Thursday, June 26, 2014

Washington's Militarized 'NEWEST' Land-Grabs: Targeting the Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Washington's Militarized 'NEWEST' Land-Grabs: Targeting the Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 26-Jun-2014 14:30:32

Sioux Indian blood runs through my veins (a few generations back).. While looking up some old family history, I came upon a sad statistical fact... Native Americans are less then 2% of the United States population... 1.2% in fact.. Isn't that sad...?? 1.2% and the gov still wants more!!!!
Native people, to this day, are some of the most oppressed people in this country. Their reservations are on marginal, unusable land, having been whittled away repeatedly whenever a new resources was found there... Corruption is rampant and in some cases the feds paid off the tribal government, so they can mine things like uranium. .... Of course they leave the pollution behind..
People in nearby states should go stand with them like they did for Cliven Bundy.
In the wake of a Bundy Ranch crisis sparked by a militarized federal land-grab effort in Nevada, it seems that the Department of Interior has set its sights on a new prize - this time targeting once protected Indian reservation land on Pine Ridge in South Dakota.
The Oglala Sioux and Lakota Sioux of the reservation have been told by the Federal Government that the National Parks Service will be taking land that comprises the South Unit of the Badlands National Park as a new 'Tribal National Park', only the wording in the bill clearly indicates that it will be a federally managed national park under the Department of Interior, giving mere lip service to its tribal title.
The Congressional bill has already been written, and if passed through Congress, both tribal members and non tribal members will be stripped of their deeded land - at a price set by the federal government. If owners do not accept Washington's offer (expected to be a meager one), the land can be acquired at no cost because the measure has waived all appraisal rights and stipulates that Washington can simply take Indian land by force under 'eminent domain'.
Thousands of tribe members will be affected by the land-grab. Some residents will be forced to relocate, and many more others will lose their income from grazing allotments on the land - a result which will ultimately force any remaining independent cattle ranchers out of business. In addition to all this, Tribal members will lose their share of income from entrance fees collected at the adjacent North Gate of the Badlands National Park - a punitive measure which will further compound the existing economic depression on a reservation where the average annual income is around $8,000 per year.
Washington may be pining for yet another 'Wounded Knee', as many residents and tribal members are prepared to stand their ground in the face of a federal imperialist policy inside US borders - a trend which many Americans have experienced first-hand, particularly in western states like Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona and California.
Bud May
© Bud May
Pine Ridge and Sioux cattle rancher Bud May with father Avery.
Tribal member and local cattle rancher Bud May believes the issue is not confined to Pine Ridge.
May states, "There is a feeling of common cause between attached parties on this issue - namely tribes and other reservations. The bottom line is we'll all be under dictatorial control if something is not done quick".
The federal move initially gained traction after a Tribal Ordinance passed by the Tribal Council in the spring of 2013. Many Tribal members have been frustrated with the tribal council, which has gone against the will of the people to back the park. All 9 districts on the reservation have passed unanimous resolutions against the park along with the Shannon County Commissioners and several South Dakota State legislators.
To add insult to injury, it appears that all landowners were only notified of the measure until after it had passed, with their first news of the federal plan coming in the form of eviction notices issued by the Bureau of Indian Affairs Land Operations department in the fall of 2013.
The Tribal Council of 19 has yet to allow a democratic referendum on the federal takeover, although sources confirm that the referendum option is on the agenda for next month's council meeting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me add another USA 'government' atrocity to the long list of broken 'treaties' with our precious Native Americans ...... privy to many of the plans and activities of this criminal organization, I was informed a few years ago that USA 'gov' officials were visiting the tribal leaders in America, using propaganda, bribes and outright lies with the unsuspecting tribal leaders to gain their support and involvement in literally selling out their people. HOW? By gaining the trust of the tribal leaders to do as the 'gov' tells them to do in that time of confiscation of property and roundups, just as they are doing with the leaders of the Christian churches in America. All 501(c)3 churches/ministries are partners with the USA criminal 'gov', and all such church leaders are being instructed by these USA 'gov' criminals to provide all information on those attending their churches, including how much they give in the offerings and fund raisings, where they live and work, all information in order to facilitate future roundups. So, what we have here is the USA 'gov' criminals working both churches and the tribes in America, all for their planned destruction. CHURCH GOERS AND TRIBAL MEMBERS - YOU HAVE NOW BEEN INFORMED OF THE TRUTH. BEWARE!!!! Some of your 'leaders' are traitors to you and yours. Pray about breaking all ties with the churches the Lord shows you to (ESPECIALLY 501(c)3 churches), and doing whatever the Lord instructs you to do.