Tuesday, January 22, 2019
For All The Jural Assemblies - 12 Recordkeepers
By Anna Von Reitz
For All The Jural Assemblies - 12 Recordkeepers
a lot of deception by others and false accusations against me, I must
note that gossip and ignorance are common bedfellows, and are often used
to undermine both understanding and progress.
must also note that the True and Living God despises lies and gossip
and always encourages us to overcome our ignorance simply by asking for
help: ask to receive and knock to be answered --- and feel free to do
your own research.
The information I am
presenting in this series of articles seeks to fully inform and help
guide those organizing their State Jural Assemblies and it is not widely
known yet and may still encounter those who, because of their own
ignorance or their own concept of self-interest, attempt to deride and
discredit things that are simply true.
I have described the overall situation thus:
simple facts are these: (1) our actual government ---which we are
owed--- is not fully operational; (2) it is not functioning as it should
because it was never fully restored after the Civil War; (3) we have
not restored it, because we were not informed that it needed to be
restored---certain parties profited themselves by keeping that obscured;
(4) now that we have a grasp of the actual situation, we have the means
to restore the government we are owed in our hands and all we need to
do, is do it."
I and others have queried a
great many experts including the Congressional Research staff, the
Librarian of the Library of Congress, the Librarian at West Point, the
Librarian at Annapolis, and others recordkeepers of renown and it is
fully and conclusively established that:
Most of the Reconstruction Acts are still in full force and effect for
the Territorial United States Government; "reconstruction" was never
(2) That the intended Federal Government has three
(3) branches, organized as Federal, Municipal, and Territorial --- not
as we were told in school, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial ---
which is true, but at another level of organization entirely from the
level of organization we need to "reconstruct";
(3) That the
American Civil War was never declared by any Congress and was an
"executive" action resulting in a commercial mercenary conflict, not a
(4) That the American Civil Conflict was never resolved
by any actual peace treaty and that it could not be resolved by a peace
treaty, because it was not a war;
(5) That the Parties
engaged in the "American Civil War", whether they knew it or not, were
thus acting in a private and commercial capacity;
(6) That
all the fisticuffs and bankruptcies and reshuffling that occurred in the
wake of the Civil Conflict did not involve the actual American States,
but did involve Federal States of States;
(7) That after the
Civil Conflict, the original Federal States of States owned and operated
by the States, were mothballed as State Land Trusts (in the sense of
being owned by the States in charge of the Land and Soil Jurisdiction)
doing business as for example, the Ohio State [Trust];
That people in each actual State were coerced without full disclosure by
agents of the British Territorial United States to adopt "new" State of
State Constitutions;
(9) That the "States of States" thus
constituted were British Territorial entities run as franchises of
parent commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental
(10) That these British Territorial "States of
States" have thus been substituted for the Federal States of States that
our land and soil jurisdiction States are owed;
(11) That
this whole situation has been obscured by those profiting from it and
from the deceptive fraud attendant upon it, in terms of facilitating
racketeering, political oppression, embezzlement of public funds and
private assets, and generally, false claims in commerce ever since;
That the British Monarch obligated by treaty and commercial contract to
act as our Trustee "on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways"
has acted in Gross Breach of Trust;
(13) That our entire
populace has been deceived and mis-characterized, used, and abused as
British Territorial Citizens by persons in our employment;
That this has all led to a perpetual "state of emergency" as a
fundamental portion of our government has not been operation for 150
(15) That the Municipal Government of the District of
Columbia authorized by Article I, Section 8, Clause 17, of The
Constitution of the United States, as a "plenary" oligarchy intended to
be run by Members of our Federal Congress for the purpose of providing a
common meeting ground for our Federal State of States, has instead been
run by members of the British Territorial United States Congress and
"representatives" of their Territorial States of States;
That these "representatives" have institutionalized this national
identity theft and fiscal fraud scheme and benefited themselves from all
manner of criminal activity, including the enslavement --on paper-- of
millions of American for profit;
(17) That these members of
the British Territorial United States Congress also acting as members of
the Municipal United States Congress have abused and misinterpreted
their "plenary powers" to operate Municipal STATE OF STATE organizations
and to incorporate municipal franchises far outside the authorized
limitations of the geographic "ten miles square" of the District of
(18) That our unincorporated Federation of States
doing business as "The United States of America" since September 9,
1776, suffered identity theft by commercial corporations using
deceptively similar names: "The United States of America, Incorporated"
(Scotland, 1868) and the "United States of America, Incorporated"
(Delaware, Roman Catholic Non-Profit, 1925) and that this process of
identity theft has continued and expanded to include Municipal
Corporations like the UNITED STATES and the USA;
(19) That
this has all resulted in gross criminal activity including the
hypothecation of debt, the issuance of false property titles, the
falsification and substitution of lawful records for legal
registrations, the illegal and immoral securitization of living people
and their assets resulting in enslavement and peonage being practiced in
the modern age, and many, many other evils all contrary to the treaties
and contracts that this country is in fact owed;
(20) That
this in turn has enriched the perpetrators of these schemes to an
unbelievably inordinate degree and that they have used this wealth to
promote the development of the same corruption in other countries via
the abusive operation of Territorial and Municipal "Service
Corporations" against the Countries and the People that employ them and
which they are supposed to serve in Good Faith;
(21) That we
have remedy for this situation by calling the actual States to Assemble,
which is done by people operating in their natural unincorporated
birthright capacity (instead of as "persons" obligated to act as
franchises of the guilty corporations involved);
(22) That State Jural Assemblies embody each State;
That these land and soil jurisdiction States in fact own all these
corporations or are owed the control of them as their actual employers;
That the perpetrators of these crimes and conspiracies against the
actual government of this county and against our Constitution(s) have
been Notified and instructed to make correction;
(25) That
they have not chosen to do so and continue to run amok, except that the
British Territorial United States has bowed somewhat to the
inevitability of the moral imperative to serve their employers;
That we, Americans, born on the land and soil of our States, have every
right to assemble in whatever capacity and whenever we choose to do so;
(27) That we, the American States and People, are owed a
great deal of money and credit and the return of the control of all our
"borrowed" assets;
(28) That we have not knowing, willingly,
or voluntarily entered the foreign jurisdiction of either the British
Territorial United States or the Municipal United States and that a
well-orchestrated and organized mechanism of unconscionable entrapment
has been used to mis-characterize us all as British Territorial Citizens
or Municipal CITIZENS and literally to substitute incorporated
entities --- using the "infant decedent estate" scam--- for living
(29) That in order for our Government to be fully
operational and functioning as intended, we must correct and rebut these
deliberately created false legal presumptions being held against our
States and our People in Breach of Trust;
(30) That we have
every right, reason, and need to promptly address these matters as
international crimes and treaty violations, and that we also have every
right, reason, and need to form our State Jural Assemblies, operate our
government, restore our Federal States of States, require Good Faith
Service performance from our employees, and get on with our lives with a
minimal amount of continued interference from criminals and fools.
anywhere who thinks that they have evidence disproving one iota of what
I have presented is welcome to come forward and try to argue against
the Public Records and the observable circumstance, the Congressional
Research Staff, hundreds of historians, and thousands of public records.
Any misbegotten idea that "I" am the "problem" or that I am misleading anyone about this needs to be promptly dispensed with.
And now to the more limited but necessary consideration of keeping the records of State Jural Assemblies.
State Jural Assembly needs to elect a Recorder, whose functions may
include keeping "minutes" and tape recordings of Assembly Meetings
initially, though it is to be hoped that a Secretary will soon be
engaged to undertake those tasks and leave the Recorder free to do
only actual Recording functions
Records are by definition all the paperwork associated with actual land and actual soil and actual people.
apply only to legal fictions -- corporations -- that hold charters
granted to them in some form by the State of State or STATE OF STATE
organizations and are meant to apply only to the "citizens" and
dependents --- Territorial Citizens and Municipal CITIZENS of the
British Territorial Government and the Municipal United States
Government--- working and living temporarily as "residents" on our
For those of you now reading this who
are recalling all the "registration" processes you have undergone, you
will now realize that you were "deemed" to be operating in the capacity
of such a "citizen" or as an actual incorporated entity when you did so:
vehicle registrations, birth registrations, voter registrations,
registration of "Selective Service" applications, and so on, are all
foreign to us and our land jurisdiction States and our People --- and
are all executed in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
obviously, your State Jural Assembly needs to have a Recorder, not a
Registrar, and the primary duty of that Office needs to be keeping
Records related to the Jural Assembly and its Members in order and
Membership Records are confidential for
the most part and only the names and addresses of the Jural Assembly
Members are generally available.
Remember that
in "re-populating" your soil and land jurisdiction State, you need not
become a member of the State Jural Assembly. You are welcome to
function as a State National and have no obligation beyond keeping the
peace and obeying the Public Law.
also that in choosing to become a State Jural Assembly Member you are
operating ---at least temporarily and successively, a Public Office ---
that of "Juror", and as a Juror, you are considered to be a "State
Citizen" in addition to being a "State National" while serving "Jury
Remember finally that the Officers you
elect within the State Jural Assembly are accepting considerably more
and different obligations than just serving as a Juror. Sheriffs and
their Deputies typically serve in "on duty" and "off duty" shifts and on
an "as needed" basis. Judges and Coroners serve pretty much 24 hours
and seven days a week and may be rousted out of bed at odd hours,
required to travel within the State, etc, Recorders like Sheriffs and
Deputies enjoy more regular hours and schedules of "duty" which at the
start of the Jural Assembly process are more or less loose and as
The State Recorder function is
vital. It creates and preserves the Public and Private Records upon
which the legitimacy and proof of the proper functioning
the Jural Assembly depend. Protecting the Person and the Records of the
State Jural Assembly Recorder are therefore important considerations,
and securing the Records in multiple copies and in multiple locations is
also necessary.
Ideally, all Records are
created in original triplicate at the time of their creation, with one
copy going to the Jural Assembly Member, one going to the soil
jurisdiction County level organization, and one remaining with the State
Jural Assembly Recorder. Realistically, at the beginning, we are all
dealing with less than ideal circumstances and photocopies of documents
may have to be accepted instead.
The necessity is to provide proof of Due Diligence when operating our State Jural Assemblies.
need to qualify our Jurors which includes the documentation and
declarations already discussed -- a Birth Certificate or similar public
or private record showing when and where a man or woman was born, two
Witnesses affirming the identity of Jural Assembly candidate, Act of
Expatriation from Territorial or Municipal citizenship, Acknowledgement,
Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance / Declaration of Permanent Domicile of
our Given Names back to the land and soil of our respective States of
the Union, Certificates of Assumed Name also removing their NAMES back
to permanent domicile on the land and soil of the State, and a signed
and witnessed Mission Statement/Jural Assembly Membership Agreement of
the kind I provided as an example.
creates a Record of the Origin of the Jural Assembly Member on American
soil, a verification of their living identity by people who know them,
and the rest of the documentation clearly demonstrates their intention
to return home to the land and soil jurisdiction and to operate in their
unincorporated capacity as one of the "people" and not as a "person".
"package" is necessary to prove that the Juror is qualified to serve as
a Juror of the State Jural Assembly, that the Juror is cognizant and
freely choosing the capacity in which they are operating, which in turn
validates the actions of the Jural Assembly as a whole.
Recordkeepers are responsible for collecting, securing, and
distributing this information as needed. Typically, the Juror will
receive back a complete copy stamped by the Recorder, one copy will be
kept by the State Jural Assembly, and one kept for the County Recorder.
Committee of Safety members should have
access to this information on an as needed basis and may maintain an
active secure digital data base.
To an extent,
all of this is to be treated as public information pertaining to
someone holding a public office, without unduly disclosing or publishing
anyone's private data. For example, It may be necessary for members to
show the Recorder a verified Birth Certificate to establish their place
of birth or to produce other family-related documents, and for the
Recorder to keep a black and white copy, but it is at no time desirable
for a Recorder to unnecessarily divulge details obtained from such
records or to keep original records. The Recorder should stamp the
package as complete, scan it, distribute the copies, and secure the
copies left in his or her possession.
of times, dates, quorums, meeting minutes and similar documentary
evidence in support of the State Jural Assembly's activities should also
be maintained both by the Recording Secretary and by the Recorder's
Hopefully soon a complete
understanding of the situation on the part of Territorial and Municipal
Employees will lead to vastly increased cooperation as they wake up,
too, and realize that we are not upstart insurrectionists or competitors
for their jobs, but are and have always been their employers exercising
rights, responsibilities and duties that have always been ours.
a peaceful resolution and understanding should lead to more
cross-communication and cooperation and assistance becoming available
from Territorial and Municipal personnel.
example, Travel Cards are appropriate to issue to Jural Assembly
Members and others who have chosen to reclaim their State National
status, instead of Driver Licenses. Likewise, Regulation Z stamps can
be issued to identify private cars and trucks in lieu of registration
stamps. Whether we do this for ourselves or instruct our employees to
do it for us, these distinctions need to be made, and these services
need to be made readily available without any suspicion, coercion, or
obstruction by Territorial or Municipal employees.
Recorders together with Recording Secretaries and Public Notaries
elected, trained, and confirmed in Office by the actual State Jural
Assembly together make up a team that evidences, secures, and officially
affirms our political status, our identity, the capacity in which we
are choosing to act, and which ultimately secures the peace and the
proper functioning of the State Jural Assemblies and the country as a
For All The Jural Assemblies - 11 "Committees of Safety"
By Anna Von Reitz
For All The Jural Assemblies - 11 "Committees of Safety"
trying to find guidance in our shared past, many people including
myself have diligently researched the practices of the Founders for help
going forward. This has resulted in many discoveries and helpful
"traditions" coming from many substantially different local County and
State Jural Assemblies.
In the eighteenth
century communities were much more isolated than they are today and
neighbors knew each other in ways and for purposes that are not much in
evidence today.
Your neighbor wasn't just
someone who lived nearby. Your neighbor's character, skills, knowledges,
physical strength, tools and willingness to share all the above had a
direct impact on you and your family's safety and well-being. The
exigencies of life in the colonies promoted an awareness of "the common
Good" and the "Public Welfare" that had nothing to do with public
assistance checks or food stamps.
In the
contentious days prior to the Declaration of Independence our
once-relatively homogeneous communities were split between the Patriots
and the Tories loyal to England. This split caused great social unrest
and dis-ease that we can scarcely understand today, and affected people
even in their religious practices. Just as the Church of England
separated from the Catholic Church over political and social
differences, the American Anglican Church was split in half. Patriots
became Episcopalians and Tories remained Anglican.
mention this only to demonstrate how deeply felt and how fundamentally
disruptive the Revolution was. Suddenly, there were spies and enemies in
every corner. Your dear friends who were Tories no longer spoke to
you, and vice versa. People you had known and trusted and depended upon
all your life for vital services would no longer do business with you,
over the issue of Independence.
It was in this
atmosphere in the years leading up to the Revolution that "Committees
of Safety" were formed by the Patriots. These Committees served a
multitude of functions in all the various communities. They provided an
effective spy network to keep tabs not only on what the British were
doing, but what their Tory neighbors were doing. They organized
assemblies at pubs and in churches and schools and private homes. They
established stockpiles of guns and ammunition and food, medical
supplies, and tools.
So now we come to a time
when, as in the days before the Revolution, people are alarmed about the
decayed state of our government and its now-obvious malfunctioning.
people have not yet been told the history that got us here, but when
they realize that a fundamental part of the Federal Government has been
missing for 150 years, they listen up and begin to grasp the seriousness
of the situation and also to realize the damage that has been done by
those we trusted as our Allies in war and peace: Britain and the Roman
Catholic Church.
This Gross Breach of Trust
naturally engenders feelings of anger, fear, disorientation, and yes, a
certain degree of paranoia. Once again, "Committees of Safety" are
I am not against the principle of
having a "Committee of Safety" associated with each State Jural
Assembly, but must advise that we are not at war and there is no
intention or need for us to engage in any great struggle other than a
mental and spiritual and emotional one. The Law is firmly on our side
of the issues and our jurisdiction; our States and our Federation of
States, were never even involved in the Civil War. Our land and soil
jurisdiction has been at peace continuously and remains so.
Ignorance of our own history and the fundamentals of law are our greatest enemies.
England nor the Church of Rome want to fight with us, and as for the
respective Territorial and Municipal Governments, they are now largely
staffed by other Americans -- howbeit, Americans employed by foreign
powers -- who have no real interest in destroying property in America
and fighting with their neighbors.
So the
conditions now are fundamentally different than they were prior and
during the Revolution and "Committees of Safety" though they may be
helpful in organizing and coordinating various kinds of support,
including physical support of Jural Assembly members, should not fall
into the trap I described in "7 Discipline" as "the Safety Angle".
is and has long been the practice of Federal Agents, both Territorial
and Municipal, to infiltrate Patriot organizations and cause both
disruption and to promote various kinds of disinformation. When all
else fails, they try to induce a certain brand of paranoia and get
people hatching "contingency plans" and stockpiling guns and that sort
of thing so as to provide a rational excuse for arresting them. When
such moles get extremely desperate, they will also try to introduce
contraband --- illegal weapons and substances --- that they use for the
same purpose of providing an excuse for arrests.
is therefore of the utmost importance to be prudent when organizing a
Committee of Safety, and to not entrust its direction to hotheads and
gullible people who will reliably fall victim to such intrigues and drag
everyone else down with them. It is also necessary to explicitly
restrict their activities in behalf of the State Jural Assembly per se.
most State Jural Assemblies, the security for Assembly functions,
meetings, and meeting spaces, is provided by an elected Marshal-at-Arms,
with assistance from members of the Committee of Safety. Their duty
with respect to the State Jural Assembly is to provide a safe location
for meetings, to be prepared to remove disruptive participants, to be
aware of any "suspicious" activities (such as bringing in contraband)
and to help organize the State Militia.
note that the "State Militia" is a different and separate organization
from the "State of State Militia", though in fact the members of "State
of State Militias" are often confused and think that they are serving
their State Militia instead.
State Militias
are in fact staffed by members of the State Jural Assembly. Serving in
and/or supporting the State Militia is one of the duties and
responsibilities of State Jural Assembly membership. Men aged 21 to 45
who are physically fit are expected to join and support the State
Militia upon acceptance into the State Jural Assembly. Conscientious
Objectors are traditionally allowed to pay a fee in lieu of their
Militia Duty, as are women and elders and others who for some physical
or mental reason cannot serve.
The American
Government at the State-level is set up like the Swiss Government.
Every Swiss is trained to use firearms and to serve their community in
emergency capacities. They all know basic First Aid. They all belong to
Community Safety Brigades. This system is highly effective in promoting
Public Safety, reducing crime, and keeping the peace. Jural Assembly
Members have the respect and cooperation of local law enforcement and
are not viewed as outsiders or threats.
land jurisdiction Sheriffs depend upon the Jural Assembly and the
Committee of Safety for a ready supply of Deputies when the need arises.
All of this is perfectly normal, lawful, and our unarguable right to organize as part of our right to "peaceably assemble".
way to view this is that we are being more or less forced to accept the
"services" of two very large multinational business conglomerates and
they want to make sure that their contracts are renewed, so the nature
of their activity is designed to squelch any effort that unfavorably
reviews their performance or which seeks to alter the fast-and-loose
administration of those services which they have hitherto enjoyed.
And, in the current climate, they are being obliged to compete with each other.
their standard of "service" is being examined by the people of this
country and they are both found lacking. This results in the
Territorial Government administered by the Queen (like any business)
initiating reforms to "keep their customers" and in the Municipal
Government being administered by Municipal Congress trying to keep their
slaves, too.
The rest of us, especially
members of the State Jural Assemblies, are stuck in the middle playing
the role of a Performance Review and Oversight Committee and taking the
necessary steps to enforce the contracts we have with these service
providers --- the Constitutions, as well as addressing the more
fundamental issues of finally reconstructing our own Federal States of
States and ultimately, preparing for a Continental (Land Jurisdiction)
Outside of working with the
Marshal-at-Arms to secure the meetings and meeting spaces of the State
Jural Assemblies and helping with induction of Jurors as members and/or
supporters of the actual State Militia, Committees of Safety should not
engage in any activities that can be misconstrued as "anti-government"
or "violent" or threatening.
Committees of
Safety are meant to coordinate the peacekeeping forces of our land and
soil jurisdiction States and as we are not at war and have no need nor
intention of fighting with our own Territorial or Municipal employees,
the best additional use of the Committees of Safety is an educational
one. We need outreach to and within the current existing military
services and law enforcement agencies.
need to be apprised of the differences between the "State" and the
"States of States" which have been operating on our soil, and they need
to be reassured that our peacekeeping forces are intelligently managed
and intent on keeping the peace--- not fomenting any kind of external
controversy or war.
America belongs to
Americans. It is our right to act in our natural and birthright
capacity, to "accept all gifts and waive all benefits" offered
by foreign subcontractors, and to conduct our country's affairs
according to the actual stipulations governing it.
who has any problem with that is obviously in the wrong, and acting on
presumptions not in evidence in our Public Records.
For All The Jural Assemblies 10 - Existing Contracts
By Anna Von Reitz
For All The Jural Assemblies 10 - Existing Contracts
more, this is a discussion that centers basically around the topic of
service contracts, treaties, and related issues, but before we go there I
want to address for the Second time the pernicious idea that State
Jural Assemblies are religious assemblies. They are not.
starters, if they were religious community assemblies coming to us
through the tradition of the English Church such Christian assemblies
are called "Congregations" and if coming to us from the Catholic
tradition, they would be called "Parishes". Observe that with the
single exception of Louisiana, those words are not used anywhere in
America to designate any political subdivision.
we all have good cause to know that our Forefathers negotiated a
"republican form" of government for our states --- not a theocracy, not a
democracy, not an oligarchy, and certainly not a monarchy of any kind.
if they had created a Christian theocracy, being a Christian would be a
requirement of Citizenship, and of holding Public Office, and of being
an Elector. You can see for yourselves that none of this has ever been
the case in America.
Fourth, some people have
read the book I recommended as a starting point overview, The Excellence
of the Common Law, by Brent Winters, and have taken his comments about
the Common Law being based on the Bible to an irrational extreme. The
"Common" part of "Common Law" is the Old Testament which all three major
land jurisdiction religions in the Western World hold in common. That
is why our land and soil jurisdiction court buildings have traditionally
featured art depicting Moses and the stone tablets of Ten Commandments.
Fifth, if our Forefathers wanted to start a
theocracy, the Bible would have been the whole of the law and there
would be no other "law" or legislation in evidence. Islam seeks
theocracy and has established it in many countries with the result that
all law is directly and explicitly taken from the Koran and
interpretation of the Koran. If America were ever a Christian theocracy
and its government had ever been constructed as such, the Bible would
be the only law book in evidence, with many tomes interpreting the Bible
for church members (ecclesiastical law) and church priests and lesser
clerics and administrators (canon law). Observe that this is not the
case in our courts and never has been.
observe that freedom of religion is a fundamental guarantee and precept
of our government, which means freedom of belief and practice of
religion for all Americans, not just Christians. Faith is a private
matter, and the only way it becomes a public matter in America, is if
one's faith embraces crime--- murder, rape, theft, etc. --- which we
will prosecute to the fullest extent of the Public Law.
we all have cause to know about the Separation of Church and State and
the arguments that surrounded it at the time it was adopted, and the
same wisdom that ruled our Forefathers then still needs to rule us now.
And that is perhaps an unintended lead-in to the actual topic.
many of you have noted, the American Government is not a signatory to
any modern treaties, memberships, accords, or similar conveyances. Time
more or less stopped for us in 1860 with respect to those sorts of
things, because the Federal States of States ceased to function. We
could have, if we had been properly informed, operated our actual States
then as now to resolve the issue --- but other parties obscured the
facts to profit themselves, and here we are, 150 years later.
we are not members of the "United Nations". We are not bound by the
treaties ending World War I or World War II. We slept through it all.
Our largely disloyal subcontractors obligated themselves and pretended
to have authority to obligate the American Government to a great many
things, all of which are foundationally flawed contracts.
there are contracts that are not foundationally flawed by fraud and
disclosure issues, most of which are now over 200 years old. The most
important of these contracts are not the three constitutions creating
the subcontracting "federal" government, but are in fact the Peace
Treaties that guarantee our peace with the rest of the world and the
National Trust indentures of every State and the country as a whole.
Constitutions are important for the sake of reference points and basic
principles, but one must realize that the function of the Constitutions
was to set up governmental service agreements. The primary service
agreement went to the Confederation of Federal States of States doing
business as the States of America. The next service agreement went to
the [British] Territorial United States. And the last service agreement
went to the Holy See.
Each of these honorable
service contracts imposed responsibilities on each of the parties and
the granting of "powers" ---- basically permission to act and provide
the stipulated services--- required to enable the recipient of the
contract to perform their duty.
This is not
unlike hiring a butcher, a baker, and a candlestick-maker. You are
giving your "business" to vendors. If a vendor goes out of business or
for some reason does not want to contract with you, you have to do the
work yourself or find a new vendor.
is all grown up now and able to provide its own Navy and its
own military, administer its own territories, control its own money, set
its own trade policies, handle its own patent office, provide its own
postal service, and exercise all the other nineteen (19)
enumerated "powers" that the States originally handed over to: (1) the
Federal Confederacy of States of America; (2) the British Territorial
United States; and (3) the Holy See.
enough. In those practical ways it is safe to say that we have outgrown
the Constitutions, that the Constitutions have failed to protect us in
numerous ways and have been undermined, and so forth----but it is also
true that these pre-existing contracts provide a basis for stability and
guarantees that if properly enforced are potentially very beneficial.
They also provide a framework for our government that cannot be
arbitrarily or thoughtlessly demolished without causing a great deal of
destruction and havoc.
For these reasons and
because if we wish to have lawful progression and succession and
maintain our rightful claims and our National Trusts we must maintain
our continuance of government. That is, we can't inherit what our
Forefather's provided and handed on to us if we go off willy-nilly. We
have to keep our heads and maintain our connection to our past in order
to secure our rights and assets for the future.
of this means that we have to go back, pick up where we left off,
restore the government we owe ourselves, and then deal with making
changes --- whether those changes are service vendor contract changes or
fundamental changes to the whole structure of the government we
Think of the American Government
like a grand old Victorian Era house we have inherited. Does it need
updating? Of course. Will it still function? Yes.
Do the
service vendors we hired to cut the grass and deliver coal to the
furnace still owe us Good Faith Services? Yes, they or their successors
The cloth-bound electrical wiring and
antiquated plumbing need to go. In fact, we may have to tear out and
rebuild walls, install new heating systems, and change a roofline or
two. No doubt.
We can't just "blink our eyes"
and make it so, can we? There is a whole process involved. The
inheritance has to be settled and brought forward. The new generation
of owners have to take on the responsibilities and deal with the service
providers. Then they have to agree on a plan for updates and changes.
the same kind of process that we all face now to restore, update, and
bring forward our American Government into the modern world.
ourselves, getting our own records corrected, and 'inhabiting" our land
and soil jurisdiction States by explicitly re-conveying and permanently
domiciling our Names/NAMES back to their jurisdiction -- all that is
just the first hurdle: reclaiming our inheritance.
up our State Jural Assemblies is the second vital step: taking charge
of our house and dealing with the service vendors.
who would mislead you into thinking that this is a "free for all"
process without a rhyme, reason, logic, or necessity of process seek
only to destroy this country and to provide an excuse for external
powers, such as "the UN", to come in here and decide our future "for"
That danger and those provocateurs are
precisely the reason that we must start where we left off and proceed
forward calmly and agreeably and in a business-like manner to restore
the government that we both owe ourselves and which the service vendors
owe us.
Once our State Jural Assemblies are
restored and fully functioning, we can call for our Public Elections in
each State, and elect Deputies to send to a Continental Congress of the
land and soil jurisdiction States.
And that---
with the actual land and soil jurisdiction States in Congress Assembled
and in Session --- is where we can make the updates and plan for the
I want to take a moment to explain
how we were "Grandfathered In" at the end of the Civil War. This has,
obviously, been a problem of Law and Legality, both, for a long time.
Provision had to be made to preserve the Inheritance rights to each
State National Trust and to the Federal Trust as well.
of us who have ancestry going back before 1860 can claim back all
rights, properties, assets, and interests of the National Trusts we are
heir to, and this is, in terms of Law, what we are doing when we "return
home" to the land and soil jurisdiction of our States.
can say that our States are "abandoned" so long as at least one
eligible Inheritor shows up, and thanks to the work we have already
done: (1) the Federation Trust has been renewed; (2) each one of the
State National Trusts has been renewed and claimed by one or more
eligible Inheritors.
This does not mean that
these eligible inheritors "own" all the land and soil of say, Louisiana,
in their private capacity. It means that they connect the continuity
of ownership and right of jurisdiction and inheritance over the land and
soil that defines "Louisiana" for themselves and for all other
All it takes is one birthright
inheritor in every State who has reclaimed his or her proper political
status and identity, and who has ancestors born in the States prior to
1860 to claim back that State's National Trust----and we have long ago
surpassed that threshold requirement thanks to brothers and sisters who
were paying attention and taking action three years ago.
now a few words about the dangers of the Paris Accord that was recently
boycotted by President Trump, and which too many traitorous and
unauthorized Presidents, Monarchs, and Prime Ministers signed:
first thing I want to point out to all of you is that most of those
persons acting to obligate their countries and people to this insane
agreement--- which is not, by the way, primarily about "climate
change"--- are not competent nor authorized to do so.
the situation in the "United States", their leaders are not actually
"Presidents" of countries, but are instead functioning as "Presidents"
or "Prime Ministers", etc., of commercial corporations. The Paris
Accords are therefore designed to deceive people into thinking that they
and their country have been obligated, when in fact the most that these
Fakirs can contribute is the support of their corporations----- either
Territorial corporations or Municipal corporations.
It's a another Sting.
is an attempt by the Holy See to consolidate and control all the
organizations providing governmental services at the Territorial level
worldwide and to place those corporations under the control of a
Via this fraudulent mechanism
having nothing to do with the actual countries and peoples of the world,
the Pope and the Queen would then control all governmental functions in
the international jurisdiction of the sea, and usher in a new age of
Commercial Feudalism.
The people in charge of
the Territorial service corporations were, for the most part, either
deluded or corrupted or just plain gullible enough to vote for this "in
behalf of" the presumed shareholders --- most of whom don't realize
that their identities have been stolen and their natural property
rights have been unlawfully converted and that they are "shareholders"
at all.
And the motive for all this
cooperation and agreement about a carbon tax? Gold. Or to be more
exact, access to gold that in fact belongs to the countries and people
being defrauded.
This is a long-planned global
coup which if successful, would end all national sovereignty on Earth
and hand our countries and our corporations and everything we are and
own, over to a multi-national group of Planners.
And who elected them?
And where, wearily, have we heard and seen this song and dance before?
also known as Ashtoreth, Astarte, Isis, Cybele, Columbia (as in
District of) and also as "the Mother of all Harlots" and "the Great
Abomination" is also called "the Queen of Heaven".
of the world, is this your Church anymore? The rest of us thought that
Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was the only "Queen of Heaven" --- at least
in the Christian world.
How would they fund this scheme? By their usual means: lies.
creating a completely bogus and now thoroughly discredited theory that
climate change on Earth is caused by excess emissions of carbon dioxide
and imposing a horrible, destructive worldwide "carbon tax" --- which is
just another excuse for continued extortion and piracy.
Russians, the Chinese, and the Americans are the only ones with the
good sense to see through this Sting Operation and label it for what it
is --- yet another bid of the discredited hierarchy of the Roman
Catholic Church to launch yet another "Holy Roman Empire" to the
detriment of everyone on Earth.
Catholics --
your Pope proposes to play the role of the Anti-Christ, to reboot
Satan's Casino using gold stolen from almost every country on
Earth, give some gold back to everyone to prime the pump-----and use a
Great Big Fat Lie justifying a "carbon tax" to pay for it all.
a game of "Good Pope" / "Bad Pontiff" for generations, acting as
Middlemen and Gatekeepers in the Spiritual Realm in the same exact way
as Bankers have acted as Middlemen and Gatekeepers in the Realm of
Commerce ---- stealing the Good Names and estates of babies, and
assigning these assets to the credit of "deceased" afterbirth
debris---then blocking these bogus ACCOUNTS and using our credit and
assets as they please, copyrighting our Names as franchises of their
corporations, patenting our DNA, selling our labor, taxing us to death
for purported "good causes" like the Crusades, and killing for Christ?
It's literally time for all this crappola to end.
can help by educating yourselves and exposing this gross corruption,
and if you are Catholic, you can help by bringing your membership in the
Church and your influence with your local priests and bishops to bear.
It sincerely gives me no pleasure to bring these urgent and ugly issues
to the attention of innocent Catholics worldwide.
tried to work with the Roman Catholic Church leadership to put an end
to this hideous nonsense, but ---while professing a willingness to
change and make correction with one breath, they have continued their
sins with the next.
You can also help by
alerting your local authorities, by correcting your own political status
records, by explicitly making a choice and re-conveying your Given Name
permanently back to the land and soil jurisdiction of your home State,
and last, but not least, by helping to organize and join your State
Jural Assembly--- and operating it according to the guidelines I am
giving you.
Be aware that these are indeed
perilous times we live in, and there is a great deal of urgency in all
of this. Also be aware that your safety and your property interests
depend on reclaiming your natural birthright political status, operating
your lawful State Jural Assemblies, and retaining for the time being,
all the existing contracts, treaties, and conventions that you are owed.
Don't let anyone cheat you or trick you into "voluntarily" giving away the protections and the government you are owed.
For All The Jural Assemblies - 9 Grand Theories and "Responses" Debunked
By Anna Von Reitz
By Anna Von Reitz
For All The Jural Assemblies - 9 Grand Theories and "Responses"Debunked
are many people out there milling around, most of them are
well-intentioned and some think they have "the" answer. Some are
Disinformation Agents as described in "7 Discipline".
started life as a mathematician and for me, the numbers have to add up
and the logic has to follow through and each quantity has to --- at
least eventually --- be known.
The simple
facts are these: (1) our actual government ---which we are owed--- is
not fully operational; (2) it is not functioning as it should because it
was never fully restored after the Civil War; (3) we have not restored
it, because we were not informed that it needed to be restored---certain
parties profited themselves by keeping that obscured; (4) now that we
have a grasp of the actual situation, we have the means to restore the
government we are owed in our hands and all we need to do, is do it.
can complain about us taking care of our own business, and there are a
great many people worldwide who will feel relieved and reassured that
the people of this country finally woke up and are taking control again.
Thomas Deegan and those trying to organize
the Oregon State Assembly have gone off the trolley and are advocating a
"tear it down to the ground and start over" idea---an insurrectionist
anarchist answer---at the same time they are trying to present
themselves as the Oregon State Assembly.
Think about this.
How can you pretend to be a member of a State that you are bent on destroying?
Do the words, "shoot yourself in the foot" come to mind? They should.
Deegan spent two years in jail for trespassing against the Territorial
State of West Virginia. He is lucky he didn't get 38 years like Bruce
Doucette in Colorado, who basically did the same thing ---- all of them
against my advice.
Thomas's theories have been
tested -- repeatedly -- and they always have the same result. The
patriots espousing these ideas go to jail and the government putting
them in jail is not one bit affected or changed for the better.
Use your common sense. If you want to change the way things are run
around here, you have to do the work of self-governance and assemble
your State Jural Assemblies. Act in your unincorporated capacity, take
care of business, and tell your employees what you want them to do.
a similar vein, there are all sorts of Petitions and Arbitrations and
other actions being pursued by well-meaning people and groups who are
attempting to "move" Congress and/or use principles of law to ensure
their immunity.
The Territorial Congress
already agreed that you are immune by passing the Foreign Sovereign
Immunity Act in 1976. And the Municipal Congress has nothing to say
about your immunity, because you are already the "authorized person"
associated with all your ACCOUNTS.
Again --- think about this.
you petition a foreign court or a foreign government, you are handing
your authority over to them and subjecting yourself to their
If you are acting as an
American, why would you petition the British Monarch about issues that
you yourself are supposed to control?
We don't
petition their government, which is merely under contract to provide
services to our own. We operate our own government and tell them how we
want the service they provide to be run.
Do you petition your groundskeeper to mow your lawn, or do you tell him how to mow it?
your heads screwed on, organize your State Jural Assembly, and tell
your Territorial employees what you want done and how you want it done.
Then restore your Federal State of State and
use it to direct the course of your State's international business
affairs --- as the Founders intended, instead of abdicating that
responsibility and letting the British Monarch and their Territorial
Officers act "for" you.
Arbitration of these
matters is bound to more or less fail, because the first default is on
our side, not the side of either the Territorial or Municipal
Governments. We haven't done our part. We haven't assembled our State
Jural Assemblies in 150 years. We haven't reconstructed our Federal
States of States.
They, the Territorial and
Municipal Governments have been left without instructions---hence
the claim of a perpetual "State of Emergency".
We have to get busy and give them instructions or the "State of Emergency" continues.
As an additional point on their side of the issue---we already have remedy.
is nothing stopping us from assembling our State Jural Assemblies,
restoring the Federal States of States, and going forward-----nothing
but our own ignorance about our own government. And sloth, of course.
an individual basis there is nothing stopping us from moving our Names
and ACCOUNTS back to the land and soil jurisdiction of the States,
either. Doing so instantly provides immunity from further presumption
against us by either the Territorial or Municipal Governments.
irritating as it may be in view of the abuses that have gone on, we
have always had remedy in our hands and under our control.
does not mean that we have not been defrauded and suffered Breach of
Trust and been the victims of many crimes, because we have, but we must
exercise our remedies first before addressing all of that.
means --- record your decision as the rightful "Authorized Person" to
leave Territorial and Municipal Jurisdiction and to return your Good
Name and ESTATE back to the land and soil jurisdiction of your State.
the Act of Expatriation from these "presumed" foreign political
statuses, re-convey your Trade Name back to permanent domicile on the
land and soil of your State, then move all the derivative NAMES back to
permanent domicile on the land and soil of your State, too. This
process is like re-flagging a ship and moves your "vessels" back to
America and back under American Common Law.
Instant immunity, no questions asked.
is necessary because your Mother was deceived and coerced and
mistakenly identified you as a British Territorial Citizen when you were
a baby. That is the fact.
Now, as an adult, you have been told about this circumstance.
is your responsibility to correct the records and declare yourself an
American, if, as is to be supposed in most cases, you would rather enjoy
your assets and freedom and benefit from the guarantees provided by all
the treaties and constitutional agreements---than be counted as a
pauper and treated as a debt slave of a British Territorial corporation.
The same
is true of the State Jural Assemblies --- the States own and are
supposed to control all the Federal "State of State" organizations
for their benefit, but as we didn't step forward and reorganize and
"reconstruct" the Federal States of States after the Civil War, that
part and function of our actual government ran amok.
Neither the Territorial nor the Municipal Governments are supposed to be running "State of State" organizations at all.
is nothing stopping us from finishing the reconstruction of our Federal
States of States, taking them out of mothballs, and returning them to
full operation --- nothing but our own ignorance. Again.
no Petitions to members of the Territorial or Municipal Congresses are
appropriate (it would be appropriate if we had an actual Federal
Continental Congress present to address, but we do not at this time) and
no Arbitration of these matters is advised because the default is on
our side of the line.
Any knowledgeable
Arbitration expert is going to look at this and say--- "Well, this
appears to be a situation in which you were identified as a British
Territorial United States Citizen as a baby, and you have voluntarily
remained in that status ever since, so what are you complaining about?"
can be anywhere you want to be. You can live in Scotland or you can
live France. You can live on the sea or in a houseboat on the
Mississippi or you can choose to live on land.
arbitrarily declared that all Americans were to be "presumed" to be out
on the sea on holiday, acting in the capacity of British Territorial
United States Citizens, and donating all their assets as chattel backing
the debts of the local Territorial State of State franchise of the
bankrupt Roman Catholic Church non-profit corporation known as the
"United States of America, Inc."
It's up to
you to declare it bunko and make your other choices known. If you don't
want to live on a wrecked boat drifting around out in the middle of the
ocean, by all means, forget the Roman holiday and come back home. Ditto
the "offer" of British Territorial Citizenship.
is also up to you to operate your own government and to do so according
to the rules your ancestors established until this entire country is
awake and organized and educated enough to make other choices.
there is confusion about what "states" we are talking about. Some
people have erroneously identified the Municipal STATE as one and the
same as the PEOPLE without realizing that neither have anything to do
with us.
The Municipal United States
Government runs on the basis of accounts, as in bank accounts. All the
various NAMES you see are bank accounts belonging to either incorporated
or unincorporated entities.
For example:
ALLEN JOHNSON" is a Municipal ESTATE trust bank account belonging to
the British Territorial United States Citizen "James Allen Johnson", a
franchise of the British Territorial State of Ohio, or, depending on
your choice of political status, it can also be interpreted as an ESTATE
bank account belonging to the American Tradesman "James Allen Johnson".
"JAMES A. JOHNSON" is a Municipal PUBLIC
TRANSMITTING UTILITY bank account that belongs to British Territorial
United States Citizen "James A. Johnson" or, depending on your choice of
political status, it can also be interpreted as an ACCOUNT belonging to
the American "James A. Johnson".
ACCOUNTS are all "under your name" and you are supposed to know how to
operate them, but the Trustees and perpetrators of this whole identity
theft and credit fraud scheme neglected to tell you a word about it,
much less how to operate these ACCOUNTS.
bank accounts are what they are, and obviously, a bank ACCOUNT cannot
actually own land and PEOPLE cannot actually represent people, either.
"PEOPLE owns STATE owns LAND" means "Account # 1092-79991-1 owns
Account # 51-456902-001 owns Account # 57757779-1-8985030." And there is
absolutely no indication in any of that about who owns "PEOPLE"---or at
least, pretends to.
These are issues that Donald Trump needs to sort out.
rest of us have our own hash to settle --- beginning with declaring our
political status as American State Nationals and explicitly moving our
Name and our ACCOUNTS back home to the land and soil jurisdiction of our
State, and following up with joining our State Jural Assembly.
Monday, January 21, 2019
For All The Jural Assemblies - 8 A Nation of Bastards?
By Anna Von Reitz
For All The Jural Assemblies - 8 A Nation of Bastards?
have briefly and simply explained the three basic jurisdictions of law
many times before and it was outlined in our book, "You Know Something
Is Wrong When..... An American Affidavit of Probable Cause", too.
live our lives in the Jurisdiction of the Air, before returning whence
we came, to the Jurisdiction of the Land and Soil (Earth). In between,
our feet tread upon either the land or the sea, which is our choice. It
is that choice that concerns us when we are talking about the secular
government and the forms of law we encounter day to day--- but in order
to clear the air:
The law of the Jurisdiction
of the Air is divided into ecclesiastical law and canon law, which can
loosely be defined as the law for the people who make up the body of the
Church (ecclesiastical) and the law for the churchmen and clergy
(canon). This in turn relatively reflects the same kind of formula
difference as one finds between the Public Law which everyone is
supposed to obey and the Private law of the Federal Code, for example
Law is formed of doctrines that are spelled out in the form of Accords
and Concords and Creeds and all sorts of Writs and Edicts, while Canon
Law is neatly numbered (though voluminous like the Federal Code) and
stipulates all the do's and don'ts and rights and obligations and duties
of priests and lesser clerics and administrators.
there is a Third Jurisdiction and two more mighty sets of laws and a
Christian Assembly that has nothing to do with a secular State Jural
Assembly; and, there is a "Divine Government" established by "Assemblies
of Believers" known as "Congregations" within a church, but that is not
the kind of assembly that we are talking about when we are discussing
the American Government (Land) vs. U.S. Government (Sea) and State Jural
Some people are getting this all balled up and confused and someone has to take the initiative to say-- whoa!
you want to argue how many angels can sit on the head of a pin this is
not the forum to do that and the State Jural Assemblies are no place to
have those kinds of religious discussions. We all have cause to know
that although most of our Forefathers were Christian they did not create
a Theocracy, nor, for that matter, did they create a Democracy. They
instead negotiated for each state to enjoy a "republican form of
government" where the power remained solidly based on unincorporated
institutions and the free will of the people living on the land and soil
of each geographically defined "State".
the job of the State Jural Assemblies is to organize and re-populate the
land and soil jurisdiction of each of the American States, and then, to
finish the "reconstruction" the Federal States of States, so that our
Government is restored to its intended form and fully functional.
is a big enough job without any religious controversies blurring the
lines and making a difficult job even more complex and dragging in
issues that have nothing to do with our Secular Government then or now.
the Roman Catholic Church did poke its nose in and get involved in
the Great Fraud in 1925, when it incorporated a non-profit corporation
doing business as "the" United States of America (Inc.) in the State of
Delaware and continued the same basic scheme as the Scottish Government
promoted in 1868 when it created "The United States of America"
Incorporated---- naming a corporation after our unincorporated
Federation of States and letting confusion and deceitfully similar names
promote identity theft, hypothecation of debt, and all the rest of it.
created a situation where the Holy See had a Territorial Corporation
dba "the" United States of America, Inc., and various Municipal
Corporations doing business as the MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT
STATES and so on --- and the Holy See and its Secular Administration run
by the Office of the Roman Pontiff -- saw fit to bring along many
antiquated and evil practices that it had practiced in Europe for
These included the Doctrine of
Scarcity, the Doctrine of Bastardy, and the practice of Bono Vacantia
among other destructive instruments designed to denigrate and invalidate
other Christian denominations as well as all other religious faiths---
and fleece the populace blind in the name of Jesus.
although our American Government is and always was thoroughly and
determinedly secular in nature and though the Separation of Church and
State was very well settled and established in this country prior to
1925, the increasing role of the Roman Catholic Church as a
"governmental services provider" thoroughly polluted the administration
of both Territorial and Municipal Government Services with religious
dogma and prejudice that has contributed mightily to the fraud and abuse
that has occurred in our country.
The Order
of the Templars came back from the Crusades "infected" with a brand of
Gnosticism born of exposure to the more ancient cults of Baal from
Babylon and Sumeria, and Osiris from Egypt. The Pope and King Philip of
France had also borrowed a great deal of money from the Templars, and
were hard up against having to pay them back. So they used the religious
differences as an excuse to suppress, murder, and confiscate the
property of the Templars.
That is what
ultimately created two portions of our modern dilemma --- the first
being the suppression of the Templars and their beliefs, resulting in
Freemasonry and other less savory Secret Societies, and the second being
the start of a loathsome habit of the Holy See and its Collaborators of
borrowing huge amounts of money from people and then killing off their
Priority Creditors.
You can see this most
grossly in the Second World War wherein the Holy See and Hitler borrowed
huge amounts of money from Jews living in Germany and Eastern Europe,
and then, when it was time to pay back the debt, exterminated their
Priority Creditors instead. The Municipal corporations under the
control of the Holy See and their principal subcontractors --- the
Alphabet Soup Agencies --- were being fully prepared and weaponized to
carry out exactly this same maneuver in America, complete with FEMA
concentration camps.
This behavior cannot be
seen as anything related to religious differences or any misunderstood
loyalty to the teachings of Yeshuah. It is criminal behavior --- theft,
murder, and piracy--- motivated by greed and blamed on the victims in
every instance since the suppression of the Templars.
Church attempted to excuse this by adopting what can only be described
as doctrinal schizophrenia --- preaching the Gospel under the sacred
Office of the Pope, and allowing this filthy, violent, horrifying
behavior under the Office of the Roman Pontiff. And selling it all
under the Church's storefront.
The recent
maneuvers have not stopped the problem. The Office of the Roman Pontiff
was closed down in 2011, but the "new" Holy Roman Empire started up on
its heels and took over the same old function --- the Gold, Order, and
Dominion function of secretive violence, war-mongering, theft, deceit
and criminal brutality. Gold, Order, and Dominion = GOD, and their
KINGDOM OF GOD, which is not our Kingdom of Heaven, and not allied with
any teaching of Yeshuah.
It is also clear that
after bankrupting and liquidating the Municipal UNITED STATES, INC. and
granting the perpetrators undeserved bankruptcy protection, the Holy
See and its property managers at the Vatican fully intend to simply boot
up another deceitfully named Municipal Corporation and reward the
criminal members of the Municipal United States "Congress".
is, after all this, after all the exposure of their misdeeds and
criminality, they have learned nothing. They have not turned away from
their sins. They have not repented one bit. They have simply coiled
around and shed their skin and think that they are going to go right on
with business as usual.
My Mother had a good answer for snakes. It's called a garden hoe.
making these observations it gives me no pleasure to report, nor does
the rest of the story, which Kurt Kallenbach explains exhaustively in
his publications and on his website, www.kurtisrichardkallenbach.xyz.
research that Kurt and his team have undertaken coincides, underlines,
explains additional --- especially theological --- history, that only
concerns us in that it explains the origins of the ignorant and
superstitious practices that have ultimately been elevated to excuse
gross crimes against each and every one of us.
briefly, clerics at the time of Thomas Aquinas could not explain the
nature of the afterbirth that accompanied each child into the world. So
they deemed it a live born "human person" that mysteriously died upon
entering this world.
We have caught hospital
personnel and have hospital records detailing how the afterbirth is
seized upon and kept without the knowledge or consent of the Mother or
Father, how it is named using our Given Name--purportedly "donated" by
the Mother, and how this is used as an excuse to steal and replicate our
identity, to create an "infant decedent estate" named after us, and
ultimately, to even steal our DNA.
As bizarre
as this is, it is true. This has been going on non-stop in Maternity
Wards for years and the identity of the Mothers as married women has
been being obscured because the Catholic Church refuses to recognize any
marriage not given their stamp of approval. Thus, according to them,
we are all "bastards" --- unclaimed waifs, wards of the State of State,
unclaimed property. .
One wonders whatever
excuse these unrepentant Middlemen can make in view of their sins, for
standing as Gatekeepers between the True God and his Children, and as
Judges over the rest of us, when they cannot observe the least bit of
common decency.
I am sure that the vast
majority of Catholics reading this short summation will be horrified and
disbelieving, but these bizarre claims and practices are fully and
exhaustively proven and documented and they all amount to nothing but a
very large pile of lies, half-truths, fantasies, superstitions, and most
all --- excuses for crime.
As a result,
yes, Campers, we find it necessary to even go back and claim our DNA,
via a Paramount Claim to our essence from the moment of our conception
and the formation of a zygote.
They stole
your Given Name and identity. They stole your Earthly estate. They even
stole your DNA. All in the "Name of God" and "Jesus Christ", of
Repentance must come to this Church
--- true, lasting, and strictly enforced repentance, because until it
does, nobody and nothing on Earth will be safe.
It literally
is like nursing a nest of vipers, as their confessions and contrition
appear to last all of five minutes before they go do the same evils
again and indulge themselves in more lies and half-truths and
Even though our State Jural
Assemblies have nothing to do with Congregational Assemblies, and our
Courts do not address ecclesiastical or canon law, we do address probate
of our estates and our property interests and our intellectual property
rights and our private assets ---- all of which have been deplorably
abused by these hypocrites on a worldwide scale.
it is, that while the British Monarch is responsible for the abuses
practiced upon us in the international jurisdiction of the sea, the Pope
is responsible for the abuses in the global jurisdiction of the air,
and both of them must be held accountable for this state of affairs.
There is
a backdoor where religious controversy enters in, though it is not a
part of our American Government, and is in fact a source of gross
criminal behavior on the part of subcontractors run by the Holy See and
its Vatican property managers.
As we wake up
and get started with the vast house-cleaning and restoration work set
before us, it is only rational that all Catholics worldwide object to
these gross criminal practices and refuse to support their continuance,
the lies against the Mothers and their rights, the lies against the
babies and theft of their DNA, their Good Names, and their estates ---
all of this ancient, superstitious evil used to excuse criminal activity
must stop and it must stop now. It has no validity in fact and
certainly has no place in the modern world.
State Jural Assemblies have the power and must demand the repeal of
Federal Code Title 37, conscripting our doctors, nurses, dentists and
other health care personnel into the "US" military as "Uniformed
Officers" and end the extortionate use of professional licensing to
compel them to participate in these bizarre practices and clandestine
registrations of afterbirths "as" live born Americans festooned with our
Given Names and used to substitute "for" us so as to steal our
identities almost from the moment of our birth.
We must all, worldwide, expose these evils and those who practice them inside and outside the Roman Catholic Church.
must demand that the unrepentant Roman Curia suspend all privileges of
incorporation to the members and administrators and Board of Directors
of the Municipal United States Congress and not reward these Vermin with
any further opportunity to create, organize, operate, direct,
share-hold, or benefit from any incorporated entity whatsoever.
must not be allowed to come back through the door, unroll a new
Municipal Charter, and continue on. They must be stopped and they must
be punished.
Any attempt to just hand-off the
nastiness of the Office of the Roman Pontiff and its profits to a new
gang of criminals operating as the "Holy Roman Empire" needs to be
stopped in its tracks, too.
We are not a
"nation of bastards" and neither are the people of the many other
nations of the world which have been denigrated and disserved in the
same way, using the same venal practices, the same archaic and evil
The State Jural Assemblies are
therefore reminded that these are not religious issues from the
standpoint of the American Government, but they are issues of property
crime, false claims in commerce, fraud, conspiracy, unlawful conversion,
identity theft, inland piracy, personage, Breach of Trust, copyright
infringement, mis-characterization, credit and insurance fraud,
bankruptcy fraud, securities fraud, extortion, racketeering, money
laundering, kidnapping, treaty violations, and numerous other kinds of
If the Catholics don't voluntarily and
honestly clean up their own Church, monitor its behavior, and control
its business affairs, it is inevitable that the rest of us will have to
expose and embarrass them until they do. It is also apparent that
Catholic owned and operated corporations, like British owned and
operated corporations, have embezzled vast amounts of money and
resources out of the American States and People and as a reward, have
prepared to murder us, their Priority Creditors.
continued lunatic behavior cannot be tolerated in the modern world, and
should rightfully be known and addressed by the State Jural Assemblies
going forward----but not as a religious issue--- as a criminal and
economic issue.
For All The Jural Assemblies -7 Discipline
By Anna Von Reitz
For All The Jural Assemblies -7 Discipline
If you have been
doing your homework and following along, you now know how much is riding
on the success of the State Jural Assemblies and the willingness and
ability of the American People to learn their true and proper role and
do the work associated with it.
are now aware of the gross profit motives of those who have betrayed
your National Trust and used and abused the American States and People
ever since the Civil War.
You know that the British Monarchs and the Popes have acted in Gross Breach of Trust to allow this abuse.
know that members of Congress --- both Republican and Democrat alike
--- have deliberately and deceitfully abused your trust, too, and have
operated in a criminal conspiracy designed to usurp your power and
impoverish you for their own benefit and the benefit of foreign
know that all these Parties to Fraud and many other crimes have grown
rich and powerful at your expense, even the expense of your lives.
you have reason to know that this has been orchestrated in the same way
that any crime syndicate is operated via "patsies" --- those who
unknowingly contribute their services to evil and via "made men" who
know the score and keep the scam running.
Most of us have served as patsies in this scheme at some time or another, simply out of ignorance.
your fledgling State Jural Assemblies you will find good solid people
who have their heads screwed on tight, who follow the logic and the
history, and who study (hard) to get things right. You will also find
four other kinds of people: (1) the sincerely confused; (2) disruptors;
and (3) disinformation agents; and (4) spies.
patient with those who are truly confused and do your best to explain
things, even multiple times. Those who have been indoctrinated in the
Public Schools run by these monsters have learned and believed lies all
their lives and it is difficult for them to "un-learn" all this, all at
once. Then, too, much of the fraud involved hinges on words and the use
and misuse of words. Not everyone is an English Major, okay? So, it
will take time for everyone to completely understand the verbiage and
how it was pulled on us.
Disruptors are all the nasty, pushy, I-am-important-my-issues-count-and
-yours-don't, and the "I-have-a-problem-with-that (whatever it is) on a
constant basis folks. You all know who I am talking about. They
always want to argue and split-hairs and find fault and gripe and blame
and do very little to nothing themselves that is constructive, helpful,
or correct. They are like little cyclones causing chaos and impeding
progress wherever they go, usually babbling about arcane, obscure points
of law or grammar or similar ontological, semantic, or religious
concerns. They are attention seekers who just won't take no for an
answer or allow anyone else a fair shot at addressing other concerns.
these characters, especially the paid provocateurs, get together in
pairs or small groups, and work together to keep everyone stymied.
them aside and explain that people who disrupt the functioning of the
Assembly or impede the conduct of business in State Jural Assembly
meetings can and will be removed by the Marshal-at-Arms.
people are just naturally like this and go from one thing to another
seeking attention with no very clear purpose at all, but a substantial
percentage of the Disruptors are paid provocateurs engaged for the
purpose of causing this kind of interruption and obstruction.
adoption of some rules of order to conduct meetings can help keep them
under control, but occasionally it is necessary to throw them out of a
meeting because they persist in disorderly, rude, obstructive behavior.
Showing them the door at one meeting does not prevent them from
attending again (hopefully in a more thoughtful frame of mind) and it
may discourage them from participation at all --- but, realistically,
their help is that of a flat tire anyway.
Agents and Spies are both almost always federal employees or people in
trouble with federal authorities who are more or less coerced into
infiltrating groups and spreading hokum. This can be any variety of
lies or scam operations, but typically involves incitement to violence,
baiting to trespass, introduction of illegal goods or contraband,
fraudulent fundraising schemes, immoral temptation leading to blackmail,
and similar activities.
good way to provide your State Jural Assembly with a degree of defense
from these provocateurs is to "excuse" them before every meeting begins.
This is a simple announcement saying, "Anyone who is here under false
pretenses, anyone who is working for any foreign government including
the Territorial United States or Municipal United States, anyone who is
being paid or coerced to be here, must fully disclose their presence and
purpose now, or leave the premises."
If they subsequently show up as Federal Witnesses they are discredited for failure to disclose.
many G-men and women will disclose at this point. They will simply
present their badges and tell why they are present and that's that. Most
times they will then leave and not come back. If they stay, its up to
you to either ask them to leave or proceed as normal, according to your
own best judgment.
have always practiced a no-holds-barred-look-all-you-like transparency,
which discourages these characters from getting all excited and
bringing more resources and tricks to bear trying to discover activities
that are perfectly lawful anyhow. That said, a State Jural Assembly is
by definition a Closed Assembly, meant to be attended only by Qualified
Members and known Guests.
Please take a look at the list of typical tricks of the Disinformation Agents and Spies:
Incitement to violence. They will come in all red hot and spewing
rhetoric and stomping mad or they will wheedle away at your outrage over
the theft and injustice aspects of what has been done here. If they
can't get people all riled up and "violent" and "insurrectionist" either
of those two methods, they will try the "Safety Angle" --- and try to
make everyone fearful and paranoid, and encourage them to do things like
make "contingency plans" as a group, stockpile arms, and take similar
actions. They will talk about "getting even" with attorneys and judges
and politicians and similar ploys to draw people into compromising
conversations in order to accuse them of threatening Territorial or
Municipal government officials.
you simply step back from their sideshow, and observe where their
diatribes and insinuations and topics all lead, it's transparent enough.
They are trying to gather evidence that our State Jural Assemblies
are: (1) not operating properly, and (2) are "fronts" for "rebels" and
"insurrectionists" plotting violent overthrow of the government (such as
it is) and/or (3) trying to get people to do or say incriminating
things that can be used to accuse them of some form of "terrorism".
Americans may justly be outraged, the proper and profitable attitude is
to "Keep calm and get even." Or as my Mother described it --- "Make
like a duck, all calm and unflappable on the outside, paddling like hell
all have lawful recourse in answer to their fraud schemes and abuses
and have no reason to be afraid or to allow anger to overtake our better
are the criminals engaged in conspiracy against the Constitutions and
against the lawful government of this country --- not us. They are the
employees caught in gross breach of trust and fraud against their
employers --- not us. Let them be looking over their shoulders and
making contingency plans --- not us.
as for our hurts and grudges -- criminals seldom have much that can be
attached to pay restitution or damages, but in this case, they have
amassed vast quantities of credit and goods, homes and lands and pension
funds ---- all under conditions of fraud and unjust enrichment.
don't have to resort to violence or worry too much about our
recompense. All the Notices have been published worldwide. The Bad Guys
in this case have no place to escape and the greatest danger we face is
our own ignorance.
when you hear some firebrand ranting and raving and inciting violence
and talking "more patriot than patriot" -- think twice and think: ah, a
possible government agent in our chicken coop -- and play your own game
instead of his.
when you encounter a wheedler, constantly moaning and aggrieved about
losses and blaming others and whining in an outraged fashion and
encouraging in vague terms "doing something about it" --- think, ah, a
possible government agent trying to drum up business ---and again, play
your own game.
the fear-mongers trying to make people afraid of exercising their
lawful and natural rights, until they are scared and looking over their
shoulders like they are guilty of something for reclaiming their own
Good Names and joining their State Jural Assembly.
Baiting to Trespass. This is one of the likely results of the
"incitement to violence" ploys discussed above, and it is what took down
Bruce Doucette and the Colorado Nine.
Disinformation Agent named Michael R. Hamilton, an insurance adjuster
by trade (which should have raised red flags aplenty) insinuated himself
and encouraged the people in Colorado to make a tragic mistake.
They mistook the Territorial and Municipal Courts and their Officers for their own "missing" courts and Public Officials.
a result, they addressed these foreigners as if they were actual County
and State employees guilty of malfeasance and dereliction of duty
---and they transgressed into the foreign international jurisdiction of
the sea and threatened these Officers of the Queen and of the Pope with
the punishments that would be owed to actual State (instead of State of
State) Officials.
that is what got them arrested and thrown into jail. Michael R.
Hamilton of course, was nowhere to be seen. He entrapped them using
their own ignorance against them and baiting them to trespass.
a State Jural Assembly member, you have cut your ties to all "federal"
entities now in operation and have no cause whatsoever to make threats
or transgress into their watery jurisdiction at all.
irritating as it may be to have their continued operations in your face
and to have them operating their private corporations out of your
public buildings ---don't take the bait.
that you have the means in your hands to correct this situation
peaceably ---by operating your land and soil jurisdiction States and
Counties, by educating the populace, by building up your own Courts to
serve the People of your State----and by exposing their lawless and
predatory criminal activities to the proper authorities who are running
these corporations on our shores-- the President, the Queen, the Pope,
the Lord Mayor of London, the United Nations Secretary General, the
various State of State and STATE OF STATE Territorial and Municipal
Congressional Delegations, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, etc.
don't take the bait when they try to scare you. Make no "contingency
plans" and store up no stockpiles of arms, etc., beyond what you may
need for your family in some kind of emergency---earthquake, fire,
flood, etc.
is the ploy they used on Schaeffer Cox and his friends in Fairbanks,
Alaska. The Federales introduced moles --- Disinformation Agents ---
who were in trouble already on Federal charges, and those men created a
climate of fear so that Schaeffer and others were afraid for their lives
and "drawn out" to make "contingency plans" and acquire dubious amounts
of firearms, etc. under the guidance and entrapment of the same men who
were scaring them into these actions and secretly taping the
of course, this was used to make it look like Schaeffer and the others
accused were "dangerous threats" and "terrorists bent on violence" and
"unstable" nutcases. They were, in fact, just innocent men being
"played" by experts to their own downfall.
take the bait when they try to make you mad, either. When they try to
"draw you out" to express anger against judges and attorneys --- you can
be as enraged as you please --- but sit there quiet as a mouse and say
nothing. Nothing at all. Let them do all the raging and shouting. Enjoy
the show.
Introduction of illegal goods and contraband. When the Federales get
really desperate, they will get their Agents to bring in contraband --
drugs, alcohol, and firearms, but most likely firearms --- and attempt
to blame you and your State Jural Assembly for "possession" of these
items. They will try hard to get you to participate and agree to having
these "controlled substances" in your possession or on the premises
during your Assembly Meeting.
original Constitution gives the Federal Government control over
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. This is how and why George Washington
got involved in The Whiskey Rebellion. The Federal Government was given
control over the sale and transport of these items as a source of
income to fund the government.
things went astray, they have also helped themselves to "control" over
habit-forming drugs, though they have no specific authority to do so,
and strictly speaking have no authority over possession or use ---- only
over "sale and transport" across state lines.
look sharp and warn all your members. This was their excuse for Ruby
Ridge (rumors of a single sawed off shotgun) and Waco (rumors of illegal
drugs being stored and sold at the Branch Davidian Compound). The
shotgun was a "gift" and the drugs were stored by the CIA without the
knowledge or help of any Branch Davidian. Go figure. Before Janet Reno
unleashed the fire bombs and flame throwers on the helpless women and
little children you can still view the FBI footage of the helicopters
safely transporting all the drugs out in white plastic bales.
Fraudulent Fundraising. The Federales also have control of the US MAIL
and United States Postal Service. They love to get organizations
involved in illicit fundraising activities by having their agents
promote hare-brained Ponzi schemes and membership fraud schemes and
unfulfilled product schemes, all of which can land people in jail for a
long time and cause a lot of havoc. Just say no. Any fundraising you
do for your State Jural Assembly should be by free donation only, or, if
you are prepared to offer a product in exchange for a standard
"donation" let it be something like a Veg-O-Matic, not anything produced
by the members of your Assembly --- no templates for sale, no "Freedom
Packages" and so on.
Immoral temptation/blackmail. The Federales are famous for using sex
and drugs to draw people into compromising situations, filming it all,
and using this against the "target" to coerce "cooperation" in any
number of situations. Just remember: there are no secrets. Warn your
membership that State Jural Assembly members need to conduct their
personal lives as if their Mother and the entire Church Choir (or
Synagogue School or Mosque Fellowship) were behind one of those two-way
mirror windows, watching. Because they are.
may be an unnerving thought at first, especially if your life up to
this point has been "untidy"---but if you want to save your country and
your inheritance and live at peace, then keeping your own act clean is
really the least of the sacrifices to be made.
yourselves to tell no lies, make no excuses, and to live your lives so
that as the saying goes, when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
the Devil says, "Oh, no! He's up!" ---- or "She's up!" --- whichever.
Or both, for couples. And practice saying no, politely, and often.
you are over one of their targets they will start plying you. Gee, you
are such a good fellow! Not like the rest of those, well, unsavory
patriots. You understand. You are sophisticated! You enjoy the finer
things.... you've gone places (or you want to go places, wherever they
might be---actually, the Federal Pen is what they have in mind) and so,
yeah, come on, there's going to be this party at the Stag's Leap Inn on
Friday, why not come?
At first the entertainment may be polite and nice. A great dinner party and intelligent conversation, interesting people.
those interesting people will be a "Flagger" whose only job there is
very closely but unobtrusively observe everything you say and do. In a
group of maybe two dozen people, this one will be the one that is always
in view, but never actually coming very close to you. Only close
enough to hear your conversation using a tiny listening device in their
ear. Usually the Flagger won't be anyone that appears very interesting
--- probably dumpy and at least middle aged.
to you, this is an information gathering event. People will be very
interested in you and your ideas and your group --- your State Jural
Assembly--- and since most of them will be beautiful and younger than
you, you may be tempted to expound as an elder or merely puff up with
pride and brag.
do that. Be modest and keep your opinions very mild. Cream cheese
would not melt in your mouth. Play them like they are playing you.
on the issues and their group "take" on you, this business of nice
society events may go on for quite a while as they grapple with how to
land the fish.
hearty. Enjoy the champagne --- but not too much, and don't drink
anything that is poured from a fresh bottle. Just absent-mindedly set
your glass down somewhere and forget about it as necessary, as many
times as necessary.
they will figure out what kind of person interests you and try to put
you in closer and closer contact with one or more of them. If you are a
married man the day will certainly come when someone, perhaps your
oldest friend, a mild-mannered bachelor who as already succumbed--
suggests, "Why don't you make an excuse? Tell Jill (your wife) that
you're going to go to the game with me on Friday?"
yeah, it will "kinda sorta" be true. It will be a "game" all right,
and you will lose---because in most cases the victims don't even know
its a game until its over and there's a big "L" painted on their
people are experts at this kind of seduction and most likely, you and
the members of your fledgling State Jural Assembly, are not.
best way to go is to warn everyone up front about this kind of slow,
attentive, painstaking evaluation and seduction process that the
Federales use to entrap good people and turn them upside down, ruin
their lives, ruin their marriages, get them fired, steal their patents,
nail them on phony tax charges, etc., etc., etc.
Just say no. Practice saying no. Say it politely, but firmly.
if for some reason you feel that you have to accept an invitation,
don't ever let yourself get in a situation where you are dependent and
as much as possible, don't go alone. Bring your wife or your husband,
your best friend, a couple other Assembly Members. Keep your cell phone.
Have a duty driver who is loyal to you. Make sure all sorts of people
know where you are going and who will be there. Let nothing at all be
secret. Ever.
regret having to talk about this kind of thing and warn grown people
like Mom giving you the business before you go out on a date, but most
of the people I know who are members of State Jural Assemblies are good,
honest ---and unsuspecting--- people with no real exposure to the Swamp
or Swamp Creatures.
your members and support each other, and remind everyone to keep
everything including their own private lives on the up and up.
forewarned that you will be getting Swamp Dwellers coming through your
doors, because losing their federal contracts is too important an issue
for it to be otherwise. They will come and you all will have to be ready
for them. Not afraid, not angry --- just ready.
convicted of any serious crime are prohibited from serving as a State
Citizen and from holding any Public Office in the actual American
Government. They can reclaim their status as State Nationals and live
their lives and enjoy their property assets. They can stand on the
sidelines and support those who have to carry the torch and operate the
States and reconstruct the Federal States of States, but our Forefathers
did not intend to have any weak links in our leadership.
Think about that when -- as they will -- the temptations come to your State Jural Assembly.
may even be plied with more abstract organization-oriented temptation
and attempts to play upon common ignorance. The Federal Agents, however
disguised, may attempt to seduce your State Jural Assembly as a whole.
will tell you ---hey, if you want to be eligible for "Federal Block
Grants" or "HUD and Urban Development Grants" or "Agricultural Loans"
or, or, or, then you "have to" incorporate and "update" and "get
is exactly what they told all the Counties back in 1965. They didn't
explain that all those "Block Grants" would be pittance kickbacks from
all the racketeering money the Federales intended to make from taking
title to all the land assets of those counties.
didn't explain that the strength, power, assets, and sovereignty belong
only to unincorporated people and unincorporated States and
unincorporated Counties, did they?
they came in like the Pied Pipers they are, sang a little song and
dance, waved piles of cash and tales of more in front of the hungry
"locals", told a half-truth or two or three, deflowered some girls, beat
up some boys, and poured a lot of drinks ---- and before you know it,
Joe and Bob and Hank and Rita had signed over everything (even though it
wasn't really theirs to sign over) and the Boys from DC were in the
Driver's Seat.
you all fall for that stupidity again, that's where they will stay ---
and they won't stop until this country and our Ship of State is sunk,
because the Swamp Creatures are what they are and have always been.
up to you to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves, to politely and
with absolute determination cling to your moral principles, to your
unincorporated status, to your humble but actual powers, and to your
good common sense.
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