Thursday, August 28, 2014

From Jim Stone


August 27 2014

Napa (California) quake man made

How can I say that? Because there were bright flashes in the sky when it happened, and it happened at a depth of 6.6 miles (10 KM), which is almost impossibly shallow for an earthquake. Additionally, there is plenty of precedent for this. The earthquake machine is usually tuned to a depth of 10 kilometers, yet natural quakes seldom happen closer than 30 kilometers to the surface. Normal quake depth is at the 50 - 100 kilometer zone. We have only been seeing these shallow quakes since Japan and Haiti, WHAT CHANGED? Well, the flashes in the sky are a pretty good clue.
This report talks about the bright flashes, which are an obvious dead giveaway that the quake was artificially triggered. At one time I believed the stories about the charges coming up from the ground, but that is a load of bunk, it never happened 30 years ago, and the world did not change in a geological second. Something is amiss, and the following report PROVES IT.

March 20 Mexico quake verified MAN MADE

A reader sent me a mail with a link to a report by Dutchsince, which claimed that the march 20 quake in Mexico was man made. I was skeptical, but then took a look at his report which documented that a very well planned and advertised earthquake drill matching the exact same scenario at the exact same magnitude at the exact same time had taken place. If you look at what I said in my initial report - it felt like accelerating back and forth, not a violent movement, and in mails I also added that it had no vibration of any sort. This matches the descriptions of the Fukushima quake that came out of Japan. Furthermore, if you read my mails from Japan, in there my writers said that all the quakes were happening at a depth of 10 KM and because of that, and the way the quakes felt un natural, they believed the spate of recent quakes in Japan were from an earthquake machine, the existence of which is documented in the Fukushima report. Well, the USGS said this quake happened at a depth of 10 km, which matches Japan exactly. Usually quakes are much deeper, and this similarity with Japan is suspicious ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING


To Lavoz Del Norte and others who will bury the facts when they are inconvenient, Now you know what will happen on this site; (explanation to readers on the next line . . . . .

Note - The newspaper La Voz Del Norte, which posted this article has banned all access to it and all others on their site related to it. SO,

It's a good thing I made a back up!

. . . . . . After a while in this business of busting lies and cover ups, you learn to do that!)
This text article is dated March 13, and verifies that indeed, this quake HAD TO BE man made.
It is verified truth the quake in mexico was indeed man made, the depth, which matches the suspicious quakes in Japan, and the fact it coincided with an earthquake drill matching the exact same scenario puts it over the top into the false flag terror category. Many of my readers are well read enough to know that on 9/11 there was a terror drill covering the EXACT SAME SCENARIO happening nationwide, including at NORAD, which caused them to fail to address and react to a very real situation, and the London train bombings, where the same thing happened. Now that terror in the name of Arabs has failed, they are attempting a new approach - terror in the name of the environment. You would think they would come up with a different bag of tricks, the whole "drill coincidence" theme is getting a little obvious. I made good and sure I got the real info from the real source before posting this, and now, I applaud Dutchsince for the WONDERFUL work!
And now, since this is proven, I am going to make a real good guess. I would be willing to bet that a gravity wave, or gravity machine has been invented. This would be prime for triggering earthquakes, because if you could put a gravity pull on the crust of the earth, in a direction other than down or up, it would indeed move the earth back and forth the way I felt it. I think that is what we are witnessing here and I would bet 500 pesos the Mexican government was not in on this particular joke.

This was my initial report of the March 20 Chiapas quake

I felt the earthquake in Mexico city, it happened at high noon.

I was in a Starbucks next to the Sams Club in the Santa Fe district of Mexico City. The quake lasted about 20 seconds, and whatever the magnitude, people gawked at the swaying buildings. SO, tie whatever magnitude this was into the Tokyo footage on 3/11. This swayed buildings and flickered the power. How much does it take to sway buildings and cause power glitches? At any rate, I was unimpressed with the 3/11 Tokyo footage.
Ok, I got the details, it was a 7.6 in Oaxaca Mexico, on the coast about 500 km away. My guestimate of the magnitude in Mexico City is that it was about a 4.5 - 5.0 at this distance. It felt like accelerating back and forth, and from the feel of it I would say the earth had to have moved 10 feet back and forth but it was not a violent movement. It disoriented drivers, after evacuation I saw a guy on a motorcycle talking to a cop, and the cop was sort of laughing, re-assuring the rider he was not delerious.
Hmm, a 7.6 500KM away swaying buildings and flickering power. Remind me, how big is Japan? No seismograph on 3/11 registered anything higher than a 6.67, consider that. What happened in Mexico today was much bigger. And the construction here is not that good, so I think there may have been a disaster at the epicenter, though everything is business as usual in Mexico City.

Iranian sail boat defended itself against U.S. Coast Guard

The U.S. Coast Guard has a policy of burning private boats anywhere in the world and a small fishing sailboat from Iran did not go along with the policy

As preposterous as it may sound, the U.S. coast guard boards boats everywhere in the world, not just along the American coast, and if things are not perfect, they detain everyone on the boat and burn it, even if it is a multi million dollar yacht. Knowing this policy, an Iranian fishing boat that was operating off the coast of Iran refused to allow boarding by the U.S. coast guard. The Coast Guard fired on this boat, but according to the Washington Post, left it floating with all aboard. At the end of this report is a link to a Washington Post article that downplays the Coast Guard's hostile role in international waters, and the attitude expressed in the Washington Post article says a LOT.

The following report about the coast guard's tyranny is 100 percent verified and accurate

About six months before I was anonymously detained over the Fukushima report, I was invited to dinner at a good friends home while I was in Bakersfield. His son, Nicholas Theriault, was on leave from the Coast Guard and I was invited over to meet him.
I already had background information about the U.S. coast guard sinking every boat that approached Ecuador, sight unseen. That's right, the U.S. Coast Guard put up a blockade off the coast of Ecuador, and sank every boat that approached that nation (this was going on a few years ago and was still going on when I talked to Nicholas).
The Coast guard also has been assigned to patrol the coasts of many other nations, invited or not. So I played Nicholas for information by seeming to agree with and be enthusiastic about everything he told me.
I said, What do you do when you come across a boat that is out to sea, in fully international waters, TOTALLY OUT OF AMERICA's JURISDICTION. I picked a no man's land as an example, the equatorial region 2,000 miles south of Hawaii, where NO drug dealers would be likely to go, where there would ONLY be innocents.
He said, we board it. I said, but that's illegal. You have no jurisdiction in that region. He said, "THAT DOES NOT MATTER, BECAUSE WE ARE THE U.S. AND WHAT IS ANYONE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?"
I said, What happens when you go on a boat, and there are no drugs, and there is no smuggling going on, NOTHING, the people on the boat did NOTHING. He said, "we check their papers. If they are out to sea, and they do not have their papers in order, we take them off the boat, imprison them, and burn the boat. We cannot leave the boat just drifting out at sea. If there is no one on it it is a derelict, We HAVE TO burn it."
Then I said, Well, what happens if after being processed in the U.S. there was nothing wrong. He said, They get to go home. I said, Well, what about the boat? He said, it's their loss, we don't care.
I said, Well, If they leave from a home port, and are just out for a cruise, and are returning to that same home port, they would not need papers. He said, THAT DOES NOT MATTER. IF THAT IS THE STORY, WE STILL JAIL THEM, BURN THEIR BOAT, AND TAKE THEM BACK TO THE U.S.
And I made it very clear, I then asked him, SO, if you find a boat 50 miles off the coast of New Zealand, and the people on the boat do not have their documents in order, you burn the boat and take them back to the U.S., even though it would be obvious that they really probably are just out for a cruise and returning to New Zealand, where EVERYONE IN THE HARBOR WOULD RECOGNIZE THEM AND NEVER RAISE AN EYEBROW UPON THEIR RETURN, and HE SAID YES.
I do not think even Americans realize how much of an evil empire America has become. But the Iranians sure do, because the evils of the Coast Guard are probably well published there. Fat chance you would ever see a report about what the Coast Guard really does in the Washington post - which gets to the point of an article they recently published, where they played it all down and made it look like a friendly chummy affair, and those backwards Iranians were being prudes:
Washington Post report here
After reading the article, consider this: What business does America have boarding sail boats used for village fishing in Iran? What kind of tyranny is America anyway? And it is not just Iran, America does this in Latin America, Africa and everywhere else, even Vancouver Island in Vancouver Canada. Why has this burning of boats, which is a frequent occurence never in the news? It should be HUGE NEWS, why not a peep about this in the press?
Kudos to the Iranians for showing force against tyranny, it would serve the coast guard right if the crew got shot.

CDC BUSTED for Burying Vaccine Related Autism Link

NaturalNews did a report about an intercepted CDC e-mail which blew the lid off the vaccine autism scam, which proves the CDC covered up the vaccine autism link. Sure enough, the report the CDC mail referred to got censored practically instantly after NaturalNews published it, but I have it here below. Perhaps this will put pressure on the censors to make this available again.

The actual censored text NaturalNews no longer has a link to:

Translational Neurodegeneration 2014, 3:16 doi:10.1186/2047-9158-3-16
Correspondence: Brian S Hooker
Published: 8 August 2014
A significant number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder suffer a loss of previously-acquired skills, suggesting neurodegeneration or a type of progressive encephalopathy with an etiological basis occurring after birth. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectof the age at which children got their first Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine on autism incidence. This is a reanalysis of the data set, obtained from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC), used for the Destefano et al. 2004 publication on the timing of the first MMR vaccine and autism diagnoses.
The author embarked on the present study to evaluate whether a relationship exists between child age when the first MMR vaccine was administered among cases diagnosed with autism and controls born between 1986 through 1993 among school children in metropolitan Atlanta. The Pearson’s chi-squared method was used to assess relative risks of receiving an autism diagnosis within the total cohort as well as among different race and gender categories.
When comparing cases and controls receiving their first MMR vaccine before and after 36 months of age, there was a statistically significant increase in autism cases specifically among African American males who received the first MMR prior to 36 months of age. Relative risks for males in general and African American males were 1.69 (p=0.0138) and 3.36 (p=0.0019), respectively. Additionally, African American males showed an odds ratio of 1.73 (p=0.0200) for autism cases in children receiving their first MMR vaccine prior to 24 months of age versus 24 months of age and thereafter.
The present study provides new epidemiologic evidence showing that African American males receiving the MMR vaccine prior to 24 months of age or 36 months of age are more likely to receive an autism diagnosis.
Keywords: Autism; Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine

The above has been replaced with the following:

Abstract (provisional)
This article has been removed from the public domain because of serious concerns about the validity of its conclusions. The journal and publisher believe that its continued availability may not be in the public interest. Definitive editorial action will be pending further investigation.

NO MATTER WHAT the story, DO NOT get vaccinated, a new bioweapon is being distributed via vaccines

This report has been updated to address Google Book's posting of a 1971 release of the New Scientist, which has pictures of the phage below in it. To see this update Click here. Even if Google books is not disinfo in this case (which it very well could be because this topic is so important), the remainder of the phage report is BANG ON, phages are what Israel has chosen to use for the race specific bioweapon and because Google Books is not print, it does not satisfy the demand: SHOW ME ON PAPER WITH AN ORIGINAL RELEASE.


I challenge ANYONE, ANYONE AT ALL, to come up with a printed book from the 1990's that has the six legged T4 (proven Israeli Nanobot) bacteriophage in it, as pictured to the left. The web can be faked with ease AND THEREFORE GOOGLE BOOKS DOES NOT CUT IT. You cannot fake print. Let's see it ON PAPER, in unchangeable print from the 1990's. PRINT OR THIS THING CAME FROM AN ISRAELI LAB IN 2007, as I state and present compelling evidence for in the T4 nanobot report below.

There have been many reports about nanobots being developed that will destroy people. This report actually identifies that nanobot and what it is based upon. Once this nanobot is received via a tainted vaccine, it inserts DNA into your cells which instructs your own cells to produce more copies of itself and THAT is how it replicates. And it NEVER backs off, it simply orders your own cells to keep producing it until your cells die from being over worked doing exactly that. And it's completely verified this thing came from a lab in 2007, scroll down to the pictures if you don't want to read a lot.

Anti vaccine alternative news web sites are being taken down RIGHT NOW, with simultaneous total purges of the Google cache within hours and I beg to question why.
Actually, there is little to question. The answer is apparently obvious. The elite are now going for a huge push to get the T4 bacteriophage nanobot and other tainted vaccine additives put into the entire world public via mandated injections AT ONCE. And I suspect they are going to use a phony Ebola outbreak to scare the people into accepting shots laced with T4 nanobots, with everyone receiving the shot within a short period of time.

More so than flight370, Ukraine, and other issues, the takedown of anti vaccine web sites right in the middle of an "Ebola outbreak" is the coincidence we should all be paying attention to, THIS IS THE NEWS, if we miss this one we are likely to be destroyed.

Anyone who is with it enough to find a web site like this one ought to know about the NWO plan for global depopulation and the establishment of compact slave cities that can be managed with ease. What better way could there be to manage a massive depopulation than a fake outbreak, with the real disease being in mandated shots, peddled as vaccines that are supposed to protect? You can bet the elite do not want to actually release something that could kill them into the wild in the form of a real outbreak. They would instead opt to use all their ill gotten tax dollars to formulate a shot and inject it into their victims, with a certain percentage of the shots being non hazardous, perhaps 1 in 10, and the rest representing the end of life for the recipient. If the disease is a managed disease that is completely non contageous and can only be received via a shot, they can rest easy while the world dies around them.

And THIS is why they are pushing vaccines so hard, and now actively working to destroy completely legitimate dissent. I am certain that my web site is only staying online because it got too well known too quickly to take down without making waves, and I am going to use that advantage to warn the people and hope for the best.



A NOTE TO THE SHILLS: What will happen if you end up with these things inside you? These are NOT Iphones, WANNA SHILL THIS? ARE YOU SURE YOUR ISRAELI LAB GOT THIS RIGHT AND THESE WILL NEVER GET INTO YOU?

With only 183K of super efficient DNA code, viral nanobots were released into the wild via vaccinations on September 22 2007 and are being peddled as a natural variant of the T4 bacteriophage. But this report PROVES THESE NANOBOT PHAGES ARE NOT NATURAL, AND WERE INSTEAD CREATED BY ISRAEL. These nanobots invade host organisms or cells and insert DNA that causes the host make more nanobots until the host organisms or cells die from overexertion producing them. THESE ARE LIKELY TO BE IN THE PAPALOMA VACCINE, FLU SHOTS AND OTHER VACCINATIONS, VACCINES WILL BE THE DELIVERY MEDIUM THESE ARE DISTRIBUTED WITH. These are most likely in Gardasil, which in fact appears to be designed to destroy the feminine emotional centers and attack the brain, and this report proves it.

If you are a headline skimmer who can't get past the first page of reading, you had better reconsider your information gathering habits and READ THIS IN FULL.

Brain destroying Genetically Modified six legged T4 bacteriophage is a NANOBOT

Vaccines being used for distribution RIGHT NOW

Something called a T-4 bacteriophage existed before, but it certainly did not look like this.
I knew the six legged T4 bacteriophage was NOT NATURAL and that Israel did it and I found a way to PROVE IT. Click the image to the left to see how I proved it, this is NOT a hoax. Google yields NO image results for T4 bacteriphage before September 1 of 2007, and TONS for September 1 of 2008. So that is the time frame this little six pointed demon was released into the wild. And if Google is subsequently rigged to screw with this, I already have it documented, this is REAL FOLKS.

This is an emergency now, THIS is what Israel is going to use for their race warfare ethno-bomb, and the following earlier report by this web site explains EVERYTHING ON THIS TOPIC:

THIS is what Israel is going to use for their race warfare ethno-bomb.

The real threat to our future is the T4 nanobot Bacteriophage

An alarming development regarding the topic of viral phages has occurred

To provide a background on this, I have a really close friend who is a doctorate of pharmacology and an expert in the related microbiology fields. While having lengthy discussions about the future of weaponized medicine, this friend went on and on about how bacteriophages were being re engineered to attack our brain cells rather than their normal host - bacteria, implant DNA directly into our cells to change us immediately and forever change future generations by delivering a DNA payload to the egg cells in the ovaries and also to the male reproductive system. This would have a permanent impact on the future of mankind. Once this type of phage was received via a vaccination, those vaccinated would have the vaccine induced traits passed along via DNA insertion by the phage to all future generations.
Though phages (which are viruses that attack bacteria,) of various types have been around virtually forever, they have thus far been harmless to anything other than bacteria, and are even highly selective in the exact type and species of bacteria they will attack.
When discussing this topic, I raised the question WHY were they modifying phages instead of common viruses that have a history of attacking people. One answer is in the fact that phages, more so than ordinary viruses which can cross the species divide, are highly selective in their targets and are programmed to only attack precisely what they were designed to - a bacteriophage will prefer only one variant of a particular type of bacteria. For example, there are many different types of salmonella bacteria, and among salmonella bacteria, a particular phage will attack only one variant while leaving other variants of salmonella alone. In the brain, not all neurons are identical, but all are similar so when administered via an intentionally tainted vaccine, the high selectivity of a modified bacteriophage can be used to target precisely the type of neuron a sabotaged vaccine would be intended to wipe out.
Another reason why bacteriophages were chosen as prime candidates for brain and DNA modification is the fact that they are not designed to attack people to begin with, so if any make it into the wild, re infection of people who never received the tainted vaccine would be impossible - a phage would not be likely to make it through the lungs or skin and into the blood stream simply because it was never designed to breach those biological barriers. But a needle, injecting it directly into the blood stream would bypass those barriers. So the elite, who would either want us emotionally numbed, dumbed down, or genetically altered would have little to fear while being amongst their victims, even as the disease raged inside them.

I cannot stress how freaked out my friends in the medical community were over this technology, one basically said it represented the end of mankind because it was in the hands of evil people, and that it would be used to divide humanity into two different groups - one which was rendered inferior by permanent DNA replacement, with the new DNA becoming a permanent part of what is passed on through the generations.

There are two modes of action phages operate with, one is the active assault, and one is a dormant mode. The active assault type of phage, called a lytic phage would be used for immediate personality modification of individuals, and the lysogenic type, which simply invades and makes changes to DNA while leaving whatever it is attacking alive, would be used for genetic modification of people, modifications that would span generations and be permanent.

And now onto this spooky robot like six legged fully hexagonal T4 phage that now totally dominates the web - I would like to know why the people who are pulling this tainted vaccine scam off on the people have somehow made this particular variant so dominant in the public spectrum. So let me ask WHY is this thing almost completely dominant online, when MANY different types of phages exist and why no pictures of this thing were ever in Google images prior to September of 2007?

Let me take a WILD EYED GUESS. It´s a matter of national pride. A form of cult like religious orgasm. All phages depicted now not only have six legs, but they also have a star of david body. This is NOT NATURAL, BLATANTLY OBVIOUS, AND DOWN RIGHT DANGEROUS. You know what the future holds now? It is something FAR MORE SPOOKY than any micro drone - it is the brain eating phage, specifically engineered to eat your emotional neurons and render you incapable of free will. I have been told (long ago, in 2010) it is being developed as a vaccine additive to be administered under strict controls and not be something that can survive outside the body, because that certain six pointed group of individuals has the same genetics as the rest of us, so they have no doubt made it certain that their own weapon cannot leap out of the wild and haunt them.
Tainted Nightmare needs an update, because it only speaks about vaccine adjuvants. This entire phage thing is something new, four years advanced beyond that article. I suggest you take Alex with a grain of salt and watch this video, it really is dead on.
I suggest everyone save a copy of the photo to the left of a different type of natural phage, because through expungement of history "they" no doubt want to drool in a religious stupor over how their little hexagonal leg patterns and star of david phage bodies wreak havoc on the rest of mankind. And on that note, I may have stated above that the reason for re engineering a phage to do the job rather than a known infectious virus would be to make good and sure it could not spread to other people in the wild, but I can´t help but imagine that such a profoundly Jewish looking micro organism would not be selected simply for its appearances. That stupid phage has six points on the body when viewed from above, six points on the body when viewed from the side, and six legs. PERFECT, DON´T YA KNOW!
. . . . . But I am sure it is just coincidence . . . . . . . .

The following discusses an OBVIOUS test run of this nanobot.

Doctors say "it´s like your brain is on fire"

READ THE FOLLOWING REPORT CLOSELY: It is OBVIOUS the Gardasil vaccine is not for Papaloma, it is for attacking the emotional centers, and the following report PROVES IT.

"PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – It’s a mysterious, newly discovered disease that strikes mainly young women, and it’s often misdiagnosed. Doctors who discovered it, here in Philadelphia, say it’s like your brain is on fire.
It starts with personality changes, and then young women lay dazed, restrained in hospital beds, acting possessed and then become catatonic. They’d been so normal, when suddenly their lives went haywire.
“One minute I’d be sobbing, crying hysterically, and the next minute I’d be laughing, said Susannah Cahalan, of New Jersey.
My comment:
Personality changes? That is EXACTLY what will happen if your emotional centers, which largely control personality, get attacked. And HOW can doctors just blatantly state that "it´s like your brain is on fire" if they were not in on the program and had no insight into what was going on? Furthermore, IT STRIKES MAINLY YOUNG WOMEN, THE GROUP THAT WOULD GET THE GARDASIL VACCINE. They state later in this rag article that "It´s an autoimmune response, where the immune system is attacking the brain" but oh so responsibly omit the fact that it is blatantly obviously caused by vaccines administered to a controlled group, and that vaccines are responsible for virtually ALL auto immune disorders.
The fact that this is a controlled administration of an illness is proven by the fact that it is so selective to "young women", not middle aged women, teenagers, boys, children, men or anything else, just YOUNG WOMEN. YOUNG WOMEN GET THE GARDASIL VACCINE FREQUENTLY, WHICH IS VIRTUALLY BEYOND QUESTION, JUST BY WHO IS IMPACTED BY THIS ILLNESS, THE MEDIUM THAT CAUSED THIS "DISEASE" IN PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia no doubt got a custom batch.
Further deepening the pile of B.S. in the CBS report is the fact that the doctors called it an auto immune disorder at all. There is no way they could know that for certain, unless they knew there was a trial vaccination campaign happening locally to Philadelphia, and they assumed it was auto immune. My guess? My guess is this little six legged monster was being tested in a trial run, with a controlled group of the elite´s primary target - young women, to see how well it destroyed them. No doubt any woman who got these vaccines has it in her medical record, and they will use that record to see if "after complete recovery" from this illness she becomes the perfect wage slave they want her to be. They will no doubt track EVERYTHING she does, from the number of abortions to how many days her children spend in daycare, and how well she follows the programming inserted into her life via various media control mechanisms. Obamacare will be PERFECT for that.
“I was very paranoid and manic. There was something wrong. I thought trucks were following me,” said Emily Gavigan, of Pennsylvania.
And it got worse for Emily Gavigan, who was a sophomore at the University of Scranton. Hospitalized, and out of it, she couldn’t control her arm movements. Then there were seizures, and she needed a ventilator. Her parents were watching their only child slip away.
“It was life and death for weeks,” said Grace Gavigan, Emily’s mom.
“We were losing her. This is something that I couldn’t control,” said Bill Gavigan, Emily’s dad.
Doctors also couldn’t figure out what was wrong with Susannah.
“I had bizarre abnormal movements, would leave my arms out extended, you know, in front of me. I was a relatively normal person, then the next minute I’m hallucinating and insisting that my father had kidnapped me,” said Susannah.
Turns out, Susannah and Emily weren’t mentally ill. They both had an auto immune disease called Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis, when antibodies attack the brain, causing swelling.
My comment Cool name for it - "Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis" and let me quickly explain what that means. NMDA receptor encephalytis means swelling of NMDA receiving axons in the brain. Anti is spurious. It gives absolutely no indication of AUTOIMMUNE, that is B.S. The bottom line, from that terminology, is that something caused swelling of the nmda receptor sites.

And now I got my weapon, to clear the BS with

Those doctors know exactly what caused this. Wanna know why? Because they said the NMDA receptors swelled up, and there is NO WAY YOU CAN KNOW THAT, UNLESS YOU DO BRAIN SURGERY AND REMOVE SOME OF THOSE RECEPTORS TO PUT THEM ON A MICROSCOPE SLIDE AND CONFIRM THEY ARE INDEED SWOLLEN. Those doctors KNEW this was a test, and that it would CAUSE those receptors to swell up. They KNEW THERE WAS A BIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENT GOING ON, AND THEY WERE THE OBSERVERS, ABSENT A BRAIN BIOPSY THERE IS NO OTHER WAY FOR THEM TO SAY WHAT THEY DID, OTHER THAN FOREKNOWLEDGE OF WHAT WAS REALLY GOING ON. No biopsies were ever spoken of. Conveniently, the probable death part of those receptors was left out.

Anything regarding "doctors could not figure out BLAH" is smoke and mirrors, if they spat an answer too quickly someone might ask how they knew. And the fact that this subsided after a few weeks proves that it was NOT any sort of autoimmune malfunction as this article states, because autoimmune disorders do not go away in a few weeks. Something other than auto immune caused this. I believe this was a GM bacteriophage virus test, where the virus phages went in, did their job, and when complete those receptor sites were not transmitting random trash anymore because they were DEAD. END of symptoms. Dead is SILENT.
The fact that such obvious fallacious statements from the doctors made it into this CBS report without getting caught proves that CBS is not qualified to cover topics of this nature. Autoimmune disorders clearing up in a few weeks? YEAH RIGHT.
Susannah says this is how doctors explained it to her parents, “He told them her brain is on fire. He used those words: ‘Her brain is on fire.’

If you did not watch this Alex video, I strongly suggest you do, it really is dead on.


BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments

282 billion dollars investment in the size of the five-year plan

[tlm724] 282 billion dollars investment in the size of the five-year plan *wolfwhistle* thats alot of dough

[tlm724] size of the investment is the government in the plan represented the private sector to contribute to the value of 88 trillion dinars, equivalent to 75 billion dollars, which accounted for 21 percent of expected spending on various fields and activities identified by the plan.

[tlm724] stressed that the development of the productive sectors generally must proceed from action plans minutes went mechanics of implementation of strategic projects in order to achieve economic viability of the country.
  [tlm724] five-year plan has given the private sector a role in the implementation, and this is consistent with the phase shift sought by the country toward a market economy by making the sector Special Executive Director of the economy of the country,

[tlm724] consistent with the phase shift sought by the country toward a market economy

[tlm724] thats exactly what we want them to do, phase right into a market economy, it's a requirement of the IMF

[tlm724] the plan includes and is not limited to transparency, accountability and world class products and services 

[tlm724] getting the factories running again etc..and the most important part of the 5 year plan is to implement it ! They have the money and with increased foreign investors they should have this well covered


Calls for economic reforms with the formation of the government

[tlm724] The leadership has the political will to make decisions economic reform is very important,

[tlm724] but it needs the cultural level appropriate to achieve the needed reforms

[tlm724] the past years, explained with a proper diagnosis of the policies of reform, lack of implementation of those policies

[tlm724] just as we talked about in the above art they need to implemnet these plans

[tlm724] as happened in the reform of the ration card system in legislation Law infrastructures, as led the absence of a culture of reform not to achieve any progress in that.

[tlm724] the infrastructure law will bring in foreign and domestic investors, without it they are not covered by law so get that one on the books and Iraq can't be stopped


Government's economic program key to the solution

[tlm724] So then the solutions are made
​​through rings connected one to another and then the government should protect the product and the consumer alike for Using anti-dumping duties, which we wrote about in Amodna former and activating the tax laws and the protection of national production and consumer protection.

[tlm724] activating the tax laws and the protection of national production and consumer protection.

[tlm724] we are seeing many economic articles and the experts voicing their opinions and why do you think that is ? It's because Iraq has a fresh start with new GOI, they NOW have the capability to make a real difference in how Iraq goes forward from this very moment both economically and socially. They are screaming for these critical laws and imo we will see them !

[cat] yep soon too

[tlm724] cat yes very soon


National Alliance refuses to reduce the powers of the Prime Minister and Commander in Chief

[tlm724] said "the forces of the National Alliance agree that wants any benefits it only intersect at all with the law and the Constitution, such as reducing some of the powers of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and define the powers of the prime minister," uncertain "These demands are all intersect with the Constitution and the law and the National Alliance can not be approved at all" .

Details ended the mass of the National Alliance in collaboration with the Prime Minister-designate the preparation of the government program for the next four years. Which will include for the first time periods specified time to resolve the existing problems in Iraq and the allocation of the money that you need every problem from them.

[tlm724] "there are 13 days remaining on the constitutional period specified front-designate to form a government and present it to parliament and it came out four-way meeting, which was held yesterday with an agreement to form a government under the constitutional period."

that according to the agreement with the Prime Minister-designate Haider al-Abadi, the program will be based on the political issues that plague the country and the citizen in addition to the security and economic issues as well as Iraq's relations with countries of the regional witnessed tension during the last term, stressing that the program will be clearly defined with periods specified time and money dedicated to solve all of the problems existing in the country,

and that includes what will be implemented by the government during its next session and what are the amounts that will be spent on each project Wayne focus of these projects, and will be presented this program Bamomh the House of Representatives for a vote and then be working Bdziyate of through the government. ,

[tlm724] includes what will be implemented by the government during its next session and what are the amounts that will be spent on each project Wayne focus of these projects, and will be presented this program Bamomh the House of Representatives for a vote and then be working Bdziyate of through the government. ,

[tlm724] this is a plan for a cohesive GOI with eyes towards passing laws according to the constitution and getting the economic wheel turning !

[tlm724] it should include the laws we seek and may very well be the economic reform law as well  Wink


House of Representatives: committees to formulate laws distribution of imports and the Federation Council

Jubouri said the council finds himself obliged during the next term need for the legislation of laws that promote the principle of decentralization as a law distribution of imports Federal and the Federation Council and speed up passage of the budget that will enable the councils of estimating programs and targets to hurt in the service of the people and citizens.

[tlm724] *hallelujah* do it Jubouri !


Blocks waiting for "a new agreement" to form a government: the timeframe for decisions required guarantee a parliamentary vote

[tlm724] the agreement work and guarantees, between the parties and the bloc of Prime Minister-designate Haider Abadi, and will put a time limit for the implementation of agreements concerning a general amnesty and de-Baathification and the balance career, and important laws,

[tlm724] that there is a paper would be "similar to the Erbil agreement signed by the political leaders were to form a government on the basis of the past." He pointed out that "This paper will be included within the government program and will be voted on in the House of Representatives.

[tlm724] lets get it going !


Kurdistan Alliance bloc: the talks between the negotiating delegation in Baghdad has achieved positive results

[tlm724] the talks between the negotiating delegation in Baghdad has achieved positive results *wolfwhistle*

[tlm724] we are getting there !

[tlm724] Kurdistan Alliance presented the demands of the constitutional impeccable and await the reply of the National Alliance, which is expected to appear within twenty-four hours ahead of the government program

News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Morning

News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Morning

Dinar Updates:






wilbur grodan August 28, 2014 at 8:29am

Ag up 34 cents
Au up 13.40
USDX holdin

wilbur grodan >Gaps in Au/Ag are significant
Activation of revised forex rates may be at hand


Next 4 days are hot!! Posted by Oldschool on August 28, 2014 at 1:26am

Well guys will keep it short. Watch for action in the next 4 days. The news is all good I am getting . Let's just pray they don't kick it down the road again. They are trying to push this thing out. Believe me my contacts are just as tired of the changes and delays as we are. A lot of people are working in our favor. Keep your chins up.

Finnick Odair I agree. I believe this will not go pass early September. Things are looking good.


Timing Evidence   Posted by GalactoMan on August 28, 2014 at 5:46am

August 13, 2014

Landa Project funds have been confirmed, and are in the process of transfer. We anticipate some general funds to arrive at the paymaster in the next day, with the main bulk of funds due in the middle of next week.

Project starts will begin shortly after, and we will post these timings here.

Thank You


Per above, the main bulk of funds for LANDA near end of Sept. This is for this part (the *Landa* part) of the list of  HUGE rebuilding projects.

These are likely being funded prior to the public RV, near as I can tell. So if they get THEIR funds near the end of Sept, then WE are well into Sept, perhaps longer.

Basic logical sanity would back this. These huge projects are only for *global* rebuilding - a critical priority.

It is likely the AOP (Authors Of the Plan) wonder just what WE will be doing with our money. That would be a wise thing to wonder based on the nature of Earth "culture" (PigPen at best).


Suddenly obvious - They will ensure the Huge Global Repair Projects are top priority over all else.

I know that these projects could be funded, actual funds supplied and spendable, before the general RV. And actually, VAST funds have been moving like tidal waves already.



Iko Ward:  Forex had movement on the dong this am around 4 EDT, but now back to 0.0000. Dinar still flat for the 14th day in a row. It's probably just currency houses purchasing additional stocks of dong, but that's just my guess. I am by no means a Forex expert

TexasRoadDawg:  FBI Examining Whether Russia Is Tied to JPMorgan Hacking

Russian hackers attacked the U.S. financial system in mid-August, infiltrating and stealing data from JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) and at least one other bank, an incident the FBI is investigating as a possible retaliation for government-sponsored sanctions, according to two people familiar with the probe.








Millie :   Frank,Since it's been determined that the Banks are seeing a rate, could you explain why they would Wait so long....(9281114) for the rest of the world, or us to see?

I would think the ones seeing it would " load up " on the currency....

What came to my mind is something like insider trading...(the illegal practice of trading on the stock exchange to one's own advantage through having access to confidential information.)


mcdan » August 28th, 2014, 6:31 am  IMO you need to look at the rate $3.22 as 3,220 x .20 add 644 file gives you 3,864 fil x.10 gives you ,386 will equal 4,254 file will equal $4.25


jdtolle » August 28th, 2014, Enjoy

Enjoy the diligent, focused, challenging work, and enjoy the carefree, lighthearted, playful times. Enjoy the moments of quiet solitude as well as the times when you’re surrounded by the stimulating energy of the people in your life.

Enjoy giving love and being loved. Enjoy making a difference and enjoy the assistance and collaboration of others who make a difference in your life.

Enjoy the things you’re confident of as well as the things that are a mystery. Enjoy diving into life’s pleasures and enjoy working through life’s problems.

Enjoy the warm sun on your skin and enjoy the cold wind against your face. Enjoy being confident and enjoy being surprised.

The more of life you enjoy, and treasure, and appreciate, the more access you’ll have to life’s best possibilities. When you can find something to sincerely enjoy, you have found a pathway to great value and fulfillment.    

Today is a unique, one-of-a-kind experience, filled with opportunities for all different kinds of richness.

Step enthusiastically forward into whatever today offers, and enjoy.

— Ralph Marston

Wishing All a safe and blessed day

A photo showing John McCain with ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
A photo showing John McCain with ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi
Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 28-Aug-2014 07:53:42
In Response To: The killer on the (Saudi) king's highway (IZAKOVIC)
Noted at:
Dumber that this can't get.

U.S. Petro-dollar era is officially over as Gazprom begins sales in Yuan and Rouble

Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 8:23:02 AM
Subject: Fwd: U.S. Petro-dollar era is officially over as Gazprom begins sales in Yuan and Rouble



U.S. Petro-dollar era is officially over as Gazprom begins sales in Yuan and Rouble
Posted by Rick on August 28, 2014 at 1:28am

AUG 27 2014 will officially go down as a red letter day in the history of reserve currencies and dollar hegemony in how oil and gas are purchased throughout the world. In a new announcement from the Russian business media source, Kommersant, Gazprom has conducted the first sale of oil in a currency other than the dollar, and will henceforth open their purchase window to accept both Roubles and Yuan for the exchange of oil and gas products.
Vladimir Putin

Beginning today with an 80000 ton oil shipment from their Arctic fields, Gazprom Neft agreed to new terms on the sale and transfer of oil through the Eastern Siberian-Pacific Ocean pipeline (ESPO) to China, and facilitating the future sale of oil and gas to both Europe and China through a currency other than the dollar. And although this is not the first real transaction for oil done outside the petro-dollar, as this occurred covertly by Iran for gold during the days of economic sanctions, it is the first official global offering by a major oil producer and will likely bring an end to the solitary system of nations being forced to buy dollars first before buying oil from producers such as OPEC and Russia.
The Russian government and several of the country’s largest exporters have widely discussed the possibility of accepting payments in rubles for oil exports. Last week, Russia began to ship oil from the Novoportovskoye field to Europe by sea. Two oil tankers are expected to arrive in Europe in September.
According to Kommersant, the payment for these shipments will be received in rubles.
Gazprom Neft will not only accept payments in rubles; subsequent transfers via the ESPO may be paid for in yuan, the newspaper reported.
According to the newspaper, the change in currency was made because of the Western sanctions against Russia.
As a protective measure, Russia decided to avoid making its payments in US dollars, which can be tracked and controlled by the United States government, Kommersant reported. - RiaNovosti
Russia and China had already long been in the works to supply one another with oil, energy, and other trade goods outside the dollar through a historic energy agreementmade in late May of this year. However, the irony in all of this is that the move to enlarge this method of payment for oil to accommodate global transactions was only accelerated because of U.S. imposed sanctions, which were done in an attempt to isolate Russia, and tear down their economy.
The days of the dollar remaining the global reserve currency took a sharp hit today, and the ramifications of Russia's new move for selling oil in both Roubles and Yuan are just beginning. And since there is over $17 trillion in U.S. dollars afloat and in nations outside the U.S. kept on reserve for the primary purpose of buying oil and natural gas, as more and more countries migrate to the East and find it far more inexpensive and efficient to no longer use the dollar and SWIFT systems to supply their energy needs, then these dollars will soon come crashing back to American shores, and the inflation America has exported offshore for decades will come rudely back and suddenly hit U.S. consumers and our financial system.
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10 Conspiracy Theories That Came True

10 Conspiracy Theories That Came True

When questioning the official narrative proved crucial

10 Conspiracy Theories That Came True

Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons
by Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | August 27, 2014

Despite the fact that the term “conspiracy theory” has been weaponized by the establishment as a perjorative slur against anyone who questions the official narrative of any government pronouncement, there are innumerable examples throughout history of conspiracies that were proven to be true.
Let’s take a look at ten examples;
1) Operation AJAX and false flag terror
The notion that governments and intelligence agencies carry out acts of false flag terrorism has long been derided by the establishment media as a conspiracy theory, despite there being a plethora of historically documented instances.
After decades of denial, in August 2013 the CIA finally admitted its role in staging the coup in Iran which led to the overthrow of Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953 under the umbrella of Operation AJAX.
Under AJAX, the CIA oversaw covert operations which included acts of false flag terror which claimed the lives of some 300 people.
2) Gulf of Tonkin
On August 4, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson went on national television and told the nation that North Vietnam had attacked U.S. ships.
“Repeated acts of violence against the armed forces of the United States must be met not only with alert defense, but with a positive reply. That reply is being given as I speak tonight,” Johnson declared.
Congress soon passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which provided Johnson with pre-approved authority to conduct military operations against North Vietnam. By 1969, over 500,000 troops were fighting in Southeast Asia.
Johnson and his Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, had bamboozled Congress and the American people. In fact, North Vietnam had not attacked the USS Maddox, as the Pentagon claimed, and the “unequivocal proof” of an “unprovoked” second attack against the U.S. warship was a ruse.
3) Operation Gladio: State Sponsored Terror Blamed on the Left
Following the Second World War, the CIA and Britain’s MI6 collaborated through NATO on Operation Gladio, an effort to create a “stay behind army” to fight communism in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe.
Gladio quickly transcended its original mission and became a covert terror network consisting of right wing militias, organized crime elements, agent provocateurs and secret military units. The so-called stay behind armies were active in France, Belgium, Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, Germany, and Switzerland.
Gladio’s “Strategy of Tension”  was designed to portray leftist political groups in Europe as terrorists and frighten the populace into voting for authoritarian governments. In order to carry out this goal, Gladio operatives conducted a number of deadly terrorist attacks that were blamed on leftists and Marxists.
In August of 1980, Gladio operatives bombed a train station in Bologna, killing 85 people. Initially blamed on the Red Brigades, it was later discovered that fascist elements within the Italian secret police and Licio Gelli, the head of the P2 Masonic Lodge, were responsible for the terror attack. Other fascist groups, including Avanguardia Nazionale and Ordine Nuovo, were mobilized and engaged in terror.
Operation Gladio ultimately claimed the lives of hundreds of people across Europe.
According to Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a Gladio terrorist serving a life-sentence for murdering policemen, the reason for Gladio was simple. It was designed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security. This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened.
4) Operation Northwoods
In the covert war against the communist regime in Cuba under the CIA’s Operation Mongoose, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously proposed state-sponsored acts of terrorism in side the United States.
The plan included shooting down hijacked American airplanes, the sinking of U.S. ships, and the shooting of Americans on the streets of Washington, D.C. The outrageous plan even included a staged NASA disaster that would claim the life of astronaut John Glenn.
Reeling under the embarrassing failure of the CIA’s botched Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, president Kennedy rejected the plan in March of 1962. A few months later, Kennedy denied the plan’s author, General Lyman Lemnitzer, a second term as the nation’s highest ranking military officer.
In November of 1963, Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
5) The Gleiwitz Incident
The Gleiwitz incident refers to a false flag operation carried out by the Nazis on 31 August 1939 during which SS troops staged an attack on a German radio station and then blamed Polish troops.
German operatives dressed in Polish military garb seized the radio station, located near the Polish border, before broadcasting a short propaganda message in Polish. They then killed concentration camp victims who were also dressed in Polish uniforms and left them at the scene, making the incident look like an act of Polish aggression. The very next day Germany invaded Poland, with Hitler citing the incident as one of the pretexts.
Nine days before the incident, Hitler had told his generals, “I will provide a propagandistic casus belli. Its credibility doesn’t matter. The victor will not be asked whether he told the truth.”
6) Tobacco companies deliberately added addictive chemicals to cigarettes
Conspiracies are not always of a governmental nature, they can also be targeted at consumers. As the BBC reported, tobacco companies in the United States were caught deliberately engineering cigarettes for addiction by including chemicals that artificially increased the addictive kick of the product and made it taste better.
Clive Bates, director of ASH, said the discovery exposed a “scandal in which tobacco companies deliberately use additives to make their bad products even worse”.
7) Operation Fast and Furious
Operation Fast and Furious, under which the Obama administration smuggled weapons to Mexican drug lords in an apparent effort to trace the guns and bust the drug gangs, was in fact part of a conspiracy to demonize the second amendment.
Documents obtained by CBS News in December 2011 prove that ATF agents discussed how they could tie guns involved in Mexican violence to gun dealers based in the U.S with a view to passing stricter gun control regulations.
One law enforcement source told CBS News that the emails suggested the ATF created the problem itself as part of a political ploy.
“It’s like ATF created or added to the problem so they could be the solution to it and pat themselves on the back. It’s a circular way of thinking,” the source said.
8) NSA spying & mass surveillance
In the 1990′s, when anti-surveillance activists and media personalities were warning about the NSA’s huge domestic spying operation, they were treated as paranoid conspiracy theorists.
Well over a decade before the Snowden revelations, the NSA was busy intercepting and recording all electronic communications across the entire world under the Echelon program.
In 1999, the Australian government admitted that they were part of an NSA-led global intercept and surveillance program called Echelon in alliance with the US and Britain that could listen to “every international telephone call, fax, e-mail, or radio transmission,” on the planet.
In addition, a 2001 European Parliament report stated that “within Europe all e-mail, telephone and fax communications are routinely intercepted” by the NSA.
9) CIA Drug Trafficking
The Central Intelligence Agency has been implicated in drug trafficking operations all over the world as well as domestically, most notably during the Iran-Contra affair, under which Contra personnel smuggled cocaine into the U.S. with the blessing of the CIA which was then distributed as crack cocaine in Los Angeles, with the profits being funneled back to the Contras.
Former Los Angeles Police Department officer Michael Ruppert also testified that he had witnessed CIA drug trafficking.
Top Mexican drug lords like Jesus Vicente Zambada Niebla have also gone public to assert that they were hired by the U.S. government for drug trafficking operations. There is a voluminous body of evidence that confirms the CIA and U.S. banking giants are the top players in a global drug trade worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year, information made public by the likes of Gary Webb.
10) The CIA’s heart attack gun
During Senate testimony in 1975 into illegal activities by the CIA, it was revealed that the agency had developed a dart gun capable of causing a heart attack. “At the first televised hearing, staged in the Senate Caucus Room, Chairman Church dramatically displayed a CIA poison dart gun to highlight the committee’s discovery that the CIA directly violated a presidential order by maintaining stocks of shellfish toxin sufficient to kill thousands,” a Senate web page explains.
“The lethal poison then rapidly enters the bloodstream causing a heart attack. Once the damage is done, the poison denatures quickly, so that an autopsy is very unlikely to detect that the heart attack resulted from anything other than natural causes. Sounds like the perfect James Bond weapon, doesn’t it? Yet this is all verifiable in Congressional testimony,” writes Fred Burks.
“The dart from this secret CIA weapon can penetrate clothing and leave nothing but a tiny red dot on the skin. On penetration of the deadly dart, the individual targeted for assassination may feel as if bitten by a mosquito, or they may not feel anything at all. The poisonous dart completely disintegrates upon entering the target.”
Burks suggests that Mark Pittman, a reporter who predicted the financial crisis and exposed Federal Reserve misdoings which led to a Bloomberg lawsuit against the bankster cartel, may have been assassinated with the CIA weapon.
Categories: World

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