Monday, November 3, 2014




I stated that when you have a dog that will not eat your foods, just change the smell of the food. Once the smell test is passed, the dog more than the cat will eat it. For the cat foods, they require a 'bigger investment to put in better smell - ingredients to fool the cat. But it will eat it once its nose is fooled too.

Also remember how dog foods are really made and where do the main ingredients come from???

Well there is plenty of reasons behind this genocide of our dogs and cats.

The orders come from the FDA, they have placed what they call suggestions to dog food companies, but they are really demands to put in some chemicals to increase the smell of the products sold to pet foods. And they will refuse any pet foods that do not hide the genocide  of our pets from us.

When you speak about the FDA and the Federal government, remember what we are dealing with? It is a socialist owned corporation -- period. So all its actions are based upon their communist agenda.

The fact is the rendered and poisonous wastes smell like ammonia and shit.

Here is where the FDA comes in. They have approved certain flavor enhancers and food additives to kill the foul odor and change the smell of the dog foods so that even the cheapest brand will be eaten by our trusting pets.

The FDA is quite aware that all dog foods come from  Dead, dying, disabled and deceased (DDDD) animals including cats, dogs, pigs, cows etc. They know that no pet will eat the shit the corporation is feeding our pets and us without being in treason to the people.

ANTI-FREEZE that no dog will drink is practically outlawed by the FDA. The good smell must be retained so that your dog will think that it is the best drink in the world.

But the crime does not stop there, the anti-freeze and other chemical products companies, that will kill our pets, could have changed the smell of the product and save thousands of our pets, but it was not allowed and won't be allowed by the FDA, unless we get rid of these sociopathic socialists, by taking back our country one way or another.

So take my advice consider all chemicals as deadly to you and our pets. God did not intend for us and our pets to eat poisons, and chemical toxins, much less in dog foods that smell like ammonia and shit.
Our pets are a gift from our lord, no matter your faith or religion. They are a blessing that we were given to give us love, protection and affection.

That is why this is a class warfare in America -- THE SOCIALISTS VS. THE PATRIOTS.
Our fight to survive is not just for us and our family, but to save all our pets and the other animals that are being killed by these sociopaths.

Your duty as a Patriot is to keep on learning and to unite with other patriots to take back our God given rights.


As always send this data to all Patriots for their safety, prosperity and survival.
Under communism you KNOW you don't own anything, under socialism you THINK you own some things.

"There is no religion higher than TRUTH"

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world and that is an idea whose time has come!
~Victor Hugo

“In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man – brave – hated – scorned.  When his cause succeeds,  however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.” Mark Twain

John F Kennedy once said – “Man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.”

The idea going around is this -- that it is better to die than permit your own government to humiliate, harass, rob and arbitrarily imprison, torture, kill and abuse their own citizens.


"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God."


If you do NOT want to receive any emails from me, please let me know. 

R.V. / GCR

R.V. / GCR 

November 3, 2014 at 7:42am Yesterday while Obama was in connecticut he was said to do an announcement of the new United states Note.....That did not happen so we continue to look for the announcement of the new USN

R.V. / GCR Timber....did you know the rates are live everywhere except the western hemisphere. I am sure exo will give you those clues shortly

R.V. / GCR Doesn't it P**** you off that Asia Rv'd and many currency holders over there are cash heavy as of yesterday........Thank goodness For our fearless leaders who are not holding this up....Happy R.V./.GCR........
R.V. / GCR HAjahaha The currency exchange may happen today at 3:15 we will see.......I doubt it so don't hold me to it I was thinking more like 7:08 pm Pacific but when we really think about it we can ask a complainer and with all the good they bring to the table it may have happened yesterday. They don't know because they are to BUSY COMPLAINING.....Exo I want to log a complaint against the bankers that make you look bad.....just say NO

Pathfinder > R.V. / GCR RV are you saying you think it will go this evening?

R.V. / GCR > Pathfinder it was supposed to go last night and once again the negatives of the world are just full of s*** and it didn't happen again

R.V. / GCR Still hearing Tuesday but Thats with s*** in my ears....PRAY harder.......Timber

Texas Rose > R.V. / GCR November 3, 2014 at 9:05am Could the Tuesday you heard possibly have been Monday?       RV/GCR, thanks for the intel....Timber!!! 

R.V. / GCR > Texas Rose November 3, 2014 at 9:08am no it was tuesday I hope thats the one in the morning

T.O.T > R.V. / GCR November 3, 2014 at 8:58am Remember you said last week, that if it didn't happen by Tuesday you would spill the beans.

R.V. / GCR > T.O.T November 3, 2014 at 9:05am The Treasury plate that the cabal used to make fiat dollars are now destroyed and the computer systems that ran the printing presses have been disassembled ...Thats Two.......Timber

R.V. / GCR November 3, 2014 at 9:10am Did you know that it is unconstitutional to tax earned wages from now on once we reach REPUBLIC thats three.........................Timber

John R. > R.V. / GCR I cut down an old Oak tree yesterday, then cut it up and hauled it off. It was kinda symbolic, in a way. We counted its rings and, estimate that it was 138 years old but, like what we've been dealing with in this country, it was completely "dead" at the top. The base was still solid but, needed a lot of help, if it was to survive. Does that sound familiar?

R.V. / GCR > John R.    Feels like my America if its too survive..........

The Senate will go Republican, say the election models

The Senate will go Republican, say the election models

 November 3 at 7:23 AM  
There's at least a seven in ten chance that Republicans will net the six seats the party need to reclaims the Senate majority heading into the 114th Congress, according to the three major election models that aim to forecast the results of Tuesday's vote.
The Washington Post's Election Lab model casts the Republican takeover as a near certainty, giving it a 96 percent probability of happening.  Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight model says Republicans have a 73 percent chance at the majority while LEO, the New York Times model, pegs it at 68 percent.
The Post and FiveThirtyEight models have been trending more and more toward a Republican victory over the seven weeks we've been writing on them. The LEO model has largely held steady over the past month or so -- as this terrific chart from The Upshot shows:
All three models agree on the six Republican pickups that should hand the GOP the majority -- either on Tuesday or, potentially, on Dec. 6 after a runoff in Louisiana.  Election Lab, LEO and FiveThirtyEight give Republicans a 70 percent or better chance of winning: Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Montana, South Dakota and West Virginia.  The latter three races are not seriously contested; the former three -- Arkansas, Colorado and Louisiana -- are places where Democrats continue to believe they have a path to victory even while acknowledging they are not currently ahead.
All three models also agree that Democrats are likely to hold onto North Carolina and New Hampshire, although the former looks more competitive today than it did a week ago, and that Sen. Mitch McConnell (R) is a near-certain victor in Kentucky. (No model has McConnell's chances of winning below 93 percent.)
The Fix’s Chris Cillizza breaks down how close the battle for the Senate really is. (The Washington Post)
That leaves four genuine tossups, according to the models.  They are (in alphabetical order):
* Alaska (Democratic controlled): Election Lab 79 percent Republican, LEO 67 percent Republican, FiveThirtyEight 71 percent Republican
Georgia (Republican controlled): Election Lab 67 percent Republican, LEO 58 percent Republican, FiveThirtyEight 68 percent Republican
* Iowa (D): Election Lab 89 percent Republican, LEO 68 percent Republican, FiveThirtyEight 71 percent Republican
Kansas (R): Election Lab 97 percent Republican, LEO 51 percent Independent, FiveThirtyEight 54 percent Independent
Kansas is the most obvious outlier between the models -- but for good reason. Greg Orman, who is running as an independent against Sen. Pat Roberts (R), has said he will caucus with whichever party is in the majority. Because Election Lab predicts that will be Republicans, the odds reflect the strong likelihood of either Orman or Roberts winning.
Georgia, after moving toward Democrat Michelle Nunn over the last few weeks, moved away from her in these past seven days amid polling that suggests businessman David Perdue (R) is ahead but not over 50 percent. If Perdue (or Nunn) fail to break 50 percent on Tuesday night -- a possibility because a third party candidate is winning mid-single digits -- they will advance to a Jan. 6 runoff.
Iowa remains the race that all three models agree is the least easily predicted. All three give state Sen. Joni Ernst (R) the edge but the probabilities range from 58 percent to 68 percent -- meaning that no one feels too confident about the outcome.  Republicans were significantly boosted by a Des Moines Register poll over the weekend that showed Ernst up seven and both sides believe she has the momentum at the moment.
If Republicans lose Kansas, and that looks like a real possibility, they would need a seventh Democratic pickup for the majority. Alaska and Iowa are the best chances to be majority makers under that scenario.
All three forecasts point to Republicans unifying their control of Congress this year.  Now, it's up to the voters.
Chris Cillizza writes “The Fix,” a politics blog for the Washington Post. He also covers the White House.

David Wilcock: It Is Becoming Very Obvious That We Are Going Through Massive Changes..

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

David Wilcock: It Is Becoming Very Obvious That We Are Going Through Massive Changes..
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 3-Nov-2014 09:48:28

(Wilcock comments on Fulford's new post)
Comment by dwilcock on November 3, 2014 @ 9:04 pm
It is always intriguing when Ben’s sources reveal data that is similar or identical to what I’m hearing. One of these is the assassination threat against the US President. There is no doubt that he is at very high risk now. Furthermore, I was able to independently confirm last week’s leak that there is high drama, including yelling, going on every day in the White House.
Specifically, Obama is now being “sat down three times a day and told to stay the f- out of everything that is going on.” Up until now they gave him some semblance of control over the situation. They let him make certain decisions. Now he’s finally being told he has absolutely no power over anything. Just say nothing, do nothing, sit there and let us do what we need to do.
There was a story a few weeks ago that Obama was “ignoring” the Presidential Daily Briefings and only getting them in writing instead of in person. This was used to reflect negatively upon him. I since found out that he wasn’t being OFFERED the briefings in person. Then when they need something against him, they blame him for it.
Bear in mind that all of this comes from an insider who very seriously does not like Obama.
There are two other things here that are worth mentioning. One is that two different space probes experienced fiery deaths last week, one of which was Richard Branson’s long-awaited project. Don’t forget that Elon Musk, head of Tesla, also had a space probe that exploded on its first major test run.
Although we haven’t confirmed it yet, foul play is strongly suspected in each of these cases. Why? Because as soon as you get even into LEO (low earth orbit,) there’s so much stuff up there that’s not supposed to be there, they can’t expect the “masking” to work well enough to conceal everything. We would know too much too soon.
Both Elon Musk and Richard Branson are powerful men who are not part of the Cabal, and who would gladly release any anomalous photos and films. All the Cabal would have to do is use simple torsion-field technology to zap the craft as they go up, and soften the matter until it comes apart at the weakest points.
Then the controlled media goes on a rampage about “greedy billionaires” whose “ego” and “hubris” has taken them so far into never-never land that there is no hope for them. So there is the dual benefit of throwing them under the bus and taking the widespread public discontent due to the deliberately sabotaged economy and aiming it at public targets.
The other important point is that Ben didn’t take credit for predicting the almost complete 180 on Ebola in the mainstream media. Although it was being talked about like the worst thing ever when he wrote that prediction a week ago, within a week it has become non-existent. The stories have all dried up and it’s like it didn’t even happen. The alternative media is still tracking it, but the number of articles about it have decreased by about 900 percent.
I am sorry to hear that two of Ben’s allies have now been arrested and that he is threatened with the same. This is no easy game and Ben has kicked every hornet’s nest in sight.
I have been asked repeatedly about Ben’s statement last week regarding the alleged Mars base. First of all, if that did happen it would be a great humanitarian tragedy. There are at least 200,000 personnel on that base, including 10,000 who are from our planet and the rest from elsewhere. It would be a huge atrocity if they got blown up.
I am very confident that what we are seeing is nothing more than a lens flare. Notice the burst of light originates from the exact center of the object. Our atmosphere creates varying degrees of light refraction since light has to move through air to get to the telescope. This causes mirages and distortions just like you see from heat rising off of hot pavement, for example. This same effect is why stars appear to be twinkling. The amount of light that can actually make it to us is continually fluctuating.
Lastly, it is very, very rare for anyone to be able to come back to our society if they have had any contact with this “breakaway civilization.” If you spend any length of time in an underground or off-world base, the likelihood that they will ever let you return to any life on the normal surface of planet earth is extremely small. You have to make a permanent life decision and there’s no turning back. They further guarantee this by giving you an injection that makes it literally lethal to return.
Everything about the financial systems opening up is right on. It is becoming very obvious that we are going through massive changes, as I said in last week’s epic article, which you definitely should read if you haven’t already:
This includes discussion of at least five major Hollywood films that are all predicting the defeat of the Cabal and helping to foster it.
I also point out how the Ebola image used by the mainstream media is actually very close to the secret Cabal symbol for Tubal Cain, which they see as Lucifer’s great-great-great grandson and the father of their bloodline.
This, along with the name ISIS, shows how they have to put their “signature” on everything in order for the magic to work. There’s also a detailed discussion of how this use of magic resurfaced with Queen Elizabeth’s astrologer John Dee, the original OO7 or “Two-Ball Cane.”
These are exciting times. I have had dreams suggesting there is still very high risk of new and disruptive events. The morning of the Canadian shooting I had a dream in which two empty school buses were about to be hit with missiles and I had just enough time to turn on the hazard lights before they were going to blow, as a warning to get people away from them.
Interestingly, these buses were parked precisely on the street where I used to sell the gold coins I had bought from a modest inheritance in 2000, in order to keep myself going. This suggests the possibility of market turbulence in the gold supply.
There are other interesting things going on I don’t want to mention at this point. Suffice it to say that this insider war is very real, and as I wrote in the article, it is becoming increasingly visible and public. I also am seeing a very strong and continuous push being made towards Disclosure, and the attacks on Elon Musk and Richard Branson’s space probes cannot stop this from happening.
- David Wilcock

The Imperative of Revolt – The Corporate State

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
The Imperative of Revolt – The Corporate State
Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Monday, 3-Nov-2014 09:52:16

For those who fear an invasion of our country, I would remind them of the words of Nikita Khrushchev,
“We do not need to invade the United States. We will conquer you from within.” And while I do not believe it is the Russians, it is certainly the Illuminati who have done just that.
I knew something was wrong in this country. I could see changes that were disturbing. Regulations put in place as protection for the citizens were removed by bought and paid for politicians who apparently answered to someone other than us. I watched as factories closed and relocated overseas to be replaced by minimum wage with no benefit service jobs. I was alarmed at the number of unemployed seeking Welfare.
But what finally convinced me of the corporate takeover was our wonderful collection of Supreme Fossils ruling that corporations were people and could contribute unlimited campaign contribution to candidates. AND the same traitors agreeing that We the People could no longer assemble or petition in the vicinity of elected officials. I am sure there is far worse to come if the American people don't get their collective heads out of the telly and pay attention to what is going on.
According to two political philosophers interviewed by one of my modern day heroes, Chris Hedges and published at Nation of Change, “The devolution of the economic system has been accompanied by corporations seizure of nearly all forms of political and social power. The corporate elite, through a puppet political class and compliant intellectuals, pundits and press, still employs the language of a capitalistic democracy. But what has arisen is a new kind of control, inverted totalitarianism, which, according to one of these philosophers, Sheldon S. Wolin brilliantly dissects in his book, “Democracy Incorporated”
“The corporate state is 'legitimated by elections it controls'. It exploits laws that once protected democracy to extinguish democracy; one example is allowing unlimited corporate campaign contributions in the name of our First Amendment right to free speech and our right to petition the government as citizens. It perpetuates politics all the time, but a politics that is not political.
The endless election cycles are an example of politics without politics, driven not by substantive issues but manufactured political personalities and opinion polls. There is no national institution in the United States that can be described as democratic.”
These men believe that revolt is the only way to take our country back from those who would destroy her. I wish there were another way.
For full interview by Chris Hedges of Sheldon S. Wolin and John Ralston Saul, go 

positive bank story tidbit

Subject: Positive bank story tidbit: Date: 11/02/14 00:38:24
Subject: positive bank story tidbit
Don lives in North Carolina and gave us the great bank story of the banker asking him what he would do with 40M dollars.  Well, this incident was from a totally different banker in the small town where he has lived for many years.  Several months ago when he was researching whether to buy currency, he went to his small branch where they knew him well and said my daughter is going to be traveling oversea and wondered if they dealt in foreign currency...banker lady said yes.  Then she asked would it be Irag Dinar?  Acting ignorant, Don said what is that?...and she promptly said, "I can't talk about it".  He asked again, "what is that?" and she repeated, "I can't talk about it".  The way she said it prompted Don to immediately buy currency from Sterling.  Remember, this was several months ago.  Very recently, he was in same bank late in day and he noticed a lot of late day activity from employees and he asked this same lady why so many were working late and what is going on? Once again, "I can't talk about it".  Then, she said, "don't forget about us when you are wealthy".  She then mentioned they had a wealth manager in an Ashville Branch that she could refer him to.  This conversation by her was not initiated by Don. - SOUNDS LIKE THEY ARE GETTING READY FOR US!!

The Imperative of Revolt – The Corporate State

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
The Imperative of Revolt – The Corporate State
Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Monday, 3-Nov-2014 09:52:16

For those who fear an invasion of our country, I would remind them of the words of Nikita Khrushchev,
“We do not need to invade the United States. We will conquer you from within.” And while I do not believe it is the Russians, it is certainly the Illuminati who have done just that.
I knew something was wrong in this country. I could see changes that were disturbing. Regulations put in place as protection for the citizens were removed by bought and paid for politicians who apparently answered to someone other than us. I watched as factories closed and relocated overseas to be replaced by minimum wage with no benefit service jobs. I was alarmed at the number of unemployed seeking Welfare.
But what finally convinced me of the corporate takeover was our wonderful collection of Supreme Fossils ruling that corporations were people and could contribute unlimited campaign contribution to candidates. AND the same traitors agreeing that We the People could no longer assemble or petition in the vicinity of elected officials. I am sure there is far worse to come if the American people don't get their collective heads out of the telly and pay attention to what is going on.
According to two political philosophers interviewed by one of my modern day heroes, Chris Hedges and published at Nation of Change, “The devolution of the economic system has been accompanied by corporations seizure of nearly all forms of political and social power. The corporate elite, through a puppet political class and compliant intellectuals, pundits and press, still employs the language of a capitalistic democracy. But what has arisen is a new kind of control, inverted totalitarianism, which, according to one of these philosophers, Sheldon S. Wolin brilliantly dissects in his book, “Democracy Incorporated”
“The corporate state is 'legitimated by elections it controls'. It exploits laws that once protected democracy to extinguish democracy; one example is allowing unlimited corporate campaign contributions in the name of our First Amendment right to free speech and our right to petition the government as citizens. It perpetuates politics all the time, but a politics that is not political.
The endless election cycles are an example of politics without politics, driven not by substantive issues but manufactured political personalities and opinion polls. There is no national institution in the United States that can be described as democratic.”
These men believe that revolt is the only way to take our country back from those who would destroy her. I wish there were another way.
For full interview by Chris Hedges of Sheldon S. Wolin and John Ralston Saul, go 


 Markets are primed and on high alert...just waiting like we are.  The next place for rv/gcr to show up at is at the bank level...keep checking wf currency list, for it will show up when you least expect it.

RV/GCR: Still hearing Tuesday but Thats with shit in my ears....PRAY harder.......Timber

VINMAN: Many parallel events going on right now.

Parallel with announcements we will see investigations,

-precious metals dropping like a rock,

-banker protests,

-Iraqi citizen protests,

-many arrests,

-rates going live globally

-government officials getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar and others pointing fingers

-the NASDAQ OMX getting plugged in

-plus much scam/theft/fraud danger and pressure being put on Abadi and the GOI to move forward on release

Much smoke and mirrors and illusions to keep people confused.

Watch for parallel diversions....if you think it's crazy now....just wait

All this will happen parallel with your opportunity to exit the you want the red pill....or the blue decide.

 USD/VND Overnight


Dollar Index $87.34 and rising.

Gold $1169.60

MONDAY INTEL UPDATE!!! Posted by EXOGEN on November 3, 2014 at 7:35am

MONDAY INTEL UPDATE!!!   Posted by EXOGEN on November 3, 2014 at 7:35am

Guesses to Exogens Picture Clues/Intel:

November 3, 2014 at 8:13am

Many parallel events going on right now.

Parallel with announcements we will see investigations,

-precious metals dropping like a rock,

-banker protests,

Iraqi citizen protests,

-many arrests,

rates going live globally

-government officials getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar and others pointing fingers

-the NASDAQ OMX getting plugged in

-plus much scam/theft/fraud danger and pressure being put on Abadi and the GOI to move forward on release

Much smoke and mirrors and illusions to keep people confused.

Watch for parallel diversions....if you think it's crazy now....just wait



Parallel Events are in place!!!
Announcements of Investigations & Probes Plus Gold & Silver are Free Falling

Bankers Are Being Arrested for getting caught with their HANDS IN THE COOKIE JAR for Price FIXING & NOW.....Their POINTING FINGERS (After getting CAUGHT)


NASDAQs Getting Ready

Iraqi citizen protesting because Promises haven't been met regarding ECONOMIC REFORM (What a Joke So FAr THAT IS)

Hopefully rates going live around THe GLOBE

The illusions are there to keep US CONFUSED

The Parallel Events are Happening....You'll see as you Exit THE MATRIX!!!

Don't let this Stuff make You CRAZY!!

The forex scandal (also known as the forex probe) is a financial scandal that involves the revelation, and subsequent investigation, that the world's largest currency trading banks colluded for at least a decade to manipulate and rig the daily foreign exchange rates.

Topic: The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. Mark Twain



Iko Ward: Forèx still coasting along on the basket as of 8:06 EST. Doesn't mean things aren't happening, does mean we're not at street level, though.

11-3-14 TerryK

11-3-14 TerryK:


 [Any word on the dong?]   1.22 IS WHAT I'M HEARING.

 [How about the Zim?] GOODBYE TO 6 ZEROS AND .13