Thursday, December 6, 2018

A Fundamental Understanding Anna Von Reitz

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch
Paul Stramer

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

A Fundamental Understanding

By Anna Von Reitz

When any -- ANY -- incorporated entity attacks an unincorporated entity, a crime occurs.

Pure and simple.

When the "United States,Inc." attacked the Confederate States of States, they also damaged the actual States and People. Thus, a crime occurred.

Thereafter, the Vermin responsible (mostly Railroad Barons) bankrupted the "United States, Inc." so they wouldn't have to pay for all the damage they caused, and together with dishonest politicians and bankers, fronted the Scottish impostor doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated". 
More crimes perpetuated by incorporated entities against unincorporated entities occurred--- fraud, usurpation, breach of trust, etc., etc.,----all criminal activities carried out by incorporated entities against unincorporated entities.

The Pope as Trustee of the Air Jurisdiction and the Roman Curia should have stepped in immediately and liquidated the offending corporations, but they didn't. Instead, they acted in Breach of Trust and profited from these immoral and criminal organizations.

Same thing with the British Monarchs that were supposedly acting as our Trustees on the "High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways" ---- they should have been riding herd on the Scottish Government and should have prevented any member of the United Kingdom Government from preying upon us, and instead, they acted in Breach of Trust and profited from these immoral and criminal organizations. 
Now we have the French-Belgian-Swiss rot-mongers fronting other incorporated entities (US ARMY, USAF, US NAVY for example) making attacks on living people and actual land masses using incorporated entities as "fronts".

At each and every time that this happens, these corporations are functioning as criminal organizations and are subject to immediate liquidation.

The Law is: any incorporated entity that does anything unlawful against an unincorporated (sovereign) entity is guilty of crime and subject to immediate liquidation.

That's why we are still standing and they are not.

Please note that the saying, "The meek will inherit the Earth." may also be interpreted as, "The Miq will inherit the Earth."

The Miq is the ancient Moral Code of Commercial Law. If that Moral Code is followed, all these corporations that have done these evil things must be liquidated and their assets must returned to the people and countries they have harmed.


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

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