stand with their ladies join you! Make such a noise that it can be heard around the world, such a noise that even the dishonest media cannot ignore! We are wives, we are mothers, we are the keepers of family and decency, we are the world, the world of peace, equality, love and all that is gentle but we are fierce and capable when threatened!
Just like William Wallace American Women say this to those who presume to know what is best for us in Washington D.C. ! You think the people exist to provide you with position WE SAY YOUR POSITION EXISTS SOLELY TO PROTECT OUR FREEDOM, DO YOUR JOB OR GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!
Any of you out there who can video your pots n pans brigade contact Freedom Reigns athttp://www.freedomreigns.us/ We will edit video footage from all over the world and upload it for all to see. BE HEARD LADIES! FOR THE CHILDREN, FOR YOURSELVES AND FOR HUMANITY!
Attached to this email is an article which explains what happened in Iceland when the ladies used their pots and pans! And by the way the ladies of Argentina, Spain, Nicaragua just to name a few did the same thing and brought great change when the message got across that we are done putting up with evil, selfish, immature behavior from our leaders.
1892 – Bankers adopted their Bankers’ Manifesto of 1892 in which it was declared: “We [the bankers] must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized resistance. The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and we must take immediate steps to control these organizations in our interest or disrupt them….
The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible.
When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.”
Rags make paper,
Paper makes money,
Money makes banks,
Banks make loans,
Loans make poverty,
Poverty makes rags.

Picture of Obama and his Ex

Picture of Obama and his Ex

by Rodan ( 21 Comments › )
Filed under Barack ObamaMediaSpecial Report at January 22nd, 2012 - 12:43 am
The media has trotted out Newt Gingrich’s ex. They trotted out an alleged mistress of Herman Cain. Why are they so silent about Barack Husein Obama’s ex?
How cute they look! Is Obama’s ex still alive?
Update: Here’s a video of Larry Sinclair describing his fling with Obama back in 1999
Why is the media covering it up?

U.K.: Landmark Case Could Bring Down the Legal System – Queen not valid monarch

U.K.: Landmark Case Could Bring Down the Legal System – Queen not valid monarch

Landmark Case Could Stymie Legal System
If everyone began using this defence tomorrow, in all of the Commonwealth courts and in the United States, the entire legal system could be brought to its knees in a matter of weeks if not days.”
For those of you who have been following the John Anthony Hill (JAH) Case, it is great to be able to share that he was acquitted, on the 12th of May 2011, of the ridiculous and politically-motivated charge of attempting to “pervert the course of justice”. For those of you less familiar with this landmark case, John Anthony Hill is the Producer of the documentary film “7/7 Ripple Effect”. For more details about this extraordinary case and the trial itself, please visit the following links:-
There are two very important precedents that were established with this case that need to be studied in detail. There was a preliminary argument presented to the court to challenge both the jurisdiction and the sovereignty of Elizabeth Battenberg/Mountbatten, which was based on two distinct points. The first point being she was knowingly, and with malice aforethought, coronated on a fake stone in 1953 and thus has never been lawfully crowned.
There are those who may wish to argue that this point is irrelevant, as Judge Jeffrey Vincent Pegden did at the trial, wrongly thinking the Coronation is just a ceremony because she has been pretending to be the monarch for over 58 years. In actual fact the Coronation is a binding oath and a contract, requiring the monarch’s signature. Which brings us to the second point.
At that Coronation ceremony, Elizabeth signed a binding contract, before God and the British people, that she would do her utmost to maintain The Laws of God. This she solemnly swore to do, with her hand placed on the Sovereign’s Bible, before kissing The Bible and signing the contract. Please note well that in The Law of God, found in the first five books of The Bible, man-made legislation is strictly prohibited.

Insiders Predict a 5-Day Bank Holiday in Europe Before Euro Ends, Renminbi May Replace US Dollar

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: Insiders Predict a 5-Day Bank Holiday in Europe Before Euro Ends, Renminbi May Replace US Dollar
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 28-May-2012 10:22:27

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis
The final showdown in the ongoing financial war is appearing imminent. The 140 nation BRICS alliance is preparing to offer to buy up all cash US dollars and replace them with a new currency backed by a basket of commodities, including precious metals, according to multiple sources. After that move, any money printed by the US Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate would not be accepted as currency by the 140 nation group. This would force an end game for the criminal cabal that illegally seized power in the United States.
Before that move, though, there will be a 5-day bank holiday in Europe followed by the end of the Euro and the re-introduction of old national currencies like the Deutschemark and the Drachma, Rothschild family sources say.
The situation, however, remains highly volatile and there are signs of dangerous end-game maneuvers by the cabal.


May 28, 2012

The final showdown in the ongoing financial war is appearing imminent. The 140 nation BRICS alliance is preparing to offer to buy up all cash US dollars and replace them with a new currency backed by a basket of commodities, including precious metals, according to multiple sources. After that move, any money printed by the US Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate would not be accepted as currency by the 140 nation group. This would force an end game for the criminal cabal that illegally seized power in the United States.

Before that move, though, there will be a 5-day bank holiday in Europe followed by the end of the Euro and the re-introduction of old national currencies like the Deutschemark and the Drachma, Rothschild family sources say. The situation, however, remains highly volatile and there are signs of dangerous end-game maneuvers by the cabal. 

In Japan, the attempt by the cabal controlled media to create panic over the nuclear terrorism at Fukushima, is being accompanied by renewed threats of nuclear terror. The deep sea drilling ship Chikyu Maru has been spotted off the shore of the Rokkasho Mura nuclear complex in Aomori Prefecture Japan, according to Japanese military intelligence. The ship is crewed by Americans and brainwashed Japanese slaves. 

Rokkasho Mura is the location of a giant plutonium processing complex that has already produced enough plutonium to manufacture 5000 nuclear weapons. Sending the Chikyu Maru to drill tactical nuclear warheads into the seabed off the shore of Rokkasho Mura is a cabal attempt to blackmail the planet with a nuclear holocaust. 

Shoichiro Kobayashi, adviser to Kansai Electric Power, and Yoshiyasu Sato, adviser to Tokyo Electric Power and both members of the Rothschild crime syndicate’s Trilateral commission will be taken in for vigorous questioning about their knowledge of this renewed terror threat. They are expected to sing like canaries and point their fingers directly at the Rockefeller gangsters behind these latest terror threats. 

Message to the Rockefeller family: Remove David, David Junior, Nicholas and J. from all responsibility and hand over control of the Rockefeller syndicate to the female members of that family. If you do not, every single descendant of John Rockefeller will be hunted down and eliminated from all levels of existence forever. 

While we are at it, we would also like to kindly request that the Du Pont family remove all carcinogens and infertility causing chemicals from their product lines in Japan and elsewhere. 

Sources in the Japanese underworld are also now reporting that the Inagawa Kai and Yamaguchi Gumi yakuza gangs are split between those who are still working for the committee of 300 and those who want to restore Japanese independence. The talk is that top committee of 300 traitor slaves Yasuhiro Nakasone and Junichiro Koizumi are headed for punishment from heaven. 

Question for Nakasone: “What was in all those blue boxes your people loaded into a submarine and sent to your North Korean homeland?” Was it documentary evidence of your crimes or were you sending Japanese plutonium to North Korea? 

The other people on the crime list in Japan are Hisashi Owada from the International Court of Justice and Eiji Katsu from the Ministry of Finance. Owada’s daughter, Princess Masako, recently tried to poison the Japanese Emperor, according to families inside the Royal Household Agency. 

The Emperor recently returned from England where he discussed the White Dragon Society, among other subjects, with the Queen. A representative of the emperor asked for a meeting with a representative of the White Dragon Society on May 26th, but the between was abruptly postponed by the Emperor’s side. We do not know why. 

We trust the Emperor and the Queen agreed to purge the Satanists from the committee of 300 and support a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. Hand written letters will be delivered to both parties requesting support for such a campaign and requesting their voluntary appearance before a truth and reconciliation committee. 

Returning to the situation in Europe, we notice most of the reporting about the “financial crisis,” there leaves out the elephant in the living room, i.e. the 140 nation BRICS alliance. 

The link to the following map explains the real reason for the crisis: 

Basically, Europe has maxed out its credit card with the rest of the world. The region as a whole needs to negotiate a restructuring of its debt to the rest of the world. The rest of the world is asking for an end to ceaseless warmongering in return. The only European country other than Germany that has enough money to solve the crisis without reference of the rest of the world is Russia. Give Putin a call. 

Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, the longest serving Finance Minister in the G8 and a direct participant in the financial negotiations of the past few years, explains the situation very clearly in this op-ed: 

Basically, he is saying the Europeans need to take their medicine just like all other countries that went to the IMF for money in the past had to. 

The firing of the head of the Vatican bank last week and the turmoil in the Vatican are more signs of the end of an era in Europe. 

The situation in the US is also coming to a head. A very senior US agency source asked that the following information be spread far and wide: 

President Obama’s social security number 042-68-4425 belonged to a John Paul Ludwig born in 1890. Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham, worked in a probate office in Hawaii where she had access to social security numbers of deceased individuals. Because Ludwig never received Social Security Benefits, there were no benefits to stop, therefore no questions were ever raised. 

Dunham, knowing her grandson was not a US citizen, because he was born in Kenya and became a citizen of Indonesia upon his adoption, she scoured the probate records until she found someone who died who was not getting benefits and selected Mr. Ludwig’s for Obama, the agency official explained. 

Detailed, indictable criminal evidence against Henry Kissinger was also provided by sources in Indonesia. Basically, Kissinger was involved in the murder of 14,000 Indonesians in Papua New Guinea to facilitate gold mining by Freeport, a company Kissinger advises. Kissinger gets $500,000 a year from them as a board member and gets another $500,000 in consulting fees. 

In any case once the corporate government of the US is put out of business, the Renminbi will become the currency of the world. The date given by two insiders for this event is September 16th. We again remind readers that many dates have come and gone without predictions turning true so please remain skeptical and only believe 100% when you actually see it happen. 

However, it is true that China has been systematically buying up all natural products like trees, copper, farmland or anything tangible to back a reality based currency. 

Drake's Videos - Benjamin Fulford Fulfillment? -vid

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Youtuber Comment: Drake's Videos - Benjamin Fulford Fulfillment? -vid
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 28-May-2012 10:29:45

Drake is controversial
People don't know if they should believe him
He's not the first to proclaim that there are arrests coming shortly
He says blatantly that Obama will be arrested and many around him
This is revolutionary!
It's a military coup and nobody is doing anything about it, so maybe the Dark Cabal has lost their power
Drake says, as does Benjamin Fulford, that the Dark Cabal is short on money
Yet, Benjamin Fulford says that the money they have is in the accounts under White Spiritual Boy and those accounts have huge sums, so what's up?
I don't know, but you need to hear these audio recordings on YouTube videos!

Information about Obama birth and SSN from Fulford's newsletter

Information about Obama birth and SSN from Fulford's newsletter
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 28-May-2012 11:13:10

Actually, I have seen most of this elsewhere before, mainly from the Orly Taitz investigations, but here is the quote from Fulford:
"The situation in the US is also coming to a head. A very senior US agency source asked that the following information be spread far and wide:"President Obama’s social security number 042-68-4425 belonged to a John Paul Ludwig born in 1890. Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham, worked in a probate office in Hawaii where she had access to social security numbers of deceased individuals. Because Ludwig never received Social Security Benefits, there were no benefits to stop, therefore no questions were ever raised.
"Dunham, knowing her grandson was not a US citizen, because he was born in Kenya and became a citizen of Indonesia upon his adoption, she scoured the probate records until she found someone who died who was not getting benefits and selected Mr. Ludwig’s for Obama, the agency official explained."



Many professionals in restaurants and eateries are using or
consuming the entire lemon and nothing is wasted.

How can you use the whole lemon without waste?
Simple..place the lemon in the freezer section of your refrigerator. Once the lemon is frozen, get your grater, and shred the whole lemon (no need to peel it) and sprinkle it on top of your foods.
Sprinkle it to your whisky, wine, vegetable salad, ice cream, soup, noodles, spaghetti sauce, rice, sushi, fish dishes. All of the foods will unexpectedly have a wonderful taste, something that you may have never tasted before. Most likely, you only think of lemon juice and vitamin C. Not anymore. Now that you've learned this lemon secret, you can use lemon even in instant cup noodles.
What's the major advantage of using the whole lemon other than preventing waste and adding new taste to your dishes?

Well, you see lemon peels contain as much as 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice itself. And yes, that's what you've been wasting. But from now on, by following this simple procedure of freezing the whole lemon, then grating it on top of your dishes, you can consume all of those nutrients and get even healthier.
It's also good that lemon peels are health rejuvenators in eradicating toxic elements in the body.

So place your lemon in your freezer, and then grate it on your meal every day. It is a key to make your foods tastier and you get to live healthier and longer! That's the lemon secret!
Better late than NEVER!
The surprising benefits of lemon!
Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.
Why do we not know about that? Because there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic version that will bring them huge profits. You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease. Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy. How many people will die while this closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations? As you know, the lemon tree is known for its varieties of lemons and limes. You can eat the fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc... It is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all types. Some say it is very useful in all variants of cancer. It is considered also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure which is too high and an antidepressant,combats stress and nervous disorders.
The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that It destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas ...The compounds of this tree showed 10,000 times better than the product Adriamycin, a drug normally used chemotherapeutic in the world, slowing the growth of cancer cells. And what is even more astonishing: this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and it does not affect healthy cells.

Was Lee Harvey Oswald a Hero?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Rense & Jim Marrs – Was Lee Harvey Oswald a Hero?
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 28-May-2012 04:14:18

Parts 2,3,4,5..........

Evidence Reveals Obama's College Class Got Lower SAT Scores than Dubya

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's Billsbest: Evidence Reveals Obama's College Class Got Lower SAT Scores than Dubya
Posted By: CGI_admin
Date: Monday, 28-May-2012 00:17:54

Evidence Reveals Obama's College Class Got Lower SAT Scores than Dubya
Is Obama as bright as he seems?
Average SAT score of Obama's 1981 transfer group to Columbia was 1,100
Bush got into Yale with score of 1,206 out of 1,600
Obama refuses to release his academic recordBy Julian Gavaghan

Barack Obama may have got worse high school grades than George W Bush after new evidence showed the current president was among a college class with poor average SAT scores.
Doubts about the supposedly superior intellect of Mr Obama were first raised after he refused to release his academic record.
He has also made some factual errors during his time in the job – although he is still a very long way behind his gaff-prone predecessor.
Read more: Evidence Reveals Obama's College Class Got Lower SAT Scores than Dubya