Saturday, April 26, 2014

From the Bundy Ranch — What I Saw Today . . . this is what I call ‘real’. . . ~J

From the Bundy Ranch — What I Saw Today . . . this is what I call ‘real’. . . ~J

Posted on by Jean

Today I saw a man, a simple rancher, try his hardest to tell the world that we are all being abused by our government. I also saw the sound bite sharks swarming the waters of the Bundy ranch, waiting with baited breath for a man who struggled to come up with the word “vocabulary” to say something they could use to make him look bad. I think it is very sad that we have come to a point in our society where a man is required to be well spoken, highly educated, strictly politically correct and have prepared all of his messaging and sound bites to perfectly mesh with the medias expectations or he cannot get a fair shake.
I have not known Cliven for that long, but long enough to tell you he is definitely not racist. He is simply an old rancher. He has tremendous love in his heart and all he was trying to do was express the sadness that he feels for his fellow man. It is unfortunate that today we are so quick to snatch a few soundbites and use them to condemn a man so quickly. Even in this group “Support Cliven Bundy” I am seeing messages from people who are more influenced by the soundbite mafia than their own thought processes.
At the end of the day this whole issue is so much larger than Cliven or his ability to carry our banner for us. This is about our freedoms much more than it is Cliven or his cows. We need to wake up to the fact that all of us are being slowly, one regulation at a time, put into slavery to our government. So it is about time we picked up that banner and stopped making Cliven carry it for us.
- @Shannon Bushman’s

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