Saturday, October 31, 2015





The election of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as Speaker of the House is not a good thing. Those familiar with his very unconservative and unconstitutional views and voting record will recall how he was exposed in 2012 when he ran as a vice presidential candidate with Mitt Romney.
However, his newly elected position does give us insight into other individuals and organizations that we must consider to be not friendly to the American people in pushing Ryan for Speaker. 
The House Freedom Caucus was one of the chief proponents of pushing Ryan for Speaker. 

Julia Hahn reports at Breitbart:
A new PBS documentary has exposed the motivating factors behind House Freedom Caucus members' decision to propel donor-class favorite Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) into the most powerful position in Congress. 
As Speaker of the House, Ryan will have unilateral control over many aspects of the congressional agenda, including passage of Obamatrade in the lame duck session and amnesty legislation in 2017.

The two-hour long presentation reveals that the House Freedom Caucus' founding members have been among the most ardent boosters in Congress of Ryan's career and his closest allies in trying to implement Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)'s 2013 amnesty plan.
It is this fact that explains how the group labeled by the media as anti-establishment foes is now the group responsible for placing the establishment's favorite politician at the doorstep of the Speaker's office.  In recent days, prominent conservatives and grassroots activists have slammed the House Freedom Caucus for what they described as a "betrayal" of the Republican electorate. As Rush Limbaugh said after Ryan issued his list of demands to House lawmakers:
"You would not think that the Freedom Caucus, the conservatives in the House, the Tea Party caucus, whatever you want to call them, no way would they go along with this. No way under the sun would they go along with this. … But it looks like enough of them will. … This is how we get. … I don't want to say "played," folks, but I'm telling you: the script is written offsite, backstage. We don't see that. We see everybody playing their part, including the Freedom Caucus members."
Rush is right.  The American people are being played by both sides of the aisle. This is why if you think electing Republicans over Democrats will fix the problem, then you must be awakened to the fact that sort of thinking is part of the problem. 


Jim Jordan of Ohio, Chair[19]
Justin Amash of Michigan[19]
Brian Babin of Texas[20]
Rod Blum of Iowa[20]
Dave Brat of Virginia[21]
Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma[22]
Mo Brooks of Alabama[23][24]
Ken Buck of Colorado[25]
Curt Clawson of Florida[26]
Ron DeSantis of Florida[19]
Scott Desjarlais of Tennessee[27]
Jeff Duncan of South Carolina[28]
John Fleming of Louisiana[19]
Trent Franks of Arizona[25]
Scott Garrett of New Jersey[19]
Paul Gosar of Arizona[29]
Morgan Griffith of Virginia[3]
Andy Harris of Maryland[20]
Jody Hice of Georgia[30]
Tim Huelskamp of Kansas[31]
Raúl Labrador of Idaho[19]
Barry Loudermilk of Georgia[30]
Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming[25]
Mark Meadows of North Carolina[19]
Alex Mooney of West Virginia[20]
Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina[19]
Gary Palmer of Alabama[22]
Steve Pearce of New Mexico[25]
Scott Perry of Pennsylvania[20]
Ted Poe of Texas[20]
Bill Posey of Florida[20]
Keith Rothfus of Pennsylvania[20]
Matt Salmon of Arizona[19]
Mark Sanford of South Carolina[20]
David Schweikert of Arizona[25]
Marlin Stutzman of Indiana[20]
Randy Weber of Texas[32]
Ted Yoho of Florida[33]
Yes, sadly even Rep. Justin Amash, whom I would have supported for Speaker, should have known better, but he supported Ryan and should be called out on it! Even my own representative, Mick Mulvaney, supported Tyan, and he will be called out on it! 

Ann Corcoran has penned an excellent piece on those who supported Ryan and why it's important to expose them, especially for those of us in South Carolina and Idaho. She writes:
Paul Ryan victory party invitations are out!  See here.  (Hat tip: Cathy), and Diana West reports on the role played by the Heritage Foundation (very troubling!), here. (I've been done with them for awhile anyway!)

By the way, for me, immigration is the only issue that matters.  We will live or die depending on how many immigrants we admit and from where they come.  Once they change the demographic make-up of America, no other issue you care about will matter.

For all of you fighting to slow refugee resettlement in South Carolina and Idaho, two members of Congress (dressed in Tea Party clothes***) in your states are working against you.

While I have written disdainfully of Rep. Trey Gowdy for dragging his feet (as Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security) on holding hearings on the Refugee Admissions Program, it turns out that fellow South Carolina Rep. Mick Mulvaney has been working overtime on amnesty for illegal aliens and no doubt is helping push refugees into the state (likely cheered on by SC Senator Lindsey Graham who recently made it clear that he wants Syrian Muslims admitted to the US in large numbers).

And, no wonder Republican Governor Nikki Halley is toeing the line and "welcoming" refugees to SC.  The state's leading Republicans are working to promote MORE immigration to America.  She is obviously too weak to buck them (if she wanted to!).
Corcoran also pointed out Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID), a supporter of the Gang of Eight's efforts to pass amnesty and expanding immigration. 

You can bet your bottom dollar that all of these people are more than willing to sell us out with an influx of unvetted Muslim immigrants into our states, as well as those pouring across our borders and rather than assimilating are often seeking to provoke an insurrection. 

These are not people who are looking to come here for a better life and assimilate into our society. They are just like the ones invading Europe and seeking to take over. Now, you know some of those behind the support for the invasion of the united States. 


Earthquake - Swarms now a new factor to consider


10/31/2015 — Earthquake Forecast Areas Struck vs. Areas Missed — Each location hit, Swarms now a new factor to consider

by Michael Janitch

I feel a real calling to get back into things... it's been a long month and a half of work getting the whole house rehab done :)
Lucky now that I'm 95% (or more) complete with the project, I can begin to put a greater focus into my online work, and geophysics research.
Moving on to issues that matter to the entire population .....
This  past week SEVERAL of the areas named in the forecast for large earthquakes to strike were hit by large earthquakes.
After more than 3 weeks of relative silence, with no earthquakes reaching above even M6.0  -- new large earthquakes struck starting the day AFTER the forecast was issued measuring in the M7.2 to M7.5 range.
past 7 days of earthquakes oct 31 2015

October 31, 2015 -- Past 7 days of M4.0+ earthquakes internationally, and M2.5+ events in the US / Territories shows ALL the areas forecast to be hit by noteworthy activity were indeed hit, some were hit by swarms as opposed to single large events -- the swarms being rather large, not just a few earthquakes, but hundreds in each location where you see clusters on this graphic
See the Earthquake Forecast video from October 20th, here:


Areas named to be hit vs. the areas actually hit:

Central America -- was expecting a larger than M6.0 to strike near Panama into Colombia , instead a flurry of M5.0's struck across Central America from El Salvador into Colombia.
Was expecting a M5.0 to strike NW California from the Gorda Escarpment reaching inland towards San Francisco, instead a swarm of hundreds of earthquakes struck NW California inland near San Francisco.
Was expecting a M6.0 to strike Northeast Japan, instead a M5.4 struck Northeast Japan.
Was expecting a M5.0 to M6.0 to strike Greece, instead a swarm of M4.0 to M4.7 struck Greece.
Was expecting a M6.5 to M7.0 to strike Solomon Sea , and just as expected a M7.2 struck the Eastern Solomon Sea / Vanuatu
Was expecting a M6.5 to strike the Mideast near West India / Hindu Kush region.. and just as expected a large earthquake struck, a full magnitude ABOVE the expected movement -- a M7.5 struck the Mideast near Afghanistan Kush Region
Was expecting a M4.5 to M5.0 to strike Vancouver Island, and just as expected, after weeks of relative silence , a M4.8 struck Vancouver Island.
Was expecting a renewed flurry of M3.0 to M4.0 events to strike the dormant volcanoes along the West Coast / Nevada / Eastern California / Oregon / Washington State / Idaho -- and just as expected a flurry of M3.0 to M4.0 struck ALL of those areas directly at dormant volcanoes (too many to mention in this post)..... including Mono Lake Caldera CA/ NV, Mount Saint Helens WA, Davis Volcanic Complex OR, Blowout Mountain / Bitner Butte NV, Black Rock Desert NV, Soda Lakes NV, Clear Lake Volcano CA, and Salton Sea Volcanic Buttes CA.
Was expecting renewed activity to strike Texas and Oklahoma at the fracking operations, and just as expected a new swarm of events struck Oklahoma and Texas.
Was expecting renewed craton edge movement, and UNEXPECTEDLY we now have reports of a large fissure opening in the ground East of Yellowstone (in the Bighorn Mountains).
Was expecting the pressure to transfer Eastward along the edge of the craton ( to the East coast of the USA ), and cause a few M2.5 to M3.0 events in Southeast Quebec and New England..... just as expected we saw multiple events strike in the M2.5 to M3.1 range in Southeast Quebec, and New York / Pennsylvania
Was expecting M3.0 to M4.0 activity to strike Europe in South France / North Italy, and just as expected a swarm of M3.0 to M4.0 events struck North Spain / Southwest France / North Italy.
Was expecting to see a swarm of events strike EAST India near Myanmar / China border region in the M4.0 to M5.0 range, and just as expected we saw that a swarm of M4.0 to M5.0 earthquakes struck at the East India / Myanmar border.
Overall, like I said at the start of this post, several of the areas were hit spot on, and a few areas did not move as large as expected (yet).
I'll have a new update out this weekend covering the next week of projected activity.
ALL of the areas were hit, some by swarms instead of large single release events. I will start adding in swarm possibility to my forecasts.
Michael Janitch | October 31, 2015 at 12:41 am |





THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today

Root Canals: Why would anyone want a dead tooth in their mouth … for life?

*   *   *
Of all the dental procedures and dental materials utilized throughout the field of dentistry there is none more destructive to human health than root canals.
“It’s like putting a bullet in your mouth, and then just waiting for the day it might kill you.”
— An Oral Health Consultant after years of observing the ravages of root canal ‘treatment’
Let’s first draw the picture – in living color – for you to look at closely before you choose to do a root canal(s) in your mouth.
This routine procedure involves the following technique every time the endodontist or general dentist gets busy in your mouth making canals in your teeth, some of which may be stubs at that point.  
First the dentist removes all the dental pulp from the tooth. “The dental pulp is the part in the center of a tooth made up of living connective tissue and cells called odontoblasts.“[1] This vital pulp, which is necessary for a living tooth to remain living, is full of blood vessels and nerve tissue. When this blood supply and network of nerves is extracted, the tooth is essentially devitalized, aka killed. The tooth is then completely unable to perform all the normal activities which are required for optimal tooth health.

Why would anyone, ever, want a dead tooth in their mouth … for the rest of their life?!
Why Would I Want A Dead Tooth In My Mouth For Life?
So, the first question any rational person would ask themselves is: “Why would I want a dead tooth in my mouth … for the rest of my life?”
Good question!
Answer: You don’t want a dead tooth in your mouth for the rest of your life.
Please show us — The Health Coach — another instance in your body where a dead organ, tissue, limb, digit, etc. is purposefully kept in or attached to your body by the Medical Practitioner. Show us just one example … please!
Our experience has been that whenever an organ dies, the doctor removes it pronto. Whenever a limb becomes gangrenous, the surgeon amputates post-haste. If your eye were to “die” due to some traumatic injury which then became irreparably infected, the ophthalmologist would completely remove the eye leaving an empty socket cleaned out of all infected tissue, yes?
Why then does an endodontist go out of his way to keep your white shiny tooth in place even though he has just killed it?! The only reason he/she is able to get away with this extremely dangerous procedure is because of our ignorance of the associated health risks and long-term medical repercussions.  This is often coupled with vanity, together with his/her ‘compelling’ sales pitch as to why you don’t want to lose the tooth … ever, no matter what the consequences may be (that’s another long story for another dental coaching session).
The Raw Truth About A Root-Canaled Tooth
Let’s revisit the dead tooth that sits in your mouth after the root canal is completed. Because it still appears white does that mean it is okay. If it turned black and oozed pus, what would you do with it? Wouldn’t you take it out? Well, here’s what’s REALLY going on with that tooth.
The human body was designed to rid itself of all dead and infected cells, tissues, organs, etc. Teeth are no different and it’s why we see so many toothless people around the world where there is not adequate preventive dental care and maintenance-oriented oral health. The body gets rid of the tooth that’s “gone bad”… one way or another.
You see, the tooth dentin* is full of thousands of microscopic dentin tubules which are critical to maintaining healthy teeth. Once the root canal is performed these tubules become home to all sorts of pathogenic bacteria and accumulated toxins which can no longer be removed because the tooth’s vascular system has been removed (and the tooth’s natural self-healing system has been totally incapacitated). All the normal activities that are carried out within this matrix, “which radiate outward through the dentin from the pulp to the exterior cementum or enamel border“, cease to take place. It’s important to understand that “these tubules contain fluid and cellular structures. As a result, dentin has a degree of permeability which can increase the sensation of pain and the rate of tooth decay.“[2]
*“Dentin is bone-like matrix characterized by multiple closely packed dentinal tubules that traverse its entire thickness and contain the cytoplasmic extensions of odontoblasts that once formed the dentine and maintain it.” (Source)
That’s enough anatomy for the time being; the upshot is that your dead, root-canaled tooth has now become a haven for all sorts of nasty pathogenic microorganisms which sit there for the lifetime of the body doing more damage than you’ll ever know. Much of the havoc actually starts around the roots of the root-canaled tooth. This is where the body sets up it first line of defense against a tooth that has died and is on the way to becoming necrotic.

What are Focal Infections?
They are called focal infections because they are localized in an infected tooth socket “which then spread to some other organ or structure of the body”.  They are especially found around the tooth roots, especially the tips of every root-canaled tooth. These infections are almost always subclinical in nature, which means the dentist or doctor doesn’t pick up any symptoms upon physical examination. Those who observe their bodies closely and are intuitive rarely miss the telltale signs that something has gone awry in their mouth.
Incidentally, many abscesses in the mouth are directly the result of infections that occur around the roots of root-canaled teeth. These often start out as a very small swelling, but they can easily evolve into painful inflammations requiring the use of antibiotics and the immediate extraction of the tooth. The swelling, pain and inflammation are simply the body’s response to the dead tooth. The older the root canal, the greater the likelihood that a full-blown infection will require urgent, if not emergent, care.
This unfortunate state of affairs is not the most serious aspect of root canals, however. The real caveat surrounding this extraordinarily harmful procedure are the FOCAL INFECTIONS which inevitably result in teeth which exhibit no symptoms, have no pain, and seem perfectly ‘healthy’.
Just what is a focal infection? Here you go from The Free Dictionary (by Farlex):
focal infection
A bacterial infection localized in a specific part of the body, such as the tonsils, that may spread to another part of the body.
the site or origin of an infectious process. Endodontically treated teeth have frequently been accused of being the source of septicemias….
This is where root canals really rear their ugly heads. However, it takes a very perceptive individual to recognize that ugly head for what it is before it takes an awesome toll on their health, even to the point of death.
What we have seen with root canals with over 25 years of close observation is that each individual possesses his/her own signature points, weaknesses if you will, which are targeted by these focal infections. In one person it may be their heart, another their thyroid, yet another it may be their brain or kidneys which are targeted. No matter what the target organ(s) and/or tissues(s), the particular organ or tissue or body location becomes the recipient (focus) of the infection that began in the mouth (most often a root-canaled tooth).
What ultimately can occur if this condition is allowed to proceed undiagnosed or unattended ranges anywhere from a heart attack or worse, cardiac arrest, to a brain attack or stroke. When the cerebrovascular accident is less severe it may only take the form of a TIA (transient ischemic attack) or mini-stroke. Nevertheless, you hopefully get the picture of how serious these focal infections can be.
After reviewing the thorough and painstaking work of Dr. Weston A. Price, it has become clear that many a heart attack which has killed its victim actually started in the tooth socket cavitation, the root-canaled tooth or the infected crowned tooth which went unnoticed or untreated for two or three or four decades. By removing the infected teeth of an individual who died of cardiovascular disease and implanting them under the skin of a rabbit, Dr. Price documented that the rabbit then succumbed to the same type of heart disease as the original human victim.
Dr. George Meinig, D.D.S. to the rescue
The Health Coach who is the author of this Root Canal coaching session was fortunate to study under Dr. George Meinig, DDS, FACD. With Dr. Meinig as our mentor for over ten years we were able to fully apprehend the catastrophic consequences to the health of those countries where root canals are performed in the greatest numbers. Clearly the incidence of the Alphabet Soup Diseases, Multi-Infection Syndromes and New Millennium Maladies have skyrocketed in those areas where root canals are routinely performed. Dr. Meinig’s book Root Canal Cover-Up nicely details all the reasons why you ought to re-consider the dentist advice of root canal ‘therapy’.
There is no question that autoimmune disorders have become a predominant theme in the aforementioned groupings of syndromes, diseases and infections. Here’s why:
When the human body is subjected — day after day, month after month, year after year — to relentless, raging focal infections, completely under the radar, they take a HUGE toll on the individual’s immune system. So huge, as a matter of fact, that the immune system goes on the fritz. Call it auto-immune dysregulation, autoimmune disorder, autoimmune disease, or autoimmune syndrome; you know when you have it, because your quality of life is absolutely miserable


16-Year-Old Oregon Girl Diagnosed With Bubonic Plague

End Of Times: 16-Year-Old Oregon Girl Diagnosed With Bubonic Plague.. But You'll Never Believe How She Got It...

Image result for 16-Year-Old Oregon Girl Diagnosed With Bubonic Plague
End Of Times: 16-Year-Old Oregon Girl Diagnosed With Bubonic Plague But you will Never Believe How She Got It...
  A 16-year-old teenage girl in Oregon is in the ICU recovering from a case of bubonic plague, according to the Oregon Health Authority and the Crook County Public Health Department.

Health officials believe she contracted the bacteria from an infected flea during a hunting trip earlier this month in Morrow County, Oregon.

According to a press release, the young woman began feeling sick on October 21 and was hospitalized in Bend, Oregon on October 24.
Plague is rare in Oregon, with only eight human cases diagnosed since 1995 and no deaths, according to the Oregon Health Authority.   
The plague usually occurs in rural and semi-rural areas of the western United States, most commonly in New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado.

Comment from an Alternative medicine person... If you want to help cure her. If someone can get this to the girls parents I believe she will get up and walk out of the torture chamber in a few days.... BUT....they have her as a prisoner and the dumb arse so called doctors only intent is to get as much money as they can with their B.S. medicine that does not work....

Full Article:

WARNING!!!! Windows 10 to automatically download on your PC!!!!




Windows 10 to automatically download on your PC


Those running updates will have it downloaded and will be prompted to install

Oct 30 2015

Not interested in installing Windows 10 on your computer after reading news reports indicating Microsoft will track your online behavior and save your search queries, private emails and contents of private folders, including photos?

Too bad. You may not be given much of a choice.

Microsoft’s Windows 10 is preparing to automatically download onto computers currently installed with Windows 7 or 8 – without the computer users’ knowledge, London’s Guardian reported.

According to the report, Microsoft announced that Windows 10 will become a “recommended update” in 2016, and anyone who has automatic updates activated will have the new program installed automatically on their PC.

After it has downloaded, the Windows 10 installer will begin. At that point, users will need to actively cancel Windows 10.

That is, if they aren’t in the habit of just hitting “OK” when presented with a prompt, as many users often do.
In the meantime, until 2016, the Windows 10 upgrade will be considered “optional” and could still be downloaded if a user has the computer set to install automatic updates, which can be disabled.

“If you choose to upgrade (our recommendation!), then you will have 31 days to roll back to your previous version if you don’t love it,” said Terry Myerson, executive vice president of Microsoft’s Windows and Devices group.

Just weeks ago, Forbes reported Microsoft claimed an “accident” caused the downloads to begin installing on many computers without user permission.

As WND reported in August, a report from Newsweek warned: “From the moment  an account is created, Microsoft begins watching. The company saves customers’ basic information – name, contact details, passwords, demographic data and credit card specifics.”

“But it also digs a bit deeper,” the report says.
Other information Microsoft saves includes Bing search queries and conversations with the new digital personal assistant Cortana; contents of private communications such as email; websites and apps visited (including features accessed and length of time used); and contents of private folders,” the warning explains.

“Furthermore, ‘your typed and handwritten words’ are collected.’”

All of the warnings come from the company’s software privacy statement, which includes the statement that Microsoft collects information “to provide you a personalized user dictionary, help you type and write on your device with better character recognition, and provide you with text suggestions as you type or write.”

Alec Meer at the RockPaperShotgun blog warned it’s not something that should be ignored.

“Unless you pay close attention to the fluffy options offered when you first install Microsoft’s new operating system, it’s going to quietly track your behavior and use it to fire targeted ads at you, as well as keeping tabs on your location history, data from messages, calendars, contacts and God knows what else.”

The blog noted that “some of this stuff” can be turned off, but the key point is that people “aren’t so hot” about paying for tools to access the Web and such, so “the money comes from harvesting data and flogging it to advertisers and other organizations who want to know exactly what we’re all up to online.”

He continued, “If you ever wondered why they’ve made the Windows 10 upgrade free to Win 7 & 8 users, here’s one possible answer. Windows 10 has all sorts of user tracking baked right in.”

The Daily Mail reported another complication with the software last summer.

The update to Windows 10, the report said,  "automatically made [a man's] porn collection into a slideshow and used it as a screensaver. And to make matters worse, the malfunction was discovered by his wife, who was greeted by the explicit images first thing in the morning.” (Well, that's for sure one way to expose one's sins and to destroy a marriage.)

The report said a user posted the story online so others would not repeat the mistake, which reportedly happened when the images were saved into the “My Pictures” folder. It is from that folder the software draws data to build slideshows, the report said.

“I have no idea how to shut that feature off and that computer is staying shut down until I do,” the man wrote, according to the Mail. “Free Windows and a free trip to the doghouse. Thanks Microsoft!” (You deserve it asshole.)

In August, Newsweek reported an estimated 14 million machines already were running Windows 10.  “The company says it uses the data collected for three purposes: 

- to provide and improve its services; 

- to send customers personalized promotions; and 

- to display targeted advertising, which sometimes requires the information be shared with third parties.”

The report said Microsoft’s practices actually are similar to Google’s, which analyzes the content of users’ emails to provide a “more personalized product.”

Online privacy group European Digital Rights told the Times that the MS policy not only was bad news for privacy.  “Your free speech rights can also be violated on an ad hoc basis,” the group said.

Kirsten Fiedler, of EDR, told the Mail, “Microsoft basically grants itself the right to collect and process everything you do, say and write on your device – which is contrary to the fundamental right to privacy.”

The RockPaperShotgun blog posted some instructions for opting out of the Microsoft data collection plan.

The actions won’t, the blog said, reduce the ads seen.
“But they do mean that not quite so much information about you will be gathered and sold, and also that the ads you do see won’t be ‘relevant’ to what algorithms have decided your interests are.”