Wednesday, April 30, 2014

RT: Obama makes South China waves, by Pepe Escobar

RT: Obama makes South China waves, by Pepe Escobar

Posted on by Jean
Pepe Escobar is the roving correspondent for Asia Times/Hong Kong, an analyst for RT and TomDispatch, and a frequent contributor to websites and radio shows ranging from the US to East Asia.
Published time: April 26, 2014 15:59
US President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping (AFP Photo)
US President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping (AFP Photo)
Pivoting and pivoting like a widening gyroscope, to paraphrase Yeats, US President Barack Obama’s current tour of Northeast and Southeast Asia hides an invisible dragon in the cockpit: China.
It’s all about China, whose “trade bullying” and “military belligerence” a benign US empire swears to protect its Asian allies from.
After eating hopefully non-Fukushima radiated sushi in Tokyo with nationalists/militarist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Obama – quite undiplomatically – took no time to favor Japan over the serious Senkaku/Diayou islands dispute, referring to a dodgy security treaty which allows the US to aid Japan in case of a foreign attack.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry’s response was swift – identifying the treaty as “a product of the Cold War era” that “cannot be aimed at a third party and ought not to harm China’s territorial sovereignty.”
News agency Xinhua’s response was characteristically blunt: this is all part of “a carefully calculated scheme to cage the rapidly developing Asia giant” (referring to China).
In Japan, Obama’s focus was essentially on the corporate-negotiated (in secret) Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which, any way one looks at it, is all about US Big Business finally opening the heavily protected Japanese market. Abe did tout the TPP as the “third arrow” of his economic revival of Japan. It’s more like the arrow of death. Still, there’s no way for TPP to happen without a previous, bilateral US-Japan pact – and here problems remains intractable.

Now for the hidden agenda

When Obama hits the South China Sea things will get even choppier. The South China Sea is the heart of Eurasia’s naval hinterland– through which flows a third of the global naval action and of course all those millions of tons of oil being transported from the Indian Ocean across the mega-strategic Malacca strait and then the South China Sea towards East Asia (including, crucially, 80 percent of China’s oil imports.)
The hidden agenda here is for the US Navy to forever remain as the hyperpower in the South China Sea – without allowing Beijing as much as a possibility of reaching parity with it. Thus the Pentagon’s carefully orchestrated propaganda selling the myth that the South China Sea without the hegemonic US would be a hellish chaos.
Obama is visiting Malaysia and the Philippines, two Southeast Asian nations at opposing poles. Malaysia, for starters, sits between the Middle East and China, at the heart of complex global trade networks. In many aspects, Malaysia may be seen as the heart of Asia.
U.S. President Barack Obama inspects an honor guard during a welcoming ceremony at Parliament Square in Kuala Lumpur April 26, 2014. (Reuters)
U.S. President Barack Obama inspects an honor guard during a welcoming ceremony at Parliament Square in Kuala Lumpur April 26, 2014. (Reuters)
Unlike Vietnam – which is hyper-nationalist – Malaysia, crucially, does not want trouble with China. US warships already “visit” Malaysia at least 50 times a year – and that includes nuclear submarines hanging out in ports in Borneo.
Two French-Spanish submarines bought by Malaysia are stationed at a base in Sabah, near the Spratly islands – where Malaysia claims 12 islands or rocks.
The global war on terror (GWOT) was the perfect pretext for the Pentagon to extend to Malaysia some state of the art radar equipment. So, in a nutshell, after Singapore – which could easily be described as a corporate-friendly US aircraft carrier positioned near the Malacca strait – Malaysia is in fact a very reliable US ally in the South China Sea.

That beautiful, and messy, archipelago

The Philippines are immensely messier. To start with, the archipelago of 7,000-plus islands is roughly divided into three groups.
In Luzon in the north people speak Tagalog. In Mindanao and the Sulu archipelago in the south there are plenty of Moro Muslims – culturally they have more to do with Malays and Indonesians. And then in the middle sit the Visayas, which include Cebu. The whole thing accounts for no less than 35,000 kilometers of coastline to be patrolled, and that in a very poor country.
China is the Philippines’ third largest trading partner. The Chinese diaspora is extremely influential in trade and commerce. The Philippines import all their oil by sea – so the possibility of exploring new oil and gas reserves in the Spratlys and in the fiercely disputed Scarborough Shoal are a matter of national security.
The Spratlys – 150 rocks or islands, only 48 of them above water all the time – were named in 1843 after the master of a British whaler, Richard Spratly. Yet Filipinos call them Kalayaan (“Freedomland”). There’s even a mayor of Kalayaan.
What Obama is getting from Manila is an agreement for greater access for US ships and planes to military bases, after the Pentagon convinced the locals to focus on “maritime domain awareness” with the purpose of – what else? – containing China.
So expect “rotational” US presence in Philippine ports, and even transforming pristine Ulugan Bay on the Western Philippine island of Palawan – very close to the Spratlys – into a future naval base, to the utter despair of environmentalists.
So gone will be the (sovereign) days when Washington was forced to surrender the sprawling Subic Bay base in 1992 (before that, Manila received $200 million annually in military aid from Washington.) There’s a consensus in Manila that the only possible leverage against China’s claims in the South China Sea is an alliance with the US – and that in itself is also asymmetrical. Still, they do want US ships in their waters – following the Singapore (and Vietnam) model; let’s build ports for the Americans, and they will come.
Filipinos are positively paranoid about the Chinese prying everywhere across what they call the Western Philippine Sea – in places like Woody Island and Douglas Bank – planning to take over any particle of rock above sea level. Why? According to the Filipino version, because Beijing badly needs and wants to take over Filipino-owned oil and gas.
No wonder the US Navy was quick to exploit high-level Filipino insecurity to forge what amounts to a neo-colonial relationship.
U.S. President Barack Obama (front R) walks with Malaysia's King Abdul Halim of Kedah (front L) as they participate in a welcoming ceremony in Parliament Square in Kuala Lumpur April 26, 2014. (Reuters)
U.S. President Barack Obama (front R) walks with Malaysia’s King Abdul Halim of Kedah (front L) as they participate in a welcoming ceremony in Parliament Square in Kuala Lumpur April 26, 2014. (Reuters)

What about the Law of the Sea?

The Obama administration’s “pivoting to Asia” – as in containment of China – always eludes the key question; for Beijing, a coalition of small Southeast Asian powers allied with the US is absolutely anathema. If that’s the case, expect major fireworks.
Washington – as usual – extols the rule of international law, but the US has not even signed the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.Beijing wants a regional order – after all it is the dominant regional power. And it’s adamant on its historical claims – facts on the sea happening way before the Law of the Sea.
Meanwhile, it is a claiming free for all. For example, China claims the waters where one finds the Filipino natural gas fields of Malampaya and Camago.
The current exclusive economic zones, imposed by everyone, led to every player getting in theory energy-wealthy shallow areas near coastlines, while China south of its coastline didn’t get much apart from Pratas island, Macclesfield Bank and Scarborough Shoal.
Still, no matter what they could possibly extract and market, Malaysia and Philippines would still have to import oil and gas. So the South China Sea will remain crucial as much as a possible repository of oil and gas riches as for its increasingly congested transit sealanes.
As for the US invoking a legal mechanism to protect “freedom of navigation”, that’s rubbish; the real thing for the Americans is the state of the art Chinese submarine base in Hainan island which houses diesel-electric submarines and nuclear ballistic missile submarines. That’s the real secret of the Southeast Asian leg of Obama’s “pivoting to Asia”. And that was instrumental in the launch of the pivoting itself in 2011.
There is a solution for the South China Sea; deal after deal after deal. They ought to be negotiated in the cadre of the 10-member Association of Southeast Nations (ASEAN) – even considering that Beijing can, and does, explore internal divisions.
In a non-Hobbesian world, the ideal, realistic solution would be manageable to the benefit of all players, so everyone would be able to prospect for oil and gas. But the problem is that every player – except Malaysia – is juggling hardcore politics with deep emotional, nationalistic overtones. And in this environment only one external player really benefits; the United “Pacific nation” States of America.
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

Welcome to the reign of the heavens society.

Welcome to the reign of the heavens society.


How would the members of the reign of the heavens society desire to be identified?

Please look around for very informative videos:

The Articles of Confederation, as amended May, 19th, 2013
The Articles of Confederation, as amended May, 19th, 2013
The ROH Trust
The ROH Trust
The reign of the heavens society has been receiving some
odd questions.It is best to answer those questions on the
front page. The reign of the heavens society is not a
church nor a religious society. The reign of the heavens
society is a part of a 2000 year old country. The country
profile is defined in the About section of the website.
There is no affiliation with the U.S. nor the United States,
at this time. This does not mean that the society is against
those Entities, it just means that there is no affiliation
with those entities.The society teaches the right of
self determination, Independence, self reliance and all
that is affiliated with those subjects.
The Entity ID # has to do with the newly revamped and
re-claimed Confederacy of 1781, “The United States of
America”. Ever since that entity and chain of title
has been re-stored correctly, there are those that are
trying to de-bunk “The United States of America” as
being a part of a “Evil” system. The society members
are adults and have out grown childish things.
As a member of the reign of the heavens society, an
International Society, you will NOT be subjected to
any religion, false teachings, patriot garbage theories,
false mortgage relief theories, nor false tax relief
theories. The society does not cover those subjects.
There are NOT any huge payouts available from the
CAFR accounts through the society. There are NOT
any magic accounts through the birth certificates
through the society. If you are looking for that
kind of teaching, please move on to another website.
The society does NOT receive any secret nor inside
information from the U.S. Military nor has the society
ever been contacted by any Military members. The
society does not focus on the politics of
another government, rumors of another government,
nor has it been contacted by any politician in the
United States.
All members of the society and their information remain
autonomous nor is that information ever going to be
used against the registrant.
Warning: the reign of the heavens society is not a
safe haven for murderers, thieves nor pedophiles.
The reign of the heavens society is focused on families,
and will always strive to remain family friendly in
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warn fathers and mothers when the information is not
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WhistleBlower Answers about the Gold Stolen in Iraq and on 911

David Crayford and the OITC
WhistleBlower Answers about the Gold Stolen in Iraq and on 911
By Whistleblower
Nov 30, 2009 - 5:38:00 PM
Dear Candace,

Thanks for the question, as follows: You may publish this if you
desire to do so  can see no reason why same can not be published
as this matter has already appeared and been answered on other
Community Sites in the past.

Hi Whistleblower, it has long been rumored that US special forces took a lot
of gold OUT of Iraq during the initial attack. Did Saddam/Iraq/ et
all, have custodianship of OITC precious metals there?  There was a
similar claim made about Gold in or under the World Trade Center
buildings that was removed beforehand. Any truth to this that you know
of?  Take care, Candace


The Gold taken out of Iraq by the US Forces, was in fact 10,000 MT of
Gold that Iraq stole from the Central Bank of Kuwait, which was Gold
of the Collateral Accounts held under Custodianship rules by the
Kuwaiti Central Bank / Government, whereby the Central Bank was the
Official Depository.

The US tried to claim it as War Booty and therefore keep it. This
claim was rejected in totality because of the terms and conditions of
the Hague Treaty 1968, combined with the Second Plan of the Experts
1929, which states 
“The Parties (Referring to the Combined
International Collateral Accounts, The BIS, The TTTGC, together with
all other associated parties) shall be immune from any disabilities
and from any restrictive measures such as censorship, requisition,
seizure or confiscation, in time of peace or war, reprisals,
prohibition or restriction of export of gold or currency and other
similar interferences, restrictions or prohibitions”.

The 10,000 MT of Gold was legally declared as Gold owned by the
Collateral Accounts and eventually returned to the Collateral
Accounts. There is no actual depository, or other depository, of the
Collateral Accounts held in Iraq.

In respect of the Gold deposited in vaults under the World Trade
Centre. Yes this story is true. The World Trade Centre was a small
depository compared to many others in the US. During the late evening
(9/10) and early morning (9/11) of that day of disaster, several
Military trucks complete with armed special forces were utilized to
remove the 170 MT of Gold from under the World Trade Centre.

Such activity was actually reported by a person who was passing by one
of the entrances to the WTC during that very time. So many Military
Vehicles and armed personnel in the middle of the night would
certainly draw the attention of anyone passing by. The report was
suppressed and the file transferred to the Intell Agency.

The 170 MT Gold located in the WTC Depository was Gold owned by the
Collateral Accounts. It has never been located and its current
whereabouts is unknown.


Best regards



Independent Scientist - Jim McCanney regarding the major weather occurring.

Sent: Tue, Apr 29, 2014 5:50 pm

Independent Scientist - Jim McCanney
regarding the major weather occurring. 

Please read to know what we are up against.

April 24, 2014 posting ... clive bundy has been labeled a racist for telling the truth that the majority of blacks in this country are worse off under the welfare system than they were as slaves (we ain't talking about NBA stars) ... for that he is labeled a racist ... for over a week including the prime time weekend news programs that is ALL THEY TALKED ABOUT ... clearly the people who control the new york smooze nooze are very worried about what happened when the public took up arms to fend off an out of control government agency land grabbing for the greedy senators and their crony business partners ... as other states like oklahoma and throughout the south responded sending a clear message to washington to keep out ...
the current wave after wave of horrific tornados targeting innocent populations is clear weather manipulation complete with 6 (yes 6) earth quakes in oklahoma just in the last day ... to me this is clear retaliation for the public standing up to the european banking controlled USA government ... they could not leave out another controlled shooter toting a military weapon in the Fed Ex Georgia shooing (with the shooter allegedly shooting himself as is typical of the gov sponsored mind control program shooters trying to ploy gun control)

... THE NEW WORLD BUNCH AND THEIR MIL PAWNS ARE NUTS ... my short exposé below
shows the weather manipulation as the south braces for more tornados tonight ... this is why you have to be prepared ... the rescuers cannot reach the victims ... the south is under reprisal for standing up to the feds ... make no mistake about it ...
THE REAL WEATHER REPORT (not the national weather service cover story weather report) ... MAN MANIPULATED STORMS SLAM THE USA as new world order nut cases operating through weather control military control centers create massive suffering and death across the southland ... the weather does not just happen ... it is energized by solar activity and near earth solar wind and related space conditions ... THERE ARE NO SPACE WEATHER CONDITIONS THAT WOULD WARRANT THE STORMS WE ARE SEEING in the USA ... THE REST OF PLANET EARTH IS QUIET AS A CHURCH MOUSE WITH NO SEVERE WEATHER ANYWHERE ... BUT IN THE GOOD OLE USA there is a himmicane (overland hurricane) currently centered in iowa extending far into canada and with its southern arm extending into the deep south of the USA as far south as texas and oklahoma to the west and florida to the east ... there is a secondary low pressure cell being fueled by laser satellite weather manipulation over the entire southern USA which is creating the current severe weather ... this is NOT nature or natural conditions ... additionally there were 6 earth quakes in oklahoma (no where else) coordinated with the rash of tornados ... above find the satellite map of the himmicane ... note that if this monster man made storm were over the atlantic ocean it would cover the entire north atlanic ocean from cuba to nova scotia
... jim mccanney

THERE IS SOMETHING BREWING AND COLLECTIVELY MANY PEOPLE CAN FEEL IT ... the nut cases running the gov are moving in unprecedented ways ... they are also realizing that the public is fed up with their BS ... top officials have long since secured their "retirement" land outside the USA and on July 1 new banking rules come into effect basically attempting to locate all financial assets of US citizens in foreign countries who have fled the tyranny and insanity here that is repeating pre world war II fascism ... something is about to pop ... are you prepared to take care of yourselves ? are you water independent ? click on the link below to learn about water filtration and water independence ... my sales page is not just about selling something ... it is about educating you especially about water filtration ... complete with my Books CDs and DVD library ... jim mccanney

(also )

The Story Of Leo Wanta 'The 27.5 Trillion Dollar Man'

The Story Of Leo Wanta
'The 27.5 Trillion Dollar Man'
The Key Question Looms: Will The Illuminati Banksters Get the Money First
Or Will The American People Get It, As Wanta Is Legal Guardian And
Trustee On Behalf Of The People Of The United States

According to a 2003 federal court ruling by a courageous judge from Virginia, Wanta has been authorized as legal guardian of the vast sum of money made from profits at the end of the Cold War. In one of the most important stories of our time, Wanta holds the 'finacial key' to the vast criiminal Illuminati banking network and he says with the help of the American people their system can be destroyed.

By Greg Szymanski 

The only thing standing in the way of life and death for Ambassador Leo Wanta is he "knows where the money is hidden" and the Illuminati banksters don't.

A former U.S. Treasury official appointed trustee to a large sum of money by President Ronald Reagan, Wanta holds the financial "golden key" to 27.5trillion dollars, money he says now held in public trust for the American people.

To back up Wanta's trustee status as protector of trillions, a federal judge in Alexandria, Virginia, in 2003, ruled in his favor, saying Wanta's trustee status is legally binding and the money is rightfully the property of the American people.

The federal court case, however, has left federal prosecutors in a perplexed state of mind, as they have not yet officially appealed the ruling, perhaps thinking it is better to let "sleeping dogs sleep" until they get their 'cooked ducks or judges in the right government pond."

But the real problem, as it stands today and why the money remains in limbo, is simply if Wanta returns the money to the U.S. Treasury, it will be immediately hi-jacked from the people and put into private Iluminati bank accounts since under the present Federal Reserve and the national banking system, there are no laws protecting the American people's money.

"Dutch (President Reagan} always intended the money be returned to the American people to be used for roads, schools and health care," said Wanta last Thursday on Greg Szymanski's radio show, the Investigative Journal, where the former Ambassador spoke for two hours while still being held under house arrest in his Switzerland home.

During the interview that can be heard in full by going to The Investigative Journal archives at ** < , Wanta literally blew the lid off the Illuminati's world wide banking scam, as well as providing detailed information about how Illiminati banksters with help from the Bush crime family and former President Clinton have already hijacked 752 billion dollars in what has been called by European investigators "the biggest bank heist in world history."

Besides the large sums of money at stake and the need to revamp the Federal Reserve and national banking laws to protect the public not private interests, Wanta's story involves undercover intrigue and espionage at the highest levels, providing a mystery story better than any Hollywood movie can offer.

Behind following the money, his story involves saving President Reagan's life in a little known assassination attempt left unreported in the mainstream press (see rbn interview), authority to arrest Marc (Reich) Rich, a meeting with Vince Foster just prior to his untimely death and just prior to Wanta being placed in a Swiss dungeon for 134 days when he confronted Rich, who was allowed to go free through White House connections.

To better understand Wanta's role and the importance of his story, not to mention how 27.5 trillion dollars could provide a good jump start to the American economy, it's best to go back to his original assignment in the Reagan administration at the time the Cold War was coming to a close.

At this time, Wanta, a distinguished U5 Secret Service/Treasury officer was the primary US Financial Warfare officer engaged in operations to "collapse" the Soviet Empire through financial maneuvers to prevent the Soviet military devoting larger resources to military expenditure.

For his financial plan which destabilized the Russian currency and resulted in huge dollar profits, leading into the 27.5 trillion in trust, instead of being recognized for his service, he was set-up by the Clinton's and the Bush crime family after being released from the Swiss jail, sentenced to a 22 year jail term on bogus Wisconsin state income tax evasion charges

Although recently released and protected in a sense by the 2003 federal court ruling in his favor, Wanta has languished much of the time since 1993 in jail and now under house arrest, the primary reason for his predicament being he audited the Illuminati's giga-financing operation of 1989-92 too accurately far the liking of certain high-level official crooks controlling the purse strings.

Regarding the Rich arrest in Switzerland and his meeting with Foster, Wanta said this on The Investigative Journal last week:

"I was named Ambassador from Somalia to Switzerland and Canada as a cover to arrest Rich. When I go there, I found myself in a Swiss dungeon and Rich was set free. Foster was also there on behlaf of the Clinton's, asking for $250 million to be used for The Children's Fund, which Hillary was the chairman. I thought it was to be used for a good cause so We gave him the money.

"Later Vince attempted to help me out of my situation, but I was later notified he was found dead and I never found out what happened to the $250 million."

Although Wanta had no idea what The Children's Fund was all about, later a financial investigator, Marco Saba of the Organized Crime Observatory in Switzerland wrote this about turned out to be a secret fund:

"One component of this information concerns the activities of the CIA operative known as Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton. For some years prior to the elevation of her husband, Bill, a CIA operative like his ''CIA wife'', Hillary had been in control of an organization calling itself the Children''s Defense Fund. Executive Order 12333 (1981) of President Reagan, the US intelligence services were authorised to operate what became known as Title 18, Section 6 USG corporations for intelligence purposes, and to deny any intelligence community connection (that is, to lie about their real purpose). Some of these entities have touchy-feely, welfarish titles, like The Children''s Defense Fund. It is alleged, un the basis of intelligence community leakages, that Hillary became accustomed to treating this fund as her own private slush fund."

However, behind the scenes of Rich, Foster and the Clinton's, a bigger game of world politics and deception was being played out, as Wanta unknowingly was caught in the middle of the U.S./Soviet double-cross of the American people, as the two collaborated to bring about an orchestrated fall of the Soviet Union.

An excerpt from an article from the Centro Studi Monetari, Arab-Asian Affairs, Vol. 29, Numbers 8&9, December 2005, explains the backstabbing and double-crossing going on behind the scenes when the Cold War was being orchestrated to a close to serve the purposes of the demonic Illuminati powers pulling the strings behind the scenes, as Wanta unknowingly serving patriotic U.S. interests was in the middle of the whole mess:

The following are key parts of the article: THE 'TAKEDOWN' OF LEO WANTA

For rest of story, go to

US, NY Times caught faking Russia forces in Ukraine

US, NY Times caught faking Russia forces in Ukraine
US President Barack Obama

US President Barack Obama

Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:11PM GMT


By Jim W. Dean

Related Interviews:
The State Department and the NY Times got caught red-handed with faked evidence of Russian aggression in East Ukraine. But the story is now one of a double and maybe a triple hoax.
One might become curious at the US repeatedly claiming that Russian troops and agents were the tip of the spear on the East Ukraine civic building takeovers. Why? Because day after day the charges went on and on without any proof being put on the table.
Now mind you, this is after we have had several big intercept releases, which we assume were from Russian intelligence, starting with Victoria Nuland and her potty mouth discussing who was going to be in the post-coup government in Kiev. This is the same Ms. Nudlemann that was shoehorned into a top level State Dept. job some years ago with only four years of college and no diplomatic experience. It is the kind of placement that would catch the eye of counter-intelligence people of someone being planted.
What made her position so strange is that she had started as an assistant to Dick Cheney, so her qualifications were family and Israel Lobby political connections. That she was kept over from the Bush thugs by Obama is still mind boggling, when all the NeoCons should have been cleaned out in the first day security sweep.
And then we had the EU's Catherine Ashton and the Latvia Foreign Minister talking about the Maidan coup killings, and how everyone knew who had done it, and how nonchalant Ashton was about that news. Those were major intelligence coups by the Russians to use on YouTube to stake out who the real aggressors were in Ukraine.
The West had their controlled corporate media to help them publicize the endless charges above, using the old tactic of “the offense is the best defense.” Accuse your opponent with what you are doing, because who said it first always stays imprinted in the public's mind. But we were expecting some payback from NSA and CIA via releasing some intercepts of their own to show the Russians being caught red-handed.
General Breedlove added his failed spin attempt to this sad record of deception on the American people by releasing outdated satellite-photo “proof” of the Russian offensive build-up on Ukraine's borders, taken a year ago. It was shot down in flames by the Russians, without an S400 being needed.
The Russians would have expected to be blamed for the East Ukraine city takeovers after Crimea, which was a totally different situation, as the troops were already based there with agreements to reinforce in times of threats. So it would not have made sense for the Russians to ruin the clean record they had hitting the “Crimean invasion” slow-ball hype out of the ball park.
The West failed miserably trying to pound that message onto the World public. And the 97% vote count on the referendum put the nails in the coffin of that attempt.
A pattern emerged of the State Department making charges and the Russians denying. This kept on until we were wondering if someone was trying to bore us all to death. If the US had proof of Russians on the ground running the protest movement, why was Kerry not putting it out in a Cuban Missile crisis fashion with some updated version of U2 spy plane photos of Soviet missiles there? We could think of nothing to justify holding it except... they didn't really have anything.
It seems that things came to a head when the Russian Foreign Ministry got tired of making endless denials. Lavrov threw the gauntlet down and demanded the US show its proof. And therein is where the “mis-attributed photo” psyops was born out of need to cover the lies.
YouTube videos and photos on the East Ukraine protests were all over the Internet and we knew that payroll duty Intel workers would be sifting through them carefully with orders to “find us some Russians.” They didn't. So now time to fake some. They found a photo of freelance photographer Maxim Dondyuk... a bunch of gnarly-looking militia guys all decked out in combat fatigues and ready-to-do-business gear, including their weapons. Other photos were found in the Ukraine shots with some of the same faces. The question then was what to do with them.
“We see in the photos that have been again in international media, on Twitter, publicly available, is that there are individuals who visibly appear to be tied to Russia. We’ve said that publicly a countless number of times,” Jen Psaki, State Dept spokeswoman said.
And the answer was someone decided to add a caption to Dondyuk's photo that said, “Group photo taken in Russia.” The other photos they had from the protests with some of the same faces, they just circled and presented them with the “Russian” photo as the evidence.
We think some State Department Intel dummies did that. Yes, State does have its own intelligence division, one that is not highly respected for being over-paid and under worked. Their mistake was that the caption was too pat. No really good psyops guy would have done that.
The State Department circulated this to all those involved in pandering the charges, to make them feel they were on solid ground that the meanie Russians were lying. Because the State Department is filled with dual-Israeli citizens, they like to show they can be valuable in a jam, so they got the photos over to the Israel Lobby's favorite newspaper for planting stories -- other than the Wall Street Journal -- the New York Times.
They participated in the scam by not making sure the photo was real, as it was being used as proof the Russians were lying. No major paper would forget to run down the photo, or they would not have run the story. The Times did it because someone they are close to asked them to.
The hoax was up when Mr. Dondyuk saw his mis-attributed photo and put a call into the NY Times pronto. “It was taken in Slavyansk [Ukraine],” he told NYT over the phone. “Nobody asked my permission to use it.” So now it was damage control time, and big outfits like this are not without some experience in that department.
The standard spin, when caught, is to admit that a mistake was made and then never say anything other than that. They will take the sloppiness hit, even being laughed at by other media, but they don't want to be grilled on whether they orchestrated the hoax.
But here are more clues, like the duplicitous language used by Jen Paski, “individuals who visibly 'appear' to be tied to Russia.” The key word is “appear”. They knew when they put this out that it would be taken by the public as “proof”, but she did not say that it proved they were Russians. The language used was carefully crafted for deniability if needed.
That folks, is run of the mill wordplay deception that governments run on their publics all the time. But what makes this evil, and an attack on the American people by its own government, is that this deception was being used to cover US aggression by framing the Russians so that the people would be primed to support military action, if the US goes that route.
It was a violation of the oath of office that the top people take... "to defend the country against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”  These people, who concocted this faked photo story and all their other orchestrated aggressions to pin them on the Russians, are exactly why those words “domestic enemies” were put in the oath.
They crossed over the oath red line and became our enemies. Nuland, Cheney... there is a long list. It is time for others who took that oath to defend us from these domestic enemies. They have attacked us with lies in an escalating war situation. They are not fit to serve. On the contrary... maybe they should be POWs.
Jim W. Dean comes from an old military family dating back to the American Revolution. His father was a WWII P-40 and later P-51 Mustang fighter pilot. Jim's mother was a WWII widow at 16, her first husband killed with all 580 aboard when the SS Paul Hamilton, an ammunition ship with 7000 tons of explosives aboard, was torpedoed off the coast of Algiers. He has appeared on PBS most recently on the Looking for Lincoln documentary with Prof. Henry Lewis Gates and lectured at the Army Command and General Staff School at Fort Gordon. His current writing focus is on national security, intelligence, black and psyops, military/Intel history including personal video archives, and the current wars. Jim Dean is the managing editor of Veterans Today. More articles by Jim W. Dean

What's the lying threshold for "chronic"?

What say ye?

Subject: What's the lying threshold for "chronic"?

[The Constitution was never meant to prevent people from praying; its declared purpose was to protect their freedom to pray. Ronald Reagan 9/18/1982]

The Face of Evil...Right Behind Janet Yellen

Subject: The Face of Evil...Right Behind Janet Yellen
By now you should all know that Janet Yellen is just a patsy. She was placed as Chairman of the Fed to "take the fall". When IT hits the fan she will be blamed and ousted almost immediately.  But lurking in the shadows, and I mean in the deep, dark shadows, is the real Master Mind of the Dark Side of the Fed...the former Governor of The Bank of Israel  - Stanley Fischer.

Senate Committee Okays Stanley Fischer for Federal Reserve

Today, our bought and paid for Senators endorsed Stanley Fischer to be Vice Chair directly in line behind Janet Yellen. Basically, when Yellen is taken out for incompetence Fischer will be placed in her spot. Why is it being done this way? ...because Fischer could not have gotten the nod from Congress to be the Chairman as a standalone candidate even though he calls all the shots already!!!

Just check out this resume:

"Fischer is a dual US-Israeli citizen who until last year served as the governor of Israel's central bank."
"The 70-year-old was also deputy managing director at the International Monetary Fund, from 1994 to 2001, and prior to that served as chief economist for the World Bank."
"The paper made Fischer a central figure in New Keynesian economics."(aka market rigging!)

"He is a member of the Bilderberg Group and attended the Swiss 2011 Bilderberg conference in St. Moritz, Switzerland."


Mark my words, when Yellen abruptly steps down this Puppeteer will take the top spot in controlling the Global Monetary System and the very LAST thing he has in mind is the well being of We The People of the United States of America.

Now you you can yell and scream with me when it happens!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

BREAKING: Brand New Update On Arpaio Criminal Investigation Into Obama’s Birth Certificate

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In God, we have a great and invincible ally!
His faithful will be raised on eagle's wings!

BREAKING: Brand New Update On Arpaio Criminal Investigation Into Obama’s Birth Certificate

"The evidence is so overwhelming, something legal will have to happen"

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Carl Gallups recently appeared on Bill Martinez’s radio program to discuss the latest developments in this important investigation. His source? The head of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, Mike Zullo.

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To those who have taken the Oath, Remember the Oath!
To those who have not and believe in the Constitution,
Take a similar Oath now to the Constitution!
Remember that those who make laws contrary to the Constitution,
Those who enforce laws contrary to the Constitution,
And those who give orders contrary to the Constitution,
Have become domestic enemies of the Constitution!
It doesn't take a Judge or a lawyer to know the difference!

All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 164, 176. (1803)

"Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them." Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 491. 

"An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed." Norton vs. Shelby County, 118 US 425, 442.
Teddy's Answer to Diversity!

There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.
— Theodore Roosevelt, speech before the Knights of Columbus, 1915, New York
Teddy's Answer to Bush!
To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
— Theodore Roosevelt
Teddy's Answer to Bush & Congress
"We cannot afford to differ on the question of honesty if we expect our republic permanently to endure.  Honesty is not so much a credit as an absolute prerequisite to efficient service to the public.  Unless a man is honest, we have no right to keep him in public life; it matters not how brilliant his capacity."  — Theodore Roosevelt
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