Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011 - WHITE HATS REPORT #29 ----- EXCELLENT

September 25, 2011 - WHITE HATS REPORT #29

Obama, Bush and the true, Sordid State of Our Cabal Controlled Union.

It has been a little bit of time since we last posted an article.  Although we have volumes to report, we do not have the time to author stories of more scandals, it’s just more of the same and vastly larger than reported in the past.  We promise we will.  In reality, we have been working with world leaders, numerous security agencies and the legitimate or clean guys in the banking industry to bring the Global Settlement to a conclusion.  We have certainly seen the results of the Dark Cabal's work for nearly fifty plus years, the depth of the tentacles’ of the Bush Clan in all aspects of the banking industry.  What is more interesting is the picture that is developing around the secret organizations that support the new version of the World War II German Reich.  Seems like some of the old guard are still hanging around in very clandestine, quiet places and are at the helm of the banking Cabal including the Bush’s.  This is an amazing world we are living in.  Every American and every person in the free world should be stepping up to the plate and questioning every aspect of our representatives and their intentions.  We support the total removal of incumbents from our leadership and a process for the thorough vetting of candidates on a state by state basis prior to their ability to hold office on a Federal basis.  We no longer can have the extremely poor leadership that has been commonplace for these many past decades.

America is the shining star of freedom in the world and we can no longer afford to elect the types of people that will be intimidated by or want to only cooperate for profit with the secret under body of the world.  We need people that will put their lives on the line to root out the individuals and groups that have divisive plans to control the world through manipulation of the political process, the financial markets and the main stream media.  It is up to the American public, our clean world leaders and the people of the world to literally force the tough questions and push the bastards out of office.  It is up to the common folks to wake up and spread the word to their neighbors to show what 308 million Americans can do. We can report all day long but if YOU won’t act or even question then it is all for naught and you will continue to suffer for your lack of action.  We hope that YOU are not waiting for us to do all of the work.  We do the heavy lifting but many hands (minds and voices) will complete the task and improve the world we live in.

During the last few weeks as Washington, D.C. was on vacation, The White Hats have been working diligently behind the scenes with intelligence sources to expose the dark cabal.  We have been holding in reserve supporting evidence, which portray the depth of corruption and complicity of the Beltway Federal establishment, still controlled by George H.W. Bush Sr.  Our Constitutional values are still being dismantled and replaced by the dictates of a criminal Cabal, a pretend president and his illegal, administration.   Homeland Security has failed to recognize that our greatest enemy is already within. This enemy is the greatest threat to the liberties and freedoms we love as Americans;  a failing president controlled by a dark cabal conspiring to profiteer from their insatiable greed.   The world knows what is unfolding as Israel has now sold 46% of its US Treasuries and Russia has sold 95% of its own US Treasury holdings. 

The truth is widely known among the nations, who are asking why these criminals have been allowed to perpetuate their criminal control unchecked?  Bush Senior and Obama are blatantly compromising, not only America's economic recovery, but the World’s by continuing to extort and unlawfully use the Global Settlements and all of the funds they have stolen for years.  They refuse to release funds which are not theirs while maximizing Bank Trading Program payments for their own offshore accounts.  As recent as this week a wire transfer of funds to Wells Fargo Bank for a true Patriotic Beneficiary was illegally stopped so they could continue their felonious activities.

Geithner was appointed to head up the US Treasury for one reason. He was appointed as the Gatekeeper to stop any independent ethical appointee from having oversight over the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, whose criminal Ponzi and racketeering activities have crippled America with debt obligations beyond anyone's imagination.  Geithner fronts a cover up as a bought slave to his Master Bush.  Geithner has taken combined payouts from the theft of the Falcone Bank Program funds set up by Bush Senior, which he is now seeking to hide behind discretionary Nominees fronting for him via The Royal Bank of Canada accounts in London, which we are tracking.

We know Geithner's illegal Banking as he desperately seeks to avoid our monitoring investigators.

We know about Bush Seniors, Biden’s, the Clinton’s, and Romney’s offshore accounts, which will be exposed and deny Romney the Presidency.  We watch Obama's desperate attempts to hide his own accounts totaling in excess of 11 Billion Dollars.  We know the full extent of the CIA Bank Program trafficking. These will be exposed and moves are in process by Falcone’s own attorneys to get all identified accounts frozen. 

Both our Senate, Congress, Pentagon and all Agency leaders know fully that Obama is an illegal President, as do the Supreme Court Justices.  Slowly International media is waking up and challenging the inadequacies and transgressions of Obama and his criminal Chicago support team. Visibly, the protective compliant media shell is now cracking as questions and challenges to Obama and the Bush criminal cabal are mounting.    The wheels are coming off their Gravy Train.

The very role of FRB New York, Geithner's former home, is now being debated and challenged. This is their Achilles heel.

We outline again the clear and simple facts which will be rigorously challenged as their empire disintegrates.
  • Obama is not able to be a Lawful American President. He is a criminal Usurper.
  • Obama knowingly and fraudulently tendered a FALSE Birth Certificate, that in itself is a criminal act. He is a Fraud! The whole world sees it, with exception of the US Regulators. 
  • Obama has been facilitated with Offshore Bank Program trading accounts and vast profits by Bush 41, using again the notorious Josef Ackermann, Chairman of Deutsche Bank. His accounts are being tracked and monitored ready to be frozen when he is eventually arraigned. Obama’s prime objective now is to maximise his illegal accounts for when he is removed from office. He wants to cut and run as a wealthy man with his fat proceeds of crime in office.  It will end in tears once removed from his Chicago and Texan support umbilicals. 
  • Obama has knowingly and fraudulently used the ID number of a dead 19 year old Connecticut boy. Congress knows this as do all Senators. Failure to act on such a deeply humiliating criminal transgression is a Congressional disgrace raising again the integrity of this now neutered House. This raises the question of Representatives for whom because they no longer represent the American people or protect our Constitution or values.
  • Obama fraudulently obtained a US passport with bogus papers. Why has no one checked this? How can Homeland Security allow a Bogus illegal to penetrate so far?  
  • Under what legal accord is Obama even married to a US citizen with false papers?
  • Why has Obama failed to act with clear evidence that Biden, his own Vice President has taken bribes of $200M from Clinton acting for Bush Sr. It IS a Criminal offense to bribe a Public Official! It IS a Criminal offense for Biden to take the bribe and for Bush to bribe him. All of this is on record as the Edward Falcone issue proceeds now towards litigation, which has now passed the disclosure demand stages.   
  • Geithner will be exposed by future White Hats articles waiting release for vast frauds abusing Americas allies for many $Trillions; Hegemony of the worst kind. We will soon expose the depth of the US Treasury / FRB NY Bait and Switch scams with damning evidence and bank records.
  • Can David Petreus, with his Political aspirations, afford to become tarnished at the Agency with the visible corruption he has inherited and theft of the Falcone funds? Obama promised him he would get this fiasco settled to avoid public exposure. 
  • Who allowed Bush to use US Government planes to fly CIA Agents around the world falsifying bank records and moving Biden’s bribery money in desperation to shelter the audit trail? How can David Dewhurst, ex CIA agent, now Lt Governor of Texas, who set up and helped defraud Falcone, expect to clear vetting for his Senate ambitions? Litigation is now imminent. This is a delicate appointment Rick Perry as Governor needs to review and distance him away from as a key Presidential contender himself. 
  • Donald Rumsfeld has now been stripped of immunity in the case involving torture of 2 FBI Informants in Iraq in 2006, Donald Vance and Nathan Ertel. The case is now proceeding. It will open up the systematic inhuman mass brutality and torture of prisoners in Abu Ghraib, which Rumsfeld authorised as part of the Bush murderous campaign of mass brutality now unfolding. This long overdue and merited removal of Rumsfeld's immunity sends a clear signal that crimes against humanity and American citizens will not be tolerated, no matter who the perpetrators were. Those who invoked such vile repressions will be identified and held accountable. The Rapes and Sodomy in Abu Ghraib, in many cases against teenage children, will all be exposed, and those responsible held accountable. 
  • Bush, Jr. dares not even travel to Canada now for fear of War Crimes arrest, nor Switzerland, where committed groups also wait to have warrants issued and detain him for a Hague tribunal. History will judge them in ignominy.  Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice are culpable of destroying the US economy, America’s global image and our face. 
  • As we indicated above and reported previously, Obama has been attempting to hide his stolen funds in several different areas of the world.  He knows we are watching.  In fact, shortly after The White Hats reported that Obama personally was working some of his stolen funds directly with Josef Ackerman of Deutsch Bank, he reacted by immediately pulling his funds out of the trading program .  Please do not be fooled. Obama knows his time is limited and his only focus is to increase these stolen funds with  hopes of doubling the 11 Billion before he has to leave office.  His own party has become split and Obama's Chicago backers are now pulling away realizing that Obama's time is short.  Fortunately, the world leaders have become awakened to the truth about Obama and he will have little chance of actually spending these ill gotten gains.

It was Posted the 22nd at PC World -- PC World is NOW Off Line... Hmmmm

This is a repeat posting on same subject from a different source --- JUST TO BE SURE IT GETS OUT THERE.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

It was Posted the 22nd at PC World -- PC World is NOW Off Line... Hmmmm
Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Saturday, 24-Sep-2011 12:47:26
In Response To: Tunnels To At Least 13 Underground Bases Being Sealed Off (Steve)
This is the url that came with the email I received.
Does anyone know anything about PC World? Who are they? .ca is Canada isn't it?

Here's the article from PC World... It's essentially the same but with only two photos.
Tunnels to at least 13 underground bases being sealed off.
Posted by PC World news Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

At least 13 very powerful underground explosions rocked the United States Midwest in the last 48 hours. They registered as small shallow earthquakes with the USGS. Many of the underground high explosive detonations registered as 2.6 magnitude earthquakes. The U.S. military is said to be sealing off the tunnels so that the Globalists and the U.S. ghost government (Federal Reserve Bankers, FEMA, DHS, CIA) can’t run and hide from what is predicted to occur within 48 hours of September 27, 2011.

Officers in the U.S. military didn’t seem to be aware of Obama and the Globalists’ planned converging on Denver for a DEFCON 1 (nuclear war imminent) “cocked pistol” drill. An email was sent to the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations on September 21, 2011 to alert them to planned false flag nuclear detonations on U.S. soil in the American Midwest. The U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations were the ones who raided Citadel Gun and Safe Store in Las Vegas on August 21, 2011 to recover stolen nuclear warhead detonators. They were the ones who intercepted the transfer of improvised nuclear warheads by the CIA in the tunnels that connected the Deep Underground Military Bases on August 23, 2011. The improvised nuclear bombs (W54 style warheads) were being transfered via those tunnels to Washington DC and New York City when they detonated during a firefight between U.S. military personnel and CIA/DHS/FEMA operatives.
It would appear that the U.S. military had a deadline to meet and has already damaged, destroyed or sealed at least 13 underground tunnels or bases. Perhaps their incentive was the fact that Obama, his shadow government and the Globalists made plans to save their own hides and leave the rest of use to fend for ourselves. Perhaps they investigated and confirmed that another false flag nuclear detonation was imminent and acted accordingly to prevent it.
Short URL:

Obama’s Impeachable Offenses

Obama’s Impeachable Offenses

50 Impeachable Crimes and Counting

by Fred Dardick  Canada Free press.
  1. Convicted felon and Chicago real estate developer Tony Rezko’s purchase of land adjacent to Obama’s house in Hyde Park, IL. In 2006, Rezko sold a 10 foot strip of his property to Obama for $104,500, rendering the remainder of Rezko’s $625,000 investment too small to be developed and, for all intents and purposes, worthless.
  2. The provision of Obama campaign donor lists to ACORN in 2007 and 2008, more complete than the ones he gave to the FEC. ACORN used the lists to raise money for Obama’s election from donors who had already maxed out their legally allowable contributions.
  3. Widespread voter fraud including voter intimidation, ballot stuffing, falsified documents, and threats of violence against Hillary Clinton supporters committed by the Obama campaign and ACORN during the 2008 Democrat primary election. For more information see my CFP article How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Party Nomination.
  4. Obama’s refusal to release his long form birth certificate which would show conclusively that he is a dual citizen and therefore not constitutionally eligible to serve as President. Obama’s college records, which have also not been released, would also contain information regarding his dual citizenship status.
  5. Protecting union interests over those of GM and Chrysler bond holders during bankruptcy proceedings, forcing investors to accept millions of dollars in losses in direct violation of bankruptcy laws, money to which they were legally entitled.
  6. Preferential treatment given to minority and women owned car dealerships by Obama administration officials as part of the auto industry bailout program and the forced closing of a disproportionate number of dealerships located in rural areas that did not vote for Obama.
  7. Unsubstantiated firing of Corporation for National and Community Service Inspector General Gerald Walpin for exposing Sacramento Mayor and Obama supporter Kevin Johnson’s misuse of an $850,000 AmeriCorps grant.
  8. Purchase of Congressional support for the passage of Obama’s healthcare bill including the “Cornhusker Kickback”, “Louisiana Purchase” and having the Department of Interior increase water allocations to the Central Valley of California to secure the votes of Democrat Reps. Dennis Cardoza and Jim Costa.
  9. Lying to the American people by promising they could keep their healthcare coverage if they wanted to, when in reality tens of millions will be forced out of their current plans.
  10. Attempted bribery of Rep. Joe Sestak with job offers to get him to drop out of the Senate primary race against Sen. Arlen Specter.
  11. Directing the EPA to unilaterally set carbon emission standards, thus bypassing Congress which opposes Obama’s energy reform bill. For more information see my CFP article Forget Cap and Trade: EPA Regulation of CO2 Emissions Will Begin in 10 Months.
  12. The Obama administration’s statement that a panel of experts had agreed with their plan for a 6 month Gulf Coast drilling moratorium, when in actuality none of them had supported the measure.
  13. Bullying BP to set up a $20 billion slush fund to compensate Gulf Coast businesses and residents affected by the oil spill, to be administered by an Obama political appointee without any judicial or congressional oversight.
  14. Implementing a third oil-drilling moratorium after the first two were thrown out of court, creating a de facto Gulf Coast offshore drilling ban in opposition to two judges’ rulings.
  15. Establishment of a commission to investigate the Gulf Coast oil spill that contains not one oil industry expert and whose transparent purpose is to push a partisan political agenda rather than investigate the cause of the disaster.
  16. Obama’s policy of intentionally not securing our nation’s borders, in opposition to Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution which calls for the President to protect states from foreign invasion, in an attempt to blackmail Republican support for comprehensive immigration reform. In essence, Obama is holding border states and residents politically hostage during a time they are being overrun by a narco-paramilitary invasion.
  17. Department of Justice illegal race based policies regarding voter fraud as exposed by former Justice attorney J. Christian Adams. This includes the dropping of voter intimidation charges against 2 Black Panthers brandishing weapons in front of a voting location in Philadelphia and the stated intention by political appointees to ignore voter crimes committed by African Americans, Latinos and other minorities.
  18. Department of Justice purposefully allowing some states to continue their disenfranchisement of military personnel serving overseas in direct opposition to the 2009 Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act, which was established in response to the more than 17,000 military votes that were not counted in the 2008 election because ballots had arrived after the deadline.
  19. Recess appointment of Donald Berwick as head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services without even a token attempt to put him through the Congressional nomination process, signaling that Congress’s constitutional obligation to vet presidential appointees means nothing to Obama. The same can be said of the 30+ Obama administration czars.
  20. Spending $23 million of taxpayer money through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to support a constitutional referendum in Kenya in spite of the Siljander Amendment, which makes it illegal for the U.S. to lobby for abortion in other countries. The Kenyan referendum was partially written by Planned Parenthood and is designed to legalize abortion in that nation.
  21. The participation of the Obama administration in the firing of Sherry Sherrod from the USDA without due process because of publicized out of context remarks she made at a NAACP meeting in March 2010.
  22. The White House sham investigation of BP’s involvement in the release of the mass murdering Lockerbie bomber from prison. The Obama administration not only knew beforehand of the Scottish government’s plan to set Abdel Baset al-Megrahi free on “compassionate” grounds, they even sent a letter to Scottish authorities stating their preference for his remaining in Scotland over his transfer to a Libyan prison.
  23. The canceling of 77 properly filed oil field development contracts approved by the Bush administration by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, preventing the extraction of up to 3 trillion gallons of oil buried under Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and North Dakota, more than enough to end our dependence on foreign oil and supply the U.S. with its energy needs for hundreds of years at current consumption rates.
  24. Investigations by the Department of Homeland Security to determine the political affiliation of people making Freedom of Information Act requests and the subsequent delay and even altogether ignoring of requests made by Republican affiliated individuals.
  25. The hardest to prosecute in court, but worst crime of all that Obama has perpetrated against the American people is the economic tyranny his socialist policies have wrecked upon our nation. While Obama has been living the life of a king including frequent 5 star vacations, dozens of concerts at the White House and endless rounds of golf, all paid for by taxpayer money—the increased transportation and security costs alone are in the millions of dollars—he has called for the rest of us to endure economic sacrifice. The annual trillion dollar deficits and borrowing of 41 cents of every dollar of federal spending by Obama is leading to unsustainable and potentially catastrophic national debt.
  26. Convicted felon and Chicago real estate developer Tony Rezko’s purchase of land adjacent to Obama’s house in Hyde Park, IL. In 2006, Rezko sold a 10 foot strip of his property to Obama for $104,500, rendering the remainder of Rezko’s $625,000 investment too small to be developed and, for all intents and purposes, worthless.
  27. The provision of Obama campaign donor lists to ACORN in 2007 and 2008, more complete than the ones he gave to the FEC. ACORN used the lists to raise money for Obama’s election from donors who had already maxed out their legally allowable contributions.
  28. Widespread voter fraud including voter intimidation, ballot stuffing, falsified documents, and threats of violence against Hillary Clinton supporters committed by the Obama campaign and ACORN during the 2008 Democrat primary election. For more information see my CFP article How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Party Nomination.
  29. Obama’s refusal to release his long form birth certificate which would show conclusively that he is a dual citizen and therefore not constitutionally eligible to serve as President. Obama’s college records, which have also not been released, would also contain information regarding his dual citizenship status.
  30. Protecting union interests over those of GM and Chrysler bond holders during bankruptcy proceedings, forcing investors to accept millions of dollars in losses in direct violation of bankruptcy laws, money to which they were legally entitled.
  31. Preferential treatment given to minority and women owned car dealerships by Obama administration officials as part of the auto industry bailout program and the forced closing of a disproportionate number of dealerships located in rural areas that did not vote for Obama.
  32. Unsubstantiated firing of Corporation for National and Community Service Inspector General Gerald Walpin for exposing Sacramento Mayor and Obama supporter Kevin Johnson’s misuse of an $850,000 AmeriCorps grant.
  33. Purchase of Congressional support for the passage of Obama’s healthcare bill including the “Cornhusker Kickback”, “Louisiana Purchase” and having the Department of Interior increase water allocations to the Central Valley of California to secure the votes of Democrat Reps. Dennis Cardoza and Jim Costa.
  34. Lying to the American people by promising they could keep their healthcare coverage if they wanted to, when in reality tens of millions will be forced out of their current plans.
  35. Attempted bribery of Rep. Joe Sestak with job offers to get him to drop out of the Senate primary race against Sen. Arlen Specter.
  36. Directing the EPA to unilaterally set carbon emission standards, thus bypassing Congress which opposes Obama’s energy reform bill. For more information see my CFP article Forget Cap and Trade: EPA Regulation of CO2 Emissions Will Begin in 10 Months.
  37. The Obama administration’s statement that a panel of experts had agreed with their plan for a 6 month Gulf Coast drilling moratorium, when in actuality none of them had supported the measure.
  38. Bullying BP to set up a $20 billion slush fund to compensate Gulf Coast businesses and residents affected by the oil spill, to be administered by an Obama political appointee without any judicial or congressional oversight.
  39. Implementing a third oil-drilling moratorium after the first two were thrown out of court, creating a de facto Gulf Coast offshore drilling ban in opposition to two judges’ rulings.
  40. Establishment of a commission to investigate the Gulf Coast oil spill that contains not one oil industry expert and whose transparent purpose is to push a partisan political agenda rather than investigate the cause of the disaster.
  41. Obama’s policy of intentionally not securing our nation’s borders, in opposition to Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution which calls for the President to protect states from foreign invasion, in an attempt to blackmail Republican support for comprehensive immigration reform. In essence, Obama is holding border states and residents politically hostage during a time they are being overrun by a narco-paramilitary invasion.
  42. Department of Justice illegal race based policies regarding voter fraud as exposed by former Justice attorney J. Christian Adams. This includes the dropping of voter intimidation charges against 2 Black Panthers brandishing weapons in front of a voting location in Philadelphia and the stated intention by political appointees to ignore voter crimes committed by African Americans, Latinos and other minorities.
  43. Department of Justice purposefully allowing some states to continue their disenfranchisement of military personnel serving overseas in direct opposition to the 2009 Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act, which was established in response to the more than 17,000 military votes that were not counted in the 2008 election because ballots had arrived after the deadline.
  44. Recess appointment of Donald Berwick as head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services without even a token attempt to put him through the Congressional nomination process, signaling that Congress’s constitutional obligation to vet presidential appointees means nothing to Obama. The same can be said of the 30+ Obama administration czars.
  45. Spending $23 million of taxpayer money through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to support a constitutional referendum in Kenya in spite of the Siljander Amendment, which makes it illegal for the U.S. to lobby for abortion in other countries. The Kenyan referendum was partially written by Planned Parenthood and is designed to legalize abortion in that nation.
  46. The participation of the Obama administration in the firing of Sherry Sherrod from the USDA without due process because of publicized out of context remarks she made at a NAACP meeting in March 2010.
  47. The White House sham investigation of BP’s involvement in the release of the mass murdering Lockerbie bomber from prison. The Obama administration not only knew beforehand of the Scottish government’s plan to set Abdel Baset al-Megrahi free on “compassionate” grounds, they even sent a letter to Scottish authorities stating their preference for his remaining in Scotland over his transfer to a Libyan prison.
  48. The canceling of 77 properly filed oil field development contracts approved by the Bush administration by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, preventing the extraction of up to 3 trillion gallons of oil buried under Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and North Dakota, more than enough to end our dependence on foreign oil and supply the U.S. with its energy needs for hundreds of years at current consumption rates.
  49. Investigations by the Department of Homeland Security to determine the political affiliation of people making Freedom of Information Act requests and the subsequent delay and even altogether ignoring of requests made by Republican affiliated individuals.
  50. The hardest to prosecute in court, but worst crime of all that Obama has perpetrated against the American people is the economic tyranny his socialist policies have wrecked upon our nation. While Obama has been living the life of a king including frequent 5 star vacations, dozens of concerts at the White House and endless rounds of golf, all paid for by taxpayer money—the increased transportation and security costs alone are in the millions of dollars—he has called for the rest of us to endure economic sacrifice. The annual trillion dollar deficits and borrowing of 41 cents of every dollar of federal spending by Obama is leading to unsustainable and potentially catastrophic national debt.


D.U.M.B.s Deep Underground Military Bases!


John's Comments - For your consideration, USE DISCERNMENT --- I am not recommending any legal strategy as I am NOT a lawyer ---- just someone like yourself looking for guidance where I can find it.
bring family and friends.....they will thank you for it.
When: MONDAY Sept. 26th, 2011
8:00 pm Eastern, 7:00 Central, 5:00 Pacific,
Dial-in Number: 1-712-432-3100
Conference Code: 248465
WHY DO YOU as a dinar holder need a trust with TAX ADVANTAGES? Come hear why .... see if this does not make sense to you and we will follow with a Q & A SESSION. 
Guest speaker: Mr. Jim Blakeman
There will NOT be a call the following Monday Oct. 3rd as Mr. Blakeman will be absent. 
The power in YOU as trustee of YOUR HEIRS SPENDTHRIFT TRUST

The authority and power over the capitalization YOU convey to the spendthift trust is at YOUR discretion.
YOU control the investments not a third party trustee
Works across the entire United States AND Internationally....AUSTRALIA, South America, etc for those with dual citizenship.
(Remember this is based on American Law) file your taxes here.
Move from State to State your TRUST goes with need for another trust in that state. It is domiciled where you are.
With the SPENDTHRIFT TRUST you are trustee in a trust and carry full fuduciary responsibility for the benefit of the beneficiaries at your discretion. (It is a discretionary trust).
The day I would let someone else control all that money will be the day I am deseased and I will be the one to decide who is going to take my place as trustee...
I will control who manages the money from the grave so to speak.
STATE regulated Grantor type "common law" IRREVOCABLE trust are NOT built like cannot be trustee of those kinda trust. You are NOT in control as you would like to be.
Our trust you are the trustee and it is NOT self granted .....we use a non-grantor or third party settlor to settle the corpus of the trust and it is the settlor that makes you the manager (trustee) of the trust in control of all the money, assets, and investments.
YOU DECIDE TO OWN NOTHING BUT CONTROL EVERYTHING.........NICE !! Where else would you want to move all your assets besides in a trust you manage?
It is smooth and it is easy simply by "passing ownership by contract agreement" to the trust and cost you NOTHING to do it. The use of simply proprietary forms in your trust binder.
We are here to guide you thru that process
One time fixed additional fees EVER !! We have nothing else to sell you down the road unlike OTHERS.
ONLY $5050.00 can save you Millions..and here is why:
Most of you are currency we encourage you to structure yourself and your entities thru proper conveyance of your assets as well as protecting those assets from suits, leins or judgements. Assigning ownership of your dinars to a trust will allow your revaluated dinar to come in as tax deferred as extraordinary income known as a extraordinary dividend to the trust. NON TAXABLE if you so declare it.

Some growth can in some cases be taxable to the trust at tax time....Form 1041
There is two ways money can come into a spendthrift trust...either extraordinary or ordinary...extraordinary is tax deferred and ordinary is taxable to the trust at corporate rate. However, there are certain circumstances whereas you as trustee can declare certain incomes as principle to the trust and again tax deferred but, that is for you and your tax accountant to work out.
Just know there are circumstances that allow for options.

Your managing that trust so, pay yourself a salary, that part is taxable to you. You may need a certain amount of money for your consumables, groceries, utilities, arm chair shopping, dinners out, movies, entertainment, etc. All real property is purchased by the trust and is therefore in TRUST under asset protection for the benefit of the beneficiaries, without equitable ownership or equitable title and for now you are the caretaker as long as your the trustee and your feet are on this side of the ground.

(Anything you cash in your name is a taxable event).

***Information many of you already understand***

The trust will 1099 you for that amount you take for managers fees...Either you (as the trustee) will make out the 1099 form to you as an individual or your tax accountant can make it out for you.
 It is a simple form and can be purchased at any office supply ie: office max.

Everything else if bought by the TRUST at YOUR OWNED by the TRUST and YOUR the CARETAKER of all those investments, TOYS, etc.....(even the new bass boat the trust just bought) or that summer cottage by the lake. 

If you buy investments with the tax deferred money ie: income property when the rent checks come into the trust written out to the trust name and come in as ordinary income if the investment was purchased by the trust that can be considered taxable depending on how you declare it. Our accountant tells us if it is declared as principle it is defered again.

But, if you own say, a piece of property and you transfer ownership of that property into the TRUST the income comes into the TRUST as extraordinary income again a non taxable dividend if you so declare it as nice is that?

Think about you want to drop your dinars in a bank account and pay state, federal, and capital gains creating an immediate taxable event on millions when you cannot spend Millions now OR would you choose to  deposit 100% your dinar investment into a checking/savings account in the name of the TRUST with you as trustee...with you in control of the fuduciary responsibility to buy, sell, trade, loan, rent, lend, borrow, (to even have the ability to hold trust assets in your name),etc. and do it tax deferred keeping 100% of those investment dollars for investments that will create great wealth for the trust? THIS IS HUGE !!! A MEGATON OF DIFFERENCE IN BUILDING WEALTH. 
"Pay the taxes as taxes become due and not before" 

Again, a Spendthrift Trust cannot be sued !! Spendthrift Gets the Final Word.
Ours has a special provision written into it you won't find elsewhere.

Subject: People are STILL's a wonder why with some convoluted information being passed around.
All right, let me see if I can
clear things up for a good
number of people.
I had a number of emails over
the last few days from people
telling me that they would like
to see a comparison.
In order to make a true comparison
one would need to have a significant
amount of information about the



Folks, there is about 800 different kinds
of TRUSTs out there...find one that fits your needs.


If your holding MEGA $$$ in investment currency you need tax advantages !!
From information I have
gathered I can clearly see that if you
put your ears to the ground on this one
and choose wisely....USE BUSINESS SENSE,
you will see how this plays out in your best interest.
As intriguing as this may sound, you need to know,
that your future plans could be greatly hampered by
making the wrong decision.

I choose to keep as much capital as I can to build

a bigger better dynasty for my heirs.

HOW?....I am doing it with tax deferred money
utilizating a trust that allows for tax advantages and
100% of the invested dollars conveyed to our trust &
will fully capitalize an enormous estate which
has twice as much to work with than the guy that takes the OTHER path and
made the choice to come into someone elses trust with less than half of their investment.

How would that happen?
Because they gave HALF of their investment dollars up
in State, Federal and Capital Gains taxes. BECAUSE, THAT OTHER TRUST OFFERS NO TAX ADVANTAGES,
Because they listened to the other end of the horse !!
If your trust bought a brokerage account would you not want to be able to declare the dividends and interest tax deferred? In our trust "A Qualified Trust" you can do just that.
( In those other trust you pay taxes on the interest, dividends, capital gains, appreciation).

(Anything in your name you pay taxes on the interest and dividends, etc.)

Because another trust did not have built in tax advantages (THAT WAS WORTH REPEATING....felt good too !! or they tried to create matrixes of loopholes for you to jump thru just to get SOME OF THE ADVANTAGES our trust offers. WHY? because they see your NEEDS and hear your cries WHY NOT? So, here they come telling you that you need LLC's or LLP's or CRT's or create corporations, etc.
NONSENSE and nothing more than loopholes that offer no privacy, no protection for cash and lack of control over the asset. comes the BIG one
because others made you feel as if you did NOT pay your taxes up front you should be shaking in your boots
NON SENSE...SCARE TACTICS !! . that is said because, they cannot offer the tax advantages...THEY CANNOT OFFER THE CALIBER OF WHAT WE OFFER...their trust is not built for it and to make the sale you should be shaking in your boots at the thought of NOT paying taxes up front...

Things you and I have not been used to coming from middle income america.

again NON SENSE....because they are grantor type trust which are STATE to STATE regulated...
YOU HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR IF YOUR DOING THE RIGHT THING..file your taxes on the trust, pay what is due when it is due and NOT before. 
File FORM 1041 Annually. Do it with a good tax accounting FIRM & you do NOT need a Tax Attorney unless you need represention regarding a trust transaction.
None of us are there yet. Or unless you are into some big realestate dealings and need tax implication direction and consultation.
CPA's do what CPA's do best, they introduce your taxes to the IRS but, are also officers of the court....they stand in the IRS's corner during times of needed representation regarding a transaction in the trust...

NOTE: The trust will not be in question here ever but, any transaction within a trust could be questioned. Let the tax accountant handle that for NOT attempt this yourself.
Back to CPA's... Who do you want in your corner? I want a good tax accounting FIRM that has full house representation for me. They have in house tax attorneys
 If you need help with this as a trust holder we will provide a courtesy list for your convenience. Moving forward....

There is no blame....your education did not fall under the name of estate planning, asset protection, relignment of assets to increase your networth.....and you ask, WHO DO I LISTEN TO?
 Do all those OTHER trust come with a TRUST ATTORNEYS "Legal Opinion"?
We have tax accountants that are experts and understand the IRS CODE the Spendthrift TRUST are built on.

OUR SPENDTHRIFT is Federally regulated under "Scott On Trust Law" The tax advantages are IRS CODE compliant with the judicial system. Yes, and our trust comes with a Trust Attorneys legal opinion and his 44 years experience reading tax code/statutes and law.

Choose an
IRREVOCABLE, DISCRETIONARY, NON-GRANTOR, COMPLEX, SPENDTHRIFT Trust and get ALL the advantages your looking for. OJ SIMPSON OWNS THIS TRUST AND HE DID NOT LOSE ANYTHING TO THE BROWNS except his trophy as it was not conveyed. Oh, and HIS TRUST was sold for OVER ($$$,$$$.$$)......same one your getting for $5050.00

Based on IRS code/statutes and our judicial system your dinar investment is allowed such
deferment if you so declare it and if properly conveyed.
As a customer you have access to a self directed educational service.

Contact your representative at: for HELP ON HAND !!

Ask for your application and other pertinant documents. Send your referrals to     which is a simple webPAGE where they can find my email address and the basic information I need from them in the FIRST EMAIL when requesting trust information.

Is this starting to make sense?And by the way it meets every requirement of the IRS code and the judiciary system. You will file a 1041 every year on the Spendthrift TRUST.  

Does that sound like tax evasion? Does it sound like tax avoidance?....
I think NOT !!

(If you choose to declare it so)
Allows you greater capitalization for investments that can create huge monetary growth to the family trust. Capitalize the trust with 100% of the investment not HALF after taxes. This allows you to build a dynasty of wealth within the structure of the trust. A safe haven for family wealth and asset protection at its best.
What comes outside the structure is taxed like monies you take to yourself as managers fees or monies you give to others above and beyond allowable benefits to beneficiaries.

Best Regards,
Ms Bernal
Obsessively, Relentlessly at your service

Asheville, NC entrance to underground base found.

Skype for iOS contains an XSS vulnerability that allows attackers steal information

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Skype for iOS contains an XSS vulnerability that allows attackers steal information
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 25-Sep-2011 03:28:40
by Phil
Skype for iOS contains an XSS vulnerability that allows attackers steal information.
A Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability exists in the “Chat Message” window in Skype 3.0.1 and earlier versions for iPhone and iPod Touch devices.
Skype uses a locally stored HTML file to display chat messages from other Skype users, but it fails to properly encode the incoming users “Full Name”, allowing an attacker to craft malicious JavaScript code that runs when the victim views the message.
To demonstrate the vulnerability, I captured a photo of a simple javascript alert() running within Skype.
Executing arbitrary Javascript code is one thing, but I found that Skype also improperly defines the URI scheme used by the built-in webkit browser for Skype. Usually you will see the scheme set to something like, “about:blank” or “skype-randomtoken”, but in this case it is actually set to “file://”. This gives an attacker access to the users file system, and an attacker can access any file that the application itself would be able to access.
video+more here


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Sunday, 25-Sep-2011 04:06:00
Tuesday, August 16, 2011August 16, 2011 - WHITE HATS REPORT #28
THE TROPOS AFFAIR: The Theft & Demise of America

For many months The White Hats have been reporting on numerous aspects of how America has been ripped off by its former and current leaders. Readers have been informed of how it has occurred and how it continues to occur … in some cases, in real time as it is happening.
With each and every report we are slowly starting to reach more of a readership worldwide. Our reports are being taken very seriously and the tough questions are starting to be asked of our current leaders on all levels from “the inside”. In many cases, most of us have been directly lied to in a way that took us off the track temporarily ... for us the process is complex to take the perpetrators down. What isn’t complex is what our fellow Americans and numerous others in the world are asking. It’s not a complex question and the answer is really very simple:
What the people of the World should know is that everything on earth is completed by the hand of a person, a “fingerprint” that is traceable to the originator. In our case, not only do we have the originators of the concept but the actual thieves, the leaders condoning and underwriting the theft, the bankers and the offenders at the Federal Reserve and other related agencies. We also have the people that have profited from the theft of the money AND to this day controlling the enterprise. More simply put, we have FOLLOWED THE MONEY to many interesting and unbelievable places!
One of the situations we have reported on is Tropos. Tropos and their lawyers, having a combined superior understanding of the banking industry with all of the rules set up by the very people that have stolen the funds, have the answers. Tropos, and others associated with them, have documented their position thoroughly with additional correspondence to the following individuals:
George W. Bush, President of the United States of America Dated: 05/11/2006
Mr. Richard K. Delmar, Counsel to the Inspector General, Unites States Treasury Dated: 08/05/2007
George W. Bush, President of the United States of America Dated: 07/17/2006
Henry M. Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, United States of America Dated: 07/08/2006
Henry M. Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, United States of America Dated: 07/17/2006
George W. Bush, President of the United States of America Dated: 09/12/2006
After the elections, a proposal to resolve this matter was provided to Mr. Tony Podesta (brother of Mr. John Podesta, who headed the Obama-Biden transition team). There was a flurry of action and a true desire to resolve this matter, but the parties were advised they would have to wait until the new Obama administration was fully seated and a new Administration was in control.

Vice President Joseph Biden was requested to handle the affair by Obama and significant named private parties. He made promises. Then, he was paid off and he went silent. He accepted money placed in foreign offshore bank accounts for his sole financial benefit to ignore and keep quiet on the Tropos matter. Let’s understand that this is the second most important leader in the free world elected to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Now, he is involved with a conspiracy by his participation in the cover up. Is this Treason … not so humorously, not one agency in the United States is willing to confront the issue even with all of the files we maintain. The same goes for Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner. Geithner is the very person who personally directed the theft of the funds as the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Again, we ask:
With all of the correspondence one might think that someone would be responsible, apparently, not so. To date:
two (2) Presidents of the United States of America while holding office, are not responsible,
two (2) former Presidents while not holding office but using the funds, are not responsible,
two (2) Secretary of the Treasury are not responsible,
the Chairman of the Federal Reserve is not responsible,
the Federal Reserve Board of Governors are not responsible,
the Bank of International Settlements is not responsible,
The United States Department of Treasury is not responsible,
the Officers of the offending banks are not responsible,
What is more important, the Department of Justice is not responsible, the FBI is not responsible and the shareholders of the Federal Reserve System are not responsible.
So, now we ask the question:

If the very banking system that we are entrusting our monies to refuse to be responsible AND all of the other systems we rely on to handle our monies are not responsible, then maybe the following needs to occur:
The American public needs to send a very clear message to Washington, D.C.
Since you are not responsible, how can we trust you with our very lives? If you do not take responsibility for the small then how can you possibly handle the large?
And here we are … the United States of America is in default due to multiple leaders not being responsible.
So, now we ask the tough question.
This is only one of many situations of similar ilk … thefts, corruption, lack of responsibility, and TREASON. Yes, we said TREASON. We would love the opportunity to have someone challenge us … hopefully, in public setting like a Congressional hearing, just so the American public can personally hear and view all of the evidence.
Now that we have raised the tough questions, here are some of the issues we need to hold our leaders accountable for:
Harvey Organ's report at
"For those of you who are following the Tropos story on the lack of settlements, here is an update on the defaults. The USA authorities have repudiated International law with respect to the postal union defaults.”
Read these Documents but you better be sitting down - you know we couldn’t fabricate this stuff.

Chairman Benjamin Bernanke - FED RES - Notice of Default
Tarullo - FED RES Board of Governors - Notice of Default
Duke - FED RES Board of Governors - Notice of Default
Warsh - FED RES Board of Governors - Notice of Default
Yellen - SF FED RES Board of Governors - Notice of Default
But it even gets better. Yesterday, I wrote about the US Postal Service defaulting in September. We do not have to wait that long, as Tropos has already served a demand to the Postmaster on July 5, 2010.
Then on August the 10th of last year Tropos served a notice of default and dereliction of duty.
In this advice, they were clear that they were advising the BIS and various other treaty signatories to the Postal Union. This is when China paid real attention as what was happening and quickly brought itself up to speed where Tropos was going.

This is clear in their Notice of Claim to the UPU dated August 10, 2010. Their demand to the Postal Union for judgment was being made pursuant to the provisions of international and maritime law applicable to international currency transactions under postal union rules.
UPU notice of claim
What most concerned knowledgeable parties is the fact that Tropos was quiet and yet pointed who got to see the documents? Each of the letters was being sent to NATO and various World Leaders and countries like China, India, Russia and many others. What is clear is that they kept it out of the financial markets, as did all the recipients. Why, is understandable.

Demand for Judgment December 9, 2010
Here is where the plot becomes much more intense. While the protocols being used are historical in nature they are in keeping with International law and applicable to currency transactions. What is clear is a lack of desire on the part of the Postal Union to respond in dealing with the implications of mail and wire fraud.

Then on January 6, 2011 Tropos noted the UPU to be in default in its “ failure to apply its rules under international treaty and Admiralty law”.
UPU Default January 6, 2011
This failure was precedent setting for all UN members who rely on international law for global currency transactions and affects all individuals or banks acting on instruction of their clients.

Today as we watch the roil of the markets, it is important to realize that the actions of Tropos to date have unmasked the lack of a rule of law governing financial transactions. this will undoubtedly cause the countries and other central banks to question the lack of rules governing the conduct of the Federal Reserve and the United States, let alone the role of the UPU and the BIS, and lead to further market turmoil in the vacuum of global leadership. Is it any wonder that voices are being heard for a new world currency outside the control of the US?
Look for this issue to be more acutely in focus in weeks to come.
For the nine months since the first White Hats Report was released, the target audience has always been the following, in order of importance:
Elected leadership, traitors and criminals - The cabal and associated support network which includes government officials, banksters, corporate officers and assorted henchmen.
Responsible officials – Congress, Federal law enforcement, the Judicial Branch and all foreign governments and World leaders, and
General public and/or our readers.
Whenever information is released, whether it is specific or of a transitive and collateral nature, the information is obtained AT the source. That is to say that it is gathered by both human and electronic resources. The information is evaluated, vetted and confirmed before it is released in a report. We are NOT journalists, by and large, we are of the intelligence genre and as such, we have certain protocols and methods by which the process evolves into a finished product. Great care is taken to consider all the possible scenarios in which sources and methods could be exposed and measures are taken to protect both at all costs. No point in going to all this trouble if you can’t make it to the finish line.

We have released documents along the way to support our information where necessary and for reasons that sometimes are not apparent at the time of the release. When you’re in a grand master’s chess match, you think several moves ahead and to the casual observer, the strategy and/or game plan may not readily be apparent along the way. Be assured that the first two groups mentioned are fully aware that the information we release is, in fact, accurate. As far as we’re concerned, that’s the objective.
The fact that we have and are willing to release it indicates to the cabal that their continued perversion and hijacking of the financial system will be exposed to bring pressure to bear on not only the responsible officials mentioned above but also provide the general public with the answer to why the financial health of the world is about to collapse. Documents in the public domain have and will continue to be released on an ongoing basis. More sensitive documents will continue to be held in abeyance for use in the future, whether it be for legal matters or otherwise. When we cite names and balances and banks, the cabal members are put on notice that we KNOW. It serves no purpose to release documents to verify it, as that would expose sources and methods and MAY also jeopardize future legal proceedings.
It is our strong hope and desire that the third target audience, the general public, take the information provided in our reports and question, confront and demand answers from elected public officials. Promises of transparency are always offered but the public doesn’t hold the promise makers accountable when they reverse course the minute they take office. They just go back to sleep until the next election and the cycle repeats itself. Nothing changes except more wealth is stolen from the people, more property is confiscated and more taxes are levied to support the criminal apparatus that has a stranglehold on our financial world.
Make no mistake, there are people at the tip of the spear, on the front lines of this battle. They risk everything that is near and dear to them for this objective. Some names are known and others aren’t but its not about fame and glory, its about doing what’s right, adopting a righteous principle and being committed to following through. A lot of the issues mentioned in our reports are not part of the Global Settlements yet the ones neck deep in this battle have, on a handshake and their word, taken up the battle for others because of the benefits to the general public and the world. So the next time the urge to type a criticism or an uninformed opinion strikes, stop and think of the ones on the front lines of this battle because the stakes for them are as high as the troops stationed in other parts of the world, they just don’t wear uniforms. A little support “at home” would go a long way to winning this War.
“Yes, I am the Warrior,
Victory is Mine”
-Patty Smyth, The Warrior

Posted by The White Hat Reporters at 11:14 PM


Saturday, September 24, 2011

New NESARA Petition

Dear friends,

I wanted to let you know about a new petition created on We the People, a  
new feature on, and ask for your support. Will you add your  
name to mine?  If this petition gets 5,000 signatures by October 24, 2011,  
the White House will review it and respond!

We the People allows anyone to create and sign petitions asking the Obama  
Administration to take action on a range of issues.  If a petition gets  
enough support, the Obama Administration will issue an official response.

You can view and sign the petition here:

Here's some more information about this petition:

Investigate and announce the National Economic and Stability Reformation Act  
(NESARA) to the American people.
N.E.S.A.R.A. reformation includes, but is not limited to:

Debt-forgiveness (zero-out) on all Credit Card, Auto, Personal, Educational,  
and Mortgage Loan Debt as a remedy for years of Bank Frauds.

Creates a U.S. Treasury Bank System; Absorbs the Federal Reserve; Issues new  
precious metals backed currency. Permanently eliminates Inflation.

Abolishes the IRS. Tax Collections. Creates a Sales Tax Revenue on  
non-essential new items only to fund legit government operations.

Restores Constitutional Law; Retrains public servants to uphold  
Constitutional Law, including law enforcement, the courts and the remaining  
government agencies.


Dinar Intel 9-23-11

RV!!! - The Eagle has landed!!!!! - RV!!!

From information received in a phone call earlier this afternoon it appears that 'the eagle' has landed and we have the RV!!!!
The phone call was very very positive! (bondlady)
Was told that there are now 200 banks in California now setting up to RV.
The rate given was $3.60 to the GBP or $5.76 in US dollars!!!
It should be seen at CBI late tonight or on Forex after 5 PM EST Sunday Sept 25th!!!
Hope to cash in on Monday Sept 26th!!!





6:28 PM [sonnayhwh] ..OKIE OIL MAN - Have you found any substance to the claim that there is a global event greater than the RV which will delay this a few days?

6:29 PM [ASN] sonnayhwh I still don’t understand that statement from Dan






6:41 PM [sonnayhwh] (repost) ..OKIE OIL MAN - my apologies, I wasn't clear. I was referring to Dan's story of the "major global event" as the smoke and mirrors. I, too, consider Talibani's speech and Shabibi's statement to be concrete. Sorry for the mix-up!

More Info On Deliveries

Tunnels to at least 13 underground bases being sealed off.

 This was forwarded to me by a Patriot - Thanks

Tunnels to at least 13 underground bases being sealed off.

Posted by PC World news Thursday, September 22nd, 2011
At least 13 very powerful underground explosions rocked the United States Midwest in the last 48 hours.  They registered as small shallow earthquakes with the USGS.  Many of the underground high explosive detonations registered as 2.6 magnitude earthquakes.  The U.S. military is said to be sealing off the tunnels so that the Globalists and the U.S. ghost government (Federal Reserve Bankers, FEMA, DHS, CIA) can’t run and hide from what is predicted to occur within 48 hours of September 27, 2011.
Officers in the U.S. military didn’t seem to be aware of Obama and the Globalists’ planned converging on Denver for a DEFCON 1 (nuclear war imminent) “cocked pistol” drill.  An email was sent to the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations on September 21, 2011 to alert them to planned false flag nuclear detonations on U.S. soil in the American Midwest. The U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations were the ones who raided Citadel Gun and Safe Store in Las Vegas on August 21, 2011 to recover stolen nuclear warhead detonators. They were the ones who intercepted the transfer of improvised nuclear warheads by the CIA in the tunnels that connected the Deep Underground Military Bases on August 23, 2011. The improvised nuclear bombs (W54 style warheads) were being transfered via those tunnels to Washington DC and New York City when they detonated during a firefight between U.S. military personnel and CIA/DHS/FEMA operatives.
It would appear that the U.S. military had a deadline to meet and has already damaged, destroyed or sealed at least 13 underground tunnels or bases. Perhaps their incentive was the fact that Obama, his shadow government  and the Globalists made plans to save their own hides and leave the rest of use to fend for ourselves.  Perhaps they investigated and confirmed that another false flag nuclear detonation was imminent and acted accordingly to prevent it.

How does this Dinar RV Work?

This is very basic to allow anyone to grasp this concept.

Dinar is now valued at 1 IQD = .00085631 USD

After RV perhaps tomorrow (speculation)

1 Iraq Dinar IQD = $7.00 (maybe lower or higher - speculation)

Rate of return  --------- you do the math!

To be an instant millionaire USD - you need roughly 143,000 Dinars

At a cost of roughly $122.00 USD

Unbelievable - No Way - This is a Heavenly Blessing from Your Loving LORD

Dinar Intel - PTR Call Notes 9-24-11

Still a great day – WHOLE lot of info out there…

They are waiting on MORE news may do another call later today

Telabani spoke that they are a sovereign nation…

Hidden messages in his speech – during morning services all Iraqis listened to his speech in mosques…

Was distracted by the Satellite hitting… Was told they are now a free country that world is watching them. BANKS are STILL on alert making appointments stating they are going to be a part of cashing out and setting up accounts only….

Two meetings tomorrow – one is with the World Bank in Wash DC and other one in Iraq with all the banks meeting in Iraq – they are supposedly with Parliament and getting new instructions for new procedures – not sure if it’s about RV but it is that they are a sovereign nation and Shabibi will meet with World bank tomorrow for new directions...

Tony states that means that the world bank meeting with Shabibi will take place tomorrow Saturday at 2pm ….but the meeting in Iraq will be tonight with Parliament so we could hear news from this meeting tonight… I like to credit those I work with to get Intel and been on phone since 5am – Today will be a great day – market is looking and every time this RV has been attempted GOLD goes OWN and today its down over $100 that is no explanation and some inside people are doing something… Banks were downgraded – IMF came out we were in a dangerous time in world economy something needs to be done and we KNOW what that is and this week stuff was approved, changed and signed - the RV is not showing yet – some are expecting it still today right after market closes –some say Sunday we may see it – If they do it today Friday it would show in the Forex systems by Monday – so this could happen for Sunday business…

Caller – do you think they have attempted to pull this trigger- TONY states let me think how much I can get away with telling you about that as some things I am not going say it supposed to day – TONY stats THERE has been NO GLITCH this week at all – We are basically waiting for one event – EVER BODY in EVERY PLACE is ready and waiting – so no failed attempts yet… Caller asks what event are we waiting on – TONY states that if I knew 100% I may not be able to tell you….

HOT OFF THE PRESS TONY ASKS TO HOLD….He can’t tell us what he was told as he has to confirm this ONE SINGLE EVENT they are waiting for it to take place now and we will hear later today and THERE WILL BE a second call to tell you about this when its confirmed….

Gary states they are now sovereign and trying to confirm on a key action going on right now and maybe today….This will go off with no announcement the rates will just go live… THEY CAN’T BE A SOVEREIGN NATION WITHOUT CURRENCY GET READY!

TONY states there will be two calls – there are some things going on and will be another call from PTR later today….Being sovereign means NO other world approval needed now…

TONY states - Something to do with the Government Agency that we are waiting on…. TODAY – Callers asks is this the UN and TONY states there is ONE MORE THING and we need to see this and that’s it…. So we wait as this is NOT a cat and mouse game – TONY states that certain things are not supposed to be known till after it happens – MOST get announced AFTER they take place MANY do not want this RV to happen and they do these things THEN ANNOUNCE them later….Banks, FOREX is ready and NO BODY is guessing if this will take place anymore –GET IT?

First hand in mosques today, we will have that later what was said to the people this morning…

TONY STATES We know Some things that will take place IN the Parliament meeting tomorrow which is our USA NIGHT TONIGHT – They are meeting with Ajanai and meeting with #2 guy Selah and the other banks will be there for the understanding on what’s about to happen with this RV and how to do this, and the rate, how they got the rate and they need to justify this rate and we heard that this middle of this rate scale is our RV amount…..and Sadar said this AM that Iraq is now able to stand on their own and he was saying so much by saying we have arrived now..= then Shabibi will meet with World Banks tomorrow ON HOW they are going to operate with their new currency = TONY STATES so the questions is: will RV take place BEFORE these meetings, between these meeting or after these meetings – TONY says there is PRIVATE meetings going on RIGHT NOW that if this is allowed to be told, we all will have a great weekend in just a little bit…We wait to see what has happened when I get a call today…

IF Dong does not happen with the Dinar – it will happen shortly after – if you do not see it with the Dinar you will see it shortly after – and possible rate could be $.03 - .05 cents and some say rate could be higher – as a lot do not believe this RV will be above $4-$5 either….

CALLER: On a previous call you mentioned last Fri an attempt was made for RV and didn't go through. If the group or individuals are the ones that push the button, why would they attempt if they knew something wasn't done. What held it up last Friday? TONY States 2 good questions. 2 options. You either believe your Intel or you don’t.. I believe they tried it . I know what held it up. If I believe the Irbil, HCL, ministers or whatever held up RV, I have to believe it’s here because Iraq couldn't be sovereign without them. Tony says all has been done. Don't see these problems being the focus anymore. These have been completed. Couldn't be announced until it was time for the RV. Reason attempted 6 times is what I said earlier. Some people don't want this to happen. T/back in Sept I know I saw it, chief saw it. On a UN document, said must at least equal 1 US dollar. Always knew it would be at least a dollar. Tony says c could still happen today. may go into tomorrow, but could very well happen today.

Caller - Okie ghost says banks in Iraq meeting right now. Iraq puts out lots of mis-info. Do you think that’s the case so we won't run out and buy more? TONY states they could be having a mtg now. Haven't checked w/our people to see if they are in parliament right now. could be happening at this moment.

CALLER Thoughts on hearing a rate of $6 to $8 rate which is $4.41 to GBP ... that is what Tony states has been hearing and the caller got this info straight from Iraq TONY agreed he heard from Iraq the same thing
CALLER states - do you think RV by Sunday or Monday?
TONY STATES I think we will enjoy it on Monday ... could possible show up in the next two hours - it’s my belief they would not have been released from all the sanctions if this wasn't VERY close. Today, tomorrow anytime is a good time.

CALLER What's Dan saying about info from today?
TONY STATES Dan is saying from his resources he doesn't see it happening till next week at this time based on some other distractions.

CALLER George in LA. Talking about everyone pushing these buttons, but no statement that they were a sovereign nation. Confused.
TONY STATES You can have an RV before a country is a sovereign nation ... but can't be a sovereign nation without an RV.

TONY says any problems with Maliki is NO LONGER A PROBLEM new or old issues no longer a problem no matter what you are hearing
TONY states Shabs in DC tomorrow at World Bank. Others in Iraq mtg w/Parliament. At the mosque 5:30 this a.m. they were all told they were a sovereign nation. All will be watching them. Told to watch Taliban’s speech from UN. They were excited. I think Shabs will be in DC. As stated.. Shabibi already told the people they will be the strongest nation. He has explained how the money was going to work. Has already done all that. It just has to happen now.

CALLER- Calling to get verify on 15% tax. Looking at IRS page that shows bracket showing what rate is. If you're in short term, you pay 35%. Where did 15% come from. Has it been verified?
TONY states won't be verified till after announcement of RV


Friday, September 23, 2011

BLESSING DELIVERIES IS STARTING ----------------------------------Finally!

This refers to the deliveries of Blessings from OPC - which results from cashing in of the Dinars after the R/V. Remember Buy Low - Sell High?

This is not from the PP distributions which has been blocked and blocked by the Bush Cabal.