Monday, April 28, 2014

Pork Tenderloin Medallions with Strawberry Sauce

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"Pork tenderloin paired with strawberries is a heavenly match, made even more special with a tangy feta garnish. Serve with roasted spring vegetables."
—Katie Wollgast, Florissant, Missouri
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Fulford Blurb: Obama Threatens Mayhem After Failing To Cash Forged Bonds During Asian Trip

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Fulford Blurb: Obama Threatens Mayhem After Failing To Cash Forged Bonds During Asian Trip
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 28-Apr-2014 10:12:53

Weekly geo-political news and analysis
Barack Obama, spokesperson for the United States of America Corporation, tried and failed to cash some forged “Kennedy bonds” during his trip to Asia last week, according to Japanese royal family sources. The bonds can be seen here:
kennedy bonds-1
If you note, one of the bonds has a picture of the space shuttle on it. It does not take a historical genius to realize there were no space shuttles in existence while Kennedy was alive. The bonds were manufactured using paper from $20 US bills that had all the ink washed off them, according to MI5 sources. Nonetheless, Bill Clinton had previously succeeded in cashing some of these bonds. Not so for Obama this time.
However, Obama was able to extort some pocket change thanks to acts of terror such as the sinking of the South Korean ferry and the electronic hijacking of Malaysia Air flight 370, according to Japanese military intelligence. There are also renewed threats to use weather and earthquake weaponry unless the US corporate government was given more money, the sources said.
This was how a US agency source, who predicted recent terror attacks against Asia in advance, described Chinese reaction: “The Chinese blue army (computer geeks) now have all the banking codes, nuclear launch codes etc. One button and the entire financial system ceases. This means Russia and 9 other nations have these codes as well; it could get interesting.”
Also, there was a meeting last week between a White Dragon Society representative and representatives of a major Asian secret society. The previous head of this society has deceased and a new boss has taken over, the WDS was told. At the meeting...

video: "3000 Mile Wide Disc Caught By ISS?"

l DamoZz has shared a video with you on YouTube

Very nice footage

Ok, this image was released by the Brasilia Planetarium recently and seems to show a massive disc shaped object stationed above the Earth. The disc is estimated to be around 3-5 thousand miles in diameter. If you look at the bottom left of the image you can see a cloud formation passing over the top of the anomaly, this indicates that the object is not a projection onto the earth. I have no idea what this object is, i can only speculate at this point. I have contacted the Planetarium for further clarification regarding the slide, and will post an update when I get an answer.

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