Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Iraq Crisis–Iran Joins Fray!

Iraq Crisis–Iran Joins Fray!

By John Kettler On ·

Iraq Crisis, ISIS & Iran

Iraq Crisis Unfolds! Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons via CIA
Iraq Crisis could unhinge the Middle East, as yet more elements come into play. Per JKI’s highly sensitive, not-for-attribution military-intelligence sources, Iran, at Iraqi government request, has sent troops into Iraq. As this is being written, there are Iranian troops in both the Mosul and Baghdad areas. Further, JKI has been informed the Nimitz-class nuclear carrier USS George H. W. Bush (CVN-77)  battle group has entered the Persian Gulf and is on station. In addition to the USS George H.W. Bush, it also consists of key escorts Ticonderoga-class Flight II (second batch built) guided missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG-58) and the Flight II Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Truxtun (DDG-103). All told, there are eleven ships total in the battle group. Both escort warships are Aegis equipped and carry the SM-3s.
These are full-blown BMD (Ballistic Missile Defense) weapons and the predecessor missile, the SM-2,  was used operationally to down a hydrazine-filled (~1000 lbs) US spy satellite which was about to deorbit and posed a significant toxic hazard. Operation Burnt Frost, executed on February 21, 2008, used an SM-2 to destroy the classified satellite known for cataloging purposes as USA-193. USA-193 was an NRO-owned (National Reconnaissance Office) spacecraft, whose true purpose has yet to be revealed. As noted in the linked article, though, it appears to have been a LACROSSE SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) satellite.  What a LACROSSE is, how it works and what it does are explained here on the FAS site.
The Washington Post’s copyrighted story “ISIS, with gains in Iraq, closes in on founder Zarqawi’s violent vision,” by Joby Warrick, reports ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), formerly al-Qaeda of Iraq, has taken over big chunks of northern Iraq. The accompanying map in the article shows how extensively ISIS forces have penetrated Iraq. That June 22, 2014 article, while most useful, has been overtaken by events. ISIS now has de facto control of most of northern Iraq, and the Syria/Iraq border has effectively ceased to exist. But that’s not the half of it. JKI’s been reliably informed by insider contacts that ISIS intends to seize, successively: Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon. It then intends to destroy Israel and come after the United States. That’s just the ISIS side of the problem. The Guardian’s copyrighted article, “Iraq crisis: US considers air assault on Isis as firefights reach Samara,” makes grim reading.
On the other end of the Iraq Crisis, the Iraqi government, desperate to stave off the ISIS invasion, has invited in the Iranians. This may wind up costing the Iraqi government the country. The current assessment is that, from their present lodgments in the Mosul and Baghdad areas, the Iranians intend to move south and take over the entire southern part of Iraq.
Israel is squarely in the middle of the Iraq Crisis. Informed sources describe the whole country as “livid.” Iran’s move into Iraq is yet further incentive for Israel to attack Iran. Israel has long wished to destroy what it sees as an imminent Islamic (Atomic) Bomb wielded by Tehran, a desire greatly enhanced by daily rocket attacks from Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon–using rockets supplied by Iran! Iranian fundamentalists aim to restore the Caliphate, giving rise to the Mahdi as a prelude to the End of the World.
Adding to the overall excitement? There are some 2500 Stinger missiles in Iraq. Should the US elect to send in air strikes against ISIS from the carrier battle group now operating in the Persian Gulf, attacking aircraft are likely to get shot in the face with their own nation’s missiles! The Stingers were left behind to protect the nascent Iraqi government from a variety of hostile neighbor air threats. President Obama has said the US won’t be sending ground troops into Iraq, so aerial attack of one sort or another is the principal military option. Insiders have said, though, that the carrier battle group is not really a viable threat but more a show of force which the administration hopes will cow ISIS and give the Iranians pause. Unless he’s willing to flout Congress, the president can’t do much else. Why? Obama needs congressional approval to conduct air strikes.

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