Saturday, September 26, 2015

Now you see water, now you don't: California Lake Mysteriously Runs Dry Overnight, Killing Thousands Of Fish

Now you see water, now you don't: California Lake Mysteriously Runs Dry Overnight, Killing Thousands Of Fish
Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Saturday, 26-Sep-2015 03:52:03

California Lake Mysteriously Runs Dry Overnight, Killing Thousands Of Fish
Kelly Ryan | CBS Sacramento
Sep 24, 2015
FOLSOM LAKE (CBS13) — A Northern California reservoir ran dry overnight, killing thousands of fish and leaving residents looking for answers.
While a $3.5 million drought safety net at Folsom Lake finishes, a lake in another part of the state is left high and dry.
Thousands of fish lay dead in what used to be Mountain Meadows reservoir also known as Walker Lake, a popular fishing hole just west of Susanville.
“Everywhere that you see that’s wet, there was water,” said resident Eddie Bauer.
Residents say people were fishing on the lake last Saturday, but it drained like a bathtub overnight. Bauer has lived near this lake his entire life. This is the first time he’s ever seen it run dry. He and other residents want answers.
Pacific Gas & Electric Company owns the rights to the water and uses it for hydroelectric power.  


Anonymous said...

This is totally not normal. It should be found out what is underneath this lake. It might be an underground base and they think they can just drain lakes and take any water they want to. It's time to declare war on these underground bases.

Anonymous said...

This is why the Russian people killed the Reptilians back in the 1400's. Because they were destroying the people's food supply and water supply, so the people got together and basically killed them off with sticks and stones. The people should be able to get rid of these Reptilians because there are way more people than there are of them. They were supposed to have died out and gone extinct already and they are abducting humans and breeding human-hybrids so they can get rid of the humans and take over the earth. These Reptilians are evil and God despises them. They have infiltrated all of the high places of the earth with their deceptive evil holographic/human shapeshifting and have deceived the masses. It's time for the humans to kill them off!