Joe did not "STACK" up.
Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist, Jan 30 2012If any of you have friends who still think all conspiracies are theory, have them look at this.
Many of you probably remember Joe Stack - the man who crashed his piper aircraft into the IRS building.
Joe Stack summary:
The official story of Joe stack was that he was disgruntled with the IRS, wrote a sob story, and flew his plane into an IRS building after burning down his home. This was widely reported, but dropped from the headlines very quickly for TWO reasons -
1. People were happy that someone FINALLY did something to the IRS, and no sympathy was gained for the government (serious miscalculation) and -
2. - So many explosives were used in this particular false flag that it was OBVIOUS there was no way a lighter than 1200 pound aircraft (which was less than half the weight of a 2 door Honda CRX) could possibly blow debris 4 feet deep 70 feet out in front of the building. When was the last time you saw something like a Honda CRX blow a building to smithereens upon impact? I matched Stack's plane to the CRX because it went exactly as fast as the stock version of that car.
There is nothing magical about an airplane. It will not go boom any better just because it can fly.
Here is what 4200 pounds and Bubba will do to a paper thin trailer house.
Nothing serious.
So the story suddenly and virtually instantly vanished from the press. I wondered why, and looked into it, only to discover this.
When I first looked at the damage to the building, I thought Stack must have had at least a 30 seat private jet that weighed at least 45,000 pounds and would do 550. The very large Federal building was blown to smithereens.
When people think of a small airplane, they think of a Cessna 172. But Stack's plane, the Piper Cherokee PA28-140 was even smaller.
And here is the kicker
Take a look at how intense the flames were at the crash site
And now, take a look at the paint on Joe Stack's plane as they were taking it away from the scene. There is no weight there, and that paper thin aluminum would have melted to nothing had it really been in that fire.
And now I will tell you what probably really happened to Joe Stack
It had to be something similar to this.
In his letter, Joe Stack never said he was committing suicide. When you look over it, it really looks like he could actually be heading for the hills to prepare to start blowing IRS agents away.
SO, to get a story, they sat and watched him type up his letter via some spy app similar to Net Nanny, and once that letter was posted, they vanished Joe Stack while he was out buying beer and stuffed him away in a secret CIA prison. At some time during the night, a helicopter went to the airport, picked up Stack's plane, took it out in the desert and dropped it from a few thousand feet into the sand (an airplane will not start flying on it's own if it's airspeed is zero, it will fall like a rock). They gathered the mess, and stored it somewhere.
To cover any accidental leakages of info that could be discovered in an investigation, they burned his home.
They then blew up the Federal building with a whole bunch of ammonium nitrate that went missing in Canada from a company owned by Goldman Sachs about a month and a half prior to this incident, and had planted witnesses say a plane hit. Big blooper though, one witness said the landing gear was up, and Stack's plane has non-retractable landing gear.
Late late at night, got the plane, rented a Genie lift, and put the plane in the building through a hole in the wall, so the television cameras could see it be removed from the building 2 days after the event. No mention of why the paint looked so nice after being in a raging inferno, or why the tires did not burn. But then again, in the world of Hollywood stupored illiteracy, no one at CNN noticed.
And though I cannot prove the details of MY version of the story, it's a safe bet it is FAR MORE accurate than FOX.
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