Friday, September 16, 2011

Dinar Intel - 9-15-11

The article below, Billions over Baghdad, written by John B. Taylor, under secretary of the Treasury from 2001 to 2005, and the author of “Global Financial Warriors”, is a concise explanation of the beginnings of the plan to devalue, print a new dinar currency, then revalue (RV) the Iraqi dinar. It was first conceived by Cheney & Greenspan, et al, and then put into action before the first shot was ever fired in the Iraqi War. It also gives credibility to GW Bush when he expressed many times as to how this war would pay for itself, namely OIL.  Iraqi oil at less than $33/barrel coming to the USA.

The 3-5 trillion Iraqi dinar currently held by the US treasury will be returned to Iraq beginning 6 months from now in exchange for oil at the lower price. This, in part, is how Iraq will finance this revaluation. One barrel of oil will cost the US roughly 6 dinar currently held by the US Treasury. That barrel of oil actually costs Iraq from $1.00 to 4.00 to produce. This equates to approximately $.20 to $.50 per dinar (not the $4+ connected to the upcoming RV).  Spread the costs of this exchange of dinar for oil out over several years or decades amidst the back and forth commerce of unprecedented proportions between the two countries, and it is clear that the actual costs of dinar for oil will hardly be felt at all.

Iraq will gain so much from international trade and commerce following the rebuilding phase currently underway, that, from this alone, the sum total of the RV could be financed. This is not really hard to imagine when you understand that the FOREX market itself moves (circulates) over 4 trillion dollars worth of currency in a single day. International commerce trades much more than that in a day. The key here is "back and forth". The same money will be recycled many times in many ways, and from this, bills get paid.

In 2003 the new Iraqi currency series was sent by ship, and also flown by twenty seven 747's, into Iraq right during the war. That new series is the very SAME dinar that we all presently hold awaiting its revaluation.

Bottom line is this:  The events in Iraq are part of a long standing plan. Now, over 2 million Americans hold an average of 1 million dinar. Every government in the world owns large amounts of dinar with the expectation of leveraging their countries into a lower state of debt. (Have you wondered why the papers have reported numerous "forgiveness of debt" deals being made at national levels lately?)

Most of us, as average American citizens, are only involved in this investment because the election for a new Prime Minister of Iraq last March (2010) was inconclusive, resulting in a 9 month delay (to Dec 15th) to confirm Maliki as the PM. Tens of thousands got wind of this investment during that 9 months. This was followed by another five months to complete the technical infrastructure on the banking and FOREX sides, iron out the last minute back room deals, settle all Chapter 7 requirements, negotiate the payment of debts, and officially form the Iraqi government/cabinet with the final Security Minister being positioned and announced concurrently with the RV.

On Feb 25th, 2011 the Iraqi Minister of Trade formally requested being granted permanent membership into the World Trade Organization as a fully fledged member, rather than as an observer member. Such an appointment can only be made if all Chapter 7 sanctions have been removed and their currency is tradable on the open market. (via Google Translator)

Word has spread 'round the globe, partly due to the diligent efforts of the dinar forums, which have complied vast amounts of research, data and first hand intel, in an effort to determine, and plan for, the two most important pieces of information associated to this grand event – "the rate" and "the date".

120+ countries will see changes in their currency values along with Iraq upon the initiation of this unprecedented event. Each nation's currency rate will ultimately (if not immediately) be based mostly on the nation's assets (precious metals, oil, gas, GDP, etc.). See the article in Business Line "Drifting Back to the Gold Standard"

The revaluation of the Iraqi dinar is the beginning of the greatest wealth transfer in the history of modern man. The economic structures of the world are currently undergoing their most profound change in economic history. I anticipate that we will see the biggest economic boom the world has ever known taking shape over the next 50 years. We are all part of this history now being made! 

Now is the time to prepare the foundation for your future of abundance so you can devote yourself to the pursuit of your purpose and your passions. Be diligent, study, learn and prepare!

May your brightest dreams become physical reality,

Below is the article that reveals just how the plan to RV the Iraqi dinar got started and who was behind its implementation:
February 27, 2007
Op-Ed Contributor
Billions Over BaghdadBy JOHN B. TAYLOR
Stanford, Calif.

EARLIER this month, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing that criticized the decision to ship American currency into Iraq just after Saddam Hussein’s government fell. As the committee’s chairman, Henry Waxman of California, put it in his opening statement, “Who in their right mind would send 360 tons of cash into a war zone?” His criticism attracted wide attention, feeding antiwar sentiment and even providing material for comedians. But a careful investigation of the facts behind the currency shipment paints a far different picture.

The currency that was shipped into Iraq in the days after the fall of Saddam Hussein’s government was part of a successful financial operation that had been carefully planned months before the invasion. Its aims were to prevent a financial collapse in Iraq, put the financial system on a firm footing and pave the way for a new Iraqi currency. Contrary to the criticism that such currency shipments were ill advised or poorly monitored, this financial plan was carried out with precision and was a complete success.

The plan, which had two stages, was designed to work for Iraq’s cash economy, in which checks or electronic funds transfers were virtually unknown and shipments of tons of cash were commonplace.

In the first stage, the United States would pay Iraqi government employees and pensioners in American dollars. These were obtained from Saddam Hussein’s accounts in American banks, which were frozen after he attacked Kuwait in 1990 and amounted to about $1.7 billion. Since the dollar is a strong and reliable currency, paying in dollars would create financial stability until a new Iraqi governing body was established and could design a new currency. The second stage of the plan was to print a new Iraqi currency for which Iraqis could exchange their old dinars.

The final details of the plan were reviewed in the White House Situation Room by President Bush and the National Security Council on March 12, 2003. I attended that meeting. Treasury Secretary John Snow opened the presentation with a series of slides. “As soon as control over the Iraqi government is established,” the first slide read, we plan to “use United States dollars to pay civil servants and pensioners. Later, depending on the situation on the ground, we would decide about the new currency.” Another slide indicated that we could ship $100 million in small denominations to Baghdad on one week’s notice. President Bush approved the plan with the understanding that we would review the options for a new Iraqi currency later, when we knew the situation on the ground.

To carry out the first stage of the plan, President Bush issued an executive order on March 20, 2003, instructing United States banks to relinquish Mr. Hussein’s frozen dollars. From that money, 237.3 tons in $1, $5, $10 and $20 bills were sent to Iraq. During April, United States Treasury officials in Baghdad worked with the military and the Iraqi Finance Ministry officials — who had painstakingly kept the payroll records despite the looting of the ministry — to make sure the right people were paid. The Iraqis supplied extensive documentation of each recipient of a pension or paycheck. Treasury officials who watched over the payment process in Baghdad in those first few weeks reported a culture of good record keeping.

On April 29, Jay Garner, the retired lieutenant general who headed the reconstruction effort in Iraq at the time, reported to Washington that the payments had lifted the mood of people in Baghdad during those first few confusing days. Even more important, a collapse of the financial system was avoided.

This success paved the way for the second stage of the plan. In only a few months, 27 planeloads (in 747 jumbo jets) of new Iraqi currency were flown into Iraq from seven printing plants around the world. Armed convoys delivered the currency to 240 sites around the country. From there, it was distributed to 25 million Iraqis in exchange for their old dinars, which were then dyed, collected into trucks, shipped to incinerators and burned or simply buried.

The new currency proved to be very popular. It provided a sound underpinning for the financial system and remains strong, appreciating against the dollar even in the past few months. Hence, the second part of the currency plan was also a success.

The story of the currency plan is one of several that involved large sums of cash. For example, just before the war, Saddam Hussein stole $1 billion from the Iraqi central bank. American soldiers found that money in his palaces and shipped it to a base in Kuwait, where the United States Army’s 336th Finance Command kept it safe. To avoid any appearance of wrongdoing, American soldiers in Kuwait wore pocket-less shorts and T-shirts whenever they counted the money.

Later, American forces used the found cash to build schools and hospitals, and to repair roads and bridges. Gen. David Petraeus has described these projects as more successful than the broader reconstruction effort.

But that wasn’t the only source of dollars. Because the new Iraqi dinar was so popular, the central bank bought billions of United States dollars to keep it from appreciating too much. As a result, billions in cash accumulated in the vaults of the central bank. Later, with American help, the Iraqi central bank deposited these billions at the New York Federal Reserve Bank, where they could earn interest.

Finally, when Iraq started to earn dollars selling oil, the United States transferred the cash revenue to the Finance Ministry, where it was used to finance government operations, including salaries and reconstruction. Many of these transfers occurred in 2004, long after the financial stabilization operation had concluded. Iraqi Finance Ministry officials had already demonstrated that they were serious about keeping the controls they had in place. The 360 tons mentioned by Henry Waxman includes these transfers as well as the 237.3 tons shipped in 2003 in the stabilization.

One of the most successful and carefully planned operations of the war has been held up in this hearing for criticism and even ridicule. As these facts show, praise rather than ridicule is appropriate: praise for the brave experts in the United States Treasury who went to Iraq in April 2003 and established a working Finance Ministry and central bank, praise for the Iraqis in the Finance Ministry who carefully preserved payment records in the face of looting, praise for the American soldiers in the 336th Finance Command who safely kept found money, and yes, even praise for planning and follow-through back in the United States.

John B. Taylor, under secretary of the Treasury from 2001 to 2005, is the author of “Global Financial Warriors.”


Snipette of Frank 09-15 The following is getting very interesting.

latraga meaning is no way back, one way street. How it relates is this. Last Sunday the GOI said the RV should wait until the 2012 year, Monday the CBI used this word, to say this is done, and finished, no way to stop it now.
The order of rules if you will for the CBI to RV is this.
Step 1, prepare a draft or plan.
Step 2, deliver it to the GOI and explain completely the draft (this does NOT need to be approved by the GOI) but must sit in the parliment for 30 days. The draft was delivered to the GOI on Aug. 16th , today is the 30 day end.
[7:49:28 PM] Lindeco: we should see the new rate by Monday
[7:49:44 PM] Lindeco: Jerry on Franks call is saying tonight
[7:50:16 PM] Lindeco: Delta said mark his words, M will be gone, out of his position following the RV
[7:50:50 PM] Lindeco: this is why he's holding up the show, he knows hes done. He's trying to fill his pockets

[8:05:14 PM] Lindeco: also said on the call by Delta.......WB, IMF and UN has been put on alert that the CBI will be releasing the rate



A short time later, Okie (through Ghost, stated as a poorly veiled CLUE) urged members to pray for the RV to happen "after 10 PM in Hawaii on THURSDAY night." (Tonight)
It was Bear who mentioned a couple of days ago a CLASSIFIED document he'd obtained that specified Sept 15 as the DEADLINE for the RV happening.
Let's HOPE this is really the case.


these highlights are paraphrased-not word for word. they talk fast!!!!!!!!

On Frank's call tonight 9-15-11 :
The word latraga is a magic word!! In Arabic- It means there is no way back. No stopping it. No more delays. Dr. Shabibi gave the word. He did it. He notified all the world powers it is moving forward. There is no stopping it. It is done. Everything is submitted to IMF, all the Central Banks and authors of the Marshall.plan.

Delta says: Shabibi met with parliament 30 days ago without Maliki to show them the draft to RV . He needed a thumbs up- He got it. After 30 days then, Shabibi could RV. that was Aug. 15th. Maliki is mad. The CBI can legally by yesterday Sept. 15th-by law in the Constitition. CBI law. page 10 article 4. activate the RV. he is doing everything aaccording to law. no one can stop him. M tries to stop him-he could be arrested.
Maliki pulled his last fast one, his last delay. Hes about to be fired, washed up, gone. OUT OF POWER. Shabibi is stepping over Maliki.
Shabibi is fed up with him-M is doomed. M does not have the power. Shabibi does.

The lower denominations have all arrived at Warka banks. Employees are trained. The CBI doesn't care about secrecy anymore.
Delta says we can see it on any day-even holy days or Fridays or Saturdays. They can't wait anymore. Inflation is getting to high.
Inflation is our friend right now. Its a fact that why would the lower denoms be out in the banks and tellers trained, and law followed with parliament if he wasn't going to RV now.!!

In Dubai, a main transport hub of dinar out of the middle east, From Federal Express;: All who are dealing with Iraq currency-Beware because Dubai customs is confiscating Iraqi Dinar. This may dry up all supplies worldwide. Dinar may get very scarce. Deltas opinion is in Dubai, you could always exchange Iraqi Dinar everywhere. Why would they stop suddenly, unless they knew it was about to go up in value? Why confiscate them unless they do not want them to leave the Middle East right now.

Jerry comes on: The Central Banks in Europe fits that 30 day window that are helping out many countries in the EU. now. Jerry thinks it should be done tonight. he thinks it should RV a couple weeks before the last quarter in Iraq starts and the US fiscal year starts on Oct. 1st.

I had to go and missed the rest of the call. sorry about that:
The Central Bank of Iraq
latraga on deleting zeros


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Friday, 16-Sep-2011 07:11:16
Lets take another look at the Clinton-Gore Administration: CLINTON ADMINISTRATION DID AWAY WITH: Banking-Act-of-1933 Sep 5, 2007 ... CLINTON ADMINISTRATION did away with the Glass-Stegal Act ... rather than risk a more radical restructuring of the banking system
Trans World Airlines Flight 800 (TWA 800), a Boeing 747-131, exploded and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near East Moriches, New York, on July 17, 1996,
What was on Flight 800?
Acording to CIA-UST-ONI Col. Russell Herrmann-Herman the CIA CONTRA ACCOUNT HOLDER.. the "stolen" PERUVIAN BOND 181 was on that flight TWA 800 contained in an atteche case carried by a CIA OPERATIVE along with the (unknown to the operative allegedly an explosive device was inside the atteche case per Col. Herrmann/Herman) BONDS stolen from Tommy Buckley in what was intended to be a destroying of the U.S. and U.K. monetary system effecting the Global Monetary System involved in what is exposed in PUBLIC NOTICE authorized by CLINTON ADMINISTRATIONS Council on Foreign Relations who agreed not to interfere with what is disclosed in this PUBLIC NOTICE of Feb. 1997
One hell of a lot of 'STOLEN' Sovereign Nations Gold Certificates such as the 'now' Bastardized but re-Certified Sovereign Certificate of Indebtedness of Peru. May 1, 1875 stolen from the V.K. Durham home August 1989 after beating the living day-light out of Col. Russell Herrmann-Herman while V.K. Durham and her mother were away on a trip up to Monterey California..
Upon discovery of what had happened; Sufficient Documentation of "ownership" was taken to the Peruvian Coulsel in Los Angeles.. which in turn sent the documentation to Peru where it was 'verified' then Re 'Certified' August 21, 1989 acknowledging the owner as Dona Vina Durham..
Documents and Full Title which will stand the scrutiny of the International Banking Community can be viewed at:
UPI reports: 1875 New York international financial investment trading merchant house of HOBSON HURTADO & COMPANY ( later known in 2004 as J.P. MORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. ) acted as U.S. foreign "Financial Agents of Peru" signing 3,600 bearer bonds entitled "Certificate Of Indebtedness Of Peru" ( see below ) that were engraved & printed by the NATIONAL BANK-NOTE CO. ( est. 1859 New York ) promising $1,000 in 1875 U.S. gold coins ( presumably $20 dollar U.S. gold pieces ) plus a minimum of 7% interest rate of return for each investor bondholder.
Although more than one ( 1 ) certificate was issued, in-fact 3,600 of these 1875 era $1,000 in U.S. Gold Coins certificates were issued to hundreds of private investors, certificate number "181" ( view below ) was specifically referenced in the text body contents of another more recent image document ( view below ) entitled "American Commodity Contract" signed by "V.K. Durham" (aka) Vina Kathryn Durham who names that particular Peru bearer bond certificate as the "Property Of The Durham Holding Trust" with the believed Protector over that Trust being "DURHAM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED."
These certificates serve to further document Peru government, exclusive export license of guano ( sea bird dung, used as fertilizer ) shipments solely to the United States, under contract with U.S. foreign trade representatives DABNEY, MORGAN & COMPANY ( New York, USA ) and its successor HOBSON, HURTADO & COMPANY ( New York, USA ) that were both named "Financial Agents of Peru" on these $1,000 gold "Certificates Of Indebtedness Of Peru," and when both firms eventually went out-of business all their financial assets were again turned over to yet another New York international financial investment trading merchant firm MORTON, BLISS & COMPANY that later transferred all financial assets into its own established offshore financial institution known as the MORTON TRUST COMPANY that later after a series of periodic mergers, acquisitions, and name changes transferred all its financial assets into yet another series of financial institutions that eventually became known in 2004 as the J.P. MORGAN CHASE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION.
Since at least 1873, before the international financial investment trading merchant House of HOBSON, HURTADO & COMPANY became "Financial Agents of Peru," its 'predecessor' international financial investment trading merchant House of "DABNEY, MORGAN & COMPANY" that appeared led by Charles W. Dabney although his partner J.S. Morgan eventual became successor over "DABNEY, MORGAN & COMPANY" and placed his son J.P. Morgan to lead the firm.
Interestingly, HOBSON, HURTADO & COMPANY was acquired by merger into the MORTON TRUST COMPANY that became acquired through a long series of mergers into what eventually became known ( in 2004 ) as the J.P. MORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Interestingly, HOBSON, HURTADO & CO. predecessor firm DABNEY, MORGAN & CO. was also eventually acquired after a long series of mergers, acquisitions, and name changes into what eventually became known in 2004 as the J. P. MORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. as well.
Hmmm? Why would 'little Jamie Diamon" take it upon himself to incorporate a 'long dead-resolved by BIA in 1899' bunch of ALREADY CANCELED/VOIDED 1860-1872 "BRITISH BOND HOLDER" GUANO CERTIFICATES?
Hmmmm! "little Jamie Diamon" must have found out there was, and is AN AMERICAN BOND HOLDER! DUH!?
These "TALKING HEADS" on the Major News Medias.. never tell the true storys.. The truth never comes out, not even with a murder cover up, or several murder cover ups such as ONI-UST Agent Russell Herrmann-Herman's murder plus the 'hit' on Ron Brown.

By Eric V. Encina
March 28, 2011
One seldom mentioned fact by western politicians and media pundits: the Central Bank of Libya is 100% State Owned. The world’s globalist financiers and market manipulators do not like it and would continue to their on-going effort to dethrone Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi, bringing an end to Libya as independent nation.

Currently, the Libyan government creates its own money, the Libyan Dinar, through the facilities of its own central bank. Few can argue that Libya is a sovereign nation with its own great resources, able to sustain its own economic destiny. One major problem for globalist banking cartels is that in order to do business with Libya, they must go through the Libyan Central Bank and its national currency, a place where they have absolutely zero dominion or power-broking ability. Hence, taking down the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) may not appear in the speeches of Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy but this is certainly at the top of the globalist agenda for absorbing Libya into its hive of compliant nations.
When the smoke eventually clears from all the cruise missiles and cluster bombs, you will see the Allied reformers move in to reform Libya’s monetary system, pumping it full of worthless dollars, priming it for a series of chaotic inflationary cycles. READ MORE: 2011/03/28/globalist-target- the-central-bank-of-libya-is- 100-state-owned/
Not many have gone public about LIBYA'S "WATER"... Wonder why?
Libya's Qaddafi taps 'fossil water' to irrigate desert farms ...
While many countries in the Middle East and North Africa bicker over water rights, Libya has tapped into an aquifer of 'fossil water' to change its topography ...

Currently the US CORPORATE has turned this WAR WITH LIBYA over to the UN?
All we can say.. or even think; THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER SOLVED IN A "COURT OF LAW" prosecuting
the "CLINTON-GORE-BUSH-GREENSPAN" GROUP exposing what the hell has really gone on instead of
MURDERING INNOCENTS to take over and get control over GOLD BANKS of nations such as LIBYA.
Lets take a look at this "UNITED NATIONS"..
April 14, 2005. Oil-for-Food Scandal Broadens With New Charges

DRAMATICALY broadening the scandal surrounding the United Nations Oil-for-Food program, federal authorities in New York today charged David B. Chalmers, a Houston oil trader, and his company, Bayoil, with making millions of dollars in illegal kickback payments to Iraq while trading oil under the program. source:
4/14/05. Things involving this current situation are moving fast...Based on PUBLIC NEED TO KNOW I am forwarding this article NYTimes Article which released just moments ago at article titled Texas Businessman Indicted in Iraq Oil-for-Food Program which will tie directly to CHAPTER EIGHT found at and those mentioned in the previous NYTimes Article.

The NYTimes Article further identified a Korean National, stating:
"Mr. Park, who is believed to be living in South Korea, is said to have received $2 million from the Iraqi government, and to have used some of that money "to take care of" a United Nations official, Mr. Kelly said." Go back and read and scroll down to the bottom of the page... there is the culprit who has TERRORIZED THE PEOPLE of the GLOBE pretending to be A SPACE SHIP COMMANDER who would BEAM THEM UP if these individuals would GIVE THEM THEIR GOLD and PROPERTIES...who, as one can see already has 21 ALIAS'S registered in Kern County California Recorders Records (affixed article)."

I don't know about all of you, but I am pretty darned tired of having my country torn to hell, and my people put in danger due to this COUNTERFEITING U.S. DEBT INSTRUMENT "OPERATION."
IN RESPONSE to the MOSCOW TIMES article by Chris Floyd titled "THE BIG FIX"...posted on taken from THE MOSCOW TIMES; I include the following is also submitted to further substantiate his statements.

28 March, 2011, I posted the following article which contained the "KEYS" to all of this Global Financial and Economic Crisis of the Clinton Administration. I'll bet you missed it entirely.. GLOBAL POVERTY/OVERPOPULATION
(snip: Our Earth is in total crisis. Today, there are more people living on our planet than at any other time in all of human history. World population has quadrupled in the 20th century from 1.6 billion to more than 6.1 billion people in 2002. We are enveloped in a literal explosion of human endeavor, consumption and development as never experienced before.
One half of the world's population- 3 billion- live in a state of total, absolute abject poverty, surviving on an unimaginable US$2.00/day. Our once plentiful air, land and water resources are being systematically stretched to the maximum to meet the growing demands of an urban and rural sprawl that has become human civilization at the dawn of the 21st century.

Every year more than 40 million innocent men, women and children (that's 7 Jewish Holocausts) needlessly and ruthlessly perish on our planet from hunger, starvation, disease and malnutrition. Yet to meet a projected global population of 8.5 billion by 2025, it is expected that the world will have to double its annual food production capacity to meet the growing demands for more food, despite the fact that current levels of production and distribution have been fatally disasterous for the world's destitute to date.
The world's richest countries with roughly 20 percent of the world's population account for roughly 85 percent of the total consumption of global resources, whereas the poorest 20 percent account for just 1.3 percent. More than half of the 4.4 billion people in the developing nations of the Global South lack basic sanitation, almost a third do not have access to clean water, one quarter lack adequate housing, and one fifth do not have access to health services at all.
The cumulative effect of the global population and poverty explosions have wreaked havoc on the global environment as well. Carbon dioxide emissions have increased 12 fold from 534 million metric tons in 1900 to 6.59 billion metric tons per year in the year 2000. Half of the world's forests have disappeared since the Industrial Revolution. In the last 40 years, per capita forest area worldwide has fallen by more than 50 percent, from a global average of 1.2 hectares to 0.6 hectares per person.
Massive land degredation, widespread water resource depletion, growing desertification, elevated and expanding global air pollution levels, unprecedented biodiversity loss and sprawling urbanization pressures are all the result of a planetary civilization that is by all accounts and definitions; "out of control".
Humanity now stands at the crossroads of its own future and survival as a species. Its time for the human Its time for the human race to evolve and transform itself into an advanced civilization and radically move beyond the ineptness, ignorance and stupidity that have been responsible for the level and extent of global poverty and overpopulation we now experience on our planet.
It is time NOW for a massive re-distribution of wealth to the world's poor. Efforts must begin immediately to educate the world's citizens as to our common global predicament. READ MORE:
Lets see now.. the main article began with: " HORN SWAGGLED- THREATENED-COERECED-INTIMIDATED-BULL CHITTED-TO MURDER MAJOR PORTION OF WORLD POPULATION 6-7 billion people to a manageable level of between 500 million and 2 billion.
Have you not wondered why all this crap going on does not make SENSE!? There is absolutely nothing that is going on, or has gone on since WWII that follows the Rule of Good Sheparding of the Earth.. Absolutely nothing.. NOT EVEN the Sierra Clubs EPA which is funded by money allocated from PUBLIC FUNDS.. and used for purposes other than stated when the "appropriations" were set in place. READ MORE:
DO YOU HAVE ANY OF THE "DOTS CONNECTED YET?!" NO!? Then lets go and take a look at Clinton Adm. VP Al Gore and his affiliations with THE SIERRA CLUB aka Environmental Protection Agency.. The UNITED NATIONS, and GAIA.

AL GORE, THE UNITED NATIONS, AND THE CULT OF GAIA (1999). This was in yesterdays article.. but 10-01 you as usual.. kept on reading and never opened the site.. Well! Damnit! Open it now!
U.S. taxpayers are being forced to subsidize a new form of state religion which holds that natural resources have to be protected for the sake of Gaia, a so-called Earth ...
Lets take another look at the Clinton-Gore Administration: CLINTON ADMINISTRATION DID AWAY WITH: Banking-Act-of-1933 Sep 5, 2007 ... CLINTON ADMINISTRATION did away with the Glass-Stegal Act ... rather than risk a more radical restructuring of the banking system

The bank's United States subsidiary was implicated in the scandal of improper contributions to the Clinton-Gore Campaign. According to a 1998 Senate Governmental Affairs Committee report, by 1992, while employed by Lippo Bank in California, John "Huang began to raise illegal foreign money for the DNC through Lippo-owned shell companies ... " This money, which wound up in Democratic coffers, was ultimately traced to the "greater China region." more:
Jul 29, 2010 ... As in the case of yet another "suddenly dead" member of the Clinton administration, Vincent Foster , Ron Brown's office was ransacked for ...
Have you ever given thought as to WHAT U.S. Sec. of Commerce Ron Brown was about to "spill the beans on" just before he was 'murdered'? You might find an answer here..;read=179492 COULD IT HAVE BEEN: The Reconstruction of the International Financial Architecture :
September 14, 1998.. President Clinton to addressed his concerns regarding matters concerning G-7 and the United States having an absolutely inescapable obligation to lead, and to lead in a way that's consistent with our values and our obligation to see that what we're doing helps lift the lives of ordinary people here at home and all around the world to THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS at THE WHITE HOUSE .

October 1, 1998. From the Office of Public Affairs, Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin made his remarks to the Dow Jones/Wall Street Journal Annual Conference on The Americas ..

What Secretary Rubin did not know; Foreign Operatives had incorporated in the state of Nevada U.S. Corporations which RUBIN had failed to re incorporate [see]

Further see: GLOBAL ECONOMIC "JIHAD" & THE RIADY-WHITE HOUSE- BCCI BANKING GROUP BEHIND President Clinton with John Huang, James Riady, and Mark Middleton in the Oval Office. Picture is a capture from a video released to the ...
If there is a "Half Smart" investigator on this: Ron Brown was threatening to expose the Clinton-Gore-Chinese-Malaysian-Far East "Setting up a NEW MONETARY SYSTEM after they successfully BANKRUPTED THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK/UST of the U.S. OF A. using the 'GAIA" BACKED "OITC" which would take over where the Federal Reserve Bank left off.
This is why RUBIN, GREENSPAN, U.S. SENATE BANKING COMMITTEE and etals allowed the GAIA-Ekkers to incorporate U.S. Treaty Banks such as THE INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK, DEPOSITORY TRUST CO.,
The Ekker's as US OPERATIVES incorporated fraudulently as "GHOST BANKING" The Philippine Core; OPERATES AS A "MIRROR" CIA CONTRACTOR, contracted to "do banking as U.S. Federal Corporations (Fed. R.). These Corporations were formerly U.S. Federal Corporations, incorporated after CORT CHRISTIE (EX-IRS) researched Corporate Status of the U.S. Corporations, found RUBIN conveniently "forgot" to re-instate the (1) Inter-American Investment Corporation (2) Inter-American Development Bank and (3) The Depository Trust Co. located at 55 Water Street, New York, New York. read more
Something no one considered; THE GAME WAS RIGGED. The same old banks i.e., JP Morgan, Chase, Riggs, Continental Emsco, Credit Swisse, Dutch, German and all the Central Banks of these Nations on the list that the US CORPORATE "Paid" the Leaders to sign on to Treaties international agreements other than treaties section 12087 Latin American Central Banks and Other Countries i.e., Austria, France, Germany, Fed.Rep. of, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland..

What happened that Bush's SPEciaL Group, NSA, DOE, found which was 'unexpected' was when that 'upstart' William J. Clinton alligned himself with Sam Walton's kids, and the WH connected "Israel's" Operatives Mark Rich, Clark Clifford who connected President Clinton with John Huang, James Riady, and Mark Middleton and etals .
4/23/04 . RIGGS BANKING, ADELPHIA and other investigations pick up pace.. JORDAN LEADER DELAYS MEETING WITH BUSH . THE TROJAN HORSE in the Banking Systems is coming into full view..

My computers are suffering PORT ATTACKS from Brunei, Malaysia, China, Indonesia "banking complex's" along with ADELPHIA2(DOM) ( ) ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS, ADELPHIA CABLE-5(NET-67-20-0-0-1) (more but this gives identification).
THIS TELLS ME; SOMETHING THAT I AM EXPOSING HAS SOMEONE VERY WORRIED. Also telling me; ILLUSIONS & LIES are coming to the Court of Public Opinion ( ) these are probably the same AL QAIEDA-AL QAEDA "Pods-Cells" in the communications industry that are hitting RUMOR MILL NEWS. end 4/23/04
Clinton appointed Ron Brown Commerce Secretary, partly as a reward for Ron Brown's success as a campaign fund raiser. From day one, allegations surrounded the exact means and methods by which this success was attained. Investigations into Ron Brown's activities (his son would later plead guilty to money laundering) were nearing the point of indictments, and Ron Brown had publicly stated that he would not go to jail alone, when the airplane carrying Ron Brown and about 30 other people crashed in Bosnia.
It is worth noting that Ron Brown was just one of four Clinton campaign fund raisers to die under questionable circumstances. The others were C. Victor Raiser II, Hershel Friday, and Ed Willey, a total of three plane crashes and one "Fosterization". Following Brown's demise, his personal attorney as well as a co-worker at the Department of Commerce, Barbara Wise also died under questionable circumstances. As in the case of yet another "suddenly dead" member of the Clinton administration, Vincent Foster , Ron Brown's office was ransacked for files by Commerce staff immediately after his death.

In the wake of Brown's death, even though the investigation into his activities was effectively closed down, allegations continued to surface that Brown had traded seats on trade missions for DNC campaign donations, and had even solicited money from Vietnam! Now infamous security leaks John Huang and Ira Sockowitz were at Ron Brown's Commerce Department at the times they were leaking classified satellite technology to the Chinese. Brown's closest associate, Nolanda Hill, admitted on ABC-TV that Brown was using drugs, and that the White House had ordered Brown to meet with "some damn Chinaman", a reference to John Huang. end sip]
Considering all of this revolves around the 1990-1991 BANK FAILURES AND BRADY;
There was an agreement between The Fed. R. and UST [Rubin and Summers, Greenspan, Clinton-Gore Adm] to "Split 50%-50%" all monies taken down off shore back in 1997-98 under the Clinton Administration.. Clinton decided he wanted to 'restructure the monetary systems' [BACKING THIS CRIMINAL OPERATION OF A DOPPLEGANGER "OITC" ] and got caught with his 'pants down'.. as the 'long green weenie' was shoved up his rump.. by "GAIA" TRIPPLE AGENTS known as E.J. and Doris J. Ekker who were actually Agents of the ASEAWN Banking System [OITC]. Aseawn is not to be confused with Aseian.
The "GAIA" Ekker's as US OPERATIVES incorporated fraudulently as "GHOST
BANKING" The Philippine Core; OPERATES AS A "MIRROR" CIA CONTRACTOR, contracted to "do banking as U.S. Federal Corporations (Fed. R.). These Corporations were formerly U.S. Federal Corporations, incorporated after CORT CHRISTIE (EX-IRS) researched Corporate Status of the U.S. Corporations, found RUBIN conveniently "forgot" to re-instate the (1) Inter-American Investment Corporation (2) Inter-American Development Bank and (3) The Depository Trust Co., Cede and Co., located at 55 Water Street, New York, New York. read more Writes: Is Cede Company fictitious or is their identity perhaps a larger secret than DTC? We must presume that the information Mr. McNeff gave us was correct when he confirmed that Cede Company was a controlled private holding company of the DTC. We have now found the following proof that CEDE is real from the Bear Stearns internet site: If you've the stomach for it. The rest of this sordid tale can be found here:
Increasingly heard and watched by those who are IN DANGER of being over-run and as in the old days; Being Slaughtered by the occupants of THE TROJAN HORSE inside our Banking Systems which BROUGHT DOWN THE ROTHSCHILD'S FROM "GOLD & OIL TRADING MARKETS.
( )
with "fabricated, appearing to be, looking like" the SOVEREIGN DEBT INSTRUMENTS held in THE DURHAM TRUST but were NOT the SOVEREIGN DEBT INSTRUMENTS, they were WHAT APPEARED TO BE, BUT IN FACT WERE NOT.

Greatest USMC poster on Obama

Greatest USMC poster ever- you'll love this



Message from SaLuSa 16-September-2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa 16-September-2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 16-Sep-2011 03:49:30

Message from SaLuSa 16-September-2011
Our mission has been linked with you for a long, long time. We have followed your progress even going back to the earlier civilizations, of which Atlantis and Lemuria are the most recent ones known to you. We have always had some influence on your evolution, but that is only to the extent that we are allowed to do so. The freewill factor has played an important part in your experiences, and we would not interfere with what you have created for that purpose. Guidance is permitted, and assistance to Mother Earth that has been more direct in recent times. The Creator decreed that Ascension would complete your cycle of duality, and we have the honor and responsibility to see you through to completion.
We would remind you that unlike your previous cycle, in your present one we have had the authority to intervene in no uncertain manner. Otherwise the dark Ones would by now have destroyed the Earth, and all life upon it. This time round it is the conclusion of your experiences in duality, and is why you will soon meet your ancestors from the Inner Earth. Where your consciousness levels are concerned, you have progressed sufficiently to renew your link with them and will learn about your past history together. It will not be entirely new to you all, as contact has been made with them from time to time from those who found themselves entering the Inner Earth. The most notable ones are Admiral Byrd and Colonel Billie Faye Woodard whose experiences are well documented.
Dear Ones, the truth can at times be far more extraordinary than fiction, although your fiction writers have often been inspired to reveal it to you. When you look back at Star Trek it is one such T.V. program that has consciously or otherwise prepared you for our coming. In the Galactic Federation there are numerous civilizations that are most human in appearance, but also those who are quite different. One thing they all have in common is a level of spiritual consciousness that has enabled them to join us. You must therefore meet them to experience their flowing energy of love, and any fear will be immediately evaporated as looks alone can be deceiving.
We would remind you that your civilization has been granted membership to the Galactic Federation, but that will obviously only apply to those of you who ascend and have a sufficiently high level of consciousness. No one does the choosing as your readiness is quite easily discerned by us, and that often quoted Law of Attraction comes into it. We would hasten to add that all souls will eventually reach the higher level, and the time factor is of no consequence as you have all infinity to do it. The key factor is associated with what you choose to experience, and how long you desire to continue with it. Also remember at this point, that you were once Light Beings of a very high status. You were keen to experience the lower vibrations, knowing it would expand your consciousness enabling you to help others who may follow in your path.
Life is just one great adventure that is never ending, as the Creator is ever dreaming into being more creations. Ahead of you lies great challenges and opportunities to serve others. Service to self soon changes to service to all souls, and will find yourselves becoming part of a group consciousness. It is the path of natural evolution, until you finally become One with the Source of all That Is. But by your reckoning, it is a long way off and there is still a long way to travel.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and would say without meaning to be derogatory, that the Human Civilization has been at the level of an Infants School. That has been the result of losing your higher levels of consciousness, which happened when you dropped down through the different dimensions to where you are now. In fact you have made wonderful progress in a mere 30 years or so since the Harmonic Convergence. Be assured that you have worked hard to lift your selves up, and have succeeded. Help has always been there for you, and many souls have responded to the call and joined you on Earth. The result is that you have become true Beings of Light, and we love your determination to reach Ascension. Bless you each and every one.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Obama may be in trouble with the U.S. Supreme Court

This will be an interesting turn of events if it does come to the surface.....bring it on!!

Our New Dictator May Be In Deep Trouble...with Chief Justice John Roberts, U.S. Supreme Court.
According to sources who watch the inner workings of the federal government, a smack-down of Barack Obama by the U.S. Supreme Court may be inevitable.

Ever since Obama assumed the office of President, critics have hammered him on a number of Constitutional issues. Critics have complained that much, if not all of Obama's major initiatives run headlong into Constitutional roadblocks on the power of the federal government. Obama certainly did not help himself in the eyes of the Court when he used the venue of the State of the Union address early in the year to publicly flog the Court over its ruling that the First Amendment grants the right to various organizations to run political ads during the time of an election.  The tongue-lashing clearly did not sit well with the Court, as demonstrated by Justice Sam Alito, who publicly shook his head and stated under his breath, 'That's not true,' when Obama told a flat-out lie concerning the Court's ruling. As it has turned out, this was a watershed moment in the relationship between the executive and the judicial branches of the federal government. Obama publicly declared war on the court , even as he blatantly continued to propose legislation that flies in the face of every known Constitutional principle upon which this nation has stood for over 200 years.

Obama has even identified Chief Justice John Roberts as his number one enemy, that is, apart from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, and so on... And it is no accident that the one swing-vote on the court, Justice Anthony Kennedy, stated recently that he has no intention of retiring until 'Obama is gone.' Apparently, the Court has had enough.

The Roberts Court has signaled, in a very subtle manner, of course, that it intends to address the issues about which Obama critics have been screaming to high heaven.  A ruling against Obama on any one of these important issues could potentially cripple the Administration.  Such a thing would be long overdue.

First, there is ObamaCare, which violates the Constitutional principle barring the federal government from forcing citizens to purchase something. And no, this is not the same thing as states requiring drivers to purchase car insurance, as some of the
intellectually-impaired claim. The Constitution limits FEDERAL government, not state governments, from such things, and further, not everyone has to drive, and thus, a citizen could opt not to purchase car insurance by simply deciding not to drive a vehicle. In the ObamaCare world, however, no citizen can 'opt out.'

Second, sources state that the Roberts court has quietly accepted information concerning discrepancies in Obama's history that raise serious questions about his eligibility for the office of President.  The charge goes far beyond the birth certificate issue. This
information involves possible fraudulent use of a Social Security number in Connecticut, while Obama was a high school student inHawaii, double citizenship, natural born...and others. 

And that is only the tip of the iceberg.

Third, several cases involving possible criminal activity, conflicts of interest, and pay-for-play cronyism could potentially land many Administration officials, if not Obama himself, in hot water with the Court. Frankly, in the years this writer has observed politics, nothing comes close to comparing with the rampant corruption of this Administration, not even during the Nixon years. Nixon and the Watergate conspirators look like choirboys compared to the jokers that populate this Administration.

In addition, the Court will eventually be forced to rule on the dreadful decision of the Obama DOJ suing the state of Arizona. That, too, could send the Obama doctrine of open borders to an early grave, given that the Administration refuses to enforce federal law on illegal aliens.

And finally, the biggie that could potentially send the entire house of cards tumbling in a free-fall is the latest revelation concerning the Obama-Holder Department of Justice and its refusal to pursue the New Black Panther Party. The group was caught on tape committing felonies by attempting to intimidate Caucasian voters into staying away from the polls. A whistle-blower who resigned from the DOJ is now charging Holder with the deliberate refusal to pursue cases against Blacks, particularly those who are involved in radical hate-groups, such as the New Black Panthers, who have been caught on tape calling for the murder of white people and their babies.  This one is a biggie that could send the entire Administration crumbling--that is, if the Justices have the guts to draw a line in the sand at the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
 And also the ATF and DOJ and the gun sales under Fast and Furious.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

World Trade Center - building 7 - brand new footage shows SQUIBS

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

World Trade Center - building 7 - brand new footage shows SQUIBS
Posted By: FreePlanet
Date: Thursday, 15-Sep-2011 16:33:54
Don't even try to lie to us any more.
You pulled it. Rigging a 48 storey building for demolition takes days. Premeditation. Fact.

The event we are near is the global reset of the entire world economy.

From the Dinar Recap website today, 9-14-11

I am no guru but I think everyone should read this. The Truth 09/14/2011

We are standing at the preciface of one of the most profound events in the history of mankind. The RV of the Iraqi dinar...NOT. The event we are near is the global reset of the entire world economy. A "pairing" if you will, of the monitary system of every, (or most) central banks around the globe.

In this act the monies of the world will come together so as to allow a sort of equal footing for everyone to be able to afford a certain type of lifestyle. Not all countrys will of course allow there people to lavish in the rewards of this change, but many will. By that I mean, prices of food, clothing, and other essentials will be more readily avialable to the masses. A sharing of the wealth so to speak.

In the beginning of this project IT WAS only about Iraq and the enrichment of very few, the illuminati if you will. It was NEVER about you and I. It was never about an entire reset of the global economy. This has evolved to this by others seeing how they too can benefit by this kind of action. There inlies the reason for all the time that has taken place for everything to come to fruition. Albiet Iraq, and there get ready problems have been a very large part.

We as dinarians have come to love to listen to the guru's on these sites as our leaders. They all have answers, (or not) to the questions we have and cannot answer ourselves. Do they really have all the answers? Not always. But they are the best ones we have, bar none. They are right in the sence that there hearts are in the right place, there intentions are good. I really believe that. Are there "answers" always right? Well we know the answer to that. Do they directly attempt to mislead us? Not for one second do I think that. And we continue to wait for more, addicted to these sites, starving for this to come through. Drooling over every post.

As I have stated before I an not a real religious man but spiritual. I currently am not happy with our government but not just this administration, There have been others before this. I will not blame this one. THIS IS NOT A RELIGIOUS OR POLITICAL POST. THIS IS A ATTITUDE POST.

I understand that there are a lot of us dinarians who really NEED this thing to come down. Myself included. The economy, has taken it's toll. I do blame the government for that. Not everyone should be in there own home, (The truth is some people were born to be renters), simple. not everybody can afford one. But that is another subject alltogether, not here.

Now if you please a bit about the spiritual/attitude. Please bare with me on this it will not go to far. We have been sitting here with bated breath waiting for the illusive golden dinar, and still we wait. The one difference is this...I have not counted my "chickens" I always keep my head and know I will NOT EVER sit by and EXPECT all will be over ASN. just not going to happen. I do kmow the RV will happen, just not when. At the same time I DO NOT ever blame the guru"s. I have always believed that they have been misled, as to timing. Unless some can produce difinitive proof than everyone and I do mean everyone should take there bad attitude with them out side and yell at a tree or something.

I BELIEVE in the dinar and have from the very beginning, from the first time someone mentioned it to me, and still do.

Things happen for a reason, nothing more or less, FACT. Take that to the bank the next time you hear something you do not like, I am not saying not to question, I'm saying your opinion does count but, your tongue does hurt.

I have and will keep the "cautiously opptomistic" attitude and therefore keep myself level. If you decide to also keep yourself level you might just find this ride a little easier. Patience is what it takes.

When we act out, we tend to show Non appreciation in where we are. I believe we were chosen to be exactly where we are. The way we handle ourselves tells a lot about a person. I think that the more we appreciate and the less we expect the more we get overall.

Well enough for now. I hope you get the meaning behind this. A bit rambling, but produced with love in mind. Thanks for listening.

Love each other and yourself...

Another goodie to enjoy. This time nature is on display!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: Daystar [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 15-Sep-2011 14:09:48
Fairly recently our town in CT purchased over a hundred acres of old farmland and woods. It is a work in progress. So far there is an old house(which will be the new home of our historical society), community gardens, a pond and three walking trails.With all of the hoopla over food freedom and our right to grow and eat what is clean and healthy, I have become more interested in community garden projects.We must begin to depend less on the centralized food system. It is a system of control and ill health. All summer I have been taking walks through the fields, by the pond, and into the woods. I also enjoyed walking through the many community garden plots. I had my camera with me on all of these stop by the link below, relax and enjoy a bit of nature.

Enjoy - A superb artist's tribute!

We the people are coming

 The folks who are  getting the free stuff, don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.

The folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop, and the folks who are getting the free stuff
 want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!

Now... The people who are forcing the people who pay for the free stuff have told the  people who are RECEIVING the free stuff, that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff, are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.

So... The people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff, and giving them the free stuff in the first place.

We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people  getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.

Now understand this.  All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded.  The reason?
  The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.

The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 235 years ago.  The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. We have one chance to change that.  In 2012.  Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.

A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!

I'M 100% for PASSING THIS ON!!!  

Let’s take a stand!!!
Obama:    Gone!
Borders:    Closed!
Language:    English only
Culture:    Constitution,  and the Bill of Rights!
Drug FreeMandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!
NO freebies to:   Non-Citizens!
Lobbyist:   Gone!

We the people are coming   
Only 86% will send this on.  Should be 100%. What will you do?

Bix Weir - Class Action Lawsuit against Morgan

The class action lawsuit against JP Morgan and HSBC took a slight turn sideways as HSBC was dropped from the case...
HSBC Dropped From The Silver Price Suppression Lawsuit
I had wondered what dirt the plaintiffs had on HSBC as the Silver market rigging controls were handled by JPM whereas the GOLD rigging is run primarily run by HSBC. This is evidenced by JPM being the custodian of the large silver ETF and HSBC being the custodian of the large gold ETF. Both these setups try to give the look of legitimacy to the over-sized paper short positions these companies hold on the COMEX.
Of course it's a fraud and the poor suckers who own these ETF's will LOSE in the end. And when these ETF's are shutdown and the investors paid out in cash where do you think all that money will go...
Of course "they" will claim the closing of the ETF's will flood the market with physical metal BUT WE KNOW DIFFERENT. No doubt they will unleash their tidal waves of paper metal derivatives to flush out the paper longs but THAT'S WHY it is so important to hold non-leveraged physical metal in your own possession as the volatility will be OFF THE CHARTS!
The announcement of this change in the class action suit comes at a very important time in the silver manipulation story. First of all, CFTC Commissioner Bart Chilton said that if the CFTC hadn't said anything about the silver manipulation by the end of September that he would. Is it coincidental that this news of tightening up the loose ends of the class action suit has come out right before a CFTC announcement? I guess we'll know soon enough.
But more importantly...we are very close to the BIG CRASH and the Good Guys know that a SILVER MOONSHOT would level the FINAL BLOW against the Banksters. Taking out JP Morgan will easily set off the Derivative "Weapon of Mass Financial Destruction" because they are the largest derivative holder in the world with over $70 Trillion Dollars worth of the toxic sludge!

We are getting to the final days in our battle.
Stay safe out there!
Bix Weir