Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tony Blair-BushFRAUD-both Clintons-Rupert Murdoch Need to be Arrested Immediately


Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U. S. media covers up
EXPLOSIVE Back Breaking News
Tony Blair, BushFRAUD, both Clintons and Rupert Murdoch Need to be Arrested Immediately!
by Tom HeneghanInternational Intelligence ExpertTuesday May 29, 2012*jGL1SrsiUUIBPTF7vCSsHsb9-FU06Dw4A1xIODEccDas5PIFGu3NqHW4RQrqI0v1jyTN214xU5U/385889_280525715316955_157390410963820_710453_411055017_n.jpg
image catbirdseat. com
UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that pedophile war criminal, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, former year 2000 illegal White House occupant, election stealing and nation wrecking George W. BushFRAUD, both Bill and Hillary Clinton and FOX News' CEO Rupert Murdoch, had secret trading accounts linked to the Isle of Man and Jamie Dimon's JPMorgan (PROMIS software has the trading records).

Blair, BushFRAUD, Murdoch and both Clintons were able to make BILLIONS of dollars in crude oil futures derivative trades based on the rogue London LIFFE Exchange in advance of the TREASONOUS illegal, fabricated war in Iraq that was based on a lie (no weapons of mass destruction).

Personal note to BushFRAUD: You destroyed this country, punk! The American People will bring you to justice.

It gets worse! We can now report that former British Prime Minister, pedophile Blair, laundered $3 million from the Barclays Bank of England to the Bear Stearns offices of Winter Springs, Florida to corrupt and bribe Florida state election officials who were overseeing the year 2000 recount involving the disputed presidential election between then Vice President Al Gore Jr. (year 2000 duly elected President) and homosexual in-the-closet, the cowardly punk BushFRAUD.

Item: Blair used the noted British intelligence Humewood proprietary account to disguise the money laundering.
Note: President Gore won Florida by at least 50,000 votes and also carried Missouri, Tennessee, New Hampshire and West Virginia, which votes were electronically flipped by the Voters News Service with the crooked, criminal CNN (out of Atlanta, Georgia) stealing the election on behalf of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.

P.S. At this hour Jamie Dimon and his rogue financial terrorist bank JPMorgan have a mountain of worthless cross-collateralized derivatives tied to every major financial market in the world.

Stay tuned, folks. Remember as I told you, "In ponzi world now you see it and now you don't". P.P.S. As we close this intelligence briefing, foreign born, illegal pResident Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro, continues to proceed with treasonous, UN-Constitutional plotting with his new assassination czar John Brennan that is designed to arrest millions of patriotic Americans on their own soil based on the advice of Brennan, George W. BushFRAUD, presumptive Republican nominee and bank dick Mitt Romney, and the two sociopaths Bill and Hillary (loser) Clinton.
Finally we ask the American-French patriotic intelligence force resisting this treasonous filth to identify the enemies of the American Republic and the American Revolution in the 21st century and eradicate them.


Billionaire businessman Donald Trump smacked CNN today, telling lead political anchor Wolf Blitzer the network would improve its dismal viewer ratings if it would only report the issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president “accurately.”
“Obama does not like the issue of where he was born…” he told Blitzer in the interview. “There’s something that bothers Obama very much. I will tell you: It’s not an issue that he likes talking about, so what he does is use reverse psychology on people like you … He does not like that issue because it’s hitting very close to home. You know it, and he knows it – but you don’t report it accurately.”
Blitzer blasted Trump: “Donald, you and I have known each other for a very long time, and I don’t understand why you’re doubling down on this ‘birther’ issue after the state of Hawaii formally says this is the legitimate birth certificate, he was born in Hawaii. Why are you going through all of this, Donald?”
Trump began to explain, “Well, a lot of people don’t agree with that birth certificate. A lot of people …”
Trump wasn’t allowed to finish because Blitzer cut him off, insisting, “If the state of Hawaii authorizes it, if the state of Hawaii says, ‘This is official. He was born in Hawaii on this date, here it is, why do you deny that?”
Trump responded, “A lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate. You won’t report it, Wolf, but many people do not think it was authentic. His mother was not in the hospital. There were many other things that came out and, frankly, if you would report it accurately, I think you’d probably get better ratings than you’re getting – which are pretty small.”
At that, the CNN anchor displayed images of Hawaii newspaper announcements printed days after Obama’s purported birth. He spoke over Trump, refusing to allow his guest to speak without interruption.
“Many people did that, and they put those … excuse me, Wolf, am I allowed to talk?” Trump asked, frustrated after being cut off. “Are you going to stop defending Obama?”
Irritated with the exchange, Blitzer admonished, “Donald, Donald, you’re beginning to sound a little ridiculous, I have to tell you.”
“No, I think you are, Wolf,” Trump snapped back. “Let me tell you something: I think you sound ridiculous. And if you’d ask me a question and let me answer it …”
Blitzer asked, “Here’s the question: Did the conspiracy start in 1961 when the Honolulu Star Bulletin and the Honolulu Advertiser contemporaneously published announcements that he was born in Hawaii?”
“That’s right,” Trump said. “And many people put those announcements in because they wanted to get the benefit of being so-called born in this country. Many people did it. It was something that was done by many people, even if they weren’t born in the country. You know it, and so do I. And so do a lot of your viewers – although you don’t have many viewers.”
After the interview, Trump posted on Twitter: “@BarackObama is practically begging @MittRomney to disavow the place of birth movement, he is afraid of it and for good reason. He keeps using@SenJohnMcCain as an example, however, @SenJohnMcCain lost the election. Don’t let it happen again.”
Some mainstream media outlets claim Trump’s comments have put GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney in an awkward position. Romney has said he believes Obama was born in the U.S., but Democrats have criticized him for not distancing himself from Trump.
Even Obama took aim at the pair by releasing a video “highlighting Mitt Romney’s failure to condemn Donald Trump’s over-the-line rhetoric.”
“If Mitt Romney lacks the backbone to stand up to a charlatan like Donald Trump because he’s so concerned about lining his campaign’s pockets,” the Obama campaign said, “what does that say about the kind of president he would be?”
Romney has refused to condemn Trump, saying, “You know, I don’t agree with all the people who support me. My guess is they don’t agree with everything I believe in. But I need to get 50.1 percent or more and I’m appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people.”
For more than a year, Trump has consistently maintained he has doubts the Obama birth certificate released by the White House is genuine.
As WND reported in March 2011, Trump suggested Obama’s presidency could be “illegal” if legitimate proof is not provided demonstrating he is indeed a “natural born citizen” of the U.S.
Trump also wondered why no doctors or nurses have come forward to announce their presence at Obama’s birth.
In March and April of 2011, Trump staged a weeks-long public campaign questioning Obama’s eligibility to be president – and he rose to the top of the pool of potential candidates for the 2012 GOP nomination then as a result – saying he believes the “birth certificate” released by the White House is forged.
“I always said I wanted to know if it was real,” Trump told WND senior reporter Jerome Corsi, author of the best-seller, “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible to be President.”
During their conversation, Trump told Corsi his own computer expert told him that the image posted online was a computer-generated document.
Then, in March, the famous billionaire heaped praise and encouragement on Sheriff Joe Arpaio for the Arizona lawman’s probe into the authenticity of Obama’s purported birth certificate and his eligibility for office.
Following the Maricopa County sheriff’s  Cold Case Posse news conference March 1 in Phoenix, “The Donald” personally penned a handwritten note of congratulations to Arpaio.
Having printed out an Associated Press report of the event that featured a photograph of Arpaio and published by the Huffington Post, Trump penned diagonally in the upper left hand corner, “Joe – Great going – You are the only one with the ‘guts’ to do this – Keep up the good fight – Donald Trump.”

I can tell you there are huge changes manifesting right now as a result of your efforts in this matter.


Greetings, I have been silent for some time, but far from idle. I can tell you there are huge changes manifesting right now as a result of your efforts in this matter. I cannot spill the beans yet, for various reasons, but I can tell you in the very near future we will have some major, major announcements for you.
I have relocated home and office to facilitate the expansion of the Office of the PMG and establish the Council as established in the Treaty for the Americas on the web site.
I can tell you that we now have a new banking system that will operate through the postal system and allows us to discharge debt and returns the value to the people. This has been accepted in Switzerland and is being established as we speak.
The Office of the Postmaster General, Divine Province has been recognized by the United Nations as a free and sovereign entity, as have I and the men and women who now make up the Council.
We now have a new web master who will be taking over these web sites and will operate right from the Office of the Postmaster General to give you all of the assistance that you want, need and diserve. I apologize for my negligence in responding to your needs and questions, but, I can assure you that you will not be disappointed. All that we have all envisioned is coming to pass.
We have a new banking system that will allow us to dscharge debt. We now have 700 trillion dollars with which to fund the new global economic system that will absolutely eliminate world hunger and homelessness in a very short time frame. We are already well into our plans, and now have full funding, to create transitions centers that will include the newest technolgy avalible in the universe to heal Mother Earth and all of mankind. This is happening right NOW!
We have been in personal communication with the direct representratives of the Agarthians of inner earth as well as the Ets, both who are supporting us in many ways. We have been in personal communications this past 2 weeks with Kings and Presidents of the world and have had nearly constant contact with the most influential people in the world of banking as well as the military.
I can assure you that the arrests will take place! This will be a summer to remember for generations to come.
We are establishing a major training and healing center right now and have the funding to establish these around the world. Please watch our web site for further updates as we will be posting opportunities as they come available. Please do not flood me with requests as I cannot take resumes at this time but soon after the new web master gets here we will be doing just that.
Love and Light, James Thomas McBride Postmaster General, Divine Province
James Thomas | Columbus, OH 43228

7 %

Watch your thoughts - they become words;
Watch your words - they become actions;
Watch your actions - they become character;
Watch your character - it becomes your destiny.  

A Holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day
and said,
'Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.'
The Lord led the holy man to two doors.
                     He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in.
 In the middle of the room was a large round table.

In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew,

which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water.

The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly.

They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very
 long handles that were strapped to their arms and each found
 it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful.

But because the handle was longer than their arms, they could
 not get the spoons back into their mouths.

The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering.

The Lord said, 'You have seen Hell. They went to the next room
and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one.

There was the large round table with the large pot of stew
 which made the holy man's mouth water.

The people were equipped with the same long handled spoons, but
 here the people were well nourished and plump,   laughing and talking.

The holy man said, 'I don't understand.

'It is simple,' said the Lord. 'It requires but one skill...

You see, they have learned to feed each other.

The greedy think only of themselves.'

When Jesus died on the cross, he was thinking of you.

Its estimated 93% won't forward this.

If you are one of the 7% who will, forward this with the title '7%'

I'm in the 7%

Remember that

I will always share my
 spoon with you.

Preparing for monumental changes in the world.

Dr. Stephen Jones' Blog Entry 05/29/2012

Awake and Hopeful

May 30, 2012 by functional mute

 A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens opens with the line, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” This is a classic example of the duality that permeates every aspect of our life, i.e. light and dark, hot and cold, good and evil. I think America represents both the absolute best and the absolute worst on the planet.

 As my eyes have been opened to more and more of what has been going on in my country and the world, I have had to pass up many opportunities to be discouraged and depressed. I felt better when I was naïve, unaware… asleep. Information and Intel has not made me smarter, but awake. I’ve been ruined for sleep. Now what do I do?


I tend to be an optimist, not given to doom and gloom or fear. Partly because of identity and partly because I’ve read the back of the Book, Love wins. But, dealing with the enormous injustice that has and continues to infiltrate every aspect of life is a formidable challenge. Thank God we have hope, as an anchor for our soul. We must know that justice will come.

 The U.S. Constitution is an incredible document. One of the most significant mankind has ever created. It is believed by many to be divinely inspired. Seeing it abused and ignored, cuts like a dull knife.

 One example, the original 13th Amendment -  If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.

 Ratified in 1819, it was added to force all to choose US citizenship, thereby remaining eligible for public office, over inclusion or participation in foreign states and organizations; a primary example being an attorney, esquire, or member of the BAR (British Accredited Registry) aka lawyers. The American Bar Association and the individual State Bar Associations are all derived from, an extension of, the British Accredited Registry. Also, any title of… honor defined as ‘distinction, a title conferred for achievement, high rank, great privilege’ flies in the face of “all men are created equal”. The original 13th Amendment was never repealed, but was swept under the rug and ‘disappeared’ during the time of Presidents Buchanan and Lincoln just before and at the beginning of the Civil War and as relating to the slavery issue. The current 13th Amendment (technically the 14th) makes slavery illegal. It is no accident that the concealing of the original 13th Amendment was in conjunction with, and because of, the severity of the Civil War and the slavery issue. This cover-up goes back more than 150 years.

Can you imagine the constitutionally legal house cleaning that could be done in our government if all lawyers had the original 13th Amendment enforced upon them?

Obviously not all attorneys are habitual liars. After at least 6 generations of cover-up I dare say a number of them have never even heard of the original 13th Amendment. Much has been discovered and published exposing our legal system and it is only a matter of time before Common Law is restored. The tangled web of Courts, prosecutors, police departments, departments of corrections (prisons, jails, parole and probation) will surely be destroyed and reset.

I am a pacifist and only espouse non-violent remedies to this and the other vast, deep and serious injustices that permeate virtually every aspect of our lives. Therefore, I do not put my trust in man. But, in child-like faith, I rely on my loving Father and His Christ. He is our only Hope. True justice will only come through Him. His promises are sure and He has promised the restoration of all things (Acts chapter 3 verses 20-21).

A picture I took at a local park while going for a walk.

I realize that there are literally millions of things grabbing for our attention. And then there are the thousands of things we choose to give our attention to. We are on overload and don’t really process or retain very much of it on a conscious level. Let me say it again, He has promised the restoration of all things. No caps, no bold, no underlining – just 4 words; restoration of all things. Let those simple words run full course in your heart. What’s more, He has the goods to back it up. Check out Isaiah chapter 45 verses 23-25 for yourself, as one example.

We must endeavor not get stuck in fear and despair as we become awake to the cover-ups, murdering of innocents, and evil profiteering. Did anything really change just because we found out about these things? Honestly, what can we do about it? Respond with the same? There is no honor in that. One reason we have been allowed to see, is for the express purpose of knowing the greatness and sheer apparent impossibility of what it will mean when the restoration of all things is fulfilled.

Many of us have been hearing things like this for a long time, some for our whole lives and nothing changes. In fact it has gotten worse. We must not harden our hearts toward our fellow brothers and sisters or our Father. People are not our enemy. There is, however, an unseen evil hierarchy purposely created and put in place to test us. These entities are subject to the sovereignty of our Father and their operation is as a crucible to purify us.

Does this make our Father evil? No, He is just a really good parent. I think we all could describe what it means to be a good parent. Whether you have children or not you understand the heart behind the ideal parent. We understand all that is wrapped up in the love, giving, training, sacrifice and yes, tough love. We know the importance of not just giving them everything or making everything easy. The default operation and motive of an ideal parent is unconditional love balanced by the wisdom of tough love when necessary.

 We can be awake and know that all the injustice of real life – physically hurtful and emotionally painful – experiences is in fact… temporary. There will come a time when everything will be perfectly and justly rectified; the restoration of all things. This is the hope that is the anchor of our soul.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

"This Cover-Up Is Bigger Than Anyone Could Imagine”

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Shocking News Coming About Obama's Birth: "This Cover-Up Is Bigger Than Anyone Could Imagine”
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 29-May-2012 20:27:18

Posse in Hawaii: 'Shocking' news coming
A letter from Hawaii’s Department of Health verifying Barack Obama’s birth in Honolulu has not only not stopped Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse work on the island, his lead investigator reports it has actually “opened the door” to some “shocking revelations” the posse is promising to disclose.
Among the details leaked early by Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo: There are allegedly several stamps bearing Registrar Alvin Onaka’s name “floating around” inside the Hawaii Department of Health.
Zullo was interviewed via telephone from Hawaii by Tea Party Power Hour host Mark Gillar to discuss, among other things, a letter stamped with Onaka’s name and sent to Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett as verification of Obama’s Hawaiian birth.
But Zullo – who met with Hawaii Department of Health officials in Honolulu the day before the letter to Bennett was issued – said the verification did deter the investigation briefly, but “actually, what looked like it was going to be almost like a deal killer, in a sense opened the door up to a greater avenue of investigational material.
“There is a lot that has been uncovered as a result of it,” he said.
“I can’t disclose to you what we’ve discovered, but it’s going to be a shocking revelation at our press conference,” Zullo promised.
Sign the petition now to show members of Congress how many Americans demand constitutional integrity.
Zullo affirmed the posse’s intention to release their findings publicly within the next few weeks.
Zullo also affirmed that the investigators have reservations about the verification letter that was sent to Bennett, particularly as it fails to list Obama’s birth date and as it’s merely stamped with the registrar’s name, while another set of initials – not Registrar Alvin Onaka’s – appears next to the signature.
“Either they are so inept in taking care of vital statistics here, or this cover-up is bigger than anyone could have imagined,” Zullo told Gillar. “When you have the individual who is solely responsible and has the authority to validate any document of this sort and he doesn’t, that’s a problem. … And we do understand that there are a number of these stamps floating around inside the Department of Health.”
Read more and see video: