Issa: FBI wants Hillary, Huma prosecuted in 'slam dunk' case
'Director would like to indict Clinton and Abedin'
Published: 01/29/2016 at 3:09 PM
Douglas Ernst
California Rep. Darrell Issa says the FBI has a “slam dunk” case against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and senior aide Huma Abedin that it’s itching to prosecute.
The former House Oversight chairman’s statement on Friday comes just days after former Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay said his contacts in the agency will “blow the whistle and go public” if Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not prosecute.
“I think the FBI director would like to indict both Huma and Hillary as we speak,” Issa said at Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s New Hampshire campaign headquarters on Thursday, the Washington Examiner reported. “I think he’s in a position where he’s being forced to triple-time make a case of what would otherwise be, what they call, a slam dunk."
Approximately 100 FBI special agents are assigned to an investigation that will determine if the former secretary of state violated a subsection of the Espionage Act related to “gross negligence” in handling government documents.
Dozens of agents were required to sign non-disclosure forms before examining classified information and trying to determine whether co-mingling of the Clinton Foundation and State Department business violated public corruption laws.
“You can’t have 1,300 highly sensitive emails that contain highly sensitive material that’s taken all or in part from classified documents, and have it be an accident,” Issa said, the newspaper reported. “There’s no question, she knew she had a responsibility and she circumvented it. And she circumvented it a second time when she knowingly let highly classified material get onto emails in an unclassified format.”
Issa’s and DeLay’s comments also follow an exclusive Fox News investigation that revealed Clinton had beyond “top secret” intelligence pass through her “home brew” email server. The network obtained an unclassified letter by Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III that shows Clinton’s server contained intelligence known as “special access programs,” or SAP.
“To date, I have received two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element. These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the confidential, secret, and top secret/sap levels,” said the Jan. 14 IG letter to lawmakers with oversight of the intelligence community and State Department.
“According to the declarant, these documents contain information derived from classified IC element sources."
Issa said that FBI Director James Comey would have an uphill battle to get the Obama administration to prosecute Clinton – even with a “slam dunk” case.
“I’ve worked with both the last attorney general … and this attorney general, and I really don’t believe they’ll do it,” Issa told the newspaper. “Doing it, by definition, would end her run for president.”
“I think the FBI director would like to indict both Huma and Hillary as we speak,” Issa said at Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s New Hampshire campaign headquarters on Thursday, the Washington Examiner reported. “I think he’s in a position where he’s being forced to triple-time make a case of what would otherwise be, what they call, a slam dunk."
Approximately 100 FBI special agents are assigned to an investigation that will determine if the former secretary of state violated a subsection of the Espionage Act related to “gross negligence” in handling government documents.
Dozens of agents were required to sign non-disclosure forms before examining classified information and trying to determine whether co-mingling of the Clinton Foundation and State Department business violated public corruption laws.
“You can’t have 1,300 highly sensitive emails that contain highly sensitive material that’s taken all or in part from classified documents, and have it be an accident,” Issa said, the newspaper reported. “There’s no question, she knew she had a responsibility and she circumvented it. And she circumvented it a second time when she knowingly let highly classified material get onto emails in an unclassified format.”
Issa’s and DeLay’s comments also follow an exclusive Fox News investigation that revealed Clinton had beyond “top secret” intelligence pass through her “home brew” email server. The network obtained an unclassified letter by Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III that shows Clinton’s server contained intelligence known as “special access programs,” or SAP.
“To date, I have received two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element. These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the confidential, secret, and top secret/sap levels,” said the Jan. 14 IG letter to lawmakers with oversight of the intelligence community and State Department.
“According to the declarant, these documents contain information derived from classified IC element sources."
Issa said that FBI Director James Comey would have an uphill battle to get the Obama administration to prosecute Clinton – even with a “slam dunk” case.
California Rep. Darrell Issa says the FBI has a “slam dunk” case against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but he does not believe the Obama administration will prosecute
“I’ve worked with both the last attorney general … and this attorney general, and I really don’t believe they’ll do it,” Issa told the newspaper. “Doing it, by definition, would end her run for president.”
Former majority leader to Lynch: No stalling on Hillary
Hillary camp: Inspector general part of vast right-wing conspiracy
Hillary emails so secret senior lawmakers can’t read them
Beyond ‘top secret’ emails found on Hillary’s server
Former majority leader to Lynch: No stalling on Hillary
Hillary camp: Inspector general part of vast right-wing conspiracy
Hillary emails so secret senior lawmakers can’t read them
Beyond ‘top secret’ emails found on Hillary’s server
Issa said that FBI Director James Comey would have an uphill battle to get the Obama administration to prosecute Clinton – even with a “slam dunk” case? What the F__k is wrong with these morons. Obviously the Obama regime is also all part of the tyrannical crimes and cover up as well along with the whole dam cesspool in the District of Criminals and every last bastard in that cesspool should immediately be taken down and locked away from plundering and murdering any more humans on this planet before they get a rope around their neck. This is total insanity, but the sheeple have gotten what they wanted. CHANGE!
Nah, it won't happen ultimately Hillary and the FBI works for the same organization. This is the public spectacle of damage control pure and simple.
Change you can believe in!! Personally, I'm not surprised when Hillary does get indicted but it's not for any of the reasons people thought. This bitch was apparently so stupid she released classified details of sitting ambassadors, diplomats, the Rockefeller foundation's private charity and numerous other above top secret files on her private email server. https://foia.state.gov/searchapp/DOCUMENTS/HRCEmail_Feb29thWeb/O-2015-%2008631FEB29/DOC_0C05780539/C05780539.pdf
There is no way in hell the elite let this slide now with everybody from Trump, Johnson on down given that kind of ammunition. They are going to crucify Clinton I can tell, the only question is who replaces her. Likely Biden or someone else the sheep will love even more. This dumb broad Clinton is so damn out of her mind she is blaming everyone from Obama, Rickers and General Ham for her email troubles with Benghazi. That is like me being the head of the band Rolling Stones and receiving a hundred email updates from a stupid groupie (Clinton) telling me all about what Stevens is eating every day while he's in Benghazi.
Then I tell her, sure just make the fool look like a flake on TV. Then she sets them all up to be killed and releases the personal address of my friend's New York Apartment, and then the bitch comes back and blames me and says I can take the rap for murder. Like I say this won't end well, Clinton was so stupid she messed up the entire beltway and I bet Obama will only pardon one of her crimes at this point.
If the FBI gets the justice department to indict her she is going to throw anyone and everyone she has to under the bus to safe her worthless @$$.
We could see Hillary destroy Obama to save herself. In the next 6-12 months I think we see some very high profile accidents with questionable circumstances take place as the rats fight for self preservation.
The next 12 months is going to make for interesting times.
So do I!
Author said,
Approximately 100 FBI special agents are assigned to an investigation that will determine if the former secretary of state violated a subsection of the Espionage Act related to “gross negligence” in handling government documents.
How dumb are these agents that is takes 100 agents to figure this out. Are they all in on-the-job training or what?
No wonder that they can't figure this out when they themselves are breaking the law.
I will assure you that these 100 agents will break many laws in the proses in trying to figure out if Hillary broke the law.
Government agents can lie on the witness stand as there is a law that permits them to do so for the furtherance of justice, but who's justice is the question? That means that you can't believe anything a government agent testifies to as being truthful. Ken T.
More than one of those aides has been offered immunity at this point. Probably locked away in a safe house just for good measure. So what does it all mean? What does it say about what's next?
Odds are Trump is locked in place. Clinton is indicted at the last minute. She refuses to step down from the race quietly, and gets escorted out of there by the man. The GOP elites who say they will vote for hillary bluff. She testifies and numerous persons who breached national security are indicted, the Judges all agree to put them behind bars for security reasons.
None of this is done for justice persay, just to reign in the insanity of the national security state and be rid of Clinton. Someone else runs in the general election against Trump and the elites indict Trump for something to stop him too. This and the other laughable third party run all fall flat and Trump is locked in. Then while the economy is falling apart, the question comes down to who shall the people choose. Will it be Trump or will it be the Democrat Warren or such? One will give them justice, the other will throw it away and swallow the key.
Do not ever put your guard down since one way or another there is going to be some deception. Every day is going to be a barrage of leaks about the investigation against Clinton, I say be prepared for anything.
They should already have a slam dunk case against her. What the hell are they waiting for!
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