Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Want to see what is really going on in Tampa for the RNC?

Want to see what is really going on in Tampa for the RNC? Watch this.....  
Will the TRUTH win out?????????

Listen and see if you can trust anyone involved in this convention.
ONLY 4 minutes but reveals the integrity of these people....


Anonymous said...

It is not hard to believe that ALMOST every federal employee who has any power has been bribed to sell
this country out, thus committing TREASON!!! It is
also easy to believe that if the U.S. has a chance of survival it will be because of ETs who have been charged by the CREATOR to restore the planet.

Anonymous said...

There is no biblical evidence that ETs have been authorized by the CREATOR to restore the planet or assist man in any way. The Holy Bible reveals all to man and ETs are not included. Where is the proof in HIS Word?? In fact, the Bible says that these end times will be so terrible and unlike any since the beginning of time that if HE didn't cut the time short, there would be no survivors! Doesn't sound to me like any ETs are going to be much help and save us.

princesirki2012 said...

The "Holy Bible" does NOT reveal all to man, because The Infinite One will NEVER reveal the mysteries of Infinity to a Finite Creation. The Infinite One is NOT defined by a book that was written by the hands of Finite, fallible humanity, and if you did your research, you would find that there are other sources of spiritual revelation and wisdom that predate the "Holy Bible" by thousands of years! The TORAH is the revealed Word of Hashem, and only in its original Hebrew language, by whose sacred letters, ALL THINGS WERE CREATED, including other intelligent beings to inhabit the Infinite worlds that were and are still being created! The TORAH is the Word of God, because it is the essence of the I AM THAT I AM, that created the Hebrew letters from Aleph to Tav, and it is those very letters that are the foundation of ALL THAT IS! Everything that is other than TORAH, is a distortion of truth, and is an attempt to improve on the perfect Revelation of the Infinite One that took place on Mount Sinai, and THAT EVENT is when The Infinite One demonstrated His great love by giving us TORAH! The Light of TORAH is the Love of The Creator and First Cause, the heart and soul of Ein Sof--"The Endless One"--Who longs for intimate relationship with All of Creation, on this world and on infinite "other" worlds of awakening intelligent life. All who say they know what the "Holy Bible" says, need to hear what the Infinite One is saying, that is NOT LIMITED to the pages of any one book, "authorized" or otherwise! DO YOUR HOMEWORK AND STUDY THE TORAH! Those who do are blessed by The Holy One, the Creator Father/Mother/Spirit of All That Is, with Wisdom and Understanding that far transcend the pages of the words of humankind! And God said, LET THERE BE LIGHT!

Anonymous said...

....who do you think the angels of the bible are??