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Our Constitution is not Irrelevant, Justice Ginsburg Posted by Rep. Michele Bachmann (Diary)
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Thursday, 9-Feb-2012 06:06:20
Our Constitution is not Irrelevant, Justice Ginsburg
Posted by Rep. Michele Bachmann (Diary)
Wednesday, February 8th at 8:24PM EST
If you walk by the National Archives on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. you will most likely see a line of people waiting to get just a glimpse of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. These two aged documents are browned with time and sealed under layers of a secure glass enclosure in the domed lobby of the Archives. But they still manage to impress their visitors. The inked words of the Constitution, many of them carefully penned by Gouverneur Morris over 200 years ago, are now barely visible. While some foreign visitors may struggle to make them out, we Americans know them by heart. “We the people in order to form a more perfect union…” the Constitution starts, and what follows is one of the most awe inspiring and heartfelt treatises to freedom in the history of man. After all, this one document founded the most successful country the world has ever known.
Unfortunately, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg doesn’t believe in the importance of the U.S. Constitution. Ironically, though her job is to “support the Constitution” (Article 6, U.S. Constitution) she instead did everything but uphold it last Wednesday. During an interview with Egyptian television network Al Hayat in Cairo, she was asked to give her opinion regarding the type of government Egypt should adopt as they try to rebuild their country following the Arab Spring. Her response? “I would not look to the U.S. Constitution, if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012.” Though she extolled certain parts of the U.S. Constitution, she went on to propose Egypt instead use South Africa’s Constitution as a basis for their new government.
I am deeply saddened and disappointed in Justice Ginsburg’s answer. As a Supreme Court Justice who daily delves into the U.S. Constitution looking for answers to the nation’s top cases, I would hope she would have developed a love for this crucial founding document. Yet instead, she implied its irrelevancy! Why would our Constitution not be just as good a foundation for a nation’s government today as it was in 1788?
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Under states of national emergencies the CONstitution can and will be suspended, what was declared by the usurper yesterday ??
You people are ALL cowards and do not deserve to live in America !!
I hardly believe that Justice Ginsburg doesn't believe in the Constitution. The fact of the matter is that our Constitution is outdated and doesn't take into account many things such as health care and social security. Keep in mind it was written during a time of slavery where black men were considered 2/3 of a person. Not to mention that she does go on to support the South African Constitution because of the peoples involvement in creating the Constitution, unlike our Constitution which was created by a group of elite white men. While our Constitution is revolutionary for the time it was founded but considering we are living almost 250 years later there are many things that were not addressed or protected that today should be included.
If you take a look at the South African Constitution, it really is a very good document; protecting labor rights, the right to food, water and good health, the right to information and education, freedom from slavery, freedom from discrimination, the right to a healthy environment and environmental protection, plus all the rights we have in our own bill of rights.
While I do believe in the Constitution and support it here in our own country, I do believe that it does need to be updated to include some thing such as FDR's Second Bill of Rights....if such a document was amended into our own Constitution I think it would be excellent and afford us protections that could've rescued the American people in a better way than it has today.
I think she may have been sending a message. It is a fact that the constitution has some real flaws. Not knowing the S. Africa constitution I can not comment there.
US constitution flaws.
Allows Government to borrow money. Buzzzzzzzz
Two Classes. People with all rights and US Citizens with Civil rights. Buzzzzzzzzzz
Commerce Clause. Buzzzzzzzzzzz
Should liberty as meaning property.
and a few more changes to protect the people from government and establish freedom not a police state. To tax is a crime, forced by any government is a police state.
Michele Bachman is a hypocrite.
She used to put people in prison for "tax crimes", and had to know that the 16th Amendment did not authorize the so-called income tax. It only disallowed the source of income to be claimed as a reason for not paying excises taxes on property that gave off income. In simple terms, under the 16th Amendment, you cannot claim a tax on income from property was a tax on the property itself and claim it required apportionment. Many wealthy people were doing this in the early 20th century, and congress decided to act to close this loophole. However, it was cleverly worded by banking cartels who promoted it, to make the simpletons on the street think that "all income" was now taxable. (Brushaber v. Union Pacific RR)
Michele Bachman is an Amway lady, at best, when it comes to the Constitution and taxes.
Unfortunately some forget the reason for the Constitution. Our God, Creator gave us life. Not politicians. Healthcare is not a right its a privilege. Those who are useless breaders and slobs who live off the working class believe they are owed. No one owes you anything. Society has become so dang lazy and ignorant and depend on someone to care for them. Start reading and get educated you are responsible for your own self,no one else! if you need someone to feed and cloth you you are useless. We the People have the right to live free and no one or government can take that right. you uneducated fools think the Constitution was meant for you it was to keep the beast in the box. This is why this country is crashing. Only God can take that right and not some slime ball politician.
What she said is borderline TREASON! If she belives that another country's constitution is better than she can be my guest leave this country and don't let the TSA grubby hands hit your backside on the way out!
I believe.... Our Creator created us all as equals (no one above or below another) and saw it was good. The Creator bestowed upon all of us certain un a lien able RIGHTS, not privileges. And among these rights (not the only ones) are LIFE (not death and ill health... and no one is a "useless breeder"), LIBERTY (Freedom uninfringed upon by others who think they (Ego) are closer to the Creator. In fact, the first time I looked this word up in the DICTIONARY - early 1900's, pre-1860 best, it said "Diplomatic Immunity" among other definitions, such as being allowed to make "Mistakes" (Not on purpose), to learn the correct WAY, anyone remember, "try, try again"?), And The Pursuit of Happiness. No wonder our country is so badly screwed up if people don't know at least that much, and most of us don't.) Much of the Constitution was written to limit the power of the government---not the other way around. The US CORP. established in 1860 +/- along with the lawyers (who were denied gov. office in the Original 13th Amendment), Britain, Vatican and no telling who all else... screwed us all over so it seems. God save the queen, eh? And, Bless their hearts, they still are. That is why US citizens have privileges which can be taken away....not rights granted by our Creator. And guess what? We all volunteer to be US citizens. We are all guilty of selling our souls cause we think it's the right/legal thing to do... signing the B. Certificate as an Informer, that SS Card, the DL, Marriage Lic., the etc., Research...Read...Learn...Listen,PLEASE! (Nine dot's to represent all of our pretty legal (not lawful) document numbers.) I still have hope. We can overcome! Complaining doesn't compute...
Citizens of the Kingdom of Light--we are all One, as God is One--One Mind, One Consciousness, One with the Source of All That Is! Transcend the limitations of duality consciousness! All is of God, and All will return to God, the Absolute, the Supreme Creator of All That Is! Examine your own soul, each one of you, and turn your focus back to where your allegiance truly belongs--to the One in Whom we live and move and have our being--to the Master of Universes! Hear the wise words of the prophet--"MY PEOPLE HAVE FORSAKEN ME, THE FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATERS, AND HAVE HEWED THEMSELVES CISTERNS, BROKEN CISTERNS THAT CAN HOLD NO WATER!" "THESE PEOPLE WORSHIP ME WITH THEIR LIPS, BUT THEIR HEARTS ARE FROM ME." There is but One God and Father of all, Who is above all and in all, and He is before all things, and in Him all things consist! His Name is "I AM THAT I AM", and we are One consciousness with I AM! The uncertainties of life and the vicissitudes of existence do not in any manner contradict the universal concept of the Sovereignty of God! All evolutionary creative life is based on accepting and on embracing personal responsibility for the reality that we create through our thoughts, our words, and our actions, and on being part of the solution rather than part of the problem. True liberation is only experienced when you embrace the fact that separation from the Source of All That Is, is an illusion, and that everything you have experienced in your individual journey is because of your own choice! You chose to enter this life in order to learn the lessons that were best for you, and the sooner you embrace this truth, the more fulfilling your life will be! The most important need in your life is to develop CHARACTER, and this journey provides divine opportunities to grow in character through an environment which necessitates grappling with and overcoming hardships and disappointments. The Psalmist said it best--"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." What is often left unsaid is that HIS DESIRES will become your desires, for only He knows what is best for you as a wise and loving Father.
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