Hurricane Isaac and God’s Final Warning to America
Revelation 16:7
And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
- Hurricane Isaac is heading into the Gulf of Mexico and now is projected to hit the New Orleans area. This is incredibly significant and has the potential for tremendous judgment.
The hurricane is scheduled to hit the New Orleans area on Wednesday, August 29 which is the beginning of an annual homosexual event in New Orleans called “Southern Decadence.” (I do not recommend going to this website.)
Isaac, of course, is a biblical name meaning laughter.
Isaac is projected to make landfall as a category 3, which would be the same power as Hurricane Katrina. The amazing thing about Katrina was it also hit on August 29, during the week of Southern Decadence in 2005! Katrina was the greatest natural disaster ever to hit America. Now seven years later, to the day, another hurricane is heading towards this city.
The fact the events are seven years apart is very significant as this number is biblically important. It is the number of completion: God created the universe in seven days. The church, city and nation have not repented and the homosexual agenda is far worse than it was in 2005. New Orleans is still hosting Southern Decadence with open homosexuality manifesting in the streets of the city. It could be that God is putting an end to this city and its wickedness. The timing of Hurricane Isaac with Southern Decadence is a sign that God’s patience with America’s sin is coming to an end.
This hurricane is projected to hit just east of New Orleans. If the course shifts slightly to the west and the eye goes west of the city as a category 3, New Orleans could be totally destroyed. The storm surge along with the winds will overwhelm the levies. The storm surge would stop the Mississippi River and back it up into the city.
Could Tropical Storm Isaac Turn Into Another Katrina? 08/24/12 and Tropical Storm Isaac Should Rival Hurricane Katrina 08/25/12 It looks the storm is going to move towards the west and if so it could destroy New Orleans.
“The entire Gulf Coast from Lake Charles, LA to Panama City, FL should be aware of the latest forecast model guidance. The reason for this large spread is because the computer models are split between whether a trough will capture Isaac or not. As of 8AM Sunday morning, it appears Isaac will not be captured and as a result, a more westward track is most likely.”
Let’s all watch this very closely, because if New Orleans is destroyed, it is a sure sign that the final judgment for the national sin of America has arrived.
Jude 1:7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
It is also significant that Isaac is affecting the Republican convention. There are postings from Israel stating at the convention that Romney is going to place a two-state solution into the platform. Let’s also watch this very closely.
There is now no stopping Isaac as it is just a matter of where and what power it is going to hit America. It will hit during Southern Decadence.
Nahum 1:3 The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
Where did this person get this wild notion, that prime Creator has something against homosexuals?. The so called greek word Jesus, never said anything bad about them. In fact, he said some are born that way.
What is the point of publishing positive loving messages promoting unity regardless of beliefs when they're countered with Religious nonsense such as this?
As webmaster John has posted time and time again, the point of publishing information, is to give each and every individual the opportunity to exercise discernment, to weigh the available facts, and to make an enlightened response based on the content of the information presented. In other words, THINK FOR YOURSELF, and give others the freedom to do the same, PLEASE! The message in this post is simple. THERE IS A STORM COMING, IN THE FORM OF A HURRICANE NAMED "ISAAC", AND PEOPLE ARE BEING WARNED AHEAD OF TIME! To me, that shows an act of mercy to warn people, that their lives might be SPARED, NOT DESTROYED! The warning has been issued, giving people a choice to stay or to leave, and many will not heed the warning for various reasons! Religion has nothing to do with it! I have a personal relationship with The I AM THAT I AM, and I pray for people to be spared, by RESPONDING TO THE WARNING given by the Weather Department, and to EVACUATE when asked to do so. The enemy here is not God, it is an individual's responsibility to make a conscious choice, and to reap the benefits or the consequences of that choice. Hurricane Katrina nearly destroyed New Orleans the first time, and it was NOT an act of God. Hurricane Isaac is another tropical storm, a natural weather phenomenon, and NOT a judgment of God. Judgment Day will be unmistakable, because the revelation of the full glory of Infinite Light will expose the dark in the hearts of humanity, and all flesh will see it together! This is the Day of The Lord, and there is no escape, other than to embrace the Light of Truth within your own heart, NOW! THERE IS A STORM APPROACHING! Prepare to feel its impact!
Jesus never said they we're born that way... get real. Some Homo made that up. Some diseased people we're placed in front of Jesus to be healed to the glory of God the Father, but I never heard Him heal any homosexuals. "Be Healed, and sin NO MORE! That's what Jesus says.
Low life/consciousness baloney! Disgusting!
Who are you to say a man can't love a man? A likewise with women. Love is the most powerful thing in the universe and how dare you limit it. God is all loving and all caring, do you really think he would love a gay man any different? I lost a lot of respect for this site.
Could you please direct me to the documented evidence that Jesus states that some homosexuals are bornt his way? The Holy Bible states otherwise, I'd like to cross-reference. Thank you
You can tell that Anonymous 1 and 2 (3:31 and 3:35) do not believe the Holy Bible and if they do then they must not have read Romans 1. The first two comments are themselves foolish comments. You boys had better repent and fast. God forgives for all sin and wickedness but only through repentance and forgiveness. You sins of homosexuality and all that goes with it are one of the greatest blights on the face of this earth. It is demonic and wicked, depraving a human even further than you were born. Pray for God to forgive you and repent or you will be left behind and lost.
@Anon 3:35, check the link:
The guy is an idiot, here is a quote:
"The gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to break the hold of homosexuality in someone’s life"
No it can't! God made them that way and they don't need to change to conform to anyone view.
Unity only gets you into a one world order, when are you people going to wake up?
This event could be an false flag event, just so happens to be following an major fault line, with extra pressure from the overly full dams up steam bang goes the fault line, Lord i hope not but this is a man made event!!!!!!!.
You my friend have your facts wrong the storm is predicted to be a cat 2 not 3 and it may hit the Bible belt state of Ms. Worse than la. The worse winds are in the right quadrant. God is not mad at homosexuals he/she is mad at the demonctats and republicons.
To the illustrious author of this "article":
Politician = False Prophet
False prophets piss God off because of their deceit. Much like Satan, they come like a thief in the night:
Taxation - The New Slavery Movement, without calling it slavery.
If I were you, I would shut up, and stop trying to forecast why, when, where, and how, God does things. For if He wanted you to know, He would consult you (man). God knows what He is doing, let Him do what He needs to do, and stop trying to interpret. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, remember that??? So, keep your rocks in your pocket, and stop trying to pass judgement on what you don't know to be true. It's people like you that alienate others. You are the poster boy for being an atheist.
Hey, knock off that judgement crap...I live here on Lake Pontchartrain and really don't want this blamed on me because someone makes a choice in life. By now, you should realize that God is playing the part of every human on earth and experiencing life in relativity. We are his offspring and will evolve to be just exactly like him. Heavenly murder is not an option.
It's a tropical storm...there is already the lie.
If it even becomes a hurricane it will be short lived.
proof is at the National Hurricane Center.
Why is someone wanting this much dis/mis info out here and now?
The rain will be much needed in some areas and these types of tropical storms are natural in some instances.
If God didn't want homosexuals, or mixed races, or deformed people, or people with psychiatric issues, these things would not exist here and now.
There is a reason whether we comprehend it or not. It may be their heaven or their hell they are experiencing here, but there is a reason for everything.
The Creator did not make any mistakes, and those who think so best be prepared to back that up when the time comes because we all get to meet our Maker.
Thank goodness for research.
oH YES IT CAN! I have seen many lives changed and freed from that sickening lifestyle choice. You are a liar when you say God made them that way. He gave us a CHOICE to sin or NOT to sin. He clearly told us what sin is. Homosexuality is a depraved life choice and those who promote it will be judged right along with those who practice such depravity! Deal with it!
I have yet to meet a happy homo!
God is a God of ABSOLUTES He has laid out the LAW for us to live and enjoy life by. When you deliberately ignore his mercy, you reap the consequences.
Relativity is a lying middle ground that produces Depravity!
Relativity is living in the gray area, the middle ground of evil vs truth.
Relativity is the lie that is destroying this country. Everything becomes selective morality. To each his own so to speak, or anything goes, and here we are folks.... living in a morally depraved society because AS you say 7:11.... everything is RELATIVE!
Who are you to tell anyone to shut up? How do you know that this person is not operating in the "prophetic' realm? You likely do not have the discernment to understand the truth. People hate the truth, especially when judgement is right at their doorstep. They still will not listen. So be it!
The word of God is very, very clear on this subject! If you don't believe it, then that is your CHOICE to love depravity! And it is.. depravity that has destroyed societies in the past! Deal with it!
Homosexuality is ALWAYS about sex, and NEVER about AGAPE love!
There are no overly full dams this year!! In fact 11 miles of the Mississippi river was closed last week due to low water. The Missouri river and about every other river in the midwest has about dried up or are at the lowest levels in over 50 years.
I don't want to see anyone get hurt from the weather, but the people here in mid Missouri are praying that this storm brings a lot of rainfall our way!! It is the dryest that it has been since the 1950s. Only a major storm like this will bring as much rain as we really need. These little rains of 1/2" or less don't even settle the dust for a day. WE haven't had 2" of rain since June. So send all of that rain up our way cause we will welcome it!!!
HAARP the culprit of the trying to create the CHAOS so all the Bible thumpers can say....GOD IS ANGRY!
Our Creator IS AN ALL-LOVING GREAT one....the CRAP THAT KEEPS HAPPENING ON THIS PLANET IS NOT GOD's FAULT....nor are we being punished!
ALL ASS-BACKWARDS...we are being controlled like sheeple to do as they want us to do....the CABAL's END GAME attempt!
BELIEVE and DO NOT FEAR (the cabal feeds off of NEGATIVITY)!
We are divinely protected!
I am amazed at what I am reading here. Really...does God (or that which you call God) judge anyone? You bible thumpers are a just like the Sadducees and Pharisees that you (and Jesus) judged so harshly. Who are you to judge? Do choose which scriptures you will believe and which you won't? Did you read..."judge not that you be not judged?" or does that one not count. I think you will find out in the end that homosexuality, a personal choice, is none of your business. And you think homosexuality is only about sex... know nothing. Why not live and allow others to live as they may. As long as it does not affect you then why do you care? Do you really believe that God gives a damn about someones sexual preference? You are so fooled by your own ego... it is amazing. Such children, well, really, children behave better than this. Check your egos... look in the mirror, check your eye, there may be a log in it. I will leave you with this...go read 1 Corinthians chapt. 13, the whole of it. Then post your thoughts.
Very well said. God is love, that love is agape, but God is also just. Justice will come for the sinner and the saint. Why blatantly provoke God to anger. His love is unchanging, whereas God says my people are destroyed for their lack of knowledge. If God is all loving and all caring, then it's only fit for justice to be applied. We need to know a little more about the God we are talking about. Agape love is God's love overflowing into a vessel fit for it. Not your love for another man or woman or how much you love it. Likewise, God's judgement to the unrepentant is no less overflowing and it will find you, even if you are hiding in the rocks. We are talking here about sex and judgement. God hates sin, I hate sin. Sin will be judged. Homo's will be judged. Sin destroys, leads to death. Are we to tell God what to do? Think about where it is you stand. Redemption has a plan and that plan is Jesus, better stick to it. To the quote above "I have yet to meet a happy homo," I agree, they are miserable, take their own life and die horrible deaths. Just an observation.
There were 3 types of eunuchs in the Bible. Those who abstained from sex for religious purposes, those who were castrated for harem purposes, and natural born, who are the same as the Gay's of today. The true eunuch is not a castrated male, but a homosexual. The natural eunuchs of old, had the same rights as a normal person in their day. Ref. Roman law: (D23.3.39.1,28.2.6). Natural eunuchs had the right to adopt children and engage in marriage. In other words, they had the same rights as natural men. The Church will not tell you this. Most people do not even know this.
What did Jesus say concerning these three types of eunuchs?
Matthew 19:12 covers all three. For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
A eunuch from what I gather in Matthew is someone willing to lay down his life for another. Many are called, few are chosen. Eunuchs from what I can gather forsake all to follow another. Blessed is he who is able to receive(to leave space (which may be filled or occupied by another), to make room, give place, yield to, retire. ~metaph. to betake one's self, turn one's self, to go forward, advance, proceed, succeed, to have space or room for receiving or holding something ) it,. ABLE seems to be the condition of the statement. Not sure what you were referring to in the Roman law. I Couldn't follow the whole gay's of today theme in there. Wikipedia is pretty clear to understand, resembling what you wrote on top. Eunuchs in Matthew are pretty clear from the greek word Zak or Zakah
Zakah (zaw-kaw'); Verb, Strong #: 2135
to be clean, be pure, be clear
to be clean, be pure
to be clear, be justified
to make clean, make pure, keep clean, keep pure
to cleanse
to make yourself clean, purify oneself
HE THAT IS ABLE TO RECEIVE THAT... LET HIM RECEIVE IT. Is this suppose to mirror homosexuality?
Wooo Wrong word came up in my program. Leave that last reply out. No wonder it wasn't making a lot of sense.
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