Monday, November 24, 2014

Property Owners triumph

 “The court’s decision confirms what we have said all along: the federal government has no business interfering with property rights where the allegedly endangered species has no connection to, or effect on, interstate commerce,”

This is exactly what the Firearms Freedom act was about. Commerce Clause overreach. It also shows how important property rights are. This could also be applied to the Bundy ranch situation where the Desert Tortoise is excuse for the Feds to cause all the problems. 

Subject: Property Owners triumph

District court ruling defends property rights against Endangered Species Act...

By Aaron Martin  |  November 7, 2014

District court
        ruling defends property rights against Endangered Species Act
Sen. Orrin Hatch
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) applauded a federal court’s decision on Thursday to strike down Endangered Species Act regulations that limit the rights of property owners.
A district court in Utah ruled that restricting the “taking” of prairie dogs, which are listed as endangered species, exceeded power given to the federal government under the Commerce and Necessary and Necessary and Proper clauses, the Washington Post reports.
Hatch said he is “glad” that the court stepped in to protect the property rights of Utahns.
“I’ve worked on this issue for a long time, and this decision is a direct result of the tremendous efforts of the members of People for the Ethical Treatment of Property Owners, the Pacific Legal Foundation, the Iron County Commission and the people of Iron County,” Hatch said. “This is the first time a federal court has found that Endangered Species Act regulations limiting the taking of a listed species exceed the scope of Congress’s enumerated powers.”
In 2012, Hatch, the chairman of the Senate Western Caucus’s Public Lands Subcommittee, visited affected properties and coordinated visits for officials with the Fish and Wildlife Service.
“The court’s decision confirms what we have said all along: the federal government has no business interfering with property rights where the allegedly endangered species has no connection to, or effect on, interstate commerce,” Hatch said. “I will continue to fight the federal government’s unnecessary intrusions in the state of Utah.”

Kirk MacKenzie
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