Saturday, February 20, 2016

A World Without Borders - Truth about the 'United Nations'



If blue-helmeted UN peacekeepers show up in your town or village and offer to 'protect' you, RUN!  Or else get a weapon."

That is not a quote from some “Get the U.S. out of the UN” member of the John Birch Society. Not recklessly spit out by some isolationist who wants to build more nuclear weapons, fortify the borders, hunker down in Fortress America and, in the process, abandon the world to take care of itself.

The quote, attributed to 1996, is from Andrew Thomson, a medical doctor originally from New Zealand. He wrote it after serving mankind in several of the world’s most desperate, miserable places: Cambodia, Somalia, Bosnia, Haiti and Rwanda.

Thomson developed lasting friendships with two other young people—Heidi Postlewait, a New York social worker, and Kenneth Cain, a New York attorney—and they documented their decade of work for the United Nations in a book published in 2004: Emergency Sex – and other desperate measures. The book, despite its title, is not about sex. Instead, it chronicles the lives of idealistic young people who volunteer—doctors, lawyers, secretaries—for UN Peacekeeping missions, doing good work under absolutely horrific conditions.

They witnessed the horrors of the 
-  Cambodian killing fields (a million murders); 
-  the rape of thousands of women by blue-helmeted UN 'Peacekeepers', usually men from Pakistan or Nigeria or some other God-forsaken place; 
-  the Hutu massacre of a million Tutsi in Rwanda, mostly with machetes and sharpened sticks; 
-  the ambush of UN convoys in Somalia when UN managers took bribes to betray a food convoy’s route; 
the cowardice of U.S. politicians who abandoned, to torture and death, thousands of translators, drivers, cooks, and office assistants to the macoutes of Haiti.

The real horror of the book, which the writers document from personal on-the-ground and eyewitness accounts, is the utter incompetence and corruption of the UN administration…and the willing, blind-eye accommodation of U.S. politicians.

Even before the book was published, the UN took legal action. The organization fired the three writers, threatened them with legal action, complained to American politicians and, in short, did almost everything within its power to make the three writers’ lives miserable. The problem was, Ken Cain writes, “…we were there.” His conclusion? “…capital letters [U.S., UN, NATO, EU] always lie…"
We understand venal personalities at high levels because the U.S. is not immune. B. Hussein Obama, for instance, conspires with Bill’s Girl Clinton to hinder the FBI investigations into her finances, her Benghazi lies and uselessness, and her misuse of classified data.

If she becomes president, she will in turn appoint him to the Supreme Court. (I believe he would prefer to preside as Secretary General of the UN. With his ludicrous Nobel Peace Prize, he may achieve this ambition.)

What all of this means to those of us in the shooting and concealed carry community is a giant red flag. It is, after all, the UN Arms Trade Treaty—which Washington Democrats support—that could have police pounding on your door if you own an AR or a high-capacity magazine.

The treaty could force the confiscation of your gun, replacing it with a library-style checkout card good for one day of bird hunting with six shot shells or a trip to the shooting range with a sign-out sheet for 20 rounds of ammo. (The irony, of course, is that crime in the U.S. would skyrocket.)

UN-habituated politicians, internationalists like B. Hussein Obama, want a world without borders, like in the European Union. Such a world would allow the free flow of labor from, for instance, India and China to the U.S.— and corporations would immediately save billions of dollars by firing highly qualified but high-cost Americans or Europeans and hiring low-cost Asians and Africans.

A world without borders would be ruled by unprincipled bullies like Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, who has demanded that the smaller, less powerful nations of the EU accept Muslim refugees…and she gave them quotas.

The ultra-liberal and know-nothing youth wing of international politics is pushing a “world without borders” idea. Expect chapters to open in your town soon, perhaps promoted by the same school teacher who insists that our children learn the fundamentals of the Muslim “religion."

A world without borders would be a quick step into a new Dark Age, an age where the nation-state as we know it breaks down and warlords (or giant corporations) rule. If you are thinking “Mad Max” or “1984” or any of several apocalyptic books and movies, your first step is to buy weapons and ammunition.

The ultra-liberal and know-nothing youth wing of international politics is pushing a “world without borders” idea. Expect chapters to open in your town soon, perhaps promoted by the same school teacher who insists that our children learn the fundamentals of the Muslim “religion.” A world without borders would be a quick step into a new Dark Age, an age where the nation-state as we know it breaks down and warlords (or giant corporations) rule. If you are thinking “Mad Max” or “1984” or any of several apocalyptic books and movies, your first step is to buy weapons and ammunition.A world without borders presided over by Obama and Merkel, Pelosi and Clinton and Kim Jong-un will impose fines for owning a gun; they will proceed to confiscation; they will search your home, threatening prison if they find a weapon.

If we are not vigilant, it can—it will—happen here. Do not believe for one second that we will be “Number One” forever, that we are some untouchable city upon a hill whose light cannot be hidden or that we have an irrevocable charter for freedom and democracy or that the world’s oceans will forever offer protection.

It can happen here. We can lose our nation to—stealing a phrase from Bill’s Girl Clinton—a vast left-wing conspiracy.

Is this conspiracy thinking or simply anticipating that those in power will use it for their own enrichment and celebrity?

“If blue-helmeted UN peacekeepers show up in your town or village and offer to protect you, run. Or else get a weapon.” The UN currently has more than 125,000 troops, police and civilians deployed in 16 operations around the world.

Typically, blue-helmeted UN peacekeepers provide little to the populations they are sent to protect. They rape; they pillage; they bring disease like cholera; they bungle; they turn coward and flee, abandoning or betraying the helpless and hungry, those they have pledged to serve. I expect that before my life is over we will have UN peacekeepers stationed inside the major cities of the U.S., brought here by Obama and Clinton, by Sharpton and Pelosi.

But remember the warning of former UN employees: flee or arm yourself and prepare to fight. Chances are the blue helmets—and, we hope, the World Without Borders celebrities who promote this idiotic concept—will turn tail and run. jKPmjr1YIJRcd0aPyQ AgobGp5I5FEBSbLYU7Nht6wJXQ%3D%3D 

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