Thursday, February 24, 2011

MSG - WOW!!! Who knew? SCARY!

MSG - WOW!!! Who knew? SCARY!

I knew about this a couple of years ago. We took a nurturing your body God's way class and learned about nutrition. We also learned that almost everything, food wise, produced has some form of MSG in it. In my opinion, that is the main reason that we have such an obesity problem in our society! The other reason is the chemical treatment of the farm lands because of the non rotation of the crops and continuous growing without letting the land go fallow for a season, which totally depletes the land of nutrients! See below. D.

Interesting reading makes one think what is going into our mouths.. I had no idea that Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein was MSG!!!!!!!!!!! Just goes to show, you have to be knowledgeable and conscious of everything!!!! I'm especially interested in the part about headaches; towards the end, I underlined it.

MSG hides behind 25 or more names, such as Natural Flavoring.' MSG is even in your favorite coffee from Tim Horton's and Starbucks coffee shops!

I wondered if there could be an actual chemical causing the massive obesity epidemic, and so did a friend of mine, John Erb. He was a research assistant at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, and spent years working for the government. He made an amazing discovery while going through scientific journals for a book he was writing called "The Slow Poisoning of America".

In hundreds of studies around the world, scientists were creating obese mice and rats to use in diet or diabetes test studies. No strain of rat or mice is naturally obese, so scientists have to create them. They make these creatures morbidly obese by injecting them with MSG when they are first born.

The MSG triples the amount of insulin the pancreas creates, causing rats (and perhaps humans) to become obese. They even have a name for the fat rodents they create: 'MSG-Treated Rats.'

When I heard this, I was shocked. I went into my kitchen and checked the cupboards and the refrigerator. MSG was in everything -- the Campbell's soups, the Hostess Doritos, the Lays flavored potato chips, Top Ramen, Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper, Heinz canned gravy, Swanson frozen prepared meals, and Kraft salad dressings, especially the 'healthy low-fat' ones. The items that didn't have MSG marked on the product label had something called 'Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein,' which is just another name for Monosodium Glutamate.

It was shocking to see just how many of the foods we feed our children everyday are filled with this stuff. MSG is hidden under many different names in order to fool those who read the ingredient list, so that they don't catch on. (Other names for MSG are 'Accent, 'Aginomoto, 'Natural Meat Tenderizer,' etc.) But it didn't stop there.

When our family went out to eat, we started asking at the restaurants what menu items contained MSG. Many employees, even the managers, swore they didn't use MSG. But when we ask for the ingredient list, which they grudgingly provided, sure enough, MSG and Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein were everywhere.

Burger King, McDonald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, every restaurant -- even the sit-down eateries like TGIF, Chili's, Applebee's, and Denny's -- use MSG in abundance. Kentucky Fried Chicken seemed to be the WORST offender: MSG was in every chicken dish, salad dressing and gravy. No wonder I loved to eat that coating on the skin -- their secret spice was MSG!

So why is MSG in so many of the foods we eat? Is it a preservative, or a vitamin?

Not according to my friend John Erb. In his book "The Slow Poisoning of America", he said that MSG is added to food for the addictive effect it has on the human body.

Even the propaganda website sponsored by the food manufacturers lobby group supporting MSG explains that the reason they add it to food is to make people eat more.

A study of the elderly showed that older people eat more of the foods that it is added to. The Glutamate Association lobbying group says eating more is a benefit to the elderly, but what does it do to the rest of us?

'Betcha can't eat [just] one,' takes on a whole new meaning where MSG is concerned! And we wonder why the nation is overweight!

MSG manufacturers themselves admit that it addicts people to their products. It makes people choose their product over others, and makes people eat more of it than they would if MSG wasn't added. Not only is MSG scientifically proven to cause obesity, it is an addictive substance.

Since its introduction into the American food supply fifty years ago, MSG has been added in larger and larger doses to the pre-packaged meals, soups, snacks, and fast foods we are tempted to eat everyday.

The FDA has set no limits on how much of it can be added to food. They claim it's safe to eat in any amount. But how can they claim it's safe when there are hundreds of scientific studies with titles like these:

''The monosodium glutamate (MSG) obese rat as a model for the study of exercise in obesity.'' Gobatto CA, Mello MA, Souza CT , Ribeiro IA. Res Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol. 2002.

''Adrenalectomy abolishes the food-induced hypothalamic serotonin release in both normal and monosodium glutamate-obese rats.''

Guimaraes RB, Telles MM, Coelho VB, Mori C, Nascimento CM, Ribeiro. Brain Res Bull. 2002 Aug.

''Obesity induced by neonatal monosodium glutamate treatment in spontaneously hypertensive rats: An animal model of multiple risk factors." Iwase M, Yamamoto M, Iino K, Ichikawa K, Shinohara N, Yoshinari Fujishima Hypertens Res. 1998 Mar.

''Hypothalamic lesion induced by injection of monosodium glutamate in suckling period and subsequent development of obesity.'' Tanaka K, Shimada M, Nakao K Kusunoki. Exp Neurol. 1978 Oct.

(Hypothalamic dysfunction is a problem with the region of the brain called the hypothalamus, which helps control the pituitary gland and regulate many body functions, particularly in response to stress. The pituitary, in turn, controls the:

*Adrenal glands,



*Thyroid gland)

No, the date of that last study was not a typo; it was published in 1978. Both the ''medical research community'' and ''food manufacturers'' have known about the side effects of MSG for decades.

Many more of the studies mentioned in John Erb's book link MSG to diabetes, migraines and headaches, autism, ADHD, and even Alzheimer's.

So what can we do to stop the food manufactures from dumping this fattening and addictive MSG into our food supply and causing the obesity epidemic we now see?

Several months ago, John Erb took his book and his concerns to one of the highest government health officials in Canada . While he was sitting in the government office, the official told him, 'Sure, I know how bad MSG is. I wouldn't touch the stuff.' But this top-level government official refuses to tell the public what he knows.

The big media doesn't want to tell the public either, fearing issues with their advertisers. It seems that the fallout on the fast food industry may hurt their profit margin. The food producers and restaurants have been addicting us to their products for years, and now we are paying the price for it. Our children should not be cursed with obesity caused by an addictive food additive.

But what can I do about it? I'm just one voice! What can I do to stop the poisoning of our children, while our governments are insuring financial protection for the industry that is poisoning us?

This message is going out to everyone I know in an attempt to tell you the truth that the corporate-owned politicians and media won't tell you.

The best way you can help to save yourself and your children from this drug-induced epidemic is to forward this article to everyone. With any luck, it will circle the globe before politicians can pass the legislation protecting those who are poisoning us.

The food industry learned a lot from the tobacco industry. Imagine if big tobacco had a bill like this in place before someone blew the whistle on nicotine?

If you are one of the few who can still believe that MSG is good for us and you don't believe what John Erb has to say, see for yourself. Go to the National Library of Medicine at Type in the words 'MSG Obese' and read a few of the 115 medical studies that appear.

We the public do not want to be rats in one giant experiment, and we do not approve of food that makes us into a nation of obese, lethargic, addicted sheep, feeding the food industry's bottom line while waiting for the heart transplant, the diabetic induced amputation, blindness, or other obesity-induced, life-threatening disorders.

With your help we can put an end to this poison. Do your part in sending this message out by word of mouth, e-mail, or by distribution of this printout to your friends all over the world and stop this 'Slow Poisoning of Mankind' by the packaged food industry.

Blowing the whistle on MSG is our responsibility, so get the word out.

A Glass Of Wine


To paraphrase W.C.. Fields, "I don't drink water, because fish screw in it."
To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine... and those who don't..

As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.

In a number of carefully controlled trials,
scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. coli) - bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop..

we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine & beer (or tequila, rum, whiskey or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting.


Water = Poop,
Wine = Health

Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid,
than to drink water and be full of shit

There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing it as a public service

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dinar Intel 2/24

Submitted by Jim - Thanks

Subject: [QUAR] Program / Dinar Information

Rich Queen] He knows the DB rep in Australia. The rep just got a HUGE order
from one of the main Sydney Forex traders [Rich Queen] This is a trader who
previously didn't give much stock to the dinar Rich Queen] Then this trader
told the rep he had too much IQD in his possession, it wasn't safe, and he
should move it to a safe location [Rich Queen] The next part is speculation,
and it involves things many of you may not want to hear, but it's good news

[Rich Queen] OK. Here goes. You know how I've been saying all along that
this is MUCH bigger than just the RV?
[Rich Queen] This is about a major redistribution of wealth, and the removal
of certain forces that have not had the world's best interests at heart
[Rich Queen] The people I just spoke to had an interesting theory - the RV
might NOT show up on Forex. The Forex markets are controlled/owned by the
Rothchilds [Rich Queen] It will show up on CBI - The US has a 51% ownership
of CBI through the Fed Reserve. Fed REserve owend by the Rothchilds
basically. The RV will allow for the payoff of the Fed Reserve debt,
allowing for it's closure. No more Rothchild control. [Rich Queen] The US
Treasury, along with the new asset-backed currancy takes over. Bye bye IRS
too - it's an arm of the Feds

[Rich Queen] Not incomprehensible at all. If this doesn't happen, our
fiat-based currency economy will utterly collapse [Rich Queen] I think.
First week of March, US money goes poof!
[Rich Queen] I think the new notes will be gradually put into circulation.
[Rich Queen] It WILL be on the CBI. Not necessarily on the Forex [Rich
Queen]There are big forces in play to prevent the Armaggedon that will
follow if it doesn't.
[Rich Queen] The RV is a crucial component [Rich Queen]What was supposed to
happen last friday did happen..
[Rich Queen] Last Friday, the Feds were put on notice to officially
recognize the RV. Period [Rich Queen] CBI will show it for sure.
[Rich Queen] I am hoping to see it tomorrow, for reasons you can't imagine.
But if it goes to Wednesday, I will understand that too..

* Nighthk11 Chat
February 22nd, 2011 11:32 pm
9:55 AM [Nighthk11] Good Day DV- Hope all are well this day
9:55 AM [cosiangel] hello Night
9:56 AM [Nighthk11] I see that steve has some news on what I told you folks about last month concerning treasury people being in Iraq
9:57 AM [sslate] Hi Night, is your day going good?
9:57 AM [Nighthk11] Yes TY- I believe we may not see the Rv until thurs-friday of this week
9:59 AM [Nighthk11] In looking at what has happened and what the Iraqi info coming out is saying- I think they may feel an announcement on Thursday or Friday morning may be what they need to quell this discontent
9:59 AM [Nighthk11] Whatever they do is crisis management
10:01 AM [Nighthk11] Now US treasury will not leave until RV has been activated- and yes they have a history of RV on a Thursday- that is what I was thinking earlier on
10:01 AM [Nighthk11] But from my perspective- I would think it should be done early on so that it’s effects could filter down
10:02 AM [sslate] Are you thinking like an American
10:03 AM [Nighthk11] Yes, I was until I caught myself- and looked again- I believe they are assuming that an announcement directly before will effect a change in mood and attitude
10:03 AM [cosiangel] well Night I think they are taking a huge risk–as it is people are saying RV or no Rv the demonstrations will happen
10:04 AM [Nighthk11] Then I read something about the 27th of Feb- about them having to have it done by then- so much in rumors and bad press releases out make you go Mummmmmm
10:04 AM [DinarKing] i see your point there.. they will already be massed in great quantities
10:05 AM [tea] cosi, i think the demonstrations are on, regardless of whether the RV happens now or later. At this point, i think the most that they could hope to have happen is that the demonstrations will be more controlled.
10:05 AM [Nighthk11] Yes- that was my view also- they have already waited too late-to effect a change
10:05 AM [Nighthk11] whatever they are planning now- it will not change anything
10:06 AM [sslate] Too true tea. Hopefully it will be a controlled demonstration and not turn into rioting and blood shed
10:06 AM [DinarKing] Those yahoos may try to take over some of the camps
10:06 AM [Nighthk11] Now as I understand, everything is in place and yet we are still waiting- but they must have a release date and it must be very close with all the info coming out- rumor or not
10:07 AM [DinarKing] then there would be a lot of bloodshed
10:07 AM [DinarKing] that was my point earlier in the week
10:07 AM [Nighthk11] I think there will be more destruction of gov’t property than bloodshed
10:08 AM [Nighthk11] But I believe they are planning some kind of shock therapy for the masses
10:08 AM [DinarKing] yeah like an rv shock
10:08 AM [DinarKing] heck that will shock us too
10:09 AM [Nighthk11] Yes DK- I believe that is their reasoning now
10:09 AM [Nighthk11] It was alluded to in the msg from the General- They will all be happy
10:10 AM [DinarKing] he did get back to running water
10:10 AM [DinarKing] and said in the not to distant future
10:11 AM [Nighthk11] The US forces are NOT there to quell disturbance- That is an INTERNAL Iraqi issue brought on them by their failure to act- O has already informed Maliki of this- along with the fact that the US will NOT allow violence against the demonstrators-
10:13 AM [Nighthk11] The other telling statement I took from this msg was “They will be celebrating” In their mindset this is the RV- I don’t think it means anything else- But it is already Too Late to stop the demo’s hopefully he will be right
10:13 AM [cosiangel] Oh I know that US troops will not act: but what will happen if a million people show up and things go nuts?
10:13 AM [DinarKing] I was referring to the ones that might carry it too far and try to take over a US Military camp
10:14 AM [Nighthk11] Then their gov’t will fall- as it should be
10:14 AM [DinarKing] that will not be allowed either
10:14 AM [Nighthk11] DK- They will not do that- should they try as was done in Libya yesterday- they will be STOPPED DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS
10:14 AM [cosiangel] what chance do we have of seeing our RV if that happens?
10:15 AM [Nighthk11] The RV will happen no matter what transpires- as far as their gov’t falling- I am talking specifically about MALIKI
10:15 AM [DinarKing] that was my point Cosi. if the ones that think they are invincible
10:16 AM [DinarKing] Now you understand me Night
10:16 AM [Nighthk11] To fully understand what is going on folks- you have to look at actions- no matter what is printed or in rumors- look at the actions
10:17 AM [cosiangel] people in here keep saying that our US troops will step in if need be to control things–I don’t believe that
10:17 AM [Nighthk11] Yes DK- but Maliki’s demise has already been put in place
10:17 AM [DinarKing] no they can’t
10:17 AM [DinarKing] cosi their hands are tied
10:18 AM [DinarKing] but if anyone should bring the disturbance to the gates of the camps, then they will have to go
10:18 AM [DinarKing] that is all I am saying
10:18 AM [cosiangel] and that means then that our worst fears could be realized….the one thing that everyone has always said would set everything back indefinitely….
10:19 AM [Nighthk11] Please understand- What is happening now is strictly an Iraqi issue- the US will only protect their interest in the country same as Britain- now should they breech the green zone- and they will- as long as the demos are peaceful- there will be no problem
10:19 AM [Nighthk11] However the US and British Embassies are also located in the zone- they will be protected at any cost by the perspective gov’ts
10:19 AM [Nighthk11] The issue is with the Iraqi gov’t not the US and UK
10:21 AM [Nighthk11] There are an additional 15,000 US troops sent to iraq two months ago just for something like this- They were classified as “Special Troops”- I do NOT think demos at US facilities will be an issue
10:21 AM [cosiangel] I realize that night–problem is there are projected to be over a million Iraqi’s here joined by others from the ME: but the iraqi’s alone could easily number that large
10:21 AM [Nighthk11] Yes- so would you not agree they better get on it?
10:22 AM [cosiangel] oh most certainly
10:22 AM [Nighthk11] The issue is INTERNAL folks- they have a plan- just hope it works for them because the time is now
10:24 AM [Nighthk11] The info I gave you about the treasury people and the justice people is 100% correct- they are there and are NOT leaving until Maliki is fully contained- Treasury is there to insure the RV is properly activated as is the IMF and WB- Justice is there sto see that the “New Law” for Justice that was drafted is implemented and becomes law
10:26 AM [Nighthk11] I strongly believe at this point that the “Power Base” of Maliki is all but gone with the exception of his inner circle- It looks like he is about to throw Jabr (Former Finance Minister) under the bus with this new investigation into missing DFI funds
10:29 AM [Nighthk11] I also saw that the new council led by Allawi is moving forward with Maliki’s blessing- This is another indication as Chloe stated that his power base is about gone- he has no other choice then to go with the flow
10:30 AM [coolrizzzy] Nighthk11 , did that say the national council was voted on in parliament?
10:31 AM [Nighthk11] Yes that council will be voted in by parliament (Which makes the laws) so that it has “Executive Power” To check Maliki and if necessary vote down anything he tries to do without Parliament approval
10:31 AM [coolrizzzy] Nighthk11, ok. i didn’t see an article stating that yet
10:32 AM [Nighthk11] It was in KUNA-Kuwaiti News
10:33 AM [coolrizzzy] today?
10:33 AM [Nighthk11] Two days ago
10:33 AM [coolrizzzy] thx
10:33 AM [Nighthk11] I still have people in Kuwait that are close in watching what is going on
10:34 AM [coolrizzzy] as recent as yesterday, i recall reading something where i think someone from the national allicance was saying it wouldn’t be voted on in parliament but they’re always saying that
10:34 AM [Nighthk11] Now Kuwaiti’s also are waiting with great expectation- They hold more dinars than we do as private citizens
10:35 AM [Nighthk11] They do not want the council voted on in parliament because it has the power to STOP THEM
10:35 AM [Nighthk11] However parliament has stated that the new council will be voted in by them
10:35 AM [coolrizzzy] ok good
10:35 AM [coolrizzzy] the news has been back and forth on that subject
10:36 AM [coolrizzzy] hard to keep track of what’s right
10:36 AM [Nighthk11] Remember Allawi WON the election- this was Biden-Obama trade off for letting Maliki be PM- When he tried to change the agreement- They have dropped him- Obama already said that his actions also are very telling No more Support for the maliki gov’t
10:37 AM [cosiangel] People have been saying media is all smoke right now
10:37 AM [coolrizzzy] yeah that was really interesting
10:37 AM [Nighthk11] A lot of the media is smoke- but there is some truth so one has to look deep to get it
10:38 AM [coolrizzzy] Nighthk11, did you see that delta said the news of maliki going to Kuwait to plan an escape route etc was misinformation?
10:38 AM [cosiangel] Night: do you honestly truly believe they will activate the Rv before friday? or is there a chance they will not….what do you think?
10:39 AM [Nighthk11] Now I said yesterday that should Lybia use jets again to strafe innocent people- they would be challenged and if necessary shot down- that was echoed by Hillary in a clever statement today- she said that the “International Community ” would NOT tolerate this type of conduct? Means to me they will use FORCE to stop it
10:41 AM [Nighthk11] Coolrizzy- it could have been leaked by Allawi guys to further discredit Maliki- or it could have been true- where and who put out it was false- That will tell us a lot
10:41 AM [chloe] night i posted an article last night about 40 troops from Il being sent to guard the Baghdad airport.
10:41 AM [Nighthk11] I believe the RV will occur this month hopefully this week by thurs- they cannot go much longer- if they do nothing with thr RV- it IMO will further show their non-concerns for the people
10:42 AM [cosiangel] if Iraq ends up like Egypt was..that is fine…
10:42 AM [Nighthk11] that will incur more and louder demos- probably more violent too
10:43 AM [chloe] also Sistani has come out in favorable of peaceful demons and criticized the goi
10:44 AM [Nighthk11] Their is a difference between the moodset in Iraq and that of other countries- Right now all they are calling for is “Services” by the gov’t- NOT the outright downfall- That will come later with failure on the GOI to act
10:44 AM [cosiangel] Egypt was controlled…but not crazy….
10:44 AM [Nighthk11] The demos in Iraq will also be in a controlled state- so far they have called for removal of mayors and governors- Maliki will be next
10:46 AM [Nighthk11] Is the news of the Kuwaiti issue believable?- YES to me it is- and even if false- Iraqi’s will believe it also- more importantly- members of the gov’t
10:46 AM [chloe] i took the info about the Baghdad airport to mean they don’t want maliki controlled people having control of it. and perhaps a guarantee of safe passage for maliki to leave
10:47 AM [DinarKing] I believe Maliki is in Basra
10:47 AM [Nighthk11] Yes- they must protect the airports as a viable means to enter and exit- so it may be true- I believe it is- given what has happened to other leaders in the ME
10:47 AM [DinarKing] he is not that dumb
10:47 AM [DinarKing] he can see Kuwait from there
10:47 AM [Nighthk11] But why would you be planning an escape if you had been doing right?
10:47 AM [chloe] yes i can see and thought perhaps they were trained to assist in landing and etc
10:47 AM [chloe] no
10:48 AM [chloe] just saying i am thinking maliki might be making a deal. or giving in
10:48 AM [Nighthk11] Once the US prez tells you on the phone that he does not support your gov’t- where do you go from there?
10:49 AM [chloe] you make a deal if you possibly can
10:49 AM [chloe] or desperately try and agree to everything
10:49 AM [chloe] article out that the Barzani agreement is back in play
10:49 AM [Nighthk11] I believe that to be true because of what was related to me concerning the Sec Gen- and UNSC decisions on Maliki’s failure to activate the Barzani Agreement- another chance they missed to RV
10:50 AM [Charstroy] owner of CC site,, interesting isn’t it folks?
10:50 AM [chloe] maliki’s back is against the warll
10:50 AM [Nighthk11] So in looking for the RV- I really believe we will see it this week
10:50 AM [Charstroy] got a call from someone saying they heard onabc radio news dinar would open on markewt soon
10:51 AM [Charstroy] market ,, sorry
10:51 AM [Charstroy] non typing today
10:51 AM [chloe] thanks charstroy
10:51 AM [chloe] also the iraqi list is backing chalabi for interior
10:51 AM [chloe] parliament has the votes
10:52 AM [Charstroy] believe me,, Cash and his wife,, (owners of CC) arent into sharing BS
10:52 AM [Nighthk11] My best guess on the dinar is 24-36 hours folks
10:52 AM [Charstroy] just a feel good statement,, our time will come
10:52 AM [chloe] thanks night
10:52 AM [Nighthk11] Thanks again BBL- All take care
10:52 AM [chloe] charstroy i know who you refer to and i agree with your comment. kind of you to share ty
10:52 AM [in4fun] thanks
10:52 AM [Charstroy] anytime

First Time --- 3rd Reich Photos

First time shown - Third Reich Photos

1939-1940 Berlin Photos:

These pictures were taken by a Life photographer between 1939 and 1940 in Berlin and were lost for over 50 years because the American photographer disappeared at the beginning of the war, along with his rolliflex camera.

Shown here are the originals (used at that time in the production of magazines). The majority are 6" X 9". They were found by a nurse in a Berlin hospital, who kept them put away during all these years. After her death, her daughter returned them to the current editors, who retain the copyrights to Life magazine, which has not been published since the early 70s.