Sunday, April 27, 2014

If Military Drones fly over the Bundy Ranch or anywhere nearby then The Revolution may Just Start.

Sheriffs and Larry Klayman,

Everyone should be Prepared as I just heard this.
The Militia and Oath Keepers are on Red Alert in Nevada.
If Military Drones fly over the Bundy Ranch or anywhere nearby then The Revolution may Just Start.
There is NO Federal Need to Have Drones with Weapons, to shoot People when they CAN ONLY Claim a Lien!

Watch the video:
Rumor of Drone Strike at Bundy Ranch Sends Oath Keeper Leaders Packing
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Saturday, 26-Apr-2014 23:24:49
        Wade called in from Bunkerville and reported that Stewart Rhodes and his Oath Keepers received a tip suggesting an imminent drone strike on the Bundy Ranch. Oath Keepers ran from the scene like frightened children. Militia still there..
        In the clip it is revealed the tip went to Rhodes from one of his "inside" sources in Dallas... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just another stupid story made up by a clown with too much idle time on their hands.