Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sign in an INDIANA store front window

 Sign in an INDIANA store front window

' WE WOULD RATHER DO BUSINESS WITH PRESIDENT OBAMA, NANCY PELOSI, HARRY REID, ALL THE ELITES OF CONGRESS, THE MASS MEDIA, &HOLLYWOOD , THAN WITH ONE CONSERVATIVE AMERICAN! '  This sign was prominently displayed in the window of a business in Whiting, Indiana . You are probably outraged at the thought of such an inflammatory statement.  However, we are a society which holds freedom of speech as perhaps our greatest liberty.  And after all, it is just a sign.  You may ask what kind of business would dare post such a sign. Answer:"Owen's Funeral Home" You gotta love it!!!

Obama Treason

From the Heart!

Subject: From the Heart!

Over the last few days there is hushed positive intel that has not been shared but be assured that all of the roadblocks have been satisfied, at least as we know them.  We have been told repeatedly it will be here this coming week.  Of course, one should always acknowledge the PTB can always adhere to stepping in the way which truly is not the fault of our information constituency.  Understand, we attempt in every way to disseminate up to date conclusive facts and testimonies which all come from only reliable origins. 

At this point to date, there is no sense in predicting a date and/or rate, but we know it will be to our liking.  As in quail shooting, we are looking down the barrel of this old shotgun - the trigger has already been pulled, the shot has been fired.......we can see the feathers fly......the bird just has not fallen out of the sky and hit the ground yet.  Keep your eye on that bird. 

Hate to bring up Iraq, just know they do have their budget and the rate held within.  They have reported over and over that the budget will be posted by the 31st just prior to April 1 and their constitution "will be followed".  The real story, has already been by-passed.  We are just waiting for the PTB to let her fly.

We are being told by our contacts that announcements will be made this coming week along with the PP's (Omega's) and the Revaluation which will move simultanious.  All our sources are on the same page reading the same page.

There are literally no posts and probably will not be many, at least not viable posts.  We are very close.  Ask yourself, how close is DONE?

Good judgment comes from experience.  For some of you, as with me since 2004, have learned and experienced a great deal.  Therefore, I am pondering whether to make this my last post thus closing the chapter of this time spent saga.  Why not, all is completed. 

My Granddad, a true trail riding western cowboy, before his passing repeatedly told my brothers and me, "There are three kinds of folks - The ones that learn by reading.  Then there are some that learn by listening and observation.  All the rest of them have to pee on a electric fence to find out for themselves."   By now, I am thinking we all have learned a lot, so maybe it is time to all quit peeing on the electric fence and lean back in our old rocking chairs and watch this last bit of history run its course. 

One last comment, when the revaluation does not appear by the hour you think it should just know it is well on its way.  Remember with spring being here now and the temperature climbing - do not go kicking any cow chips on a warm day!

NESARA & the "RV": The Grandest Contrast of All!


NESARA & the "RV": The Grandest Contrast of All!

I'm posting this article below about the "Batman Call" because this guy gives probably one of the most succinct run downs of "How the New Financial System and major political changes"  are suppose to roll out.  We're going to use this as a basis to look at the Grand Contrast that is about to play out in front of our eyes.

And oh what a grand contrast it is going to be!!!! 

Take a moment and jump down and read the Batman article I've posted below.....

.... Done?  Good. Now let's talk about the reality of the situation.

Anyone who has been following the NESARA news, RV news, New Financial System news, White knights/dragons/hats news, lightworker news, well, you are all well aware of the expectations of what is going to happen. Many of you have been reading and researching these topics for years and years- even decades.  Some of you are very new to all of this, but have packed in a whole lot of knowledge in a short amount of time.  Long timer or short timer doesn't matter, what matters is what  you KNOW.

What you are about to see play out in front of you will be one of the grandest contrasts ever seen and you are all keenly capable of analyzing every aspect of this event(s) and SEEing every facet of the contrast with extreme clarity.

When "they" bring the new financial system online, make the "RV" live, and start "the announcements", lets get together and ask the big questions: 

 If there is a new financial system, one that works in complete fairness and equality, in complete transparency.....

...... Are the same banks going to be in charge of your money- the banks that destroyed the global economy? Banks owned by the same corrupt people? Are the same ol' banks exchanging your Dinar and Dong and making money off that exchange?  Are the Banks then going to try to convince you to invest with them? To buy their insurance products and investment products?

If there are Prosperity Packages for those who signed up for them....

..... but only for those that knew about it in advance or who happened to know someone who is involved in the distribution of funds from the various Trust Funds, how is that "Fair and equitable" to all the people on this planet?   If one person gets a PP worth 10 million, and another person gets a cheque back for all the taxes they've paid..... is that equitable?  If one person is given a massive amount of money through the St. Germaine Trust fund and another person gets maybe $2000 bucks back from illegally stolen income taxes because he's just 19 years old and hasn't been able to hold down a full time job for longer than a few months because of high unemployment in his area..... is that "EQUAL"?

If there is a new  "interim" Government...

..... yet it is made up of the same ol' politicians that have been lying and stealing and cheating for years and years, how is this a change for the better?

If there are new Laws...

..... what if they are enforced by the same thugs/authorities we have now?

What if

You had no say in the new financial system?
...or the new money?
......or the new government set up?
.........or the new laws?

What if

You were told that  it's a whole new system
.....but the same CEOs were still making millions
.......but the same mega corporations we're still making vaccines, GMOs, fast food, toxic chemicals
..........but the oil wells were still pumping and the gas companies fracking, chemtrails still cris-crossing the sky?

What if you KNOW that NESARA must be fully announced and enacted, and all the information and history of what has happened over the past 100 years or so and all the lies that have been told and all the corruption that has stolen our health, wealth, value and vitality is to be exposed...... and yet all you get from the Main Stream Media announcements is a watered down pile of half truths that don't really explain anything.  What if NESARA isn't announced?  What if there is no announcement that explains the 13th Amendment?   What if they white wash the corruption of Wall Street and Congress with more half truths and demi-lies.  What if they don't announce the arrests that took place on Wall street last week? (and no, 4600 people were NOT arrested last week, but there was a LOT of arrests none the less)....

YOU are smart and well educated on all of these topics.  YOU KNOW what should happen.

Watch, Listen, Discern.

As all of the "New" systems roll out you will have a huge opportunity to really see all the contrast in front of you.  Not just you who KNOW, but even those people who have no knowledge or understanding of the slavery system they have been a part of, even they will see the Glaring Lies and Missing Information very clearly for what it is.

To quote the article I wrote a while back "What If?"

What if

Everything they told you was new and wonderful, was actually the same old thing with a fresh coat of paint?

NOW.........  Think about this:

What if

There were no countries and no borders ?
There were no politicians and no royalty?
There were no lobbiests and no lawyers?
There were no religions, no sects, no cults?
There were no businesses harming our planet and ourselves?
There were no wizards hiding behind the curtain controlling your life?

What if the universe had suddenly changed, releasing your mind from the confines of it's prison and allowing you to know WHO you are?

What if the YOU that they convinced you was you, was really a construct of their system and not the real YOU at all?

What if you looked inside and remembered WHO you are and the TRUTH of who you BE and what it means to DO?

What if THIS is what they are desperately trying to hide from you?

 "What if THIS is what they are desperately trying to hide from you?"    .... EXACTLY! 

Watch this so called "New Financial System" roll out and you will very clearly see who the wizards are behind the curtain and you will very clearly see that the new "saviours" are just the same old Cabal wearing a different mask.  You will see very very Clearly WHO is trying to make you a slave again.

You are Free. 

They are about to learn that NO ONE can take away YOUR freedom, regardless of all the schemes and bullshit they are trying to pull. All their actions and words are nothing more that a wonderful magnifying glass for us to look through so we can see their petty "king of the castle" games for what they really are.

So when it all rolls out..... thank them for holding the contrast.  Thank them for their service- for showing you exactly what Freedom & Equality does NOT look like.


2189364143  PIN 973126

Batman Call Notes
Speaker:  East Coast

Highlights of what will take place when the ANNOUNCEMENTS COME…..

No more trustees, therefore no more trusts linked to corporations.

No more bankers cuz there will be no more credit, only cash basis.




Land patents (like the 1900’s) will return, WHERE YOU ACTUALLY OWN YOR PROPERTY.   Now we are cattle and our properties are owned by Queen of England and Vatican.

Corporation and Trustees are going to disappear completely.

This is not only a US event it is a 190 plus country global reset.

All countries we are at war with, such as IRAN, N. KOREA, SYRIA, VENEZUELA..ETC don’t have a central bank …Bingo!  Thus why they are being targeted and bullied so that they can become part of the system.  All wars will seize.

Debt forgiveness – All debts will be forgiven, even people that have paid off debts will also see some return in the form of prosperity packages and they will now have piece of mind that what they own is really theirs.  This is what is happening, they are essentially returning the stolen wealth back to the people.   There are however different prosperity package programs and the ones that people signed for at least 20 years ago will be given priority but all will have some prosperity funds coming.  All will be announced.

Re-indexing as well will take place– For example a home that costs $200K will cost $20K when this takes place. * this is not to be taken literally as reindexing, ie: removing the hyper inflation that has happened over the last 4 years, will not be as "simple" as removing a few zeros- there is a mathmatical formulation for this to happen* So essentially you will be able to buy a house or property, or anything you need and then some.

All Stocks will be gone-dissolved
(People will not loose existing ones though, everything has been recorded.  May take a while but they will not loose their value)

No more corporations allowed in the US when this happens because they are all illegal.  For example Sole proprietorships will be legal. *I do not believe this is a cross the board change to ALL corporations, it is my understanding that this was to deal with the mega corporations that have monopolies in certain sectors of industry*

INSURANCES – CAR TAGS etc– Was not sure on how they will handle that.  However he was sure of Certificate of Title and registration but don’t know until the announcements come, all will be explained.  HE SAYS INSURANCES ARE MOSTLY PONZI SCHEMES ANYHOW AND FOR SURE WILL NOT BE LEGAL



What about the people that don’t understand.  …. People will just have to understand and it’s their responsibility to change.  If they want to stay in the same paradigm they have been living in, it’s not your responsibility to change them, some will be happy and some will not.  It just needs to happen, It is now the only way to take it back to prime, whether they like it or not.  And it isn’t one’s responsibility to convince them.
*Note his use of the term "Taking it back to Prime"- the US Constitution is NOT Prime.... Just sayin'*

3-hour announcement is prepared and nothing…not even the RV will come until the announcements are made.

People that lost land by crooked bankers will be able to retrieve their land.  Everything the bank has been doing is illegal.  Instructions will be given on how file claims.

(rough draft but the gist of it, I’m sure we will find out, I found a link on this some background -…David Dodge and Tom Dunn – research in Belfast library that were going through some old artifacts and accidentally ran into the original copy 13th amendment in from 1810.  They stoled it.  It was taken before the supreme court in VA in 2000.  Every single lawyer understands that they are all citizens of England not the US.  Some will be retrained under the constitution that were not aware, and others will be deported back to England.

Last and best question of all posed to him was regarding Obama and how he could be a good guy when all evidence points to the opposite.

To answer this, he made reference as an example to what one would need if one was going fishing, …. Tackle, bait, fishing pole, and a good hole to fish in….he states that Obama is nothing but the fishing pole simply that and nothing more.  He was groomed or put in the position for a reason and he has done exactly what he was told to do.   If he was really in for establishing or helping set up a in a new world order he would have achieved that a long time ago.  There is something about him that he will tell us when he makes his announcement that will shock the world.  He will tell us where he really came from and why he was put in this place.  When he was sworn in he mentioned John F. Kennedy at the podium during his speech and was referring to the original republic and many did not catch that.  He is definitely done what he was suppose to do.  He is the fishing pole and many have been arrested since then. 

(Somewhere East Coast mentions that the changes really started in 2011 and most of the people that we see such as newscasters or prominent figures we are constantly questioning are really just clones.  He assures us the good guys which he calls the A-Team are and have really been in full control and know exactly what they are doing.  As a finally Batman recommends everybody see the youtube video “Change is on the Horizon” for the full history on what has been going on and what is about to take place)

Just some notes I took during the Batman call which by the way according to Batman …this particular call will not be recorded.


Spike in Marine Mammal Strandings Documented Along La., Miss. - "We have been advised not to discuss our findings..."

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Spike in Marine Mammal Strandings Documented Along La., Miss. - "We have been advised not to discuss our findings..."
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 31-Mar-2013 07:47:06

Spike in marine mammal strandings documented along La., Miss. coast
Posted on March 20, 2013 at 6:12 PM
Updated Wednesday, Mar 20 at 6:39 PM
Maya Rodriguez / Eyewitness News
GULFPORT, Miss. -- He's a young, hearing-impaired dolphin named Apollo -- and he's scrappy.
"He's got a pretty adventurous personality," said trainer Kelly Pulis.
Apollo is about 3 years old and was discovered near death off Grand Isle late last year. He's one of the 893 marine mammals found stranded along the northern Gulf Coast since 2010. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has labeled it an "Unusual Mortality Event."
"We are seeing a spike in dolphin strandings," said Dr. Moby Solangi, executive director of the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Gulfport.
Since the start of this year, Dr. Solangi said marine mammal strandings have been climbing, with 29 in Louisiana and 23 in Mississippi so far.
"The unusual part in Mississippi is that 18 of the 23 are baby dolphins," he said.
NOAA is tracking the strandings and their map shows that, in Mississippi and Louisiana, there have been seven dolphin strandings just in the past week alone. The most recent strandings in Louisiana happened in two places -- one in Lake Catherine and the other on the beach along Lake Pontchartrain in Slidell.
So why are the strandings still happening three years after they started? Answers are tough to come by. Dr. Solangi said because of the ongoing investigation and litigation involving the BP Oil Spill, they can't share their findings.
"We have been advised not to discuss our findings or any results from our necropsies or analysis," he said.
In the meantime, Apollo's recovery is beating the odds.
"He's almost there," Pulis said, as Apollo prepares to be removed from quarantine and placed with other dolphins at the center.
For more information on the strandings and data collected by NOAA, click here.
Video Here:

Great Song/Voice/prayer for Easter

What an absolute blessing. Enjoy.   Wade

Last line prays" let me see You in every one". Happy Easter.









Stay tuned on the following blog for pics and vids to come in the following days.

[link to]

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 29, 2013

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 29, 2013
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 31-Mar-2013 03:45:48

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 29, 2013
By now we see that Lightworkers have settled down to their tasks to lead people into the New Age. Their understanding of what is needed is helping the awakening process, which continues regardless of the world situation. It is important that people do not allow the chaos and disruption, to draw their energy away from work involving the Light and Love. The darkness will eventually play itself out and is already losing its power to create more fear. In this respect, in spite of the apparent threat of war, know that it will no longer be allowed. The Galactic Federation of Light is aware of the intentions of all Superpowers and we will prevent any attempts to start a global war. The Light has made such a difference, that many souls connected with the war machine have experienced a change of consciousness. You can expect to hear doubts expressed about the reason for military activities, and the unnecessary attacks upon innocent civilians. A day is coming when war and everything that supports it will cease to have any place in your lives.
We ask those of you of Light to continue focusing upon all that is positive, as you have the most potent and powerful weapon in the Love that you express. All of you are lifting the vibrations that are your assurance of bringing the New Age into being, and nothing can stop it manifesting. In fact it is already having an impact beyond what is immediately apparent, and there is no way that the way of life can return to the old paradigm. Love is permeating all Institutions and Companies in the Government and private sectors, and what has been accepted in the past is now being questioned as to whether it operates in the best interests of everyone. People who try to perpetuate the old ways will find them impossible to maintain as is happening in the financial world. The extent of corruption goes far beyond what has been revealed, and the truth will eventually come out and shock many who placed their trust in them. A new system will be introduced that will operate openly and seen to be transparent.
Our allies continue to be much bolder in their activities, and have gained strength by finding much more support for the changes they are working to introduce. In actuality you are living with a foot in each world, and the sooner you withdraw any attachment to the old 3D the quicker you will advance into the higher dimensions. Old karma will come back for clearance and it could be as simple as changing your attitudes, and that includes how you think about them. The criterion for change is to stop being judgmental, and ensure that your own actions and words do not carry any threat or harm to another's life. The invitation to "turn the other cheek" is worth remembering, as we know that as emotional and feeling Beings you find it hard not to respond to provocation. Anger and such reactions are considered part of the human make up, but if unchecked can harm your physical body and bring on illness. We do not for one moment tell you that you should not stand up for yourself, but there can come a moment when it is better to walk away from trouble.
In fact the more Light you carry you will find that your life becomes less stressful. Your higher vibrations will bring calmness around you, and you will be less likely to encounter physical or vocal attacks. Nothing can harm you unless you have attracted it to yourself. That really brings us to karmic experiences that can occur at any time it is appropriate and when the best conditions present themselves. Bear in mind that when it takes place among friends and families they all get involved to some degree, and each in turn can learn something from it. We will not tire in emphasizing that karma is never punishment, but is a means of presenting a lesson in life that will help your spiritual advancement. You do not necessarily have to experience everything yourself to gain some value from it. Set yourself up as a good example of Light in action, and others will see how beneficial it can be. For those of you who celebrate Easter it is the remembrance of a great Teacher who came upon the Earth, to show you what could be achieved when you have reached the level of being able to express yourself by Unconditional Love.
Love is all there is and when you are aware of your many lifetime journeys in duality, you will understand that it is only the path to follow if you desire to evolve. You have taken many steps backwards only to have found your way forward again, but in so doing you have learned how to apply yourself to any situation without losing your way. Presently your path is being made easier by the uplifting energies that continue to reach Earth, and so they shall until you experience Ascension into the higher vibrations. As you take your place in the 5th dimension you will truly have become so enlightened that you will be a Being of Light. Even then it is not the end of your upliftment as that will be ever ongoing until you reach the Source. That is however a long way off having regard to the fact that you will have only just fully returned to the Light. Your immediate task is to keep focused on the Light and fulfil your intent to leave duality behind.
Working towards the Light can sometimes seem a burden that requires a change of lifestyle, and even the need to become more selective where friends are concerned. We know it is hard to keep knowledge to yourself unless invited to share it, but know that sometimes situations are set up so that someone else benefits from what you know. Once you find the truth you feel like shouting it from the rooftops, but one has to resist such actions as they can put people against you who are not ready for it. There is no rush to bring the truth to people as life is infinite and all happens in good time, indeed at the right time. However do not let it deter you from seeking to share your understanding with those who you perceive are ready. There may be times when you get an angry reaction, but let it pass you by and wish such people love and enlightenment. All souls will eventually find their true path, and the experiences they are having now can only help them in the future.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and see so much on the horizon that will lift you up. It is coming about quite quickly and will take many by surprise. It just needs one major change to be announced and the rest will follow in quick succession. We admire the good sense of duty and application to your chosen path working for the Light. We are One, and you are certainly one of us. As you send you love to us it is returned tenfold, and we thank you for doing so.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey

Sherrie Questioning All: Follow Up of Russians in East Tennessee, FEMA Camps and Military Energy Weapons

Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 8:07 PM

Sherrie Questioning All: Follow Up of Russians in East Tennessee, FEMA Camps and Military Energy Weapons
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 12-Mar-2013 16:08:41
My investigation/follow up of Russians in East Tennessee, FEMA Camps and Military Energy Weapons
I love adventures and investigating information. I have done it in the past when I went to Georgia to find the FEMA coffins, FEMA camp at Fort Gilliam and I went to the Georgia Guidestones all in one day. The pictures and a video of the coffins are in the article I posted of the coffins and Guidestones.
It is appropriate to link the article now especially since the '33rd year' anniversary (masonic 33) of the Guidestones being erected on March 22 of this year.

Last week I wrote about the DHS vehicles and Russians shipping the DHS vehicles. In my video about the DHS vehicles, I showed the Blue Grass Army Depot and I mentioned how the Smoky Mountains are UN World Heritage Sites.
This past weekend I posted pictures I took of a military shipment through Knoxville, Tn. and when I researched what the crates were from the stencil on them. I found they were electromagnetic motors. Which from the research those motors were not suppose to be available for 2 more years. Yet they were being shipped? I found that electromagnetic motors were used as part of the military's new energy weapons. So, were the motors really for aircraft carriers or for energy weapons?
Why am I putting all this information here?
I did a little adventure this past weekend, 3/10/13. I went to Townsend, Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg and Sevierville to find out if Russians are around the area and investigate if DHS armored vehicles are being trucked by Russians.
I hit pay dirt on it all! It was a great day and I found out more than what I had even started out to investigate.
The people I interviewed and questioned about what was going on, declined to be on camera with the information. All the information is first hand accounts, these are not "my friend/family member told me", these are "I saw and I experienced" information.
I am sure there are many reading this with the attitude "no video, or it didn't happen." There is nothing I can do about that. Everyone will have to decide for themselves if they believe what people told me.
Yes, there are many Russians in East Tennessee. They are in the Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge and Sevierville area. I tried to locate their "area" but could not find it. A 60'ish year old woman I spoke to, who declined to be on video but who was born and raised in the area and worked at Dollywood for 27 years gave me the full information about Russians in the area.
Read more here and see video:

Alert! Leaked Document: Military Internment (FEMA)Camps in U.S to be Used for Political Dissidents!

Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 2:59 AM

Alert! Leaked Document: Military Internment (FEMA)Camps in U.S to be Used for Political Dissidents!
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 5-Mar-2013 09:20:12
A newly leaked army document shows official Proof of there plans with these camps . It shows the layout of these camps and explains the means of the use of deadly force ! Organizations involved include DOD , DHS , FBI and FEMA !

Top 10 excuses for Obama signing the Monsanto Protection Act – by Jon Rappoport

Top 10 excuses for Obama signing the Monsanto Protection Act – by Jon Rappoport

Posted on by Jean
March 28, 2013
Yes, he signed HR 993. It was a bill funding the federal government. There was a rider in it. A Monsanto and biotech rider.

The gist of the rider is: a dangerous ghoulish GMO food crop can’t be stopped by a court order. That crop can still be grown, harvested, and sold in the US.

Isn’t that wonderful? Isn’t it grand?
250,000 people signed an emergency letter to Obama, telling him to send HR 993 back to Congress so the rider could be removed. He didn’t.
Of course, there must be some mistake here, because we all know Obama is the radiant messiah. Right? He’s constantly assuring us “we’re all in this together.”
He would never allow such a rider to pass through his hands and become law, because GMO food IS, in fact, dangerous to human health and is part of an overall plan to put the planet’s food supply into the hands of Monsanto.
Therefore, Obama has excuses. He surely does.
I propose the following ten. You can take your pick and thereby sustain your belief in his mission of bringing peace and love to the world. He’s not just another arch conman who scuttled into the White House. Of course not.
He would never support Monsanto in its drive to patent life forms, own the food supply, drench the world in more pesticides, engineer RNA so it silences and activates genes in the body in random fashion, leading to incalculable consequences for the human race.
He would never come down on the wrong side of the issue that could supersede all others in shaping the future of the human race.

So pick your favorite excuse:
Obama didn’t know what he was signing. He was too busy with other matters. He was on vacation. He was checking his brackets on March Madness. He thought that letter of protest, signed by 250,000 people, was about some new TV show called Monsanto Rider, a Western.
He’ll tell us that, just like the NDAA, which allows him to unilaterally assassinate Americans, this Monsanto rider will never be enforced. It’s just for show. It’s, well, an IDEA, not really a law. It doesn’t set a precedent destroying the power of the judicial system. No. We’re getting our knickers in a twist over nothing. Relax.
He and Michelle are secretly planning, along with Chief Chef Bloomberg, an organic food revolution in America that will sweep aside all resistance.
Obama has inside information we aren’t privy to. It exonerates Monsanto. Astonishingly, Monsanto turns out to be an agent of hope and change.
Obama is Obama. Because his character is basically other-worldly (in a good sense), he would never do harm. Therefore, a priori, the Monsanto rider is all right. We need not worry. Be happy.
All great prophets must undergo tests and survive crises. This is one of those tests. Sooner or later, Obama will reverse course and expose Monsanto for the diabolical son of Satan it is. Just wait. Be patient.
Obama knows full well how hideous Monsanto is on the world scene, how it is gobbling up seed companies and destroying farmers and putting Frankensteinian genetic distortions into our very bodies. He’s just giving Monsanto enough rope to hang itself. He’s allowing Monsanto to operate freely so it can reveal, to humanity, its Grinning Skull—and thence be overthrown by popular revolution. Again, wait. Be patient. “We’re all in this together.”
Obama was drugged by Monsanto operatives. When he wakes up, he won’t remember he signed the bill, nor will he ever know he signed it. This drug can selectively inhibit his mind on that single item. If he ever reads that he signed it, he’ll think he’s reading about Harry Reid buying three casinos in Vegas and having plastic surgery to look like James Bond.
Obama never signed the bill. A lookalike double was brought in to do the deed. Obama is now living under heavy guard, along with Piers Morgan, in a Texas compound run by a bevy of full-auto maximum-clip country women.
Joe Biden, who only pretends to be off his rocker and minus a few dozen light bulbs, is actually running the country. He is Obama’s Cheney. Joe gave the order to sign the bill.
There are your ten. Pick your fave.

Just in case you still think Obama is only peripherally involved with Monsanto, here is the evidence that you’re sadly mistaken. I compiled it some months ago and published it:

During his 2008 campaign for president, Barack Obama transmitted signals that he understood the GMO issue. Several key anti-GMO activists were impressed. They thought Obama, once in the White House, would listen to their concerns and act on them.
These activists weren’t just reading tea leaves. On the campaign trail, Obama said: “Let folks know when their food is genetically modified, because Americans have a right to know what they’re buying.”
Making the distinction between GMO and non-GMO was certainly an indication that Obama, unlike the FDA and USDA, saw there was an important line to draw in the sand.
Beyond that, Obama was promising a new era of transparency in government. He was adamant in promising that, if elected, his administration wouldn’t do business in “the old way.” He would be “responsive to people’s needs.”
Then came the reality.
After the election, and during Obama’s term as president, people who had been working to label GMO food and warn the public of its huge dangers were shocked to the core. They saw Obama had been pulling a bait and switch.
The new president filled key posts with Monsanto people, in federal agencies that wield tremendous force in food issues, the USDA and the FDA:
At the USDA, as the director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Roger Beachy, former director of the Monsanto Danforth Center.
As deputy commissioner of the FDA, the new food-safety-issues czar, the prince of darkness, Michael Taylor, former vice-president for public policy for Monsanto. Taylor had been instrumental in getting approval for Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone.
As commissioner of the USDA, Iowa governor, Tom Vilsack. Vilsack had set set up a national group, the Governors’ Biotechnology Partnership, and had been given a Governor of the Year Award by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, whose members include Monsanto.
As the new Agriculture Trade Representative, who would push GMOs for export, Islam Siddiqui, a former Monsanto lobbyist.
As the new counsel for the USDA, Ramona Romero, who had been corporate counsel for another biotech giant, DuPont.
As the new head of the USAID, Rajiv Shah, who had previously worked in key positions for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a major funder of GMO agriculture research.
We should also remember that Obama’s secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, once worked for the Rose law firm. That firm was counsel to Monsanto.
Obama nominated Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court. Kagan, as federal solicitor general, had previously argued for Monsanto in the Monsanto v. Geertson seed case before the Supreme Court.
The deck was stacked. Obama hadn’t simply made honest mistakes. Obama hadn’t just failed to exercise proper oversight in selecting appointees. He wasn’t just experiencing a failure of short-term memory. He was staking out territory on behalf of Monsanto and other GMO corporate giants.
And now let us look at what key Obama appointees have wrought for their true bosses. Let’s see what GMO crops have walked through the open door of the Obama presidency.
Monsanto GMO alfalfa.
Monsanto GMO sugar beets.
Monsanto GMO Bt soybean.
Coming soon: Monsanto’s GMO sweet corn.
Syngenta GMO corn for ethanol.
Syngenta GMO stacked corn.
Pioneer GMO soybean.
Syngenta GMO Bt cotton.
Bayer GMO cotton.
ATryn, an anti-clotting agent from the milk of transgenic goats.
A GMO papaya strain.
And soon, genetically engineered salmon and apples.
This is an extraordinary parade. It, in fact, makes Barack Obama the most GMO-dedicated politician in America.
You don’t attain that position through errors or oversights. Obama was, all along, a stealth operative on behalf of Monsanto, biotech, GMOs, and corporate control of the future of agriculture.
From this perspective, Michelle Obama’s campaign for gardens and clean, organic, nutritious food is nothing more than a diversion, a cover story floated to obscure what her husband has actually been doing.
Nor is it coincidental that two of the Obama’s biggest supporters, Bill Gates and George Soros, purchased 900,000 and 500,000 shares of Monsanto, respectively, in 2010.

Obama was lying all along. He was, and he still is, Monsanto’s man in Washington.

To those people who fight for GMO labeling, and against the decimation of the food supply and the destruction of human health, but still believe Obama is a beacon in bleak times:
Wake up.
Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at



Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 29-Mar-2013 14:28:54
According to the new study of the Shroud of Turin is not a medieval fake, but it really is a canvas in which could have been wrapped the body of Jesus Christ.
Consistency of cloth is similar to that of cloth that has been used in the burial of the dead at the time of Jesus 2000 years ago, suggest the results of a new scientific study.
Scientists were for centuries arguing over the authenticity of cloth that has become one of the iconic displays of the Catholic faith.

The Shroud of Turin is almost 5 feet long with a sketch of a tall man with long hair and beard, and bloodstains on the parts where foot would have been bandaged, wrist and hip, places that match wounds Jesus received during his crucifixion, it is kept in the vault of the Cathedral of Turin.
A new study described in the book "Mystery Canvas" will be released on Good Friday (today), and the next day, the day before Easter, the cameras will record it live and show it on television.

The study's authors, Professor Giulio Fanti, an expert from the University of Engineering in Padua, and journalist Saverio Gaeta, studied the filaments of Shroud of Turin and compared them with those from the third century BC, up to those from the modern era, wanting to investigate whether it is a medieval forgery.
Key findings were three new test, two chemical and one mechanical. The first two were carried out with the help of infrared rays, and the third with the help of spectroscopy, which measures the radiation wavelength and is often used in forensics.
Results have dated the cloth to the time period between the 300th BC, to the 400th years after Christ, a time frame that coincides with the time of Christ's life.

Before retiring last month, Pope Benedict XVI approved the public display of the Shroud of Turin, as his "last gift" to millions of Catholics.
Italian television will transmit the display of the shroud, but it is considered that the general public access will not be permitted before 2025, the year when the next display is scheduled.

Tomorrow is the last time before 2025 the Shroud of Turin will be displayed to choosen public, which will be broadcasted on TV.
Why next display event will be 12 years from now?

Why Western Banks Are Being Destabilized

Why Western Banks Are Being Destabilized

This is the way the globalists hope to maintain their lucrative stranglehold over central banking – by transferring the franchise from the “private” sector to the “public” one. It will make no difference, of course, but when did common sense ever interfere with monetary schemes?

The Daily Bell
March 29, 2013

In a previous post, I explained that banks are inherently fragile. One way to make them more robust is to increase equity capital requirements … A genuinely radical approach would be to kill banking as we know it. Rip all banks, large or small, in two – separate deposit-taking from credit-creation. Back the deposits one-for-one with reserves at the central bank. Then fund loans not with deposits or other money-like liabilities but by tapping investors who understand they’ve put their savings at risk. This approach, unfamiliar as it sounds, has a long and distinguished academic lineage. Luminaries such as Irving Fisher, Milton Friedman and James Tobin have all advocated it. – BusinessWeek
Dominant Social Theme: Get rid of these pesky banks.
Free-Market Analysis: Gradually the liniments of banking reform are becoming clearer. It began as a low drum roll with the resurgence of Greenbackerism and has continued to expand. We’ve tracked these ideas and have been regularly attacked for pointing out the “campaign-like” nature of what is now in the works.
This article in BusinessWeek is just another example of this spreading meme. It discusses a “Chicago Plan” developed in the 1930s by Irving Fisher and Henry Simons that was re-presented in a recent International Monetary Fund proposal. We wrote about it here: Rediscovering IMF Working Papers.
In simplest terms, the Chicago Plan is a kind of Greenbackerism. The idea basically is to give the government alone the power to print money. In modern finance, central banks that are putatively independent of the government seemingly have that right.
Government central banks include those in India, China and Brazil. In reality there is no difference between the performance of government printing and private/public central bank printing of money. In either case, those doing the printing have absolutely no idea how much currency to print and will almost always print too much, giving rise to euphoric booms and then terrible busts.
Here’s more from the article:
Tobin explained the essence of the idea in 1987 at the Federal Reserve‘s annual economic symposium in Jackson Hole:
“To diminish the reliance of the payments system on deposit insurance, I have proposed making available to the public what I call ‘deposited currency.’ Currency — today virtually exclusively Federal Reserve notes — and coin are the basic money and legal tender of the United States. They are generally acceptable in transactions without question. But they have obvious inconveniences — insecurity against loss or theft, indivisibilities of denomination — that limit their use except in small transactions (or in illegal or tax-evading transactions.) These disadvantages, along with zero nominal interest, lead to the substitution of bank deposits for currency. But deposits suffer from their own insecurity, unless guaranteed by the government; and the guarantees of deposit insurance are subject to the abuses discussed above.
“I think the government should make available to the public a medium with the convenience of deposits and the safety of currency, essentially currency on deposit, transferable in any amount by check or other order…The Federal Reserve banks themselves could offer such deposits, a species of ‘Federal Funds.’”
More recently, Boston University economist Larry Kotlikoff has argued that we need to completely separate money from credit by introducing what he callidea shouldn’t rule it out … It’s basically the same idea.
In this new world, banks would essentially be payments companies competing to offer the most convenient services without putting anyone’s savings at risk. How would they make money? By paying a lower interest rate than they receive from their reserves at the central bank, or by charging fees, or both. There would be no need for deposit insurance and regulation of this very simple business would be straightforward.
What about the lending side of today’s banking industry? There would be lending companies instead — funded exclusively by equity investors, who consciously choose to put their savings at risk rather than hold them as deposits or other money-like bank liabilities. These new credit vehicles could take a variety of forms. Some might resemble bond mutual funds. Others could operate more like venture capital funds, complete with long lockup periods.
The article concludes by acknowledging, “Abolishing banking isn’t a small step … but the strangeness of the idea shouldn’t rule it out … Radical-seeming alternatives should be part of the conversation.”
Again, there is nothing radical about these ideas. Greenbackerism is an old infection and dressing it up in new phraseology doesn’t make it a better palliative. One needs to return to free-market concepts to understand the reality of this conversation and what REALLY works.
Competitive currencies within a free-market framework would work. So would gold and silver.
What won’t work are fancy schemes to separate lending from saving, hoarding from monetary circulation, etc. All of these proposals presuppose that human beings can impose a money-system that is better than the one that has evolved via a free-market evolution.
It is clear, nonetheless, that it will likely be tried. Banks are being attacked and destabilized throughout the Western world. Increasingly arguments are being made for full-on public banking.
Conclusion: This is the way the globalists hope to maintain their lucrative stranglehold over central banking – by transferring the franchise from the “private” sector to the “public” one. It will make no difference, of course, but when did common sense ever interfere with monetary schemes?