Thursday, August 28, 2014


MY husband was the CONTRA ACCOUNT HOLDER for CI-LTD. He was a Col. in this un-Godly mess. When he objected to the slaughter by the CIA of the women and children, and shoving the bodies off into mass graves; His own "superior officers" had him thrown in prison in Latin America. He managed to get out of the prison by one of his female associates i.e., Cecelia, holding a "gun" on the President of Mexico in the Presidents Office, to allow the time for the Chiapias Indians to get Russell back into the United States. She grew up in Mexico whereas her family was influential and friends of the President.

Barry Seals and Russell Herman, Oliver North, George H.W. Bush, Alan Greenspan, James Baker III, Nicholas Brady, (Hughes Corporations) Bob Maheu, Col. Al Martin, Col. Frank McDonnald, Col. Al Caron, George Whackenhut, Rodriguez and Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, FBI, CIA and MI6 were the original members of WHACKENHUT Services Inc., which was formed in 1955. How do I know this? Russell Herman (Herrmann) told me so after his kidnapping and torture of October 28,1993 RUSSELL BROKE "THE CODE OF SILENCE" upon his return home from the St. Mary's Health Care Facility, Clayton Missouri, on November 17, 1993. See:

When Russell was brought home on November 17, 1993, he sat in his chair with that "1,000 yard stare"... Finally he made the following statement
  "If the American People ever wake up, and find out what the Federal Government has really done; I would not want to be in the Executive Branch. I would not want to be a Member of Congress or Senate, state of federal. I would not want to be a judge on the bench. I would not want to be a lawyer. I would not want to be even the local dog catcher. Because; The American People will round all of them up; Give them a fair trial and hang them on the Capitol Steps [end quote]."

I have since heard Ex-President George H.W. Bush #41 made a similar statement after his resignation from THE CARLYLE GROUP.

Strange things happened during G.H.W. Bush's administration which were foreign to the normal American Doctrine.  We watched our Freedoms, Liberties, our Title Deeds holding the water and mineral rights all go down the drain as we were being told what the German Lady was told as she was being hauled off to Auschwitz by Train.. as she showed her DEED OF OWNERSHIP to the German Officer and said: "But you can't do this!  I own my property!  Here is my Deed!"  The Nazi Officer responded "Move along lady!  The Laws have changed!" [Schindlers List]
   About 4 years it came to light as to why these Laws were being changed under the G.H.W. Bush Administration and why our Rights, Liberties, Freedoms and Properties were systematically taken away just as it happened during THE RISE OF THE THIRD REICH.
   The following is an eye opener.. so take your time.. and read this carefully.. as it fits the old adage "Dying men don't lie."  Read the DEATH BED STATEMENT OTTO SKORZENY R


Further do you remember the "Privatization of the Prison Systems" here in the U.S.?
   Do you remember ex-president of the US Corporation issuing Executive Order 12803.. ?  Which involved the American Schools and Prison Systems?  READ:   This “hate the whites” group would direct their attention to the Crown Corporations i.e., the very corporations which ex president G.H.W. Bush sold this nations infra-structure to in 1992 by Executive Order 12803 which reads:
“By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to ensure that the United States achieves the most beneficial economic use of its resources, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Definitions. For purposes of this order: (a) “Privatization” means the disposition or transfer of an infrastructure asset, such as by sale or by long-term lease, from a State or local government to a private party.
(b) “Infrastructure asset” means any asset financed in whole or in part by the Federal Government and needed for the functioning of the economy. Examples of such assets include, but are not limited to: roads, tunnels, bridges, electricity supply facilities, mass transit, rail transportation, airports, ports, waterways, water supply facilities, recycling and wastewater treatment facilities, solid waste disposal facilities, housing, schools, prisons, and hospitals.
(c) “Originally authorized purposes” means the general objectives of the original grant program; however, the term is not intended to include every condition requires for a grantee to have obtained the original grant.” continues at source
Hopefully you did read that!  Did you notice the transfer of schools along with prisons?  These schools and prisons were paving the way for Privatization of Law Enforcement along with CONTRACTORS to conduct never ending war by the simple mind control of using (a).  Modification Behavior "Chips" implanted in prisoners while in these Privatized Prisons, (b) while schools decided your children were out of control and put them on Ridilan to gain control over the children.
DO YOU KNOW WHAT RIDILAN IS?  Read the following..
Ritalin oral : Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Pictures, Warnings ... - patient medical information for Ritalin oral on WebMD including its uses, side effects and safety, interactions, pictures, warnings and user ratings.
Ritalin: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects & Warnings - -   Do not use Ritalin if you have taken an MAO inhibitor in the past 14 days. A dangerous drug interaction could occur. MAO inhibitors include isocarboxazid, ...
Ritalin - Uses, Side Effects, Interactions - Drugs - Body & Health -
Methylphenidate belongs to the family of medications known as stimulants. It is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy ...
METHYLPHENIDATE - ORAL (Ritalin) side effects, medical uses ...  - Consumer information about the medication METHYLPHENIDATE - ORAL ( Ritalin), includes side effects, drug interactions, recommended dosages, and storage ...
Ritalin - (Methylphenidate) Side Effects, Dosage, Uses, Interaction ...
Learn about Ritalin from the publishers of the Physicians Desk Reference. The following is not ... What is this medication and its most common uses? Ritalin is a  ...
Side Effects of Ritalin (Methylphenidate Hcl) Drug Center - RxList - a comprehensive guide to possible side effects when taking Ritalin ( Methylphenidate Hcl) for Professionals, Patients,
 RELATE AND CO-RELATE..  CHILDREN ON RITILAN for "behavior modification/control" who get off meds.. act up, get arrested and are sent to "Prisons" who are then further implanted with Behavior Modification Chips..  Come out of prison.. no jobs.. enlist in CONTRACT operations involving wars all over the globe..  Object to the killing and mayhem.. are put on LITTLE BLUE PILLS to loosen them up to "kill" and those same individuals come out of the CORPORATE war making machines.. are hired by local police departments and we now have the out of control law enforcement shown in this YouTube video below following the outlawed private prison system.
Outlawed at the beginning of the 20th Century, private corporations are once again owning and operating prisons for profit. A controversial issue which dates back to the days that followed the Emancipation Proclamation, CORRECTIONS examines its re-appearance today amidst globalization and the most awesome growth of prisons in all of modern history, painting a complex portrait of what many are calling the "prison industrial complex."
In the mid-1980's, fifteen years of massive and unprecedented growth within the US prison system hit a snag -- it ran out of money.
When the state wants to build a new prison, it traditionally asks the voters to approve the cost through a bond issue. But this time, voters throughout the country began to say no. [ ]
So many turned to private investment, to venture capital, both to fund new prison projects and to run the prisons themselves for costs around $30 to $60 per bed, per day. This began what we know today as the for-profit, PRIVATE PRISON INDUSTRY.


Analysts conclude MH17 downed by aircraft, evidence for very strong machine gun fire

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Analysts conclude MH17 downed by aircraft, evidence for very strong machine gun fire
Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 28-Aug-2014 06:58:41

New Straits Times Online
Thu, 28 Aug 2014 04:54 CDT
mh17 bullet hole hull cockpit

© unknown
The holes in the wreckage of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 are believed to have come from 30mm cannon fire.
Kuala-Lumpur - Intelligence analysts in the United States had already concluded that Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down by an air-to-air missile, and that the Ukrainian government had had something to do with it.
This corroborates an emerging theory postulated by local investigators that the Boeing 777-200 was crippled by an air-to-air missile and finished off with cannon fire from a fighter that had been shadowing it as it plummeted to earth.
In a damning report dated Aug 3, headlined "Flight 17 Shoot-Down Scenario Shifts", Associated Press reporter Robert Parry said "some US intelligence sources had concluded that the rebels and Russia were likely not at fault and that it appears Ukrainian government forces were to blame".
This new revelation was posted on GlobalResearch, an independent research and media organisation.
In a statement released by the Ukrainian embassy on Tuesday, Kiev denied that its fighters were airborne during the time MH17 was shot down. This follows a statement released by the Russian Defence Ministry that its air traffic control had detected Ukrainian Air Force activity in the area on the same day.
They also denied all allegations made by the Russian government and said the country's core interest was in ensuring an immediate, comprehensive, transparent and unbiased international investigation into the tragedy by establishing a state commission comprising experts from the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and Eurocontrol.
"We have evidence that the plane was downed by Russian-backed terrorist with a BUK-M1 SAM system (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation reporting name SA-11) which, together with the crew, had been supplied from Russia. This was all confirmed by our intelligence, intercepted telephone conversations of the terrorists and satellite pictures.
"At the same time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have never used any anti-aircraft missiles since the anti-terrorist operations started in early April," the statement read.
Yesterday, the New Straits Times quoted experts who had said that photographs of the blast fragmentation patterns on the fuselage of the airliner showed two distinct shapes - the shredding pattern associated with a warhead packed with "flechettes", and the more uniform, round-type penetration holes consistent with that of cannon rounds.
Parry's conclusion also stemmed from the fact that despite assertions from the Obama administration, there has not been a shred of tangible evidence to support the conclusion that Russia supplied the rebels with the BUK-M1 anti-aircraft missile system that would be needed to hit a civilian jetliner flying at 33,000 feet.
Parry also cited a July 29 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation interview with Michael Bociurkiw, one of the first Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) investigators to arrive at the scene of the disaster, near Donetsk.
Bociurkiw is a Ukrainian-Canadian monitor with OSCE who, along with another colleague, were the first international monitors to reach the wreckage after flight MH17 was brought down over eastern Ukraine.
In the CBC interview, the reporter in the video preceded it with: "The wreckage was still smouldering when a small team from the OSCE got there. No other officials arrived for days".
"There have been two or three pieces of fuselage that have been really pockmarked with what almost looks like machinegun fire; very, very strong machinegun fire," Bociurkiw said in the interview.
Parry had said that Bociurkiw's testimony is "as close to virgin, untouched evidence and testimony as we'll ever get. Unlike a black-box interpretation-analysis long afterward by the Russian, British or Ukrainian governments, each of which has a horse in this race, this testimony from Bociurkiw is raw, independent and comes from one of the two earliest witnesses to the physical evidence.
"That's powerfully authoritative testimony. Bociurkiw arrived there fast because he negotiated with the locals for the rest of the OSCE team, who were organising to come later," Parry had said.
Retired Lufthansa pilot Peter Haisenko had also weighed in on the new shootdown theory with Parry and pointed to the entry and exit holes centred around the cockpit.
"You can see the entry and exit holes. The edge of a portion of the holes is bent inwards. These are the smaller holes, round and clean, showing the entry points most likely that of a 30mm caliber projectile.
"The edge of the other, the larger and slightly frayed exit holes, show shreds of metal pointing produced by the same caliber projectiles. Moreover, it is evident that these exit holes of the outer layer of the double aluminum reinforced structure are shredded or bent - outwardly."
He deduced that in order to have some of those holes fraying inwardly, and the others fraying outwardly, there had to have been a second fighter firing into the cockpit from the airliner's starboard side. This is critical, as no surface-fired missile (or shrapnel) hitting the airliner could possibly punch holes into the cockpit from both sides of the plane.
"It had to have been a hail of bullets from both sides that brought the plane down. This is Haisenko's main discovery. You can't have projectiles going in both directions - into the left-hand-side fuselage panel from both its left and right sides - unless they are coming at the panel from different directions.
"Nobody before Haisenko had noticed that the projectiles had ripped through that panel from both its left side and its right side. This is what rules out any ground-fired missile," Parry had said.
Comment: As Joe Quinn wrote in his mid-July 2014 article Who shot down Malaysian Airlines Flight 17? New Cold War, same old propaganda:
Expect any 'investigation' into this disaster to be a drawn-out affair, thwarted at every turn by the culprits. Other events in the fast-changing geopolitical landscape will soon eclipse it...
This especially has come true. No real investigation has happened. The aircraft has not been assembled like a puzzle as is usual for such incidents. After just a few days, this catastrophe evaporated entirely from the mainstream media and public awareness. But we all will have to pay for this 'forgetting' due to the long-term political repercussions that arose from this incident.
See also: Did Kiev fighter jet shoot down Malaysian MH17 after mistaking it for Putin's plane?
The missile was shot from U.S. Navy F/A18 Super Hornet that flew from Black Sea region.

Powell Shooting (Cell Phone Camera)

You don't have to watch this because
it does show a young man being shot
to death a dozen times, for no good

The entire event of the partially-point-
blank-range killing of Kajieme Powell,
25 on August 19th by "Peace Officers"
who are paid to protect the communities
they serve, not to kill its members was
recorded on video by a cellphone.  

In a city still reeling with revolts over
the police killing of unarmed teenager,
Michael Brown, just ten days earlier,
these events certainly prove that the
local police had learned nothing, after
ten days of outrage and revolts.

They felt so immune from prosecution
that they believed that they were totally
above the law. This video also proves that
they lied - and that it incredibly unsafe to
be a young black man in Greater Metro
area of St. Louis, Missouri.

The policemen who killed Kajieme Powell
in this video claimed that he was lurching
at them with a "steak knife," with his arms
"raised high". They further claimed that he
was within 3 feet of them but the video
clearly shows that he was about 15 feet
away when they began to fire upon him -
but that yes, by the time he'd fallen off a
berm and rolled onto the sidewalk - and
the police were into their final shots of the
dozen bullets which hit him, he was THEN
three feet away from the cops.

At no time during Powell's interaction with
the police were his arms "raised high,"
even as the police instantly escalated the
situation, by jumped out of their truck with
guns drawn, as if the only thing they could
even imagine doing was to kill the guy.
Powell's arms were down by his sides - and
the "steak knife" must have been pretty
small, because it is not even visible in this

Powell looked like he needed mental help,
not killing.

But the clincher is this: the fact that these
"Peace Officers" handcuffed Powell, when he
was already deader-than-a-doornail proves
to me that they KNEW that they were guilty
and were hastily trying to cover it up, to the
rightfully cynical comments of onlookers.

In my opinion, the perpetrators of Powell's
shooting death should all be fired and tried
for murder.

Video (6 and a half min):

Exogen: Intel Snack 8:52 AM EST at Stage3Alpha

Exogen: Intel Snack 8:52 AM EST at Stage3Alpha

INTEL SNACK 8:52 AM EST  Posted by EXOGEN on August 28, 2014 at 9:00am










GT: Just Got off Skype with My Contractor Friend....He gave me a QUiCK Update from Iraq. He was told Abadi made the GOI Announcement Today (he didn't have any more Details & Didn't have a lot of time)!! He DID SAY people were "PARTYING UP"Now for you NON-BELIEVERS!! Don't ask for ANYMORE PROOF because there’s is none I can give other than what I just told!!! So THERE YOU GO...

Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 8:51 

Omegaman INTEL from one source

Omegaman   INTEL from one source:

Goi was sworn in today

Reset started last night

Admiral in this weekend

Pbx on tuesday

Bonds start paying today

Trns will start publicly today

EXOGEN August 27, 2014 at 5:51pm

EXOGEN August 27, 2014 at 5:51pm   COMPLETE SUIT IS READY!!!!!!!!!!

EXOGEN August 27, 2014 at 6:37pm

wilbur grodan August 27, 2014 at 6:34pm

Market saying tonight per multiple models in multiple time frames
Models have been holding since AUGUST 4

Rick Jolicoeur August 27, 2014 at 6:32pm After today's CC with Tony and DC, it still seems we're stalled for unknown reasons here in the U.S.

EXOGEN > Rick Jolicoeur August 27, 2014 at 6:40pm

More Insanity

Here's one for ya John. How much more insane can these den of corruption agents get? If anyone one should be locked up, it should be the thug prosecutor, and in a mental institution. Who are the real criminals disguised behind the illusion of respectability? What the hell is wrong with these sob's anyway?

Impending ​Irish ​Arrest and Extradition of Kevin Annett on verge of Tuam Killing​s​ Inquiry:

WOW! The pending powers that be in Ireland and England are out to eliminate Kevin. Can we all guess why and who may be behind this one?

-------Original Message-------

Date: 8/27/2014 9:01:43 PM

Subject: Urgent ITCCS Bulletin, please post: Impending ​Irish ​Arrest and Extradition of Kevin Annett on verge of Tuam Killing​s​ Inquiry

Impending Irish Arrest and Extradition of Kevin Annett on verge of Tuam Killings Inquiry:

An Urgent Bulletin from the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and its Direct Action Unit in Ireland

August 28, 2014

The Irish government has agreed to extradite Kevin Annett to England to face imprisonment when he arrives in Ireland this weekend, according to information obtained through our sources in Ireland's national police, the Garda

The same sources indicate that Kevin's arrest and transportation to a "special administrative
prison" in London has been ordered in response to the plan by him and our Brussels-based Common Law Court to open an independent inquiry into the apparent sacrificial murder of children at Tuam, Ireland, commencing on Monday, September 1. These killings have been linked to the catholic-run Ninth Circle cult that includes popes, cardinals and members of the British royal family and Church of England.

In response to this new attack, Kevin Annett has agreed to reschedule his September travel itinerary to temporarily avoid Ireland and any country under so-called "crown of England" jurisdiction, and to accept additional security protection. However, the independent inquiry into the Tuam mass graves and ritual murders in Ireland will proceed as scheduled
under the auspices of the Common Law court being established in Galway, as part of the September 1 commencement of our Permanent Inquiry into Child Trafficking and Ritual Sacrifice.
For more information on the Inquiry and the Galway common law court case into the Tuam killings, contact .

And stay tuned for a personal you
tube message from Kevin Annett, to be issued tomorrow, Friday, August 29, and posted at .
Issued by the Directorate, ITCCS Central
28 August, 2014

Kevin Annett was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 and 2014. Messages for him can be left at 250-591-4573 (Canada) or 386-323-5774 (USA). His personal website is .

See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes at and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at, and at, the site for the Common Law court network.
Kevin's award winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at .

An International, multi-lingual ITCCS site can be found at:
The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part One) - 1 hr. 46 mins. - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part Two) - 1 hr. 47 mins. - Final Court Verdict and Sentencing - 8 mins. 30 secs. - Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses - 10 mins. - Irene Favel, Eyewitness to the incineration of a newborn baby by a priest at Muscowegan Catholic Indian school, Saskatchewan, 1944 - Other key testimonies from our Court case against genocide in Canada
"I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."
Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
Elder, Crane Clan, Anishinabe Nation, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Nadita File For 8-26-14

Nadita File For 8-26-14

Subject: Nadita File - 08/26/2014 - The Spin Starts Here :)  

Nadita File – 08/26/2014  Brought From Dinar Daily

Good evening everyone, thanks for watching Nadita File where the spin starts here Smile

Ukraine Crisis : Calkid11 can’t believe Ukrainian Pres. Poroshenko and Russian Pres. Putin have sat for talks in Belarus.  First face to face meeting since June on fighting in eastern Ukraine. 

Ukraine says 10 Russian paratroopers have been captured inside the eastern part of the country.  Pro-Russian rebels are fighting in that area.

Israel – Gaza Showdown :  Chess is happy to hear senior hamas official says a cease fire has been reached with Israel to end a 7 week war.  Israel confirms acceptance of Egyptian brokered cease fire in Gaza war.  Officials says Egypt plans announcement later today.
Syria Ordeal :  Gymrat76541 reported White House says Pres. Obama has not approved military action inside Syria.  Syria says airstrikes without their consent would be aggression.  Joint Chief Chairman Gen. Dempsey says US getting more refined picture of ISIS. 

Wants more clarity on ISIS operations in Syria.  Officials say US has begun surveillance flights over Syria.  Move could pave way for airstrikes against ISIS militants.

Other News : Saint takes a deep breath to hear VA says investigators found no proof delays in care caused deaths at Phoenix hospital.  Reports rocked the VA last spring, highlighting scheduling problems.  Lawyers for Wisconsin and Indiana try today to get appeals court to reinstate bans on gay weddings.

 Ban was ruled unconstitutional.  LA schools suspends $1B contract with Apple to provide iPads for each of its students.  Questions raised about bidding process and security protocols. 

Littlesam is praying for the weather as Cristobal reaches hurricane force in the Carribean, blamed for 5 deaths.  In the Pacific, Hurricane Marie weakened to category 3 storm.  More aftershocks in Napa this morning, officials say area far from devastated despite a billion dollars in damages.  This is a busy harvest and tourist period.

Boosterbglee heard Australia to spend $60M to counter violent extremism and radicalization.  PM Abbott says at least 60 Australians are fighting for ISIS overseas.  Italy wants EU to do more to help it rescue migrants fleeing violence in their home countries.  More than 100K people came to Italy this year after fleeing Libya.

California governor Jerry Brown signs bill requiring smartphones to come with”kill switch”.  Chevron (CVX) is seeking an investment of up to $1.5B to develop an oil project in Canada. 

UN healthy agency wants e-cigarettes regulated and banned from indoor use until vapor proved not harmful.  Also wants ban on sales to minors. 

New York Kevin heard ISIS reportedly holding an American woman hostage in Syria.  The 26 year old was doing humanitarian aid work when she was kidnapped last year. 

She has not been id’d out of fear for her safety.  A family rep says ISIS which recently beheaded James Foley is threatening to kill American hostages as it seeks to create a caliphate across Iraq and Syria.

National Security Spox confirming the death of former San Diego resident Douglas McArthur McCain while fighting for ISIS in Syria.  US government is aware of his presence in Syria.  Investigators are working to verify the circumstances of his death. 

CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden says Ebola virus has the upper hand in the outbreak that has killed  more than 1400 people in West Africa.  WHO estimates one to two doctors are available to treat 100,000 people in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea – 3 hardest hit countries.  WHO says 240 healthcare workers have been infected with the virus and half of those infected have died.

Wiljor is happy to hear Federal judge throws out order to seize tanker anchored in Gulf of Mexico carrying $100M worth of Kurdish crude.  Opens possibility of importing the oil.  New poll reveals 16% of French citizens back ISIS militants, 2% of Germany, and 7% in Britain.

Genx4me heard Kevin Counihan named new CEO of federal Obamacare marketplace.  Counihan was CEO of Connecticut’s Health Insurance Exchange.

Dow gained 30 points today.  Oil higher with global tensions in focus.  Gold off 2 month low, closed at $1,284, silver at $19.40, copper at $3.18.  Crude oil closed at $93.91.

TransUnion says credit card payments at least 90 days overdue fell to 1.16% in Q2.  That’s the lowest level in at least 7 years, peaked in Q1 of 2009 at 3.12%. 

Walt Disney filed for three patents related to the use of drones in air shows.  Micro cap camera maker Digital Alley  (DGLY) in focus as police shooting leads to calls for cops to wear cameras.  The stock closed at $14.28, gaining 14% today.

Thriver can’t make up his mind whether he wants burger and doughnuts? Burger King finalizes deal to acquire Canada based doughnut chain Tim Hortons.

Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway to make $3B investment via preferred shares.  Deal is not about a tax inversion.  US will get more money in taxes after Tim Hortons deal. 

Preferred dividends taxed at higher rate because foreign company involved.  Deal structure more about getting approval by Canada, which considers Tim Hortons a national icon.

Chinese antitrust regulator target Microsoft’s web browser, media player being bundled with its OS.   Russian food safety regulator shuts 5th McDonald’s restaurant, company cites mass unscheduled inspections.  Pfizer and Merck to collaborate on immunotherapy study of potential lung cancer treatment.

Arcelor Mittal (MT) raised to buy from sell at UBS.  Cray (CRAY) started as a buy with a $33 price target at Stifel.   Aruba Networks (ARUN) adjust Q4 EPS $0.24, beats $0.22 est, revenue $202.9M beat $193M est. 

Kite Pharma (KITE) says its lead cancer immunotherapy drug shows promise in trial.  Tivo (TIVO) is introducing new DVR that can record both over the air broadcasts and streaming online networks. Renren (RENN) swings Q2 profit on gain on sale of short term investments. 

From Dinar land : Car bomb in busy Shiite area in Baghdad kills at least 11, wounds dozens.  Comes a day after attackes in Shiite areas in several cities, killed at least 58 people.

 Vietnam1969 reported a new wave attacks commercial areas around Baghdad killed at least 45 people and injured scores many who were outside of Shiite mosque. 

A military analyst said ISIS has been slightly wounded by US airstrikes, Peshmerga and security forces but definitely they are a dreadful and formidable fighting group which is well financed and organized. 

He added it will take the efforts of multitude of regional countries and international cooperation to defeat them on long run.

PM Abadi has issued arrest warrants for 4 tribesmen in connection with Diyala mosque massacre that killed at least 73 Sunni worshippers.  Sunni leaders halted the negotiating of forming the inclusive government. 

The Iraqi parliament adjourned and announced its next session will be on Tuesday, September 2nd.  Speaker of the House, Saleem al Jabouri said he will hold open and transparent investigations and public debate in regards to Speicher airbase incident in Salaheddin province.  Relatives of victims will be invited to express their views and what they witnessed.

Parliament members who want to remain anonymous say the next week’s session will include establishing the committees who will immediately address all aspects of Iraq’s economy and monetary policies. 

From rumor land : Frank26 says the rate is at all banks, GOI is not to be formed but to be announced. 

Chattels thinks Abadi may announce on Wednesday but parliament is  adjourned until September 2nd. 

Mt. Goat believes RV roll out will be completed just prior to or just after the announcement. 

Arthur hopes the formation of GOI on 9/11 will also include HCL and budget. 

BGG says market dropped to 1203 today, within 2% difference and still be compliance with IMF requirements. 

Breitling says soon or later Iraq has to increase the value or their people will not be able to compete on the world stage.

 TerryK says he is getting from all his sources and without doubt this is our week. 

Eagle1 says the info he is getting is imminent.

 Poppy3 thinks we are at day by day possibility but no one knows for sure and never will in advance. 

Stryker thinks Iraq is heading closer to 2% target rate the IMF says it needed for currency reform. 

Millionday says 4 years ago Saleh stated the currency would be returned to around what it was in the 80’s.

 Exogen feels tonight gonna be a good night.

The spin stops here Smile send your comments to #naditafile,  Dinar Thug is next, good night everyone Smile    --   Have a blessed week with your family Smile