Sunday, September 25, 2011


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Sunday, 25-Sep-2011 04:06:00
Tuesday, August 16, 2011August 16, 2011 - WHITE HATS REPORT #28
THE TROPOS AFFAIR: The Theft & Demise of America

For many months The White Hats have been reporting on numerous aspects of how America has been ripped off by its former and current leaders. Readers have been informed of how it has occurred and how it continues to occur … in some cases, in real time as it is happening.
With each and every report we are slowly starting to reach more of a readership worldwide. Our reports are being taken very seriously and the tough questions are starting to be asked of our current leaders on all levels from “the inside”. In many cases, most of us have been directly lied to in a way that took us off the track temporarily ... for us the process is complex to take the perpetrators down. What isn’t complex is what our fellow Americans and numerous others in the world are asking. It’s not a complex question and the answer is really very simple:
What the people of the World should know is that everything on earth is completed by the hand of a person, a “fingerprint” that is traceable to the originator. In our case, not only do we have the originators of the concept but the actual thieves, the leaders condoning and underwriting the theft, the bankers and the offenders at the Federal Reserve and other related agencies. We also have the people that have profited from the theft of the money AND to this day controlling the enterprise. More simply put, we have FOLLOWED THE MONEY to many interesting and unbelievable places!
One of the situations we have reported on is Tropos. Tropos and their lawyers, having a combined superior understanding of the banking industry with all of the rules set up by the very people that have stolen the funds, have the answers. Tropos, and others associated with them, have documented their position thoroughly with additional correspondence to the following individuals:
George W. Bush, President of the United States of America Dated: 05/11/2006
Mr. Richard K. Delmar, Counsel to the Inspector General, Unites States Treasury Dated: 08/05/2007
George W. Bush, President of the United States of America Dated: 07/17/2006
Henry M. Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, United States of America Dated: 07/08/2006
Henry M. Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, United States of America Dated: 07/17/2006
George W. Bush, President of the United States of America Dated: 09/12/2006
After the elections, a proposal to resolve this matter was provided to Mr. Tony Podesta (brother of Mr. John Podesta, who headed the Obama-Biden transition team). There was a flurry of action and a true desire to resolve this matter, but the parties were advised they would have to wait until the new Obama administration was fully seated and a new Administration was in control.

Vice President Joseph Biden was requested to handle the affair by Obama and significant named private parties. He made promises. Then, he was paid off and he went silent. He accepted money placed in foreign offshore bank accounts for his sole financial benefit to ignore and keep quiet on the Tropos matter. Let’s understand that this is the second most important leader in the free world elected to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Now, he is involved with a conspiracy by his participation in the cover up. Is this Treason … not so humorously, not one agency in the United States is willing to confront the issue even with all of the files we maintain. The same goes for Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner. Geithner is the very person who personally directed the theft of the funds as the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Again, we ask:
With all of the correspondence one might think that someone would be responsible, apparently, not so. To date:
two (2) Presidents of the United States of America while holding office, are not responsible,
two (2) former Presidents while not holding office but using the funds, are not responsible,
two (2) Secretary of the Treasury are not responsible,
the Chairman of the Federal Reserve is not responsible,
the Federal Reserve Board of Governors are not responsible,
the Bank of International Settlements is not responsible,
The United States Department of Treasury is not responsible,
the Officers of the offending banks are not responsible,
What is more important, the Department of Justice is not responsible, the FBI is not responsible and the shareholders of the Federal Reserve System are not responsible.
So, now we ask the question:

If the very banking system that we are entrusting our monies to refuse to be responsible AND all of the other systems we rely on to handle our monies are not responsible, then maybe the following needs to occur:
The American public needs to send a very clear message to Washington, D.C.
Since you are not responsible, how can we trust you with our very lives? If you do not take responsibility for the small then how can you possibly handle the large?
And here we are … the United States of America is in default due to multiple leaders not being responsible.
So, now we ask the tough question.
This is only one of many situations of similar ilk … thefts, corruption, lack of responsibility, and TREASON. Yes, we said TREASON. We would love the opportunity to have someone challenge us … hopefully, in public setting like a Congressional hearing, just so the American public can personally hear and view all of the evidence.
Now that we have raised the tough questions, here are some of the issues we need to hold our leaders accountable for:
Harvey Organ's report at
"For those of you who are following the Tropos story on the lack of settlements, here is an update on the defaults. The USA authorities have repudiated International law with respect to the postal union defaults.”
Read these Documents but you better be sitting down - you know we couldn’t fabricate this stuff.

Chairman Benjamin Bernanke - FED RES - Notice of Default
Tarullo - FED RES Board of Governors - Notice of Default
Duke - FED RES Board of Governors - Notice of Default
Warsh - FED RES Board of Governors - Notice of Default
Yellen - SF FED RES Board of Governors - Notice of Default
But it even gets better. Yesterday, I wrote about the US Postal Service defaulting in September. We do not have to wait that long, as Tropos has already served a demand to the Postmaster on July 5, 2010.
Then on August the 10th of last year Tropos served a notice of default and dereliction of duty.
In this advice, they were clear that they were advising the BIS and various other treaty signatories to the Postal Union. This is when China paid real attention as what was happening and quickly brought itself up to speed where Tropos was going.

This is clear in their Notice of Claim to the UPU dated August 10, 2010. Their demand to the Postal Union for judgment was being made pursuant to the provisions of international and maritime law applicable to international currency transactions under postal union rules.
UPU notice of claim
What most concerned knowledgeable parties is the fact that Tropos was quiet and yet pointed who got to see the documents? Each of the letters was being sent to NATO and various World Leaders and countries like China, India, Russia and many others. What is clear is that they kept it out of the financial markets, as did all the recipients. Why, is understandable.

Demand for Judgment December 9, 2010
Here is where the plot becomes much more intense. While the protocols being used are historical in nature they are in keeping with International law and applicable to currency transactions. What is clear is a lack of desire on the part of the Postal Union to respond in dealing with the implications of mail and wire fraud.

Then on January 6, 2011 Tropos noted the UPU to be in default in its “ failure to apply its rules under international treaty and Admiralty law”.
UPU Default January 6, 2011
This failure was precedent setting for all UN members who rely on international law for global currency transactions and affects all individuals or banks acting on instruction of their clients.

Today as we watch the roil of the markets, it is important to realize that the actions of Tropos to date have unmasked the lack of a rule of law governing financial transactions. this will undoubtedly cause the countries and other central banks to question the lack of rules governing the conduct of the Federal Reserve and the United States, let alone the role of the UPU and the BIS, and lead to further market turmoil in the vacuum of global leadership. Is it any wonder that voices are being heard for a new world currency outside the control of the US?
Look for this issue to be more acutely in focus in weeks to come.
For the nine months since the first White Hats Report was released, the target audience has always been the following, in order of importance:
Elected leadership, traitors and criminals - The cabal and associated support network which includes government officials, banksters, corporate officers and assorted henchmen.
Responsible officials – Congress, Federal law enforcement, the Judicial Branch and all foreign governments and World leaders, and
General public and/or our readers.
Whenever information is released, whether it is specific or of a transitive and collateral nature, the information is obtained AT the source. That is to say that it is gathered by both human and electronic resources. The information is evaluated, vetted and confirmed before it is released in a report. We are NOT journalists, by and large, we are of the intelligence genre and as such, we have certain protocols and methods by which the process evolves into a finished product. Great care is taken to consider all the possible scenarios in which sources and methods could be exposed and measures are taken to protect both at all costs. No point in going to all this trouble if you can’t make it to the finish line.

We have released documents along the way to support our information where necessary and for reasons that sometimes are not apparent at the time of the release. When you’re in a grand master’s chess match, you think several moves ahead and to the casual observer, the strategy and/or game plan may not readily be apparent along the way. Be assured that the first two groups mentioned are fully aware that the information we release is, in fact, accurate. As far as we’re concerned, that’s the objective.
The fact that we have and are willing to release it indicates to the cabal that their continued perversion and hijacking of the financial system will be exposed to bring pressure to bear on not only the responsible officials mentioned above but also provide the general public with the answer to why the financial health of the world is about to collapse. Documents in the public domain have and will continue to be released on an ongoing basis. More sensitive documents will continue to be held in abeyance for use in the future, whether it be for legal matters or otherwise. When we cite names and balances and banks, the cabal members are put on notice that we KNOW. It serves no purpose to release documents to verify it, as that would expose sources and methods and MAY also jeopardize future legal proceedings.
It is our strong hope and desire that the third target audience, the general public, take the information provided in our reports and question, confront and demand answers from elected public officials. Promises of transparency are always offered but the public doesn’t hold the promise makers accountable when they reverse course the minute they take office. They just go back to sleep until the next election and the cycle repeats itself. Nothing changes except more wealth is stolen from the people, more property is confiscated and more taxes are levied to support the criminal apparatus that has a stranglehold on our financial world.
Make no mistake, there are people at the tip of the spear, on the front lines of this battle. They risk everything that is near and dear to them for this objective. Some names are known and others aren’t but its not about fame and glory, its about doing what’s right, adopting a righteous principle and being committed to following through. A lot of the issues mentioned in our reports are not part of the Global Settlements yet the ones neck deep in this battle have, on a handshake and their word, taken up the battle for others because of the benefits to the general public and the world. So the next time the urge to type a criticism or an uninformed opinion strikes, stop and think of the ones on the front lines of this battle because the stakes for them are as high as the troops stationed in other parts of the world, they just don’t wear uniforms. A little support “at home” would go a long way to winning this War.
“Yes, I am the Warrior,
Victory is Mine”
-Patty Smyth, The Warrior

Posted by The White Hat Reporters at 11:14 PM


Saturday, September 24, 2011

New NESARA Petition

Dear friends,

I wanted to let you know about a new petition created on We the People, a  
new feature on, and ask for your support. Will you add your  
name to mine?  If this petition gets 5,000 signatures by October 24, 2011,  
the White House will review it and respond!

We the People allows anyone to create and sign petitions asking the Obama  
Administration to take action on a range of issues.  If a petition gets  
enough support, the Obama Administration will issue an official response.

You can view and sign the petition here:

Here's some more information about this petition:

Investigate and announce the National Economic and Stability Reformation Act  
(NESARA) to the American people.
N.E.S.A.R.A. reformation includes, but is not limited to:

Debt-forgiveness (zero-out) on all Credit Card, Auto, Personal, Educational,  
and Mortgage Loan Debt as a remedy for years of Bank Frauds.

Creates a U.S. Treasury Bank System; Absorbs the Federal Reserve; Issues new  
precious metals backed currency. Permanently eliminates Inflation.

Abolishes the IRS. Tax Collections. Creates a Sales Tax Revenue on  
non-essential new items only to fund legit government operations.

Restores Constitutional Law; Retrains public servants to uphold  
Constitutional Law, including law enforcement, the courts and the remaining  
government agencies.


Dinar Intel 9-23-11

RV!!! - The Eagle has landed!!!!! - RV!!!

From information received in a phone call earlier this afternoon it appears that 'the eagle' has landed and we have the RV!!!!
The phone call was very very positive! (bondlady)
Was told that there are now 200 banks in California now setting up to RV.
The rate given was $3.60 to the GBP or $5.76 in US dollars!!!
It should be seen at CBI late tonight or on Forex after 5 PM EST Sunday Sept 25th!!!
Hope to cash in on Monday Sept 26th!!!





6:28 PM [sonnayhwh] ..OKIE OIL MAN - Have you found any substance to the claim that there is a global event greater than the RV which will delay this a few days?

6:29 PM [ASN] sonnayhwh I still don’t understand that statement from Dan






6:41 PM [sonnayhwh] (repost) ..OKIE OIL MAN - my apologies, I wasn't clear. I was referring to Dan's story of the "major global event" as the smoke and mirrors. I, too, consider Talibani's speech and Shabibi's statement to be concrete. Sorry for the mix-up!

More Info On Deliveries

Tunnels to at least 13 underground bases being sealed off.

 This was forwarded to me by a Patriot - Thanks

Tunnels to at least 13 underground bases being sealed off.

Posted by PC World news Thursday, September 22nd, 2011
At least 13 very powerful underground explosions rocked the United States Midwest in the last 48 hours.  They registered as small shallow earthquakes with the USGS.  Many of the underground high explosive detonations registered as 2.6 magnitude earthquakes.  The U.S. military is said to be sealing off the tunnels so that the Globalists and the U.S. ghost government (Federal Reserve Bankers, FEMA, DHS, CIA) can’t run and hide from what is predicted to occur within 48 hours of September 27, 2011.
Officers in the U.S. military didn’t seem to be aware of Obama and the Globalists’ planned converging on Denver for a DEFCON 1 (nuclear war imminent) “cocked pistol” drill.  An email was sent to the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations on September 21, 2011 to alert them to planned false flag nuclear detonations on U.S. soil in the American Midwest. The U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations were the ones who raided Citadel Gun and Safe Store in Las Vegas on August 21, 2011 to recover stolen nuclear warhead detonators. They were the ones who intercepted the transfer of improvised nuclear warheads by the CIA in the tunnels that connected the Deep Underground Military Bases on August 23, 2011. The improvised nuclear bombs (W54 style warheads) were being transfered via those tunnels to Washington DC and New York City when they detonated during a firefight between U.S. military personnel and CIA/DHS/FEMA operatives.
It would appear that the U.S. military had a deadline to meet and has already damaged, destroyed or sealed at least 13 underground tunnels or bases. Perhaps their incentive was the fact that Obama, his shadow government  and the Globalists made plans to save their own hides and leave the rest of use to fend for ourselves.  Perhaps they investigated and confirmed that another false flag nuclear detonation was imminent and acted accordingly to prevent it.

How does this Dinar RV Work?

This is very basic to allow anyone to grasp this concept.

Dinar is now valued at 1 IQD = .00085631 USD

After RV perhaps tomorrow (speculation)

1 Iraq Dinar IQD = $7.00 (maybe lower or higher - speculation)

Rate of return  --------- you do the math!

To be an instant millionaire USD - you need roughly 143,000 Dinars

At a cost of roughly $122.00 USD

Unbelievable - No Way - This is a Heavenly Blessing from Your Loving LORD

Dinar Intel - PTR Call Notes 9-24-11

Still a great day – WHOLE lot of info out there…

They are waiting on MORE news may do another call later today

Telabani spoke that they are a sovereign nation…

Hidden messages in his speech – during morning services all Iraqis listened to his speech in mosques…

Was distracted by the Satellite hitting… Was told they are now a free country that world is watching them. BANKS are STILL on alert making appointments stating they are going to be a part of cashing out and setting up accounts only….

Two meetings tomorrow – one is with the World Bank in Wash DC and other one in Iraq with all the banks meeting in Iraq – they are supposedly with Parliament and getting new instructions for new procedures – not sure if it’s about RV but it is that they are a sovereign nation and Shabibi will meet with World bank tomorrow for new directions...

Tony states that means that the world bank meeting with Shabibi will take place tomorrow Saturday at 2pm ….but the meeting in Iraq will be tonight with Parliament so we could hear news from this meeting tonight… I like to credit those I work with to get Intel and been on phone since 5am – Today will be a great day – market is looking and every time this RV has been attempted GOLD goes OWN and today its down over $100 that is no explanation and some inside people are doing something… Banks were downgraded – IMF came out we were in a dangerous time in world economy something needs to be done and we KNOW what that is and this week stuff was approved, changed and signed - the RV is not showing yet – some are expecting it still today right after market closes –some say Sunday we may see it – If they do it today Friday it would show in the Forex systems by Monday – so this could happen for Sunday business…

Caller – do you think they have attempted to pull this trigger- TONY states let me think how much I can get away with telling you about that as some things I am not going say it supposed to day – TONY stats THERE has been NO GLITCH this week at all – We are basically waiting for one event – EVER BODY in EVERY PLACE is ready and waiting – so no failed attempts yet… Caller asks what event are we waiting on – TONY states that if I knew 100% I may not be able to tell you….

HOT OFF THE PRESS TONY ASKS TO HOLD….He can’t tell us what he was told as he has to confirm this ONE SINGLE EVENT they are waiting for it to take place now and we will hear later today and THERE WILL BE a second call to tell you about this when its confirmed….

Gary states they are now sovereign and trying to confirm on a key action going on right now and maybe today….This will go off with no announcement the rates will just go live… THEY CAN’T BE A SOVEREIGN NATION WITHOUT CURRENCY GET READY!

TONY states there will be two calls – there are some things going on and will be another call from PTR later today….Being sovereign means NO other world approval needed now…

TONY states - Something to do with the Government Agency that we are waiting on…. TODAY – Callers asks is this the UN and TONY states there is ONE MORE THING and we need to see this and that’s it…. So we wait as this is NOT a cat and mouse game – TONY states that certain things are not supposed to be known till after it happens – MOST get announced AFTER they take place MANY do not want this RV to happen and they do these things THEN ANNOUNCE them later….Banks, FOREX is ready and NO BODY is guessing if this will take place anymore –GET IT?

First hand in mosques today, we will have that later what was said to the people this morning…

TONY STATES We know Some things that will take place IN the Parliament meeting tomorrow which is our USA NIGHT TONIGHT – They are meeting with Ajanai and meeting with #2 guy Selah and the other banks will be there for the understanding on what’s about to happen with this RV and how to do this, and the rate, how they got the rate and they need to justify this rate and we heard that this middle of this rate scale is our RV amount…..and Sadar said this AM that Iraq is now able to stand on their own and he was saying so much by saying we have arrived now..= then Shabibi will meet with World Banks tomorrow ON HOW they are going to operate with their new currency = TONY STATES so the questions is: will RV take place BEFORE these meetings, between these meeting or after these meetings – TONY says there is PRIVATE meetings going on RIGHT NOW that if this is allowed to be told, we all will have a great weekend in just a little bit…We wait to see what has happened when I get a call today…

IF Dong does not happen with the Dinar – it will happen shortly after – if you do not see it with the Dinar you will see it shortly after – and possible rate could be $.03 - .05 cents and some say rate could be higher – as a lot do not believe this RV will be above $4-$5 either….

CALLER: On a previous call you mentioned last Fri an attempt was made for RV and didn't go through. If the group or individuals are the ones that push the button, why would they attempt if they knew something wasn't done. What held it up last Friday? TONY States 2 good questions. 2 options. You either believe your Intel or you don’t.. I believe they tried it . I know what held it up. If I believe the Irbil, HCL, ministers or whatever held up RV, I have to believe it’s here because Iraq couldn't be sovereign without them. Tony says all has been done. Don't see these problems being the focus anymore. These have been completed. Couldn't be announced until it was time for the RV. Reason attempted 6 times is what I said earlier. Some people don't want this to happen. T/back in Sept I know I saw it, chief saw it. On a UN document, said must at least equal 1 US dollar. Always knew it would be at least a dollar. Tony says c could still happen today. may go into tomorrow, but could very well happen today.

Caller - Okie ghost says banks in Iraq meeting right now. Iraq puts out lots of mis-info. Do you think that’s the case so we won't run out and buy more? TONY states they could be having a mtg now. Haven't checked w/our people to see if they are in parliament right now. could be happening at this moment.

CALLER Thoughts on hearing a rate of $6 to $8 rate which is $4.41 to GBP ... that is what Tony states has been hearing and the caller got this info straight from Iraq TONY agreed he heard from Iraq the same thing
CALLER states - do you think RV by Sunday or Monday?
TONY STATES I think we will enjoy it on Monday ... could possible show up in the next two hours - it’s my belief they would not have been released from all the sanctions if this wasn't VERY close. Today, tomorrow anytime is a good time.

CALLER What's Dan saying about info from today?
TONY STATES Dan is saying from his resources he doesn't see it happening till next week at this time based on some other distractions.

CALLER George in LA. Talking about everyone pushing these buttons, but no statement that they were a sovereign nation. Confused.
TONY STATES You can have an RV before a country is a sovereign nation ... but can't be a sovereign nation without an RV.

TONY says any problems with Maliki is NO LONGER A PROBLEM new or old issues no longer a problem no matter what you are hearing
TONY states Shabs in DC tomorrow at World Bank. Others in Iraq mtg w/Parliament. At the mosque 5:30 this a.m. they were all told they were a sovereign nation. All will be watching them. Told to watch Taliban’s speech from UN. They were excited. I think Shabs will be in DC. As stated.. Shabibi already told the people they will be the strongest nation. He has explained how the money was going to work. Has already done all that. It just has to happen now.

CALLER- Calling to get verify on 15% tax. Looking at IRS page that shows bracket showing what rate is. If you're in short term, you pay 35%. Where did 15% come from. Has it been verified?
TONY states won't be verified till after announcement of RV


Friday, September 23, 2011

BLESSING DELIVERIES IS STARTING ----------------------------------Finally!

This refers to the deliveries of Blessings from OPC - which results from cashing in of the Dinars after the R/V. Remember Buy Low - Sell High?

This is not from the PP distributions which has been blocked and blocked by the Bush Cabal.



Muslim men are allowed to have as many as 4 wives. Many Muslims have immigrated into the U.S. and brought their 2-3-or 4 wives with them, but the U.S. does not allow multi marriages, so the man lists one wife as his, and signs the other 2 or 3 up as extended family on welfare and other free Government programs!

Michigan has the highest population of Muslims in the Unites States. When President Obama took office the United States paid several millions of dollars to have a large number of Palestinians, (All Muslim), immigrated here from Palestine. Why? I have no idea, do you! We don’t pay for other persons to immigrate here, and I’m sure that some of those Muslims moved into Michigan with the large current number of Muslims already established there.

So now in Michigan when you call the Public Assistance office you are told to “Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Spanish, or Press 3 for Arabic”! Here is the number 1-888-678-8914

Every time you add a new language to an American program it requires an additional number of persons fluent in that language to process those persons who refuse to learn English in order to live here at an additional cost to the taxpayer! Why are we even allowing persons to immigrate here who cannot provide for themselves, and putting them in our welfare system?

Press 3 for Arabic
This is quite alarming!!! This seems to have happened clandestinely, for, as far as I know, no public announcement, or opportunity to vote on this was offered to the American people. They're just adopting an official stance, and very likely using tax-payer money for it, in various capacities, without public knowledge or approval.

The following link takes you into the State of Michigan Public Assistance page, (as in Food Stamps etc). You won't have to scroll far before you see the assistance-letters options for...(get this).....English, Spanish, and ARABIC !!!

When did the ARABIC option sneak into our culture? Will we soon have to listen to our governmental offices, stores, and other venues offer us the option of "pressing 3 for ARABIC?"

Check it out for yourself.,1607,7-124-5453_5527---,00.html

One wonder what September 23-27 will actually bring.

Major Terrorism Drill “Operation Mountain Guardian” In Denver Near Elenin Alignment Dates

A major terrorism drill has been scheduled four days before a supposed Elenin Alignment as world leaders plan recess and Obama joins NASA in Denver.
A sign at Union Station In Denver Indicating DHS Drill Set To Take Place
The Intel Hub
September 21, 2011
On Friday September 23rd, a large scale terrorism drill involving 81 agencies will take place in Denver, Colorado.
The drill, made possible by a FEMA Homeland Security grant, has been dubbed “Operation Mountain Guardian” and will include military personal.
Residents have been warned to expect loud noises and smoke as well as many different emergency and military vehicles.
Operation Mountain Guardian Emergency Exercise (OMG)
Operation Mountain Guardian is a terrorism-based, full-scale emergency exercise scheduled to take place in numerous locations in the Denver metro area on Friday, September 23, 2011. 
The exercise will involve first responders from 81 different agencies**, will be conducted at ten separate locations and will include loud noises, simulated weapons, smoke, emergency vehicles and other equipment that will be audible and visible throughout the day.
The exercise has been designed as a learning event for regional first responders to test their capabilities in a scenario that will involve a terrorist-driven catastrophic situation.
Exercise play will occur at the four primary sites and DIA. Catholic Charities and Sports Authority Field at Mile High will participate in an administrative fashion to test student/teacher processing activities.
Sky Ridge Medical Center, Denver Health Medical Center, and University of Colorado Hospital will participate for the purpose of testing medical surge capabilities and communicating within Incident Command.
The fact that most major terror attacks have coincided with “drills” used to confuse and distract first responders not privy to the inside plan has been heavily documented, with the 7/7 attacks in London and 9/11 attacks in New York City being prime examples.
Prepare Now With MRE’S from The Ready Store(Ad)
Due to how close this drill is with a documented Elenin alignment date(whether or not you think Elenin will cause destruction or not, the alignment is confirmed by NASA) speculation has run rampant over whether or not this drill will either go live to distract from the 27th or be used to plan for the disaster that will be caused on that day.

September 27th Elenin Alignment

This full scale terrorism simulation is planned just 4 days before the much talked about and feared Elenin alignment date.
Elenin will apparently be in exact alignment with the Sun, Mercury, and Earth. Past Elenin alignments, though heavily debated, do seem to correlate with major earthquakes around the world.
Screen Shot From Elenin Document Found Here –
While there always remains a small possibility that this sort of groundbreaking earth changes information is purposely planted to distract conspiracy researchers, we believe that, at this point, it is unacceptable to ignore this possible danger.
The sheer amount of disinformation in regards to Elenin as well as the time spent spreading it shows the importance of this comet, possibly as a cover for something else.
It should also be noted that the idea that comet alignments can cause 6+ earthquakes seems to have been proven multiple times yet mainstream science continues to ignore this valuable warning tool.

NASA In Denver On The 27th

Coincidentally, NASA is currently in Denver holding a new exhibit related to the International Space Station and space based research.
HOUSTON – NASA will share the accomplishments, promise and opportunities for research aboard the International Space Station through an exhibit and a series of events in Colorado during September and October.
NASA will display its newest exhibit, “Destination: Station,” at the Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum in Denver. The exhibit will be open to the public for six weeks from Sept. 16 through Oct. 28. It is included at no additional fee with admission to the museum.
“Destination: Station” is a multimedia exhibit that immerses visitors in the story of the space station. Visitors of all ages will learn about the 24-hour-a-day, 365-days-a-year space-based research that brings results down to Earth. The exhibit includes hands-on activities, imagery and audio and visual technology.
NASA, an agency started by Nazi party members secretly brought to American under a once top secret program called Operation Paperclip, has a long history of corruption, cover ups, and outright deceptions.

Obama Joins The Party

Further adding to the mystery and conspiracy is the fact that President Barack Obama is scheduled to be in Denver on September 27, 2011.
CBS Denver
President Barack Obama will visit the Denver area as part of a series of stops in Western states to talk about the economy.
Obama will also be visiting several cities on the West Coast as part of his tour, according the White House.
What are the chances that 4 days after a full scale terrorism drill and on the day of a major alignment, the president of The United States will be in a city known for its secret bases and eerie symbology?

World Leaders In Recess

Strangely enough, leaders throughout the world are on or will be on recess during this alignment date.
The United Nations has an empty schedule from September 23rd through October 10th, 2011.
The UK Parliament is in recess from September 15th through October 10th, 2011.
The United States Congress is on vacation from September 25th through October 2nd, 2011.
Germany’s President’s schedule is empty after September 25, 2011.
Do these world leaders as well as U.S. officials know something that most of the public is completely unaware of?

Defcon 1 Cocked Pistol

A report originating from Sorcha Faal claims that the real reason for Obama’s Denver trip is his plan to oversee a defcon 1 cocked pistol maximum readiness drill.
A disturbing report prepared by General Alexey Maslov, the Senior Military Representative of the Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO, states that he has been notified by the Americans of their plan to hold a DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill on 27 September which will be overseen by President Obama at one the United States most secure bunkers located beneath the Denver International Airport.
This information has yet to be independently confirmed anywhere else on the net but is included due to it coinciding with other more confirmed information.

Denver And The New World Order Airport

It is well documented that Denver is a major hub for New World Order activity, housing the CIA headquarters and rumors of deep underground military bases.

Perhaps the most mysterious aspect of the whole Denver NWO conspiracy is the one world airport in Denver Colorado.
Complete with weird murals, strange notes on the ground, and statues of death, the DIA airport has long been rumored to be an access way to a deep underground military base.(D.U.M.B)
Join The All Exclusive Intel Hub OverWatch Report!
Also lets not forget about the apocalyptic horse with glowing red eyes at the front of the airport!
Some interesting facts as laid out by on
  • Even though the area is basically flat (with a stunning view of mountains all around, since it’s in a valley), the expense and time was taken to extensively lower some areas and raise others. They moved 110 million cubic yards of earth around. This is about 1/3rd of the amount of earth they moved when they dug out the Panama Canal.
  • The airport has a fiber optic communications core made of 5,300 miles of cable. That’s longer than the Nile River. That’s from New York City to Buenos Aires, Argentina. The airport also has 11,365 miles of copper cable communications network.
  • The fueling system can pump 1,000 gallons of jet fuel per minute through a 28-mile network of pipes. There are six fuel hold tanks that each hold 2.73 million gallons of jet fuel. This is somewhere in the “no one will ever ever need this much” range.
  • Granite was imported from all over the world – Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America – and used in making the main terminal floor. This is a ridiculous expense, especially when you’re already over budget. They say, “The floor pattern echoes the roof design and subtly reinforces passenger flows”. Ah…subliminal messages to move your ass. It might look pretty but would any of us know Chilean granite from Chinese granite? Or care? You can dye rock if it’s colors you’re after. Cheaper rocks. (I wonder what the “stones have power” people say about this…)
  • The huge, main terminal is Jeppesen Terminal, named after Elfrey Jeppesen, who was the first person to create maps specifically for aviation (the company is still in business today). This area is known as the “Great Hall”; it’s said this is what the Masons name their meeting place.
    It is 900 feet by 210 feet big. This is over 1.5 million square feet of space. All told, there is over 6 million square feet of public space at DIA. The airport brags that they have room to build another terminal and two more concourses and could serve 100 million passengers a year. The airport flew 36 million in 2001.
  • The only way to get to the other two concourses/terminals from the Great Hall, or vice versa, is via the airport’s train system.
  • There are more than 19 miles (30 km) of conveyor belt track, luggage transport cars and road in their own underground tunnels that move baggage and goods. They’re so huge you can drive trucks through them, and some remain unused.
  • The entire roof of DIA is made of 15 acres of Teflon-coated, woven fiber glass. The same material is on the inside as a layer, also. The place looks like a bizarre (but kind of cool) scene out of “Dune”, comprised of huge, spiked tent-like structures. The material reflects 90% of the sunlight and doesn’t conduct heat. So you can’t see into the place with radar or see heat signatures. I added helpfully.
Just taking a look at the numerous murals within DIA brings to mind death, Nazis, and a new world order. (To view all murals and a more in depth look at DIA visit Vigilant Citizen)


Considering all the different coincidences coupled with the location of the terrorism drills and the head officials involved makes one wonder what September 23-27 will actually bring.
Being aware of all possibilities as well as being prepared for them is just about the only way that the general public can, at this time, combat these coming threats.
Regardless whether or not something does happen later this month, the fact remains that this countries economy is in shambles, its leaders corrupt to the core, and its population in grave danger if they do not start to prepare for whatever is on the horizon.