Monday, September 12, 2011

Message from SaLuSa, September 12, 2011

Message from SaLuSa, September 12, 2011

It is a case of biding your time, as you perceive matters moving along at a quick pace that is surprising in view of where you were just a year ago. Whilst you had been hoping for the elusive announcement of Disclosure, other factors necessary to completion were also receiving a lot of attention from us. The result is that once we can get started, you will find yourselves on a bit of a roller coaster ride. However, it will be an enjoyable experience and carry you forward on a wave of joy. Life cannot go on much longer as it is now, but if enlightened you know what to expect, and it should keep you in high spirits.

At a time when your memories of a most shocking day in your history have been revived, you will need to keep your sights on Ascension. Feelings will be felt again of the pain and sadness that resulted from it. It will stir up resentment again against those considered responsible, but there will be a balancing because of those who know the truth. In the time that has elapsed since 9/11 many have learnt that the truth bears little resemblance to the official line. That in turn can evoke anger at those who perpetrated such an evil deed against their own people. However, we would beseech you to allow destiny to look after the outcome, because no one gets away with any crime against Humanity. Look upon it with a degree of indifference but not because you do not care, but because you can take it in your stride. The Light is needed just as much at this time as ever it was.

We have seen you tackle the dark Ones as we expected, as the Light cannot be held back for ever. It has grown in spite of attempts to create fear and many distractions. The army of Light has proved it is more than equal to the army of darkness. The plan for your spiritual enlightenment was made a long time ago, and the White Brotherhood made sure that many great Beings incarnated on Earth to create the Grid of Light. We are referring to all of you who have awakened to your tasks, and yet you may not realise what an important role you have played. Do not underrate yourselves, as you are part of a superb team that works quietly without seeking fame or publicity, and you are dearly loved by us all who are watching over you.

Recently Mother Earth has been relatively quiet, but that will change as the need for cleansing grows more urgent. We are fully aware of what to expect and we do co-operate with her. There is certainly not going to be the catastrophic events predicted by some quarters, and it is as well to bear in mind that many changes have been made to the end times. You can take some credit for them, as the levels of consciousness have risen considerably in recent times. Simply look upon the future as full of probabilities and expect the best outcome, and that way you will continue to add to the existing Light and have nothing to fear.

As we so often ask of you, keep solidly focussed on the result of all the changes because they will lift you up very quickly, and deal first with the major ones that are keeping you back. In one way and another the lack of money has become the most disturbing factor, as it has repercussions for everyone. What governments are gong to learn, is that no matter what they do to restore the old system of finance it will not work. It has been collapsing for a long time and only propped up by printing more money, which is no lasting answer. Our allies have established a new structure that will ensure no repeat of the financial fiasco you are involved in. It will succeed, because it offers a secure way out before the problem becomes even more serious.

We wait upon various leaders to accept that they have no alternative but to go along with the plan for Ascension or resign, as the right people must be leading you through the final days. They will be motivated by their desire to lead you out the mess you are in, and put in place systems that respect your rights and sovereignty and we will of course will be working with them.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that you are sensing the nearness of Ascension, and the path to happiness is opening up so that we can walk hand in hand with you, in Light and Love. Bless you all Dear Ones.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Canary Islands Earthquake Swarm ALERT - Tsunami Conditions

UPDATED - Canary Islands Government To Begin Evacuating - EARTHQUAKE SWARM - MEGA Tsunami Conditions Forming!!!
UPDATE! Canary Islands government begins relocation project to evacuate and relocate citizens in response to massive amounts of earthquakes over the past 7 weeks.

[link to]

"The Scientific Committee, met this morning at the request of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Security of the Canary Islands Government, decided to relocate the population of El Hierro directly, the most important conclusions from information gathered by seismic and volcanic National Geographic Institute (IGN) and the Institute of the Canary Islands volcanological (non-tip) on the earthquakes recorded on the island since last July."

Map of situation: El Heirro would be completely inundated by a tsunami from La Palma. AND...El Hierro is creating it's own dangerous situations right now with the massive earthquake swarm that began in July and is still going strong.

[link to]

Analysis of earthquakes and tsunami possibilities on all Canary Islands.

[link to]

Thought that maybe a comparison would be valuable. An area where we know earthquakes are very active...the state of California...had only 52 quakes yesterday. California is roughly 1500 times the size of this island have nearly 200 in a 24 hour period is really something phenomenal! Only 490 in Nevada and California combined in the last 7 days. In comparison, there's been approximately 733 in the past week. That doesn't come close to the previous week in El Hierro though...1878 quakes in that previous week. And remember...that's all happening in a VERY concentrated area!

Alaska is also very active...over there we saw 242 quakes in the past week. And, Alaska is also something like 6,000 times the size of El Hierro Island and is EXTREMELY active seismically.

El Hierro is 104 square miles.

California is 163,395 square miles

Alaska is 663,267 square miles

People...this is a LOT of shaking for a very small area!"

[link to]

"The number of daily earthquakes recorded on the smallest of the Canary Islands (Spain), El Hierro, has increased considerably in recent days. The Instituto Volcanologico de Canarias has also reported a 1cm inflation over part of the island’s volcano following on from GPS analysis.

The total number of tremors recorded during the past five weeks has now exceeded 4200, according to the Instituto Geografico Nacional (IGN).

The majority of the earth tremors range between 1 and 3 magnitude. More than 431 earthquakes, including one measuring 3.5 magnitude on the Richter Scale, were recorded on Monday (22 August) alone."

This is very noteworthy. This much activity means that the Canary Islands may be coming back to life! We have gone through the possibility of a tsunami created by a massive quake or volcanic explosion on those islands here on GLP. This MAY be just the event needed to initiate the conditions needed to cause this to happen! Check out this youtube video where scientists discuss the way this may in fact happen. VERY informative.

Explanation of how Canary Island quake could lead to a MASSIVE MEGA TSUNAMI that would wipe out entire U.S. East Coast.

[link to]

LaRouche PAC-TV Issues 'The Real Story of 9/11'

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

PRESS RELEASE: LaRouche PAC-TV Issues 'The Real Story of 9/11'
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Monday, 12-Sep-2011 13:32:59
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 11:26:57 -0400

LaRouche PAC-TV Issues 'The Real Story of 9/11'
Sept. 11 (EIRNS)—

On the eve of the 10th anniversary commemorations of the 9/11 atrocity, LaRouche PAC-TV posted a blockbuster video which rips the mask off the cover-up still ongoing about that history-shaping event.
The 55 minute video, entitled "10 Years Later—The Real Story of 9/11," begins with Lyndon LaRouche's warning, issued 8 months prior to the terrorist act, that the U.S., under the Bush Administration, was facing a severe risk of a Reichstag Fire-style event, fabricated by the international financial oligarchy that was faced with the imminent threat of bankruptcy, for the purpose of establishing a dictatorship. Within days after the attack, in an interview by EIR, LaRouche described his analysis of the "how" and "why" of the attack in greater detail.
The LaRouche PAC video then elaborates on the set-up of the crime, its effects, and the coverup, which continues to this day by the Obama Administrtion.
EIR Counterintelligence Editor Jeffrey Steinberg is interviewed throughout, providing a detailed picture of the role of the British and Saudi governments, in particular, in creating the terrorist groups which became al-Qaeda, and funding terrorists who participated in the 9/11 attacks.
The United States, and the world as a whole, continue to live under the threat of the forces who carried out 9/11, as long as the cover-up continues. Watch this video immediately, to get the story, and pass it on.

How many more have to die to protect the MONOPLOY MONEY SCAM?



How many more have to die to protect the MONOPLOY MONEY SCAM?

Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan Chase says pullout of Basel --- WONDER WHY?

LONDON (Reuters) - The United States should consider pulling out of the Basel group of global regulators, Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, said in an interview with the Financial Times.
Dimon said he was supportive of forcing banks to have more capital but argued that moves to impose an additional charge on the largest global banks went too far, particularly for U.S. lenders.
He was quoted as describing new international bank capital rules as "anti-American".
"I'm very close to thinking the U.S. shouldn't be in Basel anymore. I would not have agreed to rules that are blatantly anti-American," he said in the interview.
"Our regulators should go there and say: 'If it's not in the interests of the U.S., we're not doing it'."
The Basel III capital rules are designed to increase the safety of the financial system by making banks build up risk-absorbent "core tier one" capital to at least 7 percent of risk-weighted assets. The biggest, including JPMorgan, have to reach 9.5 percent.
Dimon also criticised liquidity rules, arguing that regulations that viewed covered bonds as highly liquid but discounted government-backed, mortgage-backed securities in the United States were unfair.
He added that other details hit investment banking activity core to U.S. banks hardest because of the threat that Asian banks, in particular, could take U.S. market share due to the combination of U.S. domestic and global rules.
"I think any American president, secretary of Treasury, regulator or other leader would want strong, healthy global financial firms and not think that somehow we should give up that position in the world and that would be good for your country."


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: CliffR [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 12-Sep-2011 10:27:37
If you still beleive the official story about 911, your head must be so far in the sand you're looking at China.
For those of you who still beleive the story, or aren't sure, here are three short hard hitting articles which prove once and for all that the whole story is a lie.
For example, you see the missle which left the twenty foot hole hit the Pentagon. You see the commercial jet which supposedly hit the seccond tower sail right on by because somebody forgot to clip the overly.

Video - Architects and Engineers question the official story on 9/11

Architects and Engineers question the official story on 9/11 (Video aprox. 15 mins)

Videos - The Calling and The Awakening -AWESOME MUST SEE


My prayer is that many of you will take the time to watch.
Believe me, there will be something in these of interest to you,
even if you don't believe in a conspiracy surrounding us.

The Calling By Max Igan*Full Length* 1:06:10

The Awakening by Max Igan (Full) 1:05:52



This report has been held over for a number of days to see what today might bring .............
Despite the press hoop-la, the Illuminati were unable to "celebrate" 9-11 this year.  They fully intended to.
There were plans.  It was said that a major devastation was being readied for this year's "9-11".
It was Benjamin Fulford who first reported that an explosion had taken place in an underground city near Washington DC.  This was to be the Illuminati's "Retreat" once the button had been pushed to activate their final plans of destruction.
There are 125 such underground cities in North America. The closest one to me was Cold Lake in Alberta - 30 stories deep and miles across. All fishermen had to get off the lake by dusk - or they would be shot on sight. No questions asked.  Not far to the West, a little NE of Edmonton, was an underground (Black) "UFO" base, to which select members were often invited. I decided not to risk it.
Most, if not all, of these underground cities contained cloned armies, ready to be brought out to take care of any opposition. But we were told back in the '90s not to worry about that - the minds of cloned soldiers can be altered so that they fight on our side, rather than for the Illuminati. It seems that that might not be necessary.
So the Washington DC underground city was destroyed.
At the same time .........
Washington was being watched from above by the Celestials - a 'high-ranking' Master.
An urgent message was sent to Jupiter, Mars, Sirius and the Pleiades asking that their Forces be at the ready.  Illuminati preparations were kept under observation (the Doomsday bomb???)
Then the order was given:.
"It is time.
The dark have shown their hand.
Descend now, immediately."

No need to describe the panic. Bystanders took shelter. Those involved and their 'tools of the trade' were eliminated. The message was relayed back to these same planets:

The days passed - quietly. Now finally, on 9-11 .... although we are 7-10 hours ahead of North America it seems safe to assume that no further action will take place.  The war was won on 30th August!
The press will now undoubtedly continue to be as quiet as they were about 'Building Seven' ............
Our heartfelt thanks to all those on this 'rove' ...............
[Names of those involved have been withheld]
Progredere in luce,

Barack Obama is the best thing that has happened to America in the last 100 years.

 (The article below was written by Gary Hubbell, a rancher, fishing guide and real estate agent, in Aspen Colorado of all places....Someone picked this up and began circulating it. To confirm its authenticity, someone emailed Gary and received the following reply:
        "Yes, indeed, I did write that. -Thanks for your compliments.")


        Gary Hubbell, Broker/Owner
        United Country Colorado Brokers
        Hotchkiss, CO 81419
        970 872 3322 office
        970 988 2122 cell
        970 921 5588 home
        970 872 3323 office fax

        Gary Hubbell
        Aspen Times Weekly February 2010

        Barack Obama is the best thing that has happened to America in the last 100 years. Truly, he is the savior of America 's future.

        Despite the fact that he has some of the lowest approval ratings among recent presidents, history will see Barack Obama as the source of America 's resurrection. Barack Obama has plunged the country into levels of debt that we could not have previously imagined; his efforts to nationalize health care have been met with fierce resistance nationwide; TARP bailouts and stimulus spending have shown little positive effect on the national economy; unemployment is unacceptably high and looks to remain that way for most of a decade; legacy entitlement programs have ballooned to unsustainable levels, and there is a seething anger in the populace.

        That's why Barack Obama is such a good thing for America . Here's why.

        Obama is the symbol of a creeping liberalism that has infected our society like a cancer for the last 100 years. Just as Hitler is the face of fascism, Obama will go down in history as the face of unchecked liberalism. The cancer metastasized to the point where it could no longer be ignored.

        Average Americans who have quietly gone about their lives, earning a paycheck, contributing to their favorite charities, going to high school football games on Friday night, spending their weekends at the beach or on hunting trips - they've gotten off the fence. They've woken up. There is a level of political activism in this country that we haven't seen since the American Revolution, and Barack Obama has been the catalyst that has sparked a restructuring of the American political and social consciousness.

        Think of the crap we've slowly learned to tolerate over the past 50 years as liberalism sought to re-structure the America that was the symbol of freedom and liberty to all the people of the world.
        Immigration laws were ignored on the basis of compassion.
        Welfare policies encouraged irresponsibility, the fracturing of families, and a cycle of generations of dependency. Debt was regarded as a tonic to lubricate the economy.
        Our children left school having been taught that they are exceptional and special, while great numbers of them cannot perform basic functions of mathematics and literacy.
        Legislators decided that people could not be trusted to defend their own homes, and stripped citizens of their rights to own firearms. Productive members of society have been penalized with a heavy burden of taxes in order to support legions of do-nothings who loll around, reveling in their addictions, obesity, indolence, ignorance and "disabilities."
        Criminals have been arrested and re-arrested, coddled and set free to pillage the citizenry yet again.
        Lawyers routinely extort fortunes from doctors, contractors and business people with dubious torts.

        We slowly learned to tolerate these outrages, shaking our heads in disbelief, and we went on with our lives.

        But Barack Obama has ripped the lid off a seething cauldron of dissatisfaction and unrest.

        A former Communist is given a paid government position in the White House as an advisor to the president.
        Auto companies are taken over by the government, and the auto workers' union - whose contracts are completely insupportable in any economic sense - is rewarded with a stake in the company.
        Government bails out Wall Street investment bankers and insurance companies, who pay their executives outrageous bonuses as thanks for the public support.
        Terrorists are read their Miranda rights and given free lawyers.
        And, despite overwhelming public disapproval, Barack Obama has pushed forward with a health care plan that would re-structure one-sixth of the American economy.

        Literally millions of Americans have had enough. They're organizing, they're studying the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, they're reading history and case law, they're showing up at rallies and meetings, and a slew of conservative candidates are throwing their hats into the ring. Is there a revolution brewing? Yes, in the sense that there is a keen awareness that our priorities and sensibilities must be radically re-structured. Will it be a violent revolution? No. It will be done through the interpretation of the original document that has guided us for 220 "FANTASTIC" years--- the Constitution. Just as the pendulum swung to embrace political correctness and liberalism, there will be a backlash, a complete repudiation of a hundred years of nonsense. A hundred years from now, history will perceive the year 2010 as the time when America got back on the right track. And for that, we can thank Barack Hussein Obama.

        Gary Hubbell is a hunter, rancher, and former hunting and fly-fishing guide. Gary works as a Colorado ranch real estate broker. He can be reached through his website,


Remembering 9/11

PLEASE READ AND PASS IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
911 Material
Remembering 9/11
By Jesse Richard
Sep 11, 2011 - 7:35:18 AM

You Only Believe the Official 9/11 Story Because You Don't Know the Official 9/11 Story .
.I don't believe the official story of 9/11 because I know the official story of 9/11!
During the past 10 years I have not met a single individual who, after doing research on the subject, switched from questioning the official narrative of the events of 9/11/2001 to believing the official narrative of those events.. It is always the other way around. Why do you think that is? There are good reasons for this, and I will try to explain this phenomenon right now.
The term "conspiracy theorist", perhaps the most misapplied description in our vernacular, is often used to describe 9/11 truthers. Perhaps that term does apply to a segment of the 9/11 truth movement. But in most cases a more accurate description of 9/11 truthers is probably "expert", or "scholar", or "researcher." You see, much of the doubt cast on the official narrative of the events of 9/11 has not come in the form of speculated accusations, or "theories." In fact, it has come in the form of questions that have been raised after a careful study of the official and undisputed events and details.
Ten years have passed since the infamous events of September 11th, 2001 took place, and the majority of people still don't know a damn thing about the actual details of that event. They don't know what was going on in the country with regard to our military that day. They don't know the history or the activities of key members of our government, defense establishment or intelligence community, on, or during the weeks, and in some cases the years leading up to that day. They don't know what took place during or immediately following the events of that day. And they don't know what actions were taken by those key people following that event.
As is the case with so many issues, people tend to stand strong and argue a position or voice an opinion about an event like 9/11. But, when questioned about the many details surrounding that event they have no answers. They are clueless. And they are, in the end, dumbfounded.
I can not tell you how many times I have discussed the events of 9/11 with an outraged citizen who can not believe that I would "accuse our own government" of such a terrible thing as conducting a false flag operation, only to hear the phrase "no, I did not know that, is that true?" repeated over and over as I "educate" them about those little things called DETAILS. I can not count the pale-faced stunned looks on people's faces as I exposed them to some of the "official facts" they never suspected, and never knew. I have walked away from many a confrontation with newly educated "patriotic Americans", only to worry about whether or not they would again resume breathing correctly.
They would never do such a thing
A common start and end to any intelligent discussion about the events of 9/11 is prefaced by the assumption that no American would betray his or her country by allowing or conducting an attack on the American people. Well, the people who take this position know nothing about history, let alone human nature. They also don't know about the public positions, declarations, speeches and published documents written by the people who ran our nation on that day.
False flag operations have taken place for generations, in this nation and nations around the world. Many of these operations have been exposed, but proof of many of these activities is probably hidden away in secret documents that may one day come to light. You can however, start your exploration on the topic by researching one plan for American self-inflicted terrorism that became public, Operation Northwoods. Do I detect my first "I did not know this, is it true?" May I suggest you also peek into the neoconservative teachings of the principles involved in running our nation at the time of the "new Pearl Harbor" that took place in 2001.
But the 9/11 Commission did not find anything wrong
I can not believe how many people do not know the genesis or mission of the 9/11 Kean Commission. From the initial appointment of one of America's most nefarious political figures as its original leader, Henry Kissinger, - to its executive director whose area of expertise and education were in the creation and maintaining of public myths, Philip D. Zelikow,- people have no idea as to who comprised or what the mandate was for this commission.
To give you some kind of idea as to why the "findings" of this commission can NOT be used to back up any talking points on the topic of 9/11, let me remind you what the official task of this commission was. The Kean Commissions was told to document the official story and make national security recommendations based on that story. The only information that was to be included in the official report had to match the official story. If any one member of the committee objected to any testimony or finding, that piece of information was to be left out of the report For some examples of this you can talk to the thousands of people who became 9/11 truthers as a result of their testimony being omitted from and contradicted by the final report.
Start with the WTC worker credited with being the last man out of the WTC William Rodriguez. See if he can tell you why, after being invited to the White House and meeting with George W. Bush, his testimony about witnessing explosions in the sub basement of the WTC moments prior to the first plane hitting the building was omitted from the Kean report. And for more details you can read David Ray Griffin's book called The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions. It pretty much translated the Kean report into a stack of rather harsh and useless toilet paper. Are the "I did not know this, is it true?" responses piling up yet?
Are you even qualified to discuss the issue?
What people don't understand when discussing issues like 9/11 is that not everyone is qualified to join the discussion, let alone impose an "opinion" on the topic. 9/11 is not really a topic that is open to opinion. The conclusion you draw from the facts are open to opinion, but what many people don't realize about the 9/11 truth movement is that its opinions are based on facts, and grounded in the reality that its members know more of the facts than the average person. If you have a discussion with a doctor about medicine your opinions and views on the subject don't exactly merit the same consideration as do those of a group of physicians..
Similarly, someone like me (and many 9/11 truthers), has the equivalent of 3 PhD's on topics such as 9/11. I am a full time journalist. I research this kind of stuff every single day and I have been doing so since 2003. Not everyone is qualified to debate me on an issue like 9/11. We can discuss it. You can ask a great number of questions and perhaps inform me about aspects of the issue of which I am not aware. But you can't impose your "opinions" on me, nor can you do that to a majority of 9/11 truthers. And by the way, when it comes to opinions vs. facts, facts win. FOX News watchers don't seem to be able to grasp this concept.
People have to realize that what separates the unsuspecting mainstream masses from the 9/11 truth movement are factual information and details. Forget the claims and accusations. You don't need to go that far to understand that there is something fishy going on here. Just look at the official body of evidence. It's all there and it will make your head spin. Don't listen to the accusations, just examine the evidence.You'll understand so much if you really take a good look. In time, if you do your research thoroughly you may just compile a list of suspects, as have many of the 9/11 truthers. I have. But we are not there yet. We really have enough official evidence to lead to quite a few criminal indictments, and I am not kidding about this. But for now let's just talk about the facts and hope that some day we will have the real answers declared by juries in courtrooms. Chances are that many truthers would be proven correct in their accusations - but again, for now, just look at the facts and understand that there are a lot of questions that need to be answered. And, find out that it's okay to say, "I did not know this, is it true?"
So, are you qualified to take part in a discussion with a 9/11 truther?
If you don't know about the "coincidental" military drills taking place on September 11, 2001, or about the interesting little political cabal known as PNAC or the Project for a New American Century, or if you don't know what WTC7 is, or the 1,500 plus architects and engineers who have serious questions about how and why it dropped like a pancake on 9/11, or if you don't know about the fact that up until his supposed murder, the FBI did not list Osama bin Laden as wanted for the events of 9/11 because, in their own words, they had no proof of his involvement, then you are not qualified to enter a discussion about the event. You have a lot of homework to do before you can chime in. So on you finish this article first. I'll bet the ranch that you'll be saying, over and over, "I did not know this, is it true?"
Why don't we accept the official story?
Here is a question that you should really think about. Don't just chime in with your own uninformed opinion because I am going to give you the answer to this question; the real honest answer. Why do you think I, Jesse Richard, founder of, have drawn the conclusion that the official narrative of the events of 9/11 is a crock? The answer to that is this...I did not always feel that way. As a matter of fact ,within hours of the event I emailed to all my friends a blistering attack on Islamic fundamentalism. And while some things that happened that day, or did not happen that day, (and week I should say,) seemed odd, I was not immediately suspicious of the "story" being told on TV about the event.
It took me almost two years before I saw enough "official" information to make me realize that there was something, actually many things, that were very wrong. I came across so many disturbing, yet official and undisputed facts that I started asking others about it. Most people did not know what I was talking about. Nobody knew the details. So your answer is this...I don't believe the official story because I know the official story! I don't believe the conclusion, and the little tale of 19 buffoons overtaking our national defense all by themselves. The official position on that by the way, is that they, the FBI, have no proof of the identity of the so-called hijackers or that there were any hijackers at all. They are not listed on the passenger lists, but you would not know that.
BUT...the official story and facts are what made me realize something was very wrong with the public perception of what took place that day, and who was responsible for what took place that day. The official story, when accepted and believed, morphs by any logic into a total and absolute fabrication!
So if you believe the conclusion to the official story, you had better know that story from start to finish. Don't approach this the way the Kean Commission approached it, by starting out accepting the explanation as truth. Study the events, study the officially acknowledged body of evidence and study the people who told you the story in the first place...and I bet it won't be long before you have as many questions as do I about that infamous day and about the people who control our government. And, of course, you'll be saying, "I did not know this, is it true?"
Okay, then, who really was behind the attacks on 9/11?
9/11 truthers make the mistake of starting their discussions with conclusions...I am not doing that. All I am saying is that there are a lot of questions about what happened that day that are not answered by the official conclusion or explanation. I would like some answers that add up. I did the math myself and I have my own "theories", but I am a journalist, and I deal in the facts, not the fables.
The official story, as fed to the American public is filled with unsupported and implausible explanations designed to convince a gullible public that they should ask no questions and trust their leaders to take revenge on those who hated us for our freedom. Volumes can be, and have been written about so many of them. For the most part, you have not read any of them.
In this article, I've posed many questions and have provided links to their answers - so that you will more clearly understand that there is SO much we have not been told about the attacks that took place a decade ago. But, those facts are the tip of a very well hidden iceberg, because there are so many questions that still remain unanswered.
So, I will end this article with a sampling of the questions that must be answered, or in the very least, investigated by impartial truth seekers.. They must NOT be ignored, or accepted simply because they were offered to a frightened nation by an administration defined by its lies. They are legitimate questions, based on legitimate suspicions. They are not, for a single moment, conspiracy theories"
1.Why did the news agencies report that WTC 7 collapsed almost 1/2 hour before it did, even though it was not hit by a plane, only had a few floors on fire, and gave no indication that it was in any serious danger?
2.Why do we still believe the tale of the 19 hijackers when so many of the accused hijackers showed up ALIVE within days? And why do we still believe the fable of the 19 hijackers when the FBI admitted that they are not sure about either the identity of the hijackers or if there were any hijackers at all?
3.Why was WTC 7 rebuilt, reopened and reoccupied with no press attention? Wouldn't this be an important victory in American resolve and perseverance?
4.Why were the NORAD rules changed for the first time several weeks prior to 9/11, taking responsibility/authority for shooting down hijacked planes away from NORAD military command for the first time in its history, and given to a civilian, Donald Rumsfeld, and then returned to NORAD the day after 9/11?
5.Why would hijackers planning on attacking NY and Washington DC drive from Florida, pass both DC and NY, and drive all the way to Maine and hinge this huge operation on a connecting flight from Maine to Boston, where we are told they hijacked their plane? Why wouldn't they fly out of any of the airports that are visible from their targets, like Newark, La Guardia or JFK...or even some of the smaller local airports that would have given them a clear easy path to their target and reduce the amount of time that our air defense systems would have to stop them?
6.Who placed all of those put options on the airlines just prior to the event, as if they knew that the stock prices on those specific airlines would lose a huge amount of value?
7.Why did George W. Bush's Secret Service detail not rush the president to safety when it was evident that the nation was under attack? If the nation was under attack, and they did not know the scope of the attack, and the president's location was known, how did they not worry about being attacked in Florida?. Why did they act as if they knew that there was no threat? And why, when our nation was under attack, did the president not rush into action? If you say he was concerned about upsetting the children, you are the ultimate apologist. He could have told them that his mommy was on the phone and he had to see what she wanted. Our county was supposedly being attacked and he/they waited 20 minutes before they moved. This is the smoking gun of smoking guns.
8.Why did the FBI never list Osama bin Laden as being wanted for 9/11? Actually, we know this one...because they admitted that they had no evidence linking him to the event.
9.Why was their molten metal flowing under the wreckage of the WTC for months? No jet fuel can melt metal, and nothing explainable could melt that much metal and keep it hot enough to remain molten for a month.
10.How did a passport of one of the so called hijackers make it through the huge fireball and end up on the street?
11.Why have photos from the 80+ cameras confiscated at the Pentagon never been released?
12.Why did the airplane that supposedly crashed at Shanksville vaporize so that nothing remained, not bodies, not luggage, not metal, - nothing - for the first time in aviation history? However, we are told that even though the plane vaporized at Shanksville, a hand-written note from a hijacker was found.
Of course, there are so many more. We deserve the answers. We deserve the right to ask these questions in public forums like the corporate media....who will not touch them with the proverbial ten foot pole. We have gate keepers on the Internet who actively ridicule and dismiss anyone who dares to raise these questions. Will you be one of them? Or, after really thinking about them, will you hope that one day, when we know what went on before, during and after the attacks on 9/11, - we can all say: "I did not know this, but I'm now absolutely convinced that it is true."
Think about's really time to think about it.
Jesse Richard - Founder,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Message from Montague Keen September 11, 2011

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Message from Montague Keen September 11, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 11-Sep-2011 17:46:33

Message from Montague Keen September 11, 2011
(Jawaharalal Nehru)

Please take this message on board as you face everything that the corrupt can throw at you. I ask you to be strong during this time of disorientation as the energy of your planet changes and moves towards the light. The dark mind control that kept you in ignorance of who you are, and your place in the universe, will use every means at its disposal to keep you right there. The louder they become in their condemnation, the more they should be pitied. They are lost souls. They use those who are on a very low vibration to criticise, vilify and put down as false, those who are in tune with Spirit, such as David Thompson (medium) and David Icke, who work towards the awakening and enlightenment of Man.
The Dark Cabal will produce more ENEMIES that you "must fear and fight at all costs". Do not believe what you will be told, no matter who is telling you. Think what they did ten years ago, to create the excuse to fight totally unjust wars. Be aware of such deceptions - do not fall for them again. No more war. The killing must stop ! The decisions that you make will affect generations to come. Courage is required. Be true to yourselves. See things as they really are. Free your minds of everything you have ever been taught. Your history is TOTAL FICTION. ALL THAT YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT AS FACT, IS NOT SO.
Again, I say to you, nothing is as it seems. It was a shock to you to find that England has not been ruled by sovereigns since 1215, since the reign of King John. The USA is not a free and sovereign nation either. The bankers and bar attorneys in the USA are a franchise, in oath and allegiance to the Crown (which has nothing to do with royalty) at Chancery, Crown Temple Church in London. Look to 1776. Check out this SCAM for yourselves.
Veronica, I know that it is not easy for you to have to face the fact that everything that you had accepted as true, was indeed false. It must be pointed out. It is necessary to know how you have been controlled by lies. It should make it easier to refuse to continue to accept such untruths. It shocked you to actually see Concession of England to Pope Innocent and the Church, on the 15th May 1213 Charter. Ireland was included in this also. It was on the 24th August 1215 that Pope Innocent III also ANNULLED THE MAGNA CARTA.
This information is important, it is necessary to face the true facts. The more you deny the truth, the more power you give to the Dark Forces. Now you understand the importance of the speech made by Mr Enda Kenny, the Irish Prime Minister. He was the first politician ever to question the authority of the Vatican to abuse the children of Ireland. All countries have supported him on this. Kenny is rare among politicians: he is honest, honourable and fearless, a leader of men. There is a move afoot to make pedophilia acceptable, so that the lives of innocent children can be destroyed the world over. Do not allow these people to destroy the lives of your children.
The Sheeple Effect which is much talked about by David Icke, is controlled by a Fear Programme that has been very effective, up to now. They have kept you misinformed, uneducated and in poverty. Step out of this confusion. Look inside yourselves and take control of your lives. Make your decisions. It is time to let go of all that has controlled you. Feel free at last. Free to be the complete Beings of Light that you are.
I wish that I could show you what humanity is moving towards. It is totally different to the prison you now find yourselves in. The moon, which does not belong to nature, and affects the human race, will be removed. You will have two suns. The seasons will not remain as now. Life will be at a much slower pace. Time will no longer figure in the running of the Universe. You will be free to travel, to explore the planet and the Universe, just as was done in ancient times. The evidence is there for all to see.
The feminine energy is returning to the planet. It's creating havoc with the dark male energy. It is exposing all that is corrupt on every level. The puppets in government are looking uneasy as they seek guidance from their controllers, who are themselves perplexed as to what they should do next to hold on to control. Your world, it is a-changing ! The imminent collapse of the monetary system will produce amazing changes that will free all countries and peoples from the debt that had such a stranglehold on their lives.
It's up to each of you how you live through this Transition. Free yourselves from the constant mind control coming from your TV sets, radios and newspapers. Trust your own judgement to know what is true or false. Try not to get caught up in any mass hysteria, such as was created ten years ago today, when so many innocent people met an horrific death. Know that they are in a better place now, they are at peace. That was mind control in action, implanting great fear in the minds of people so that they would agree to almost anything to be protected from such a fate. The more cooperation you give to the light, the quicker your world will change, and you will leave the third dimension forever.
Try to create balance through spiritual connection. This will prevent the manipulation and control. Find peace, love and harmony within yourselves. Then the negative forces cannot touch you. You have a choice: you either evolve, or remain a slave in the third dimension. This is your decision, yours alone.
We have warned you to expect three days in which it seems like everything is switched off. Yes, it will be scary for some. Especially those who have refused to look at all this. It is during this time that many will be UNCREATED. They have done so much damage to the planet that they cannot be allowed to remain. Relax, sleep through it, if possible. Trust in the God of Love and Light. Keep calm. You will not need to eat. If you do, keep it light. Massive changes are happening in your bodies, especially women's bodies. The next 60 days are important. You are almost there. Then, all will be as you would have dreamed it could be. We, on this side of life, will be with you to celebrate our great achievement, restoring the light and love to planet Earth.
Our love means so much to both of us. Your adoring husband, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Poofness - 9-11-11 The End is Here --- A Perfect Storm

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2011 2:21 PM
Subject: The End is Here..a Perfect Storm

Sounds Of Silence Lyrics
Artist: Simon & Garfunkel
Album: Sounds Of Silence


Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence

In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence

"Fools", said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed
In the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls"
And whispered in the sounds of silence

Greetings and Salutations:

 Surely as you were perusing the web this week you saw something very glibly dropped on fox news, a statement concerning a massive injection by the world's central banks of money to stabilize the world's finance system. One thing is, there's always been only one way to cure this, without having a world wide everything that needs funding. The other is, the dragons own the bulk of the central banks around the world so who do you think calls this funding into happening? They also had to do the heavy lifting to bring it about. Tho these messengers haven't said it outright, the dragons were getting these  "rvs" done too. That's why I've told some of you, everything left happens at once...a perfect storm.

 This is time, when people of the world will be told things they'll scarcely be able to believe. It's time, that's all. The truth will set you free but, at first it may piss you off. They have been preparing for that reaction all along. People really don't like change, so much of this will be like taking nasty tasting medicine. Announcements are ready to go on both sides of this planet. It won't be just one, it'll take a few months to drop all the 'news'. Then there's the introduction of new tech...that'll clean the air and water and start wiping out disease. This will start reducing the profits of the drug companies, while 'clean' meds will be put on the shelves for people to use for what ails them. Sound too futuristic for you, get used to it. Things have been sitting on shelves for years and the time has come to leave the stone a bunch of r and d isn't necessary, hey Know the stuff works. Making money will not be the prime motivator any longer. Life's waters are free, it's just that you have been hammered all your lives with 'cost'. Tesla's inventions did not get into the world because JP Morgan wasn't giving anything away...couldn't make money if energy were free, tho we're completely surrounded by it.

 If you want to 'fix' social security, stop letting the government borrow out it. Kick the trustees out who've allowed it. When the politicians can't make a life time job of hanging in dc, watch things change in favor of the 'people's business'. Many changes will go around the world in governments driven by the change in Banking procedures. As long as money is the prime motivator behind a politician's actions, he'll be in jeopardy of maintaining his hold on anything. Mankind is being forced to look beyond themselves to look at the whole. Try and stick to the past and folks will find themselves very lonely as people walk away from them to people with a more adaptive mind. Haven't I told you all from the very beginning, there was more to this money transfer then putting some coin in your pocket? Well folks we are here, now you will live what I meant. All the bad guys can do now is scream louder as they see their hour is nigh, these are not the kind who'll surrender to overwhelming force. Common sense is not their strong suit.

 Peace, people and think kindly of each other. You can't move into the future by hanging onto the past. Thoughts are things so watch what you think about, lest they materialize on you. God didn't make junk. Think about it. Under the present conditions that would be a worth while way to go, 'cause you ain't seen nothing yet!

Love and Kisses,


 A D9 is action

Basic Scientific Facts about 9/11

Saturday, August 13, 2011

On September 11th, 2001, two passenger planes crashed into the World Trade Center buildings as well as the Pentagon. Three buildings collapsed that day which sparked a war on terror which is still going on today. As we all know, the official story claims that a few Muslim extremists were able to hijack a bunch of airplanes and crash them into the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon in a coordinated attack. Also, for the first time in history, three skyscrapers collapsed primarily due to fire, including WTC7 which wasn’t even hit by a plane. There are blatant problems with the official story of September of 11th which points to the idea that it was an inside job, but there is also a lot of disinformation purposefully placed on the internet to mislead people. Here are the most obvious facts that raise serious questions about the official story of 9/11. 

            The first fact that is going to be explored is the melting point of steel. Steel melts at roughly 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. First off, in order for a fire to reach this temperature, there has to be a large supply of oxygen. But, the black smoke coming from the buildings suggest that the fire was oxygen-starved. Also, jet fuel along with pieces of furniture and other office supplies would only burn at around 800 degrees Fahrenheit, far below the melting point of steel. Since the fires were oxygen starved, they were burning below 800 degrees. The fires burning in the World Trade Centers would have been burning at the same temperature as a normal house fire or brush fire. Houses do not always collapse due to fires, so it seems illogical that three skyscrapers supported by steel beams built to withstand fire and plane impacts would collapse simply due to fire. Molten steel was seen pouring out of the World Trade Centers moments before it collapsed. It is physically impossible that the molten steel was caused by the fires burning because of the reasons discussed above. This fact points to the idea that there was some other force which had the power to generate enough heat to successfully create melt steel. This fact alone disproves the findings of the 9/11 commission.
 The Windsor Building in Madrid burned for 5 hours and did not collapse.

            Now, let’s say on the September 11th, that scientific laws didn’t apply and the World Trade Centers did collapse due to fire. If this was the case, then an uneven collapse or only a partial collapse should have been witnessed. This is because the fire wouldn’t have been burning evenly. It is only natural that some parts of the floors that were struck by the plane would have been hotter than others. Logically, because of this it would only make sense that certain areas would have given and collapsed before others. In turn, this should have caused a partial or incomplete collapse. But instead, the complete opposite was witnessed. Also, for the collapse to occur at free fall speed without the aid of some kind of explosive there would have to be a lot of momentum at the top to start the collapse. If the World Trade Centers were so fragile that a few floors collapsing because of fire created enough momentum for the entire structures to virtually collapse into themselves, then only a few floors would needed to be wired with explosives to demolish a lesser building. Yet, in order for a building to be demolished, most floors have to be wired with explosives in order for the floors to give way when the momentum caused by gravity and the collapsing floors above it hits it. Let’s remember that the World Trade Centers were at the forefront of human architecture and were known for their ingenuity. Remember the World Trade Center bombings of 1993? Also, a bomber once struck the Empire State Building in 1945, but it remains standing today. If a military bomber couldn’t cause the collapse of the skyscraper 65 years ago, it is illogical that a plane would cause the collapse of a much more modern skyscraper. 

 An office building in Venezuela burned causing two floors to collapse, but the underlying floors failed to collapse. This should have been the worst case scenario for the World Trade Center Buildings.

            There are literally thousands of whistle-blowers and architects that seriously doubt the official story of 9/11. Yet, these people go unreported in the Mainstream Media. If someone who has studied buildings seriously questions the events of 9/11 and the collapse of the World Trade Centers, then that is a sign that there is really something there. The information mentioned in this article was chosen because it can be easily verified. Anyone can go Google the melting point of steel and find the exact temperature. Anyone can go research and find that black smoke coming from a fire means that the fire is oxygen starved. These obvious facts cannot be denied. The events of September 11th, 2001 provide the most evidence that there is a shadow government. This is the most basic evidence that the world that is presented to us through the media is drastically different than how it really is. Everyone needs to take a good look at “conspiracies” and realize that there is truth there.

Truth is stranger than fiction.