Sunday, September 18, 2011

Salusa 9-18-11

Conversations with SaLuSa DESPERTANDO 20110918

SaLuSa to me – Ascension Only Requires your Vibrations to Resonate with Love – Sept 18 2011

·         septiembre 18, 2011 15:52

Laura: Good morning SaLuSa. Here is a question from a reader: “I have a question. I hope that I am on my path to ascension, I choose love and work on it not to judge and to live only from my heart and to spread my light if it is to be seen.
I don’t know if I can make it. But this is not so important. I don’t fear nearly anything because I know that I am divinely protected. I know for sure. But I have responsibility to my children and my pets. My sons are 19, 17 and 15.
They had a hard childhood due to the divorce of their parents. It is my fault to not prepare them for what is to come, I myself made a leap in my evolution during the last year this is not long.
Do my children and pets have the chance to ascend with me, if I have the chance to do it? I love them and I don’t want them to leave them here without me. I don’t know if they are able to live their life alone and they don’t want to live with the father and his new family. “
SaLuSa: Good day dear friends. Please let me remind you that Ascension is a certainty for Mother Earth and for all those who chose to follow in the higher realms. All this is due to a deep fear regarding Ascension and also the sequence of events before it.
As your societies are rapidly changing, it is legitimate for the collective consciousness to experience apprehensions and anxieties. We understand Mother Earth’s changes, the eco-political instability are also greatly contributing to the present sense of confusion and questioning for all of you.
This is a normal part of the process dear ones. It involves getting rid of the unnecessary; of false beliefs. We have for a long time encouraged you to question all and everybody. This goes for your own beliefs, your own attitudes and accepted received ideas.
What is ahead of you all now is getting rid of all which is not true, all that is no longer required. This set of false ideas were needed in order to maintain a sense of stability in duality dear ones. As you are nearing Ascension, all that is not needed in the higher planes, will simply be left behind. This is true for your outer world, but also for your inner world dear ones.
There is much talk about Ascension. People are interested in Ascension, but there are also so many theories about it, that this has come to create a great deal of confusion and anxiety. There also seems to be division between those who believe they are worthy of Ascension and those who doubt Ascension is for them.
Under these circumstances, we would recommend not to focus too much on the intellectual aspect of Ascension, but rather to feel what it means with your intuition and your heart.
Dear friends, you all have memories buried in your subconscious memory of your life in the higher dimensions, when you were fully ascended beings.
Turn inwards for all questions related to Ascension. Trust in yourself and have faith that your higher self, your guides and protectors will give you the answers you seek.
We are here to encourage you to develop your own understanding of Ascension and the Golden Age. We are also here to encourage you to develop your own centre of gravity, your own sense of discernment.
We are not here to give you all the answers that concern you, because this process of understanding and developing yourselves is the most important part for Ascension. We encourage you to develop your own weight, so to speak.
Please let go of focusing on creating division between your opinions, divisions within your groups, family and friends, and also division within your own being.
When you are living from your head, you are choosing to live in a part that is limiting for your consciousness. Your intellectual head and understanding are different from what raising your level of consciousness means.
So many lightworkers fail to see this time again and again. Some believe that reading books and articles contributes to their own Ascension process and to the Ascension of others.
In actual fact, just because somebody, including young children, animals or any life form, doesn’t read about it or is intellectually aware of Ascension, does not mean that this person or life form will not ascend. Ascension means moving into a higher state of awareness, of consciousness. So animals and plants will also move up on the ladder of Ascension, along with Mother Earth.
In actual fact those who are not intellectually engaged in reading all day about Ascension are far more likely to get results before those who worry all day about it and are stuck in their intellectual centre.
Living from the head, while being somewhat cut off from what is going on inside of you and around you is not what is needed at this time. This will only lead to further division and fear. What is needed now is inner unity and awakening. The time is now.
The fact of not reading articles and messages about Ascension does not mean that one is unaware of it, dear friends. Every individual’s subconscious is very aware of the coming changes. Ascension only requires your vibrations to resonate with love.
This is all that is required dear friends. It is a very direct and simple process. Children are very much in line with the love vibrations, so are animals and plant life. So there is no need whatsoever to feel anxiety about Ascension dear ones.
As ascended beings your powers will be limitless dear friends. Mother Earth is looking forward to the coming Golden Age and is happy to see the waking process humanity is experiencing now. You are here to assist her in her Ascension and also to assist those around you, by just your very presence here and now.
As the energies and magnetic changes will accentuate in the coming future, everybody’s faith will be put into question. We recommend you to remain anchored in your reality in order to be present, so that you can help others by just being here and now.
Your body is real dear ones, so anchor your attention inside of it, experience your weight on Mother Earth, experience the wind on your face, experience your body’s aches and pains.
Experience your own fears and doubts without placing any judgment on what is seen. Experience your own fear of failure, for seeing all going on inside of you will liberate you from the walls you have erected in your mind. This is part process of shading the unnecessary or rather transforming it.
You need not be afraid of it, as you will come out a lot purer and stronger from it. These energies directed towards all life on Mother Earth are cleansing and transmuting. They are contributing to your Unification from the inside out.
You will experience Oneness within you first, and progressively this will lead you to Oneness as a human race on Earth. This in turn will bring about the Oneness with your space family and much joy is on the way dear friends.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I encourage you to turn towards your inner world as much as you turn towards your outer world dear souls. Inner peace, balance and harmony will be perceived by all those around you, including Mother Earth. When you are in your heart, in the present moment, in the here and now, your vibrations are lifting all and everybody up.

Thank you SaLuSa
Laura Tyco
Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice link:

Europe Stunned After Being Told “Obama Is Not In Charge”

This ties in with what Fulford said about Geithner not being invited...

Europe Stunned After Being Told “Obama Is Not In Charge”

Posted byEU Times on Sep 18th, 2011 //No Comment
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A new report prepared by Russian Deputy Finance Minister Tatyana Nesterenko about the Eurogroup meeting of the Informal Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) in Wroclaw Poland on the growing European debt crisis states that EU Finance Ministers were “left stunned” Friday after they were told by US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner [photo top right] that President Obama was “not in charge.”
According to this report, the “uninvited” US Treasury Secretary showed up at the ECOFIN conference and engaged in what can only be described as a “temper tantrum” where he slammed Europe’s economic policy makers for their intransigence in provided further bailouts to Greece and when queried by European Central Bank (ECB) Chief Jean-Claude Trichet as to if this was “Obama’s position too” was told by Geithner, “He’s (Obama) not in charge, I am.”
ECB Chief Trichet, according to other news reports, rebuked Geithner and stated that the financial position of the 17-member Eurozone is better than that of other major economies, especially the United States.
This shocking revelation as to who is actually running the United States comes on the heals of further allegations that Geithner deliberately ignored Obama’s orders to prepare a plan to “wind down” the mammoth international banking group Citigroup Inc. in order to help save the American economy, and as we can, in part, read as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle:
“U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner ignored an order in 2009 from President Barack Obama to prepare a plan to “wind down” Citigroup Inc., once the biggest bank in the world, according to a book to be released next week.
Geithner didn’t proceed with Obama’s order to develop a plan to dissolve New York-based Citigroup in March 2009, several months after the bank had received a $45 billion taxpayer bailout, according to “Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington and the Education of a President” by Ron Suskind, a former Wall Street Journal reporter.”
Even more stunning, this report continues, are revelations being brought to light by the New York Times Magazine that Geithner, along with the director of the White House National Economic Council Larry Summers, formed an “unholy troika” with the banking behemoth Goldman Sachs to literally steal the entire US economic system away from Obama and the American people for the sole purpose of looting it for the benefit of a few elite bankers, politicians and other such parasites.
The power vacuum created in the White House allowing these banksters to take over was exacerbated by Summers who upon joining the Obama team declared “there’s no adult in charge” thus allowing him and Geithner to be “insubordinate” to Obama and hijack the American economy for themselves and their cronies.

To the damage wrought upon the American economy by Geithner and his “allies” is called nothing short of “catastrophic” as tens of millions have been thrown out of their homes, tens of millions more are jobless, and the poverty level has reached heights not seen since the days of Great Depression during the 1930’s.
To any relief being seen coming for the American people before their nation is totally destroyed by these monsters it appears unlikely as the veil of oppression keeping them check shows no signs of loosening.
Even worse, new and shocking reports coming from the United States are warning that under what is called their new “Obamacare” laws, patients in US hospitals are being declared “incompetent” in mass numbers thus allowing these same hospitals to claim “guardianship” over these people and then sell of all of their assets thus reducing them to poverty.
Sadly to note are that laws such as these allowing a government to begin mass confiscation of their citizens private wealth, like those enacted by the former German Nazi Empire and Soviet Russian regimes, always presaged mass civil unrest, revolution and outright war.
In fact, just this past week, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg warned Washington that if things aren’t changed, and soon, riots could very well begin breaking out. And as quoted by the New York Daily News, Bloomberg said, “We have a lot of kids graduating college, can’t find jobs. That’s what happened in Cairo. That’s what happened in Madrid. You don’t want those kinds of riots here.”
Bloomberg’s predictive warning of unrest appears to be spot on as, even while these words are being written, US police forces have “locked down” the financial capitol of America on Wall Street after thousands of protesters descended upon it in a “Day of Rage” demonstration invoking Mideast rallies and calling for an end to corporate greed that favors the rich over the poor.
To how soon these types of protests riots, if not outright revolution, will spread across America it is not in our knowing, other than to note that never in the history of the world have people that have been so destroyed by their “leaders” not fought back

Poofness - 9-18-11 May The Sky Part Now

From: []
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 3:02 PM
Subject: May the Sky Part Now

We Are The Champions lyrics

I've paid my dues
Time after time
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of sand kicked in my face
But I've come through
(And we mean to go on and on and on and on)

We are the champions my friend
And we'll keep on fightin' till the end
We are the champions, We are the champions
No time for losers 'cause we are the champions

Of the world

I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls
You brought me fame and fortune and everything that
goes with it
I thank you all

But it's been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race
And I ain't gonna lose

We are the champions my friend
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'cause we are the champions

Of the world

We are the champions my friend
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'cause we are the champions.

Greetings and Salutations,

 I know, I know, we've drug thru another week with high expectations. People are broke, losing homes, and need doctors. Anticipation is off the charts. More have dropped by the wayside, can't handle it anymore. Oh things are going on out here, but the only tangible thing is the dinars revalued, at least you can touch them and the currency Has to revalue. All countries must have currency that's worth something in this world..duh. This is the time to end feudalism once and for all. While you weren't noticing more things were done to engage the world's new banking system, which looked something like this;

JP Morgan has foreign ownership, from JP himself to the rothschilds, to dragon clan family. It seems the ceo had to be reminded of that last week, as they were holding up the world , rv's, programs, etc. An envoy was sent from the east to the front doors of 60 wall st. Not so pleasant position to be in, when someone with a very big club is at your door first thing in the morning. What a blow to the ego.

More good news...

Give this a listen, he puts a lot in perspective including how long some of these folks have been around working on humanity;

 Most don't want to hear the details of getting this done, they just want 'the money' and be done with it. Trick is, if they don't know the details, they are destined to repeat the same mistakes that put this world in a trick bag in the first place. Republicrats....democans what have you, folks working for the same people who've been running the show for the longest time. The age of the sheeple is ending, each and every reader Will learn to own their personal existence...become adults in more than just age or grey hair. Getting a delivery is just the beginning of the next adventure, now you'll have to own it. For folks who have been used to following the leader, this may represent a problem...Ahhh too many options!

 Some are ready some not. From now on you will need the skills of a 4th child. Listen and see, everything happening around you, dump your fear, it will not serve, learn to Know, what's up. Don't take wooden nickels. I learned of Goldman Sachs getting the 'on or off  the pot' message too. There's a new system of banking engaged and the chinese already told them what they could do with all that bogus paper they generated....what'cha crying now for? You weren't crying when you created all that stuff and you knew it was worthless, then. Oh I see, most folks didn't know what you did so you could hide it and continue running things...ruh oh. I'm telling you the best stock one could be in right now is Kimberly Clark...for all those diapers that are needed.

 Again, I don't know the magic moment, everything is done...the moment everything ignites. I do know the new system is in place and so do the bankers, as they had to respond to the codes downloaded. I do see some 'hatin' going on 'innocent vips' out here. You know 'judgement' can turn around and bite you right in the butt and can prove to be embarrassing too, if you're wrong. The world is a kabuki theatre right now, learn to watch and say nothing until you Know. Those who have hung for all these years are truly champions of a long hard slog.

Love and Kisses,
