To all,
History is repeating itself. In other words, we are rapidly becoming entangled in yet another war overseas. President Obama, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, was busy starting yet another war, but the American public isn’t on board, so he was doing it secretly. He got caught red-handed, didn’t know how to keep the lid on, tried to cover it up, and now he’s scrambling to keep the story under wraps until after the election.
This is not a partisan issue; Mitt Romney and numerous other Republicrats all seem to be in agreement that we should be “helping” the Syrian rebels and confronting Iran. I have no doubt that Romney would have done much the same. That’s why he isn’t making an issue of it right now.
Our country is in a very vulnerable position. We’re broke, we’ve lost much of our military edge, we’re overextended. We need to pick our fights very, very carefully right now. Economies win wars, not soldiers and weapons. Another necessary ingredient to winning wars is widespread support for the war effort, at home and abroad. We don’t have it, nor should we. Is this yet another scheme to reduce us to third-world status? Deliberately or not, it has that potential or worse.
The hidden real truth about Benghazi
http://www.canadafreepress. com/index.php/article/50586#. UI1Ld7dOB8M.twitter
" Based on information provided by my source and corroborated elsewhere, the official account by administration officials
is a mosaic of lies that were necessary to cover the unpalatable truth of covert actions taking place in Libya, Syria, Turkey,
Jordan and Lebanon. The primary objective of our covert actions was to secretly arm anti-Assad “rebels” in Syria by
funneling arms from Libya to Syria via Turkey, with other destinations that included Jordan and Lebanon. Regarding the
threat to Stevens and the other murdered Americans, the truth will reformat the persistent question posed to government
officials, from UN Ambassador Susan Rice to White House Spokesman Jay Carney and others from “how could you not
have known” to “how could you have done these things?” "
" According to my source, Ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 to meet with his Turkish counterpart,
who reportedly warned Stevens that the operation was compromised. They met in person so that Stevens could be shown
overhead satellite images, taken by the Russians, of nefarious activities taking place in Turkey.
But just what were these nefarious activities? "
" Although Russia figures prominently here, Iran now comes into focus as Russia is not likely to directly engage U.S. forces.
They must, however, protect their interests. Much like we were using anti-Assad forces to advance our objectives in Syria,
Russia was using Iranian-backed forces to protect theirs. It appears that the attacks were conducted or facilitated by Iranian
assets—perhaps as many as three teams of assets in Benghazi. "
" As the White House and other agencies monitored intelligence in real-time, they faced a dilemma. They knew that the
nation/state sponsored attack teams were lying in wait for U.S. rescue forces to arrive, which is the reason the fight did not
conclusively end sooner. They did not know exactly where all of the attack teams were, but knew they were present based on
signal communication intercepts. Could they risk such exposure by deploying a rescue team to Benghazi, only to end up with
another Black Hawk down type scenario? In addition to that scenario, the entire operation now becomes exposed for what it is.
Take another look at Panetta’s statement in that context. Does it now make more sense? Bad PR in an election year, no? "
" From the day of attack in Benghazi, Iran has been engaged in a full spectrum attack on the U.S. and NATO across the board
involving embassies, bombing and even cyber attacks. All of this is the fallout from the arms and weapons smuggling operation,
which was far greater than understood by the Western media.
Russia has now moved their contingent of S-400 missiles into much of Syria in anticipation of NATO establishing an “air cap”
Russia has now moved their contingent of S-400 missiles into much of Syria in anticipation of NATO establishing an “air cap”
over Syria. A ten-mile “buffer zone” along Syria’s border has been created for Syrian refugees, but it also acts as a catalyst for
the encroachment into Syrian territory. It sets the stage for further advancement and erosion of Syrian land, incrementally,
of course.
It is also of critical importance to note that last weekend, Russia completed large-scale exercises of their Strategic Nuclear Forces
It is also of critical importance to note that last weekend, Russia completed large-scale exercises of their Strategic Nuclear Forces
under the watchful command of President Vladimir Putin. These were the first such nuclear exercises conducted since the fall of
the Soviet Union.
To those with discernment, it is obvious that we are at the precipice of World War III. Putin himself stated as much, noting that
To those with discernment, it is obvious that we are at the precipice of World War III. Putin himself stated as much, noting that
WW III will not start in Iran but Syria, his own “red line in the sand.” "
See full story here: http://www.canadafreepress. com/index.php/article/50586#. UI1Ld7dOB8M.twitter
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