Saturday, September 26, 2015

In the proud tradition of West Virginia; Your role as Peace Keepers....?

In the proud tradition of West Virginia; Your role as Peace Keepers....?

Due to the nature of this matter this message is being distributed to a global audience.  Once transmitted it will be posted to the Internet as part of the public record. 

This message is also being faxed to ensure the documentation of the distribution of this information to each of you personally. 

Consider the following as a legal notice!

West Virginia State Police Headquarters
725 Jefferson Road
South Charleston, WV 25309 

The Executive Branch:
Colonel C. R. "Jay" Smithers, Superintendent
Lt. Col. J. C. Chambers, Deputy Superintendent
Major T. D. Bradley, Chief of Field Services
Captain A. L. Cummings, Deputy Chief of Field Services
Major W. J. Scott, Chief of Staff Services
Captain M. G. Corsaro, Deputy Chief of Staff Services
Captain C. J. White - Professional Standards / Promotional Standards Officer
Captain R. Patterson - Director of Executive Services
First Lieutenant M. T. Baylous - Public Information Officer

Skip Navigation LinksWest Virginia State Police > About > Legal Division

Legal Division

The Legal Division of the West Virginia State Police consists of two Assistant Attorney Generals that represent the Department in various legal matters and assist with the training and education of law-enforcement personnel at the State Police Academy.

The State Police Legal Division cannot provide legal assistance to non-State Police members or employees.

Telephone: (304) 746-2100
Fax: (304) 746-2421
State Police Attorneys:
John A. Hoyer, Assistant Attorney General
Virginia Lanham, Assistant Attorney General

State Police Legal Secretary:

Melinda Craddock


If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at any time- 24/7

Side note:  Don’t you find it odd that as a public institution representing yourselves as acting in the service of the people, you are actually a corporation?  As you may realize, a corporation serves its shareholders.  Isn’t that interesting?  Now who might be your shareholders?

1 comment:

slaveman said...

... are you public servants?....(crickets)........ are you private contractors,(serving a corporation?)....(crickets again). for Gods' sake ... answer the question... no answer? Charley, could you gather, say, some tar and heat it enough to become semi-liquid? Say, Joe, that friend you know who has the chicken farm, do you think he'd want to 'donate' all those feathers he has in abundance due to all the slaughtering of same? What would Jesus do? (WWJD).Well, run them out of there, of course. Resistance to tyranny... is obedience to God, all we want, all we demand is freedom. You corporate 'persons' can remember freedom, can't you? Step down... step aside. Better yet... join us.