Monday, November 3, 2014

TNT Call notes 3-Nov-2014

TNT Call notes 3-Nov-2014

Tony:  Good morning, TNT!  Today is Monday, November 3, 2014.  Today is going to be a little bit different.  I’ll explain where we’re at and where we should be.  DC will tell you the reason why you should vote tomorrow.  However, his voice is going away.

The banks got involved this weekend, the ones who said they absolutely would not get involved until the money is there and is live.  Banks in the US and across the world said, “No way until we see it on our screens.”

DC: Friday evening we believed the RV happened;  we heard it from many different folks.  People started exchanging on Friday night and that continues even today.  The VIPs and politically-connected types have gone through.  Many have gone through, though not as many as last winter.

Tony:  Banks got involved this weekend who said they would NOT get involved until this was real.

DC:  Yes, lots of banks are frustrated and said they will only do this when they can press a button and get real, live credit.  All these banks and countries started exchanging on Friday evening.

Tony: These are banks who already told their exchange centers that this is not happening until January of next year.  They brought people in and did a lot of exchanges and continue to do that. These are people who couldn’t or didn’t want to SKR;  they only wanted to exchange when they could have full access to their money.  Some of them exchanged this weekend.

DC:  So the general public was supposed to happen this weekend, starting Friday night. The administration blocked this by not accepting it, not having the right people show up at the meetings, etc.  It’s in the IMF/BIS hands, but they are reticent to go around the US. They sent nasty letters, had phone calls and meetings, and many were scathing.  Iraq and everyone else is very angry at the administration, but somehow they were still allowed to block it again.  Some folks didn’t show up at the right places, and others said, “We are allowing the general public, so what’s the problem?” but this is not the general public.  Everyone is confused and annoyed, especially because the US promised NOT to do this!  They said they would not turn it into a political thing so close to the election, but they did.  We’ve heard two sets of plans about this.  There are two camps as to the delay – continue cashing out more folks, possibly including us, allowing us to go through tomorrow, tonight, or Wednesday, or just to hold everyone off until Thursday.  However, the rates are live on the screens.  Another group says that because the US ham-fisted this, it will take several weeks to undo and fix this without causing a massive stir.  Some folks don’t think we matter enough to influence elections, others are worried about places like Arkansas, North Carolina, etc.  So they are saying “don’t’ do anything stupid, or at least let the internet people through”.  A lot of the UST guys are saying it’s in the IMF and BIS’s hands, but if the UST doesn’t do what it is supposed to do, the US is still blocking it. The responsibility is clearly in the US.

Tony:  The IMF can let this go any time they choose.  The US can do its part, the IMF can release it and everything is smooth, OR, the US can block it, IMF can release it anyway, and we have a complicated mess.  They don’t want to go that route either.  They have accomplished their goal of getting it this close to the election, so that’s their dilemma.  We cannot force our government when to say “okay, do the RV”. We can raise all kind of hell, but we cannot force them. If the IMF, the BIS, China or Iraq cannot force them to do it, not to mention the other countries in the GCR, what makes you think we can?  What we can do is let them know that we KNOW what has happened and we are not being treated fairly.  We KNOW people who have gotten paid and they are in fact living up to our portion of this.  I am not going to put my head in the chopping block for something I cannot force them to do.  We can tell them we know what is going on, and the voting will be over by Wednesday.  But if a hundred heads of state cannot make them do this, then I don’t know why you think I can.  If it comes down to how we are being treated, then all we have to do is wait until tomorrow.

DC: Tomorrow is the midterm elections.  It looks like the Republicans will win the Senate, and if so, that will change all the committee chairs and also whether folks are willing to compromise and work together instead of throwing rocks and acting like idiots.

Tony:  We are NOT choosing a side, here, just telling you the facts.

DC: That’s right, it’s just what each party wants and how it affects Dinarville.  The President is a Democrat and so is the Senate at the moment.  Because his relations with the Republicans is so acrimonious, he is worried that his last two years will be a dud.  A lot of committee chairs are Democrats, and of course Republicans want to take over and run the Senate in a different way.  If it had been handled a different way, the RV could have helped the Democrats in a major way, but they are determined to grind it out.  So they agreed to the RV on Friday, all the banks started their rollout processes, then work on the internet groups (us) and then the general public. So they are trying to decide if they should do us now to shut us up, controlling the crowd by tweeting the 800 numbers to get the initial surge out of the way, and have the rest come out afterwards more slowly still. They have been meeting yesterday and today to start that now to quiet us down.  Politics are absolutely involved in that decision and that is hotly debated right now. The rest of the world says this is not fair on the rest of the world, but they keep taking the hits.  There were really nasty phone calls and meetings all weekend;  the pressure is immense, and an official reprimand was issued.

Tony: What we are looking at is for the elections to happen tomorrow without distractions, without donations from us to either party.  If the election goes smoothly tomorrow, then the general public should be seeing it over the weekend.  They plan to keep exchanging people since Friday, and fold us in.  If there is a runoff in January, they may try to keep this money from us until then.  In Georgia and Louisiana, if there is a runoff and it’s that close, then the political guys will push NOT to enter the RV until that is done. I don’t believe they can hold it off that long, because the international rate is showing on the screens, and the rest of the world can either force the US to release it, or get into a huge fuss.  They can make the rollout so slow that we end up in January.

Tony: We never, ever thought they would drag it out this long!  Day to day, they divided everybody, fell back on tiny points, etc.  It makes sense for them to release this now, but now we don’t believe there are any legitimate reasons left!

DC: About the banks:  the banks are disgusted by this stop-start, and they have lost os many good people through this mess and chaos.  Many banks then said, “Call us when this done, and showing on our screens, when my mother can go to the banks and see it, then call me!”  That was an actual conversation between the UST and a senior banker.  We can all understand that position!   Last week, the banks said they are doing it, and the reluctant banks agreed to call in their people prepped as well, but they were not putting people int eh exchange centers until it’s on their screens.  So most of the banks didn’t get moving until Friday until it was on the screens and they started to exchange people.

They thought the US public side would begin this weekend or today, so now all the banks are going, “Wait a minute; you’re not saying what you said you would do!”  They have reputational issues, they are still being slammed by the regulators, and they’ve had to pay billions for things they did do, but also things they were leaned on to do. So they don’t trust anyone saying, “Just trust us, it will work out.” They only want straightforward actions now;  the US is putting them in an bind, and they are not happy about this.

Tony:  Start at 8am yesterday morning…

DC:  The US and international bankers were all told they would RV late Friday afternoon, when there is not a lot of news pressure.  So they brought in some of their SKR guys.  The public side was to start Sunday morning and go through nice and easy, no big deal.  Lo and behold, Sunday morning didn’t occur because the US didn’t show up to do what they were supposed to do.  All the banks and countries said, “WTF?” and the US said they couldn’t’ get people to the right spots.  They were running a little slow.  Then on Sunday morning the US declared they wouldn’t move until after the election.  The banks pitched a fit because they said the US promised it wouldn’t do that!  There were a lot of phone calls and letters back and forth, and a lot of nasty personal meetings and phone calls took place to the administration.  They are letting people continue to exchange, and then promised to call in the internet folks and then the public after the elections.  They are playing hardball, and the US is saying they will do whatever they heck they want because the rest of the world does seem to have the balls to challenge them anyway.

Tony: Will we get phone calls after this, do you think?  We are just waiting. We know people who have exchanged, we know the exchanges sites and we know people who have appointments this afternoon.  People are being paid different rates, and there is at least a PLAN to do some publicly this week.  Of course, there was a plan for this weekend.  It can’t keep going.  The banks are saying it’s live on their screens, and each bank has their own selection of who to get started with.  Several tier one banks were exchanging this weekend.  Some tier two banks have gone through their procedures and run a few people through.  They wouldn’t have risked their bank income if they didn’t know this is happening very soon.  Our own choice is to see how this election comes out, and if there is a runoff, and if this money would affect that either way in January.

DC:  They are saying, “You’re saying a runoff in North Carolina or Louisiana, that is holding up this entire process, and the entire world?!” and apparently some raw political guys think so and they seem to be in charge. The rest of the world is beside themselves, saying “You cannot wait that long and no way in hell are we going to put up with this!”

Tony: We aren’t choosing one side or the other, just telling this is going on today and why.

DC:  I strongly encourage everyone to call all your friends and family and get them out to vote.  if you live in those areas, you have been bombarded already and this is definitely part of this problem now.

Tony: We thought no way they could drag it out and make this the issue, but they did.  People with a lot more power than us can’t seem to do anything about this, so we can’t force the RV at all. Once it does happen, we have a lot  more voice in the procedures, etc.   It is ready to be done, it is being done, and there is no way we can force it.  I know some idiots and fidiots who will try to turn it around into our trying to protect one political party over another, but I can tell you, BOTH parties have approached us to testify front of congress.  I don’t want to get involved in that;  I just want my money so I can get on with my life.

DC:  Iraq is extremely ready on television, saying the economic reforms are ‘in process’ and all concerns will be addressed in the next few days.  The coins have been distributed in some areas, and are at the banks.  They are running through procedures and checks again.  Parliament is meeting despite the holidays.  It’s getting harder by the GOI to govern because they have been screwed over so many times by the US in the last few weeks. If this gets done in the next few days, that will be water under the bridge and they can still be effective.  Iraqi contractors were paid today at $3.58.

Tony:  Not everyone was paid, and some Iraqi citizens are upset that contractors have been paid at $5.38, and they have not, but they were told everyone would be paid.

DC: they are keyed up and highly irate at the US.   My humble opinion is that the slow rollout will continue with the internet folks, which is us, and the other groups will paid in the next few days.  The mom and pop dinarians will not be paid until after the election.

Tony:  IF they do the groups at the rates they signed up for, that makes sense.  If they do us at $3 and beyond, that makes sense.  If they do the general public over next weekend when the rate has stabilized, that makes sense as well.  I might not like it, but it does make sense.

DC:  we are not taking sides.  We are trying to call it as we see it.  Obviously we want this done, not just for the internet dinarians but for everyone.  We are not trying to simply say that we’re going to cause a stir, just saying that this is where it’s at and it’s ugly.  Let’s hope they clean it up.

281 caller:  Trying to have hope with this whole thing.  If we are waiting for this until January, can we get the Ten Things back on the forum, please?

Tony:  That is Pam’s deal – she does all that.

Caller:  I do work with guys like Pam does, and it is NOT her fault!

Tony:  The list is the Ten Things YOU want to do first.  Secondly, this is scheduled to go right now!  People are exchanging right now!  They just don’t want people to be at the banks instead of voting, or pumping money into either side.  If there IS a runoff in January – which is not a given – then they might argue that lots of money will influence that election.

Caller:  Which party is messing this up for me?!

DC:  Who is running the White House, the Senate, the House, and the Treasury?  That is who is doing things (or not).  Regardless of speeches, who is doing what, when and where?  Who is running the show?  That’s who we are waiting on…

Tony:  Pam has already put the Ten Things back in the Tony Blast for you…

281 caller:  It sounded like most of the US administration did want this done, and now a few people are saying, “We don’t want this to be released now, and you don’t have the balls to change us.”

DC:  That’s about right.  The good news is that ordinary people are being exchanged, an d without all of that funny business.

Caller:  How do they decide who goes in early?!

Tony:  That’s up to the banks, and they decide how to pick them.

Caller:  So now we are all wondering is if deep South politics are going to dictate what happens in the rest of the world?!

DC:  I can’t tell you how many calls I’ve had saying, “Are you frickin’ kidding me?!”  It’s mainly the deep South, but also New Hampshire, Colorado and a few other states.

Caller: So we want to root for a clear election and no runoffs, right? When we watch the election results, we just want someone to WIN, is that the case?

DC:  That’s up for debate.  Louisiana will almost certainly have a runoff, and possibly Georgia.  If the Republicans win the Senate, expect a slower rollout; if the Democrats retain control, they will probably speed it up.  The key states are New Hampshire (if Scott Brown wins, the Dems will probably give up), North Carolina (T Hagan is slightly ahead, but it could go either way)…. NH is important because if Brown wins, the Republicans will probably win in the Senate as well.  Georgia is a sway, Arkansas has already gone to the Republicans, and Kansas is too close to call. Colorado is important, too.  What we really want is clear decisions, not to have it up in the air on who controls the Senate.  So get out there and VOTE.

404 caller:  [YET AGAIN – stop getting on the call!]  I’m in one of those states, watching what is going on.  We are finally learned to use ‘exchange’ rather than ‘cashing out’.

DC:  Say EXCHANGE all the way – this is really important.  If you say anything other than exchange, it will cost you a lot of money.

Caller:  Now they are saying ‘conversion’ is the terminology, and a lot of folks could be tripped up.

Tony:  People who we know in the banking system have been told “IF they said exchange, do this;  is they say cash out, do this other thing”, and it’s not beneficial.

Caller:  I thought you said you have seen a 5/3 bank package.  Have you seen a bank package?  Can you share what’s in that?

DC:  I’ve seen several;  what is your question?

Caller:  What should we be asking or sensitive to?

DC: It’s designed to be straightforward, simple, not to cause problem.  You don’t want one cow to stop everyone behind them in the chute.   The NDA was simple and straight-forward, four pages of “be quiet or there will be consequences.”  IF you can’t stay quite, take the international rate.  You will go in, it will be counted by a banker with a security person to witness is.  If there is a Delarue machine, they will verify your money and you’ll get credit in your account right away.  If they send it off overnight, you will get credit the next day.  NO, there is not a pin number for the 800 numbers;  just call them.

Caller: We have been in a slow rollout for a year now!
512 caller:  [“Enough is enough…”]  Somebody has to be held responsible.

Tony:  We don’t have a dictator here. There is a committee of powerful people who have to follow the lead or otherwise.  We could go back to Twitter, and anyone could take that on.  I have read many, many letters from Congress people denying anything is happening, with only three admitting there is something going on.  They could have stood up together, but didn’t have the willingness or courage to do that, and they have more power than we do.  My name is all around DC because of the last campaign.  If we do it now, when it’s not affecting us, why would they listen to us when the heads of banks and countries and politicians are clearly not able to make them do.  We can do that if it’s about making a difference to US, like when they were doing us wrong.  We cannot do it for the world if the world is not able to force that change all standing up together.  I live in the real world;  I know what I can and cannot do  and who I can affect and who is going to be there to support us.  During the Twitter campaign, we stood up and said “that’s wrong” and everyone stood up with us.

Caller:  [more of the same]

Tony:  We can talk about it, but there is no sense my starting another Twitter campaign because everyone is waiting for tomorrow, to see what happens tomorrow. They got it this far, and after the election, the world changes and if it doesn’t happen then, more people will challenge it then.

Caller:  [appreciation]

Tony:  Lately, government even knows who Pam is.  You have no idea the level this has reached. It amazes me how high this has gone, and they are asking us to do things.  They are putting the focus on us again.  Our position is helping you guys get through this, to make this a smooth as possible and give you the best guidance we can so you don’t fit into that 90% they say will be broke in two years.  Our goal is to get you through this process.  I know the people who are holding this up, and without others, it wouldn’t have even gotten this far.  We know we are doing the right thing for the right reasons, even though our own families are being affected.  We just want to let you know where we are.  This is about to be over, with all the people who were exchanged this weekend and their rates, and those scheduled to be exchange today and tomorrow.  That tells me they have a plan for Wednesday.

719 caller:  I cannot tell you how disappointed we all are, but thank you for being so honest with us, that really helps us on this ride. Do you think that they’re going to try to keep delaying this?  I’m incredulous they are doing this to Iraq.  They have a good guy there, they want Iraq’s resources, what are they doing to us?!

Tony:  If we look at the bigger picture (and DC says I give them too much credit), they are protecting the money and the country, and we get to go back there as saviors as they evolve into the great country Iraq is and will be.  Sometimes you have to go through chaos to get to that better place, and that is part of what Iraq is going through now.  After the election and the RV is announced, things will change so fast it’ll make your head spin.

DC:  Because we didn’t get the Strategic Enforcement Agreement, because Biden and Maliki couldn’t agree, we can’t just go back in to Iraq.  Some people wanted to drop Iraq like a hot potato, and now we see we should have paid more attention.  The SEA would keep people there for a period of time for stability and such.  Now they are redoing that and re-signing it.  Do I think they wanted to be invited back in?  I think that was invented by a very good politician who said, Yes, that ‘s why we cancelled that SEA.  Two reasonable people can have a disagreement.  We’ll let history decide that.

Iraq was not a priority or this administration, it was Bush’s deal, and the President wanted to just wrap it up.  Then ISIL happened, and also some of the younger people in the administration didn’t’ like the RV and by the time they got on board, it was a mess.  Presidents Obama and Bush both deserve some credit because both had an impact on getting it done.

Tony:  I think they made a whole lot of mistakes, and if Bush were still there it would have happened a long time ago.   This administration wanted to  put their own stamp on it, and if it drags out another two years, it will look different again.  There are exchanges going on, but not at the level of last winter.  I don’t those few people were enough to affect the election one way or another.  Their NDAs prohibit their moving money into campaigns.

Caller:  Is it available in other countries?

DC:  The RV is public in other countries, and if you have a contact in, say, DeutscheBank, then you could exchange there.  BUT it’s the same kind of deal as here – not actually available to the public yet.  My understanding is that it’s available on the back screens.

Caller;  So the US is holding this up for the entire world?  You should be ashamed, you selfish SOBs!

So now we are an internet group rather than an informational group?  Does that include us?

DC:  We are 90% of the internet group.

Caller:  So if we exchange and tell all our contacts, what stops them from exchanging?

DC:  Let’s say Tony tweets out to 250,000 folks, or does a phone call.  If there are 30K on the call, within 24 hours, 300,000 people will know.  That eases everyone into the process and you’re able to control it.

Tony:  So we get the call, and the 800 number.  They have already asked me to shut down the site, the chat room and the other sites, so they only have communication through the five of us dinar gurus on a call. They are confused and paralyzed because they don’t know what to do! They won’t move until the 800 numbers go out.  We have 40K on the call, and by the evening, 90,000 have listened to the call.  So, get your own appointment BEFORE giving out the number to our contacts, and that will slow it down further.  Then you will have to see what is on your NDA, and what you can talk about.  So they will call the bank, get sent somewhere else, and that slows it down more.

Caller:  They had better hope most of us get the contract rate, because the international or street rate, there is no NDA and nothing to stop us talking!  You know about network marketing:  “tell a woman, tell the world!”  Also, every time someone asks me for a political donation, I tweet the President, VP and the one asking, and say that if they had released the RV, I would have donated.  So they should have released the RV, the sorry SOBs!  Most here have already voted.  Do you think we will get the RV this week? And what is the posted rate?

DC:  People are exchanging at $3.58 on the screens.

Caller:  This is the most inexcusable treatment of people in this country, and if this doesn’t come throught this week, someone will start up the twitter campaign without you, Tony, so that you don’t get into trouble.

DCI agree.  The administration holding this up for a month, that I can understand, but I don’t believe they are morons, and I have seen some horrible, stupid, lowdown dirty political tricks that are morally reprehensible.  I don’t understand why they delayed this, and even more, I don’t understand why they didn’t just say “We will not do this until X date” instead of bleating “we don’t make this political”.  They have lied to everyone’s face, all the world leaders and of course Iraq.  I am fiercely independent, and I don’t get it.

Caller:  Would it do us any good to tweet Christine Lagarde?

Tony:  There’s not point tweeting anyone because they are waiting for tomorrow.  We have no way to force anyone to do anything – it’s up to Iraq, the CBI, the IMF and BIS to do that.  With what they were doing over the weekend, we are still involved in every portions of that.  We don’t affect when it goes, and because of that, we have to let the government, China, Japan, Iraq and the BIS stand up and be the leaders of this.

Caller:  Exogen said on Sunday that they were looking for eveyr possible way to cut us out.

DC:  They were going to do so, and that’s why we did the Twitter campaign.  Saner minds got everyone calmed down and said, “Wait, this is not right, you can’t do that”.  They got a  of people on our side.  They need to treat us the same way they were treated themselves.  Everyone realized the error of their ways because it was illegal, immoral and would very much lead to social unrest if we got screwed when they got paid.  So saner minds explained all this to higher persons who didn’t understand those dirty plans.  Now we believe everyone will be treated fairly, and also the banks are not willing to get involved in something sticky like this.  This call helps as well, because we are talking to Senators, Reps, bank presidents, financiers, the administration, etc.  We are pointing out what a mess this is turning into if they don’t release the RV right now and fast!

Tony: I’m not defending either side.

Callers:  You may not have said it, but we’re not stupid.  If they get this done and everyone gets paid, we’ll forgive and forget.  But if they keep jacking us around, we will be very angry.  If you want to calm us down, release it Wednesday morning at the absolute latest and then we can calm down and get on with our lives.  This thing is so past ridiculous… Also, I have some email responses from my Senators…

Tony:  The best thing is to print them out and send them to us.  I will put personal letters in one section and political responses in another section.  Hard copies are easiest for us to deal with.  I will give the originals to the eventual museum or study center.

407 caller;  I think we need to send a message with our votes, in the midterms and in 2016.  This is bigger than people think.  We have a dinar club in our area, and it’s very big in the Latin community.  I think everyone should send a message with their vote, and then this will be over quickly.

Tony: I think everyone should vote in any case.  I’m sure dinarians will affect a lot of elections in the future.  Today, we wanted to tell you what is happening, so that you can make decisions.  It should have happened over the weekend, and now we think it don’t happen for the general public until Wednesday or Thursday.  My personal beliefs have changed throughout this situation.  People I have not liked for years, now I actually like!

Caller:  [Rant about Soros and the Democratic party]

DC:  How much sway does Soros really have in this?  Almost none.  He doesn’t have a lot of power inside the administration.  There is a lot of personal animosity between him and the administration.  He does still donate to the party because he’s a yellow dog Democrat, but that’s all.

Tony:  It’s important that you send in letters on Congressional letterheads and signed, if at all possible.  I cannot believe how many Senators and Reps claim they didn’t know about this, or this is a scam.  When the historical record is compiled, we’ll find out.  I can’t believe they put themselves in this position!

407 caller:  I thoguth the President of the US was the boss and could say “get this done!”

tony:  You’re asking me to get in a whole lot of trouble there.  I’ve already been there, and so has DC.

DC:  The President is head of one of the three equal parts of the  government. Several times, he has said, “Stop bickering and get this done!”  He has a lot going on and he wasn’t all that interested in the RV. The President is way too busy and pulled in a dozen different direction. He is brilliant, but not very hands-on.  He wants to understand a situation and tell someone to get it done.  So when he has said, “Get it done!” a lot of his guys have said that the situation has changed, so although the President said to do it, we need to explain this and that, or the people he entrusted to get it done had their own agendas.  He’s also had other retired leaders come in to help, but the blockers played all their tactical battle and delayed it to this point.  Even they were surprised that they could drag it out this long.  One of the most senior people in the government dragged this out longer than he ever imagined possible, through sheer dirty politics and BS as well as actual positive reasons.  Remember, we only understand part of this, and we cannot believe this is the entire answer.

Tony:  I want to give one other example.  For years, I used to tell everyone that George Bush and **** Cheney were the worst gangsters in the world.  They would be in your face and dare you to challenge them.  These guys were ruthless!  Then one day G Bush came on Oprah, talked about his administration, and I realized that he didn’t know some things that were going on while he was living his life.  So I changed my view and saw that he just didn’t have the right people around him. There are things we just don’t see or know, things that happened in DC that we have no clue about—there is a lot more going on than what the eye can see.  I’m not defending the administration, but we know some stuff you don’t know.  The President is consulting, and although we can see this needs to change, we cannot micromanage everything that is going on in the country or the world either.  He’s not blameless, but others are also causing problems by their decisions.

We are not going to start naming names in the administration.  I may be an idiot but we’re not complete idiots.

Caller:  If it goes to January, there is not that long till the next elections…

Tony:  I really don’t think it will.  I’ve talked about what we can do to effect change after the RV;  we could all get on a call and agree what to do.  They didn’t like me saying that, and I don’t mind because I don’t want 20 people to influence 30,000 new millionaires.  But YOU can affect others through your money, foundations and trusts.  I can’t even donate to politics OR be involved in politics according to my NDA!

DC:  A lot of folks got exchanged this weekend.  A lot of skeptical banks and countries have accepted this is going on, and they don’t want to put themselves in a precarious situation.  The question is WHEN it will be released.  We understand there will be a slow rollout for crowd control, starting with the internet group.  I accidentally went onto chat on Saturday night, and you think I talk fast?  Man, there was a barrage of ultra-fast questions, which my wife thought was hilarious.  Thanks for all your touching comments on my bio on the forum, too.

Pam:  Remember that DC gave us a lot of information on the last call about who he is and how he got here.  Zebragirl transcribed it, and if you go to, and click on Forum, it will take you to the Ten Things and also DC’s information – you don’t have to be a member or sign in.  Remember, you know what to do;  just stick to your plan.

Tony:  We’re in a good spot, everything is readyWe summed up what happened over the weekend, the big picture and how it’s involving.  We talked about how our government works and who is responsible for what.  We are responsible for what affects us, and lots are making sure we are treated fairly.  They are living up to that plan, so we are here to help the process.  Our President is not a dictator;  every President has a committee or group to help them make the right decisions and they are not always the right decisions.  I now think President Bush was the last of the forceful Presidents, and it gives you a different perspective, while during his actual presidency we did not see eye-to-eye, but with hindsight I have a better picture of what went onThis might happen with this RV as well. For today, we are just giving the information we have.  We’re at a really good position and this will be over Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.  The election is the main excuse we were given.  Iraq says “reform is occurring” so that is no two months down the road.  This is a superfantastic week;  we are here, we will do our part during the activation and be as unbiased as we can.  Enjoy the rest of your day.

Prevent Diabetes Lower Blood Sugar With Home Remedies And Supplements

Prevent Diabetes Lower Blood Sugar With Home Remedies And Supplements

For people flirting with elevated blood glucose levels, the looming threat of having to take insulin shots can truly be frightening. Diabetes has become more prevalent than ever due to the All-American diet consisting of fast junk food, sodas, and the variety of other garbage people consume — counter to common rational health advice. Even for many participating in healthier lifestyles and eating whole foods, blood sugar levels may still be troublesome. Whether you’re diabetic or prediabetic, there are a variety of home remedies available to help manage your numbers and eliminate the need for insulin.
The basics
· Drink more water, especially immediately after a meal. Water aids digestion and flushes the system. Although there are some branches of alternative medicine that advise against drinking with meals, it’s in your best interest to ignore that advice if you want to lower your glucose levels. Try it and observe how you feel. Take blood sugar readings and see the proof.
· Exercise! When exercising, your muscles burn sugars stored in the body, lowering overall blood sugar levels.
· Change your diet. Add more vegetables, legumes, lean protein and whole grains while reducing the amounts of simple carbohydrates. Choose foods that are lower on the glycemic index.
· Eat frequent, smaller meals throughout the day every three to four hours to maintain stability for blood sugar levels
· Lose weight to help manage glucose levels and lower blood sugar
· Eliminate alcohol and sodas, both which cause blood sugar to fluctuate
· Check your thyroid levels. It’s not uncommon for people with under-active thyroid to have concomitant problems with their pancreas and insulin production.
· Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) — ALA is an antioxidant whose action help to lower blood glucose levels by assisting the body in better use of its insulin. In addition, ALA has been found to reduce or eliminate diabetic neuropathy and other nerve-related conditions. Because ALA is so effective at reducing blood sugar, diabetics should monitor levels closely.
· Chromium — Low doses of chromium supplementation have been shown to help with blood glucose control. Like ALA blood sugar levels should be closely monitored if you’re diabetic.
Foods, herbs, spices
· Chia Seeds prevent blood glucose levels from spiking. Make a chia smoothie or some breakfast porridge. Soak two tablespoons each of chia and hemp seeds in boiling water for five minutes. Add your favorite raw nuts, berries, coconut flakes, coconut oil and stevia.
· Apple cider vinegar — organic please — works wonders in reducing blood sugar, along with its other miraculous benefits. Take one to two tablespoons in water before or with meals, three times a day to prevent spikes in blood glucose levels.
· Add fiber and a digestive enzyme to your meals to help increase the motility of your digestive tract and prevent gas and bloating
· Eat cinnamon to lower blood sugar. Make tea by boiling two to three fresh cinnamon sticks in a quart of water for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the cinnamon and drink the tea straight hot or chilled. Add cinnamon to porridge, smoothies and any other dishes to enjoy its remarkable benefits. The recommended dose is one gram daily for 40 days — and it’s effects will last an additional 20 days.
· Salacia is an ayurvedic herb used in India to treat diabetes, stabilize blood glucose levels and regulate metabolic imbalances. It’s recommended to only use this potent herb when necessary to lower spikes in blood sugar, rather than taking it daily.
· Green tea is high in polyphenols and has been found to protect against wide swings in glucose levels; however, it contains caffeine which may cause side effects for some people.

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“Retaliation”: Feds Launch New Land Grab Targeting Bundy Family

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
“Retaliation”: Feds Launch New Land Grab Targeting Bundy Family
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 3-Nov-2014 14:31:46

Days after the standoff came to a head earlier this year, after which the feds were forced to release nearly 400 cattle belonging to Bundy, Nevada Senator Harry Reid labeled Bundy supporters “domestic terrorists” and indicated that the fight was not over.
“From near the beginning of history, tyrannical men have sought to oppress through the control of land and resources, “Control the land and resources, and you have the power to control the people”. There is a direct correlation to land and resources with power and wealth. All major powers in world history have gained their power & wealth by conquering the land and controlling the resources,” states the Bundy Facebook post, adding that Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs) “have been a tool used by the federal government to gain further control of large masses of western lands and the resources.”
The BLM’s latest move to seize huge tracts of land surrounding Bundy’s property under the justification of environmental protection suggests that we could witness part two of the ‘Battle of Bunkerville’ sometime over the next few months.

Bundy Family Treated as Terror Suspects by TSA


·  ·  Bundy Family Treated as Terror Suspects by TSA
·  by Ammon Bundy | November 2, 2014
"This incident reaffirmed to me the danger that the American people are in"

This morning my twelve year old daughter and I tried to fly to Salt Lake City from Phoenix for a special event of a loved one. We had to be there by 1:00 pm in order to be a part of the occasion. Everything was going as planned until we came to the Gate B check station and the first TSA agent looked at our boarding passes. He seemed a bit alarmed and asked me if my name was Ammon.  I told him 'yes'.  He then circled my name and sent me down the line. I could tell there was suspicion but thought it may be because my daughter was a minor, or because my name is unusual and sometimes taken as Arabic.
When we reached the actual check station, the second TSA agent saw my boarding pass and immediately called for a Commanding Officer on the radio. Over the course of several minutes he called multiple times for assistance.  Meanwhile the line behind me was stopped and backing up. When the Commanding Officer finally came, the two agents conversed privately as they looked at my boarding pass and drivers license. The Commanding Officer then directed me to an area and confiscated all of our possessions along with the normal clothing checked such as my boots, belt jacket and so on.
By this time, we were feeling a bit scrutinized and those around us were staring and talking among themselves of the matter. They then escorted us to a back area were they rummaged through our items, testing it with devices and inspecting each article. The agent then began to check me physically
I asked the agent why we were being treated so differently and why we were selected out. He told me it was because my boarding pass was tagged with the bold letters “SSSS”. He also told me that this will happen every time you fly because you are marked. Beyond that he did not disclose of anything else. My daughter then asked him if she could put her shoes back on. The agent said that she could, but that I was not to touch my possessions. He then called for his Commanding Officer.
After a few minutes, the Level Three Officer showed up and asked me several questions and wrote the answers down on a yellow sticky note. This Commanding Officer then went to a computer and began typing and reading. The whole thing was very interesting to me. I thought to myself, “WOW, Harry Reid really does have me tagged in the federal database as a Domestic Terrorist”. I have never been charged and prosecuted with anything in my life, and yet Senator Reid, without due process, has declared me, for life, as a Domestic Terrorist. He unilaterally named me, Ammon Bundy, a terrorist against the people of this country, the people I love and would so willingly to give my life for.
After the Commanding Officer typed a few things in the computer, my boarding pass was written on and hole punched 5 times with stars mostly over the SSSS (see picture). Our possessions were then returned and we were free to go to the boarding gate. When we left the security area, many people were looking at us in curiosity. The entire process took about an hour, and my daughter and I did not make our flight. We knew we would not make it to the event even if we got on another flight so we left the boarding gate area and went to ask for a refund from US Airlines.
U.S. Airlines resisted to give us a refund at first.  They insisted that they could not be held accountable for what the government chose to do. I showed them the boarding pass and the SSSS, then told them why I believed I was marked and harassed. They immediately began to process the refund request.  One lady said “That sends chills up my spine that they would do that to you”. I thanked them and we left the airport.
This incident reaffirmed to me the danger that the American people are in. When a very small group of elitists use the people's power without authority, and are willing to destroy the lives of those who disagree or stand up to them, when this type of unlimited power is commonly exercised without checks and balances, the people are in danger.
FLASHBACK: Harry Reid Calls Cliven Bundy Supporters “Domestic Terrorists”
Understand this people - this is a private corporation posing as the government of these united States. Their laws do NOT apply to the people - only to their corporation employees and within their district(s).  UNLESS AND UNTIL AMERICANS RECEIVE THIS AND REFUSE TO BE INTIMATED AND MANIPULATED, AND RISE UP TO REMOVE THESE BASTARDS FROM OUR COUNTRY, AMERICANS CAN COUNT ON HORRENDOUS EVENTS TO ENSUE IN THIS NATION SHORTLY.

Intel Guru TerryK

11-3-2014   Intel Guru TerryK   I'M HEARING SUCKER RATES STILL APPLY.  THEY ARE TO COME OUT AT LIKE 1.24 FOR THE DINAR AND .24 FOR THE DONG.  REALLY EXCITING TIMES.  I'M WAITING ON A FEW CALLS AS WE SPEAK.   HOPING FOR THAT WONDERFUL CALL.  [How long do you think the sucker rates will last?]  48 hours.   [do you look for it to float up or just jump to the real rate?]  I THINK IT WILL JUMP...FAST.





Linda has been Homeless and she is disabled stuck in a motel . Unable to pay her bill. She needs help desperately. People have been stepping up helping her can't help no more. She will need money for food and motel bill. If you can help please do a pay pal

Linda's phone number is 404 977 3322

She has been homeless since Oct 7, 2014. Any amount will do small or large until the RV is done.

Love and Light

Pilots, Doctors, & Scientists Tell The Truth About Chemtrails -vid

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Pilots, Doctors, & Scientists Tell The Truth About Chemtrails -vid
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 3-Nov-2014 11:16:27

Geoengineering Investigation Demanded By Numerous Experts
On July 15th, 2014, citizens from Northern California rallied to create the largest attendance ever at the Shasta County Supervisors chambers (400+, chairman Les Baugh confirmed this attendance record at the start of the meeting). The primary purpose of this meeting was to present information that proves there is a very dire heavy metal contamination and UV radiation issue across the Shasta County region (and the world). A list of 10 experts presented data to the board to confirm the legitimacy of the concerns being addressed. At the end of the presentation, the board voted unanimously to investigate the heavy metal contamination and passed resolutions accordingly. The video below documents the events of this landmark day in the fight to expose the crime of global geoengineering, all experts are identified with labels in the video (the new edited, condensed version).
~Dane Wigington
(Full Version)

Pilots, Doctors & Scientists Tell Truth about Chemtrails [Excerpts]
(Shorter Version with Excerpts)


MONDAY MORNING QUESTION....(FEEDBACK APPRECIATED)  Posted by EXOGEN on November 3, 2014 at 10:48am

















Satan's Plan Is Working Well....Culminating With The "Rapture" of The Wicked...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Satan's Plan Is Working Well....Culminating With The "Rapture" of The Wicked...
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 3-Nov-2014 11:38:53

Most Christians readily profess that they are always eager to hear and learn from their Fathers Word. Seldom do they realize, though, that the first tenant of learning is found in the willingness to alter one's viewpoint if necessary to incorporate the truths which the Holy Spirit teaches you from your study of God's Word. You should see the truth in this statement from your own school and life experience, for continued learning is not possible if a particular ideology is valued in spite of vast evidence to the contrary:
For example, there was a point when we realized our sinful nature in the knowledge of the world, and we met and returned with Jesus. Just as it is not sufficient for maximum enjoyment of earthly life to get only a grade-school education (particularly these days), it is neither sufficient nor wise to place your belief in the traditions and denominations of man above the Word as written.
Like Paul so eloquently wrote in Hebrews 5 verses 12 thru 14, many of today's Christians are like 'bottle babies in diapers', and have no teeth to even chew the 'meat' of God's Word. They are content instead to visit their 'nursery' each time the doors are open, and drink the same formula they have been fed all their spiritual lives.
This paper is dedicated to raiding the denominational nurseries and just perhaps finding a few who are willing to put on the armor Paul describes in Eph 6:10-18 so that they may STAND in the battle that will shortly come.
I-- Some Background of Contrasting Views
There are two great divisions of thought regarding prophecy: That of the futurist and that of the historicist. Both teach that Christ will return to earth, but the division arises over the MANNER of His coming and it's timing in relation to "the tribulation".
Some may say "..