By Anna Von Reitz
For All The Jural Assemblies - 3 This is Not "Opinion"
I am pointing out to you and everyone else is not a topic for
"argument". It isn't my "opinion". It is the way the world's court
system has been organized for centuries and just because 99% of
Americans are too ignorant to know that and have been deliberately kept
too dumbed-down to learn it, does not make it any less true and
Now, you have a choice.
You can be a landsman and reclaim your country and your "Natural and
Unalienable" rights, and you can enforce the Constitution you are owed,
and you can enjoy your freedom and you can join your Jural Assembly and
you can operate your State or you can sit on your rump and blow your
mouth and spin --- and the British King will be happy to take all your
assets and dump them into a Commonwealth Trust (that he controls and
benefits from) and designate you as a "pauper" and a dependent of his
government----your choice.
If you want Choice A, help establish, staff, and organize a Jural Assembly.
If you want Choice B, help establish, staff, and organize a Jural Society.
note that this is not "American Corruption" -- this same situation
applies worldwide. The only exceptions are Iran, North Korea, the Holy
See, and a handful of Pacific Island Kingdoms.
And now for another repeat of a Vital History Lesson for All Americans and All Jural Assemblies:
The United States (unincorporated) was formed on July 1, 1776, as a
result of the Unanimous Declaration of Independence. The members of this
Union were all Colonies and they also operated as "the United Colonies
of America". This is not to be confused with Benjamin Franklin's private
business (also unincorporated) doing business as "the" United States.
The United States of America (unincorporated) was formed on September
9, 1776 by declaration of the Continental (that's land jurisdiction)
This Holding Company is a Federation of unincorporated geographically defined States: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maine, etc.
The States of America (unincorporated) was formed March 1, 1781, by
Agreement of the States ratified as The Articles of Confederation. This
was a Confederacy of States of States created to conduct commercial
business in behalf of the Federation States. The members of this
original Confederacy went by names like this: The State of Georgia, The
State of Virginia, The State of Maine....
The original Confederation adopted and became the recipients of the
service contract known as "The Constitution for the united States of
America" in 1787. If you can read and know anything at all about
English grammar you can observe from this that the word "united" is used
here as an adjective to describe "States of America" and references
their "union" created under The Articles of Confederation. This
Confederacy of "States of States" is the actual Party to the 1787
5. In 1860-61, the Southern
States of States in the original Confederacy left the organization doing
business as the "States of America" --- "seceded from it" --- and
formed a new and separate confederacy called "The Confederate States of
6. The entire Civil War was thus a
commercial mercenary conflict between the Northern States of States
operating under the States of America Confederacy and the Southern
States of States operating under The Confederate States of America.
After the end of hostilities the British Monarch saw his chance to pull
a fast one, claim that the Federal States of States were under
"Reconstruction" and then, very quietly, create an incorporated Scottish
commercial corporation merely calling itself "The United States of
America" [Incorporated] and substituting franchises of this corporation
[formed in Scotland in 1868 -- we have the paperwork and proof] for the
original Federal States of States. Thus, "The State of Florida" owned
and operated by Florida for the benefit of Floridians, was moth-balled,
and a Territorial franchise corporation calling itself by the
deceptively similar name "the State of Florida" owned and operated by
the Scottish Government for the benefit of the British Monarch and
United Kingdom, took its place ---- and generations of Americans have
been kept none the wiser.
Well, now you are all "the Wiser".
must take control of your own government. You must accept the
responsibilities that go with the rights of self-government, or your
assets will be plundered and pillaged to enrich the British Monarch and
the Papacy, you will permanently enslaved as a population, and you will
have no claim left to the land and soil of your own country.
I say it is time to "Wake up!" and form your Jural Assemblies, it isn't
just my opinion. A National Trust like any other property trust can
only endure for three (3) generations before being renewed, otherwise,
it is liquidated and there is no longer any interest preserved for the
It has been three generations since these con artists began their scheme.
husband and I climbed out from under their rock in 1998. In 2015 we
re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent and this affords you the
opportunity to extend your National Trust for another three
generations--- IF you all get busy and operate your States and form your
Jural Assemblies and act in the capacity of living heirs --- as people,
not persons.
I don't know what I can say or
do to make this any clearer for all of you. You are in grave danger of
being defrauded out of your entire inheritance --- your land and soil,
your businesses and homes, your labor, your bodies and your Good Name.
These criminals have conspired to steal it all right from under your
noses, just as Thomas Jefferson said they would, if you were not
Well, my husband and I and many
others have been "vigilant" and that is why you all continue to have a
reprieve to gain knowledge and not be destroyed, but it is time for you
to take action. It is completely safe and proper, peaceful and
unarguable for you to reclaim your Good Name and remove it to its
original domicile on the land and soil of your home State. Do so.
that all the Delegated Powers that were ever exercised by the
Confederation States of States were delegated to them by the States
acting through their Federation, The United States of America
[Unincorporated]--- not the other way around.
have to have a Florida before you can create "The State of Florida",
much less "the State of Florida" or "the STATE OF FLORIDA".
when the original Federal States of States were inoperable after the
Civil War, those Delegated Powers returned by Operation of Law to the
Issuers of those "powers" --- to the actual States and their Federation
of States, owned and operated by the living people. Not the King of
There is a great deal more history to
all of this, but it all comes down to understanding who and what you
are. Are you one of the living people of this country, a lawful
inheritor? Or are you a mere "person" acting as surety for a bankrupt
commercial corporation in "equitable exchange" for benefits doled out by
bankruptcy trustees?
If you are one of the
people, it is high time to reclaim your Good Name, correct the falsified
records being held against you, and join your State Jural Assembly.
note that you are guaranteed the right to peaceably "assemble" -- but
not guaranteed the right to "associate". This is because people are
sovereign and unincorporated entities, while "persons" are (in this
case, foreign) corporate franchises owing obedience to the parent
corporations that own them.
We have bought you
time and kept your lawful claims alive, but you MUST wake up now and
get moving in your own behalf and for the sake of your country and your
A foul white-collar fraud scheme
promoted first by the Government of Scotland and next by officers of the
Roman Catholic Church has very nearly succeeded in stealing your
National Trust and reducing you all to chattel backing the debts of
bankrupt commercial corporations "forever".
on your feet. Understand what has happened and what must be done to
answer it. Take back your Good Name and Estate, by formally
re-conveying them to the land and soil of your home State. The
paperwork to do this is on my website:, Article 928.
Then go to
or email
of you have been trying to form Jural Societies in the mistaken idea
that you could re-construct the Federal States of States by doing so,
but the horse has to go in front of the cart--- or you will get nowhere
and waste a lot of time and energy in the process.
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